
Terms for subject Business containing advance | all forms | exact matches only
account of advance预付账户
advance account预付账户
advance account预付款账户科目
advance advertising预告性广告
advance against collateral担保品贷款
advance against goods商品抵押预付款
advance against hypothecation of goods以货物为抵押的垫款即以货物抵押,银行为进口商垫付给岀口商的货款
advance against securities证券担保贷款
advance all总垫款
advance appropriation预拨经费
advance arrangement预先联系安排交货
advance arrangement预先安排
advance bill预付票据发货前开岀的票据
advance bill of lading预借提单
advance buying for the season's needs季节性提前购货
advance buying for the season's needs因季节原因提前购进
advance by overdraft银行透支
advance call预支保险费
advance capital垫本
advance capital for垫本
advance capital for a business预付营业资本
advance capital for a business企业垫付资本
advance change notice更改预先通知
advance charge预付费用
advance collection account预收贷款账户
advance collection accounts预收款账户
advance consignment-in代销商品预付款
advance consignment-out代销商品预收款
advance contribution先期交款
advance control超前控制
advance dating预留期
advance dating倒填日期
advance-decline line价格涨落线
advance-decline line升降比例
advance decline line股票行情涨跌线
advance deposit预交押金
advance deposit requirement预付押金条件
advance deposits预交押金
advance deposits预付定金
advance distribution提前分配
advance draft预付票据汇票
advance factory预建工厂
advance factory出售工厂
advance factory政府出租工厂
advance factory英国政府在开发区建厂房出售的预建工厂
advance fee代筹资金费用
advance fee预付费用
advance from consignee承销人预付款
advance from controlled companies预收子公司款
advance from customers客户预付款
advance from the working capital fund周转资金垫付款
advance fund预拨经费
advance fund预领经费
advance fund预领基金
advance made for purchase of material预付购买材料款
advance made to salesman预付推销员款
advance material order材料预订单
advance money垫款
advance money for代垫款项
advance money for another代垫款
advance money of contract预付定钱
advance money on a contract按合同规定预付定金
advance norm先进定额
advance note预支借据
advance note预支票据
advance notice事前通知
advance of royalties预纳矿区使用费
advance of royalties预付版权税
advance of royalties预交专利权税
advance of the face推进工作面
advance on a promissory note期票信贷
advance on consignment预收委托销售款
advance on consignment-in预付受托售货款
advance on current account活期存款透支
advance on indent国外订货预付款
advance on subscription预付股金
advance on the cost of production生产费用上涨
advance one's salary预付某人薪水
advance order of payment预付命令通知
advance payment定金
advance payment for services预付劳务费
advance payment for the purchase预购定金
advance payment of bond债券提前偿还
advance payment of premium预交保费
advance payment of premium预交保险费
advance payments预付款
advance planning预先制定计划
advance, preliminary and final estimate预先初步和最终估计
advance preparation事前准备
advance purchase预购
advance purchase预先订货
advance received according to percentage of completion预收进度款
advance received on consignment-out发出委托销售商品暂收款
advance received on contract合同预收款项
advance received on indent委托购买暂收款
advance refunding以新债券换旧债券公债提前转期
advance refunding套期转换
advance refunding提前偿债
advance rental payment租金预付款
advance ruling提前裁决
advance sample样页
advance sample预寄货样
advance sample样本
advance sample预寄货样指卖方在货物启运后,由航空寄给买方货样
advance secured on merchandise商品抵押预付款
advance security预付保证金
advance selling抛空
advance selling卖空
advance settlement of exchange预结外汇
advance settlement of export exchange预缴出口外汇
advance settlement of foreign exchange预结外汇
advance sheet样页
advance sheet样张
advance sheet样本
advance sheets文件样本
advance surrender of exchange预缴外汇指实行外汇管制国家,规定出口商收到货款,应即售与指定外汇银行,称为预缴外汇
advance surrender of export exchange预缴出口外汇证明书
advance surrender of foreign exchange预缴外汇
advance to affiliates预付联营公司款
advance to contractors预付工程借款
advance to finance unforeseen and extraordinary expense垫付款项充做临时及非常费用
advance to suppliers预付供应人款
advance to workers and staff职工预支
advance upon collateral证券担保贷款
advance wages预支工资额
advance warning system预防性系统
advance warning system预防性制度
advance withdrawal预支
all round advance全面涨价
all-round advance统统涨价
bank advance银行放款
banker's advance银行放款
bridge advance过渡性预支
bridging advance短期预支
bridging advance过渡性预支
bridging advance临时预支
call in advance预收催缴资本
cash advance预付现金
cash advance facility via tender投标预付款便利
cash deposit in advance预存现款
cash in advance预付现金
claim for restitution of advance payment要求退还垫付款
commission received in advance预收佣金
commission received in advance预收手续费
commodity exhibition advance商品展览预付款
commodity export advance商品出口预付款
commodity import advance商品进口预付款
day to day advance日常预付
days in advance提前天数
discount and advance贴现垫款
economic advance经济进展
economically advance country经济先进国家
emergency advance紧急垫款
engineering advance material release提前发放工程器材
estimate, advance, preliminary, final预先的、初步的及最终的数字结算
export advance bill出口预付汇票
gradual advance渐升
gradual advance渐增
I can assure you that we'll do our best to advance the shipment我们保证会尽快发货
illegal advance违章预付
illegal advance违章预支
I'm sorry. We can't advance the time of delivery对不起,我们无法提早交货
income tax paid in advance预扣所得税
insurance in advance事先保险
insurance in advance预先保险
international technological advance国际技术发展
item received in advance预收项目
layout in advance事先布置
long-term advance长期预付款
make advance to one向…贷款
making interest deduction in advance预扣利息
outstanding advance for estimated tax未清偿的预付估计税款
outstanding claims advance预付未决赔款
over advance超额预付款
passenger's luggage in advance旅客行李预收
pay in advance in quarterly installments分季预交
payment in advance预付货款
produce advance生产放款
rash advance冒进
reactionary advance反应超前
repayment of advance偿还预支款
restitution of advance payment退回预付金
restitution of the advance payment退回预付款
revenue collected in advance预收收入
revenue received in advance顾客预付款
royalty advance预付特许权使用费
sales made in advance of delivery交货前出售
sales received in advance预收售货款
sell in advance抛空期货
slight advance小进步
subscription received in advance预收认股款
temporary advance临时预付款
temporary advance暂记预付款
temporary advance临时预支
The price of the commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost由于生产成本上升,该产品的价格也有些调整
through-cargo freight paid in advance预付全程运费
to pay in advance预付
travel advance payment旅差预支费
trigger off a sharp advance in price引起物价急剧上涨
unsecured over advance无担保超额预付款
wage advance预付工资
Ways and Means Advance英格兰银行暂付款指给财政部的短期贷款
withdrawal in advance预支款