
Terms for subject China containing advance | all forms | exact matches only
advance by leaps and bounds突飞猛进发展
advance economic construction推动经济建设
advance examination and approval前置审批
advance execution先予执行
advance fund垫付资金
advance notice of approval预先核准通知书
advance opinions and proposals提出意见和建议
advance pricing agreement预约定价
advance the lofty cause of world peace and development促进世界和平与发展的崇高事业
advance the reform and opening up policy and independent innovation着力推进改革开放和自主创新
advance their opinions发表意见
advance with the times与时俱进
application of scientific and technological advance科学技术应用
clear the debts in advance提前清偿债务
collect in advance提前征收
30 days in advance提前三十日
disclose in advance预先披露
for advance payment以预收款方式
obtain approval in advance事先征得同意
obtain in advance and through consultation事先商得
order advance execution裁定先予执行
pay in advance垫付
pay in advance in monthly installments分月预缴
pay on account in advance先行支付
purchase in advance and sustain预先购入并留存
reach an advance pricing agreement达成预约定价安排
registration in advance预告登记
withdrawn in advance预提