
Terms containing advance | all forms | exact matches only
sport.A round is a stage in an elimination series and only the winners advance to the next stage轮次是淘汰赛中的一个比赛阶段、只有优胜者才能进人下一个比赛阶段
tech.absolute advance绝对超前
tech.additional advance追加垫款
sport.advance a formidable challenge发出猛烈挑战
tech.advance account预付款账户
tech.advance acquisition先行获取
gen.advance against向 …进攻
tech.advance against collection托收垫款
gen.advance against difficulties迎着困难上
securit.advance against security证券担保贷款
gen.advance against the winds and the waves迎着风浪前进
tech.advance agent先遣人员
avia.advance airborne early warning先进的空中预警
tech.advance allocation预付款项
securit.advance allocation预先分配
securit.advance allocation提前拨款
sport.advance along both双翼齐飞
avia.advance alteration notice先行变更通知
tech.advance and final arrival notice of train至达火车预确报
sport.advance and retreat前后移步
tech.advance angle前置〔超前,提前,导程〕角
avia.advance angle前置角
nautic., tech.advance angle of a blade element叶元体进角
shipb.advance announcing post预告标
shipb.advance approach aspect预告接近显示
tech.advance appropriation提前拨款
avia.advance architecture micro-processor先进特性微处理器
tech.advance arrival notice of ship船舶到港预报
avia.advance assembly outline for monitoring监控用先行装配大纲
avia.advance assembly outline ship's record先行装配大纲架次记录
avia.advance assembly outline-ship's record先行装配大纲一架次记录 (是由装配工艺部门编制的生产性装配工艺文件,用来补充装配大纲“AO ”对特定架次的飞机部件组件进行附加装配工作“例如返工、补救加工”检查以及特殊要求)
avia.advance assembly outline-ship's record's system先行装配大纲架次记录系统
gen.advance at the double跑步前进
avia.advance avionics integration program先进航空电子综合大纲
securit.advance balance line股票涨跌线
tech.advance beam超前梁
tech.advance bill先开汇票
tech.advance bill发货前开出的账单
securit.advance bill预开汇票
tech.advance billing预开账单
tech.advance block signal预告比塞信号
securit.advance booking application form预先登记申请表
securit.advance booking application form排期申请表格股票上市
tech.advance business贷款业务
gen.advance button预告按钮
tech.advance buying预先采购
gen.advance by rushes突飞猛进
securit.advance call预付保险金
securit.advance call预付催缴
tech.advance capital付资
securit.advance capital垫资
avia.advance change先行更改
tech.advance change notice更改的先期通知
avia.advance change notice先行更改通知
avia.advance change study notice先行更改研究通知
avia.advance change/study notice先行更改/研制通知
securit.advance charge提前付款
tech.advance charges预付款
tech.advance charges预收费用
tech.advance chart现势图
tech.advance coefficient前进系数
tech.advance collection预收款项
tech.advance collection account预收货款账户
securit.advance collections预先收款
securit.advance commitment事先承诺
securit.advance commitment预约
avia.advance communications function先进的通信功能
securit.advance compensation预付赔偿金
avia.advance composite data processing先进的复合数据处理
securit.advance computerized execution system预付计算执行系统
avia.advance concept ejection seat先进概念弹射座椅
tech.advance consignment-in带托销商品预付
tech.advance consignment-in带销商品预付
tech.advance consignment-out托销商品预收款
tech.advance constant前进系数
tech.advance control步进控制
sport.advance control提前控制
avia.advance control先行超前控制
tech.advance control mechanism点火提前控制机构
tech.advance control of cost成本预先控制
tech.advance copy样本
tech.advance copy预印本
tech.advance corporation tax预缴公司税
securit.advance corporation tax公司预付税款
bridge.advance cue-bid提前扣叫
tech.advance cut超前沟
avia.advance data system高级数据系统
securit.advance-decline index涨跌指数
securit.advance-decline line上升下降曲线
securit.advance-decline line涨跌线
securit.advance-decline line涨跌趋势线 (ADL)
securit.advance-decline ratio证券价格 涨落比率
tech.advance department货款部
avia.advance design objective远景设计目标
tech.advance development超前掘进
avia.advance development engineering order先行研制工程指令
avia.advance development engineering order先行开发工程指令
avia.advance development objective远景发展目标
tech.advance dewatering预先疏干
avia.advance/diameter ratio相对进距
avia.advance/diameter ratio直升机旋翼的工作状态特性系数
avia.advance/diameter ratio飞机螺旋桨的前进比
tech.advance diesel road roller前行式柴油压路机
tech.advance direction sign方向预告标志
tech.advance direction sign前置指路标志
tech.advance directional sign方向预告标志
tech.advance directional sign前置指路标志
tech.advance distance前置距离
avia.advance distribution and drawing system先进的分发和图纸系统
avia.advance document requirement notice先行文件要求通知
avia.advance document revision notice先行文件修订通知
shipb.advance drawing change notice图纸更改预先通知
avia.advance drawing change notice先行图纸更改通知 (对已发放的图纸页进行更改的正式记录,用来描述一个不更改原图纸页本身,ADCN 将代替或补充该图纸页上的信息附加上去,ADCN 是最新信息并且是该图纸的一部分)
avia.advance drawing release notice先行图纸发放通知
avia.advance drawing revision notice先行图纸修订通知
tech.advance education center预培训中心
avia.advance engineering change proposal先行工程更改建议
avia.advance engineering memorandum先行工程备忘录
avia.advance engineering order先行工程指令
avia.advance escort先遣护航兵力
tech.advance estimate预先估值
tech.advance estimate预先估计
tech.advance estimate事前估计 (值)
tech.advance exploration初步勘察
tech.advance exploration初步勘探
geol.advance exploration group踏勘 【普查】队
tech.advance face超前工作面
tech.advance fee预付金
tech.advance fitting-out预先舾装
tech.advance fitting-out提前舾装
judo.advance foot sweep出足扫
tech.advance for construction施工预付款
tech.advance for work in process and construction materials预付工料款项
tech.advance frame超前帧
securit.advance free of interest无息预付款
tech.advance from customers顾客预付款
securit.advance from shareholder股东垫款
securit.advance from shareholder股东预付款
tech.advance fund超前经费
tech.advance funding预拨资金
tech.advance funding基金预支
tech.advance gallery超前巷道
tech.advance geologic control掘进地质指导
tech.advance geological control掘进地质指导
tech.advance grouting超前工作面灌浆
tech.advance growth前生树
tech.advance heading超前平巷
tech.advance heading前置的开拓道路
tech.advance heading前置的开挖道路
tech.advance heading超前工作面
tech.advance heading超前开拓道路
gen.advance in…方面的进步进展,发展,增进,提高,上涨
securit.advance in cash现金预付
gen.advance in giant strides大踏步前进
tech.advance in path光程提前量
tech.advance in price提价
tech.advance irrigation早期灌溉
tech.advance irrigation预灌溉
tech.advance irrigation提早预灌
tech.advance item步进项目
tech.advance item超前项
tech.advance item前进项目
tech.advance key前置键
shipb.advance lever调节杆
avia.advance line information预先航线信息
tech.advance line of position船位线超前
tech.advance load for mobilization预付款
tech.advance maintenance超前维护
tech.advance material order预付款器材订单
avia.advance material order材料预定单
avia.advance material order先行材料订单
tech.advance material request先期材料申请
avia.advance material request提前器材申请
tech.advance metal高比阻铜镍合金
tech.advance metal前进铜镍合金
avia.advance military STOL transport先进军用短距起落运输机
tech.advance mining前进式开采
avia.advance modification revision notice先行更改修订通知
avia.advance modification revision notice先行改型修正通知
securit.advance money代垫款项
securit.advance money for another代为垫付
securit.advance money for another代他人预付
tech.advance money on a contract预付定金
tech.advance money on a contract合同预付定金
securit.advance money on security证券担保垫款
securit.advance money on security预付保证金
tech.advance note预支通知单
tech.advance notice预告
shipb.advance notice of ship's arrival船舶到港预报
gen.advance of a shoreline滨线海岸线向海推进
shipb.advance of admission提前进气
shipb.advance of admission提前排气
gen.advance of detritus岩屑侵人
tech.advance of face工作面推进
tech.advance of ice cover冰层推进
tech.advance of ice cover冰层运动
shipb.advance of release提前排气
tech.advance of shoreline滨线推进
tech.advance of the face工作面进度
gen.advance of the sea海浸
tech.advance of tool进刀
gen.advance on…方面的进步进展,发展,增进,提高,上涨
gen.advance on向 …前进
securit.advance on a promissory note垫付本票
tech.advance on construction预付建筑工程款
tech.advance on maintenance contract维修合同预付款
tech.advance on sale预收货款
securit.advance on subscription预付股款
securit.advance on subscription证券认购预付金
tech.advance pack超前充填带
tech.advance packing credit货物装船前预付款
avia.advance parts release先行零件发放
avia.advance pay先期支付
tech.advance payment提前支付
tech.advance payment预付 (款)
tech.advance payment预支
securit.advance payment提前付款
tech.advance payment bond预付金
tech.advance payment for contract承包预付款
tech.advance payment for materials预付材料款
tech.advance payment on construction预付建筑工
tech.advance payments for future purchase预购定金
tech.advance per attack一个循环的进度
tech.advance per attack每循环进尺
nautic., tech.advance per revolution每转进程
tech.advance per round一个循环的进度
tech.advance per round每循环进尺
avia.advance planning procedure change先行计划程序更改
gen.advance position前沿阵
mil.advance post
tech.advance preparation提前准备
tech.advance preparation事先准备
tech.advance preparation预先准备
tech.advance preparation前期准备工作
nautic., tech.advance price买方叫价拍卖
tech.advance price提价
nautic., tech.advance price增价拍卖
tech.advance print样本 (指印刷)
tech.advance print试样 (指印刷)
avia.advance process engineering order先期工艺工程指令
avia.advance process engineering order先行工艺工程指令
tech.advance quantity掘进量
tech.advance ramp control warning sign匝道控制前预告标志
tech.advance range counter提高标度计数器
avia.advance ratio进速比
nautic., tech.advance ratio of propeller进速比
gen.advance reasons for给…提出理由
tech.advance received暂收款
tech.advance received account暂收款账户
tech.advance refunding提前转期偿还 (美国公债)
tech.advance refunding提前转期
securit.advance refunding提前借新还旧
securit.advance refunding提前返款
securit.advance refunding bonds提前转期债券
securit.advance refunding bonds提前偿还债券
securit.advance refunding bonds首先偿还债券
tech.advance release预泄 (洪水)
tech.advance rental payment预付租金
tech.advance repayment预先清偿
tech.advance replacement预更换
tech.advance report预报通知
tech.advance report notice预报通知单
tech.advance report on available seating accommodation on trains by stations and train conductors站车预报
gen.Advance Reservations. Can I help you?这里是预订处。要我为您效劳吗?
gen.Advance Reservations, may I help you?这里是预订部,您有什么事情吗?
tech.advance ring提前点火环
shipb.advance sail四角形支索帆
tech.advance sample先发样品
tech.advance sample货样
bridge.advance save提前牺牲
avia.advance sensor development program先进传感器发展计划
gen.advance showing初〔预〕 演
tech.advance sign预告标志
tech.advance sign前置交通标志
tech.advance sign前置交通标志
tech.advance signal前置信号 (机)
tech.advance signal of computer计算机推进信号
tech.advance slope grouting预置骨料横向压力灌浆
tech.advance slope grouting预置集料横向压力灌浆
tech.advance speed推进速度
tech.advance starting signal总出站信号机
tech.advance staysail附加支索帆
tech.advance street-name sign前置路名标志
tech.advance stripping超前剥离
tech.advance surveying高等测量学
shipb.advance sync driver超前同步推动器
avia.advance system engineering高级系统工程
avia.advance test procedures先行测试程序
gen.advance the clock one hour把钟拨快一小时
gen.advance the hour hand拨快时针
gen.advance the puck向前运球
tech.advance the speed增加速率
tech.advance timbering超前支架
tech.advance time全程航行历时
tech.advance timing导前
tech.advance timing提前定时
tech.advance to notice-to-mariners航海预告
tech.advance to subcontractor分包人预付款
tech.advance to subcontractor分包人预支款
tech.advance to subcontractor分包者预付款
tech.advance to subcontractor分包商预支款
tech.advance to subcontractor分包商预付款
tech.advance to subcontractor分包者预支款
sport.advance to the best ones进入前列
sport.advance to the next round进人下一赛次
sport.advance to the next round出线
tech.advance to the supplies预付货款
avia.advance tool change notice先行工装更改通知
gen.advance upon向 …前进
tech.advance warning事前警告
tech.advance warning提前报警
tech.advance warning device提前警告装置
tech.advance warning sign前置警告标志
shipb.advance warning signal预先警告信号
tech.advance warning system安全警报系统
tech.advance warning system安全预警系统
tech.advance warning time洪水预警时间
tech.advance water-detecting hole超前探水孔
tech.advance wave超前波
gen.advance with giant strides大踏步前进
tech.advance workings超前巷道
tech.advance workings长壁前进式全面开采法
tech.advance workings前进式开采面
securit.all-round advance全面涨价
gen.angle of hysteresis advance of phase磁滞超前相角
shipb.angular advance角度提前量
tech.annual advance每年垫付
tech.annual advance年推进度
tech.annual advance年进度
tech.annual advance年推进量
tech.annuity in advance预付年度保险
tech.annuity in advance期初年金
tech.annuity in advance预付年金保险
nautic., tech.apparent advance coefficient表观进速系数
tech.automatic film advance自动卷片
tech.automatic film advance mechanism底片自动传输装置
tech.automatic spark advance自动火花提前
securit.bank advance facilities银行垫款
gen.be on the advance逐渐上升〔涨〕
gen.bein advance of比…提前〔进步〕
gen.bein advance of胜〔超〕过
gen.bein advance of优于
gen.bein advance of在…的前面
securit.biggest advance最大升幅
sport.blunt the edge of one's advance挫其锐气
tech.borrowing in advance预借
securit.bridging advance临时垫款
securit.bridging advance短期垫付
securit.bridging advance临时贷款
securit.bridging advance过渡贷款
securit.cash advance垫付现金
gen.Certain seats are made available to persons with a disability if the request is made at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled flight我们为残疾人士提供了一些座位,但必须在预订航班起飞前至少24小时提出请求
securit.clean advance无担保贷款/垫款
tech.course of advance前进航向
tech.course of advance计划航向
securit.cumulative advance累积预支
securit.days in advance提前日期
tech.direction of wave advance波浪推进方向
securit.discount and advance贴现和预付
gen.distributor advance pointer配电器提早发火指针
avia.engineering advance material release工程材料先行发放
avia.engineering advance material releases工程先行资料发放
avia.engineering advance material request工程先行材料要求
avia.engineering advance material request工程先期物料需求
avia.engineering liaison request/advance drawing change notice工程联络申请/先行图纸更改通知
avia.engineering liaison request/advance drawing revision notice工程联络申请/先行图纸修订通知
avia.engineering order—advance assembly order工程指令一先行装配大纲
avia.engineering order—advance assembly order工程指令——先行装配指令
avia.engineering order-advance assembly order工程指令-先行装配指令
tech.enterprise with advance technology先进技术企业
tech.exhaust advance排气提前
nautic., tech.exhaust advance提前排气
tech.expense paid in advance预付费用
securit.export advance bill出口垫支汇票
tech.exporter's advance出口商货款
tech.face advance齿面接触提前量
tech.face advance工作面推进
tech.fast advance cam快拨凸轮
securit.fixed advance定额放贷
securit.fixed assets retired in advance提前报废的固定资产
securit.fixed-term advance定期垫款
tech.form advance进页
shipb.freight in advance预付运费
shipb.freight in advance运费预付
securit.funds paid in advance预付资金
securit.funds paid in advance垫支资金
tech.future advance后续贷款
tech.future advance远期预付
tech.future advance clause后续贷款条款
gen.genetic advance遗传进展〔进度〕
tech.get an advance against the bill凭汇票取得贷款
tech.high rate of advance高推进速度
gen.Hold on please. I'll connect with our Advance Reservations请稍等一下,我给您接预订部
tech.honor a debt in advance提前还债
tech.honour a debt in advance提前还债
nautic., tech.hydrodynamic advance angle水动力进角
gen.If you could plan your trip early and reserve your seat in advance, you would be given a huge discount如果能尽早计划行程并预订机票,乘客将享受非常优惠的机票价格
nautic., tech.ignition advance发火提前
shipb.I'm very sorry, we can't advance the time of delivery.非常抱歉,我们不能提前交货
gen.in advance在前头
gen.in advance事先
gen.in advance预〔事〕先
gen.in advance of比…提前〔进步〕
gen.in advance of优于
gen.in advance of胜〔超〕过
gen.in advance of在…的前面
securit.income collected in advance提前收益
nautic., tech.injection advance angle供油提前角
securit.interest collected in advance预收利息
securit.interest paid in advance预先支付的利息
tech.item advance按项序处理
tech.item advance按项目前进
tech.item advance项目转移
tech.items received in advance预收款项
avia.jet advance warning system喷气飞机预警系统
avia.joint advance advanced strike technology联合先进攻击技术
tech.lump-sum in advance预付总额
shipb.magnetospark advance磁电火花提前
tech.make advance垫款预付
securit.make advance先行支付
tech.make an advance to somebody贷款给某人
securit.making interest deductions in advance预扣利息
tech.manual-advance lever手拉点火提前杆
tech.manual spark advance手控点火提前装置
tech.modifier spark advance发火提早装置
securit.money market advance货币市场放款
desert.moraine of advance前进冰磧
avia.navy advance concept ejection system海军先进理念弹射系统
doping.no advance notice事先无通知的检查
gen.Nonimmigrant visa applicants are encouraged to apply at least three months in advance of the intended date of travel建议非移民签证申请人至少于出行前三个月进行申请
avia.operational drawing revision advance notice运作图纸更改先行通知
tech.paid in advance in quarterly instalments分季预缴
gen.pay merit in advance预付
securit.payable in advance应预先缴纳的
avia.process specification advance change notice工艺规范先行更改通知
avia.propeller advance ratio螺旋桨进距比
gen.provide an advance on比 …改进
gen.quite an advance in accuracy精度上一个很大的进步
tech.raise advance上山掘进
tech.raise-bore advance天井钻孔进尺
consult.recruited in advance预先招募
tech.repayment of advance预付款偿还
securit.report to the exchange for filing in advance提前报交易所备案
securit.revenue collected in advance预先收人
avia.rotor advance ratio旋翼前进比
tech.sea advance海进
securit.self-liquidating advance自偿贷款
tech.semi-automatic advance半自动提前
avia.single advance signal processor单独先进信号处理器
tech.sinking advance凿井速度
avia.sound advance音响超前距
avia.spares advance data备件先行数据
avia.spares advance data备件前期数据
avia.spares advance data form备件先行数据表
tech.spark advance火花提前
nautic., tech.spark advance点火提前
gen.spark advance and retard提前点火与延迟点火
tech.sparking advance提前点火
tech.speed of advance计划航速
nautic., tech.speed of advance进速
gen.speed of advance推进行进速度
tech.spread advance experience推广先进经验
tech.station in advance of terminal枢纽前方站【铁】
securit.subordinated advance次级预付款
securit.subscription received in advance事先收取认购款
securit.subscription received in advance预收认股资金
securit.subscription to common capital in advance预先认缴普通股股款
securit.subscription to common capital in advance预先认缴股款
securit.subscription to preferred capital stock in advance预先缴纳优先股股款
tech.supervision in advance事先监督
tech.take measures to prevent losses in advance事先防止损失
tech.tangible advance实际效益
tech.tangible advance有形效益
tech.tax to be paid in advance in quarterly instalments分季预缴税额
tech.taxes collected in advance预收税款
tech.technologic advance技术进步
tech.technologic advance科学技术发展
tech.technological advance科学技术发展
avia.technology advance技术进步
tech.temporary advance暂记预支
tech.temporary advance暂时预支
tech.temporary advance and sundry debtor暂记欠款
multimed.thanks in advance谢谢
tech.timer advance定时器 (提前发火)
securit.uncovered advance无担保垫款
securit.uncovered advance信用垫款
tech.upward advance上向掘进
tech.using advance technology使用先进技术
avia.velocity of advance推进速度
tech.velocity of wave advance波的传播速度
tech.velocity of wave advance波浪推进速度
gen.vertical advance磁带录像机垂直超前电路
tech.wall in advance of arched roof tunneling method先墙后拱法
tech.water-detecting in advance超前探水
gen.well in advance大大提前
gen.well in advance适当提前
securit.withdrawal in advance提前取款
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