
Terms containing adolescent | all forms | exact matches only
anim.husb.adolescent age青年
tech.adolescent coast少壮海岸
hydroel.st.adolescent fish幼鱼
agric.adolescent form壮年型
sport., med.adolescent growth spurt青春期生长突增
libr.adolescent library青少年图书馆
libr.adolescent library Juvenile library青少年图书馆
surg.adolescent mammary hypertrophy青春期乳房肥大症
sport., med.adolescent period青年期
agric.adolescent plant成[年]株
nurs.adolescent pregnancy青春期妊娠
oiladolescent river青年河
desert.adolescent river少壮河
nurs.adolescent stage青春期
agric.adolescent stage壮年期指果树
tech.adolescent stream青年河
tech.adolescent valley青春期河谷
tech.adolescent valley青年期河谷
pharm.adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus vaccine for adults and adolescents吸附白喉、破伤风联合疫苗成人、青少年用 (生物制品)
pharm.diphtheria and tetanus combined vaccine for adults and adolescents, absorbed吸附白喉破伤风联合疫苗成人及青少年用 (生物制品)
pharm.diphtheria vaccine for adults and adolescents, absorbed吸附白喉疫苗成人及青少年用 (生物制品)
China, lawdisabled adolescent残疾少年
China, lawfemale adolescent女性青少年
China, lawfemale school-age children or adolescents适龄女性儿童少年
nurs.juvenile and adolescent mental health青少年心理卫生
med.physical education for adolescents少年体育
China, lawschool-age adolescents适龄少年
sport., med.sports hygiene of children and adolescents儿童青少年运动卫生