
Terms containing adjustment process | all forms | in specified order only
busin.adjustment expense for technological process工艺过程调整费用
interntl.trade.adjustment process调整程序
IMF.adjustment process调整进程
IMF.adjustment process调整过程
shipb.adjustment process理算程序
fin.balance of payments adjustment process国际收支之调整程序
met.Composition Adjustment by Sealed Argon Bubbling Cassel process卡斯儿表面化学热处理法 (用于提高钢制零件的耐磨性)
met.composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling with oxygen blowing processCAS-OB 法
met.composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling with oxygen blowing process吹氧提温 CAS 法
met.composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling-oxygen blowing processCAS-OB 法
met.composition adjustment by sealed argon bubbling-oxygen blowing process吹氧提温 CAS 法
busin.economic adjustment process经济调整过程
corp.gov.interim adjustment process临时调整程序
busin.inventory adjustment process库存调整过程
econ.price-adjustment process价格调整过程
textileprocess of adjustment调节步骤
textileprocess of adjustment调整过程
econ.process of balance-of-payment adjustment国际收入调整步骤
interntl.trade.process of international adjustment国际调整步骤
econ.theory of adjustment process调整过程论