
Terms for subject Technology containing adjustment | all forms | exact matches only
absolute adjustment绝对性调节
accounting adjustment账务调整
accuracy adjustment角度平差
accuracy of adjustment调整准确度
accurate adjustment精度调整
accurate adjustment精密校正
acquisition adjustment of assets对资产购置的调整
adjustment accuracy调正精度
adjustment administrative setup调整管理机构
adjustment bolt调整螺栓
adjustment bolt校正螺栓
adjustment buoyancy life jacket浮力可调救生衣
adjustment by angles角度平差
adjustment by condition条件平差
adjustment by correlate联系数平差
adjustment by directions方向平差
adjustment by method of junction points结点法
adjustment by method of junction points结点平差
adjustment by method of junction points接点平差
adjustment by method of polygon多边形平差
adjustment by parameter参数平差
adjustment by partitioning分区平差
adjustment by the method of least squares最小二乘法平差
adjustment by variation of coordinates坐标平差
adjustment charges理算费用
adjustment chart修正表
adjustment coefficient调整系数
adjustment compass调整罗盘
adjustment compass可调圆规
adjustment continuation condition调整连续条件
adjustment continuous condition调整连续条件
adjustment controler调节控制器
adjustment correction平差改正
adjustment cost调整费用
adjustment credit调整性信贷
adjustment curve校正曲线
adjustment curve调制曲线
adjustment device校正装置
adjustment diagram调整图
adjustment economic texture调整经济结构
adjustment entries过账登记
adjustment equation平差方程
adjustment error校准误差
adjustment factor调整因素
adjustment factor调整因数
adjustment for altitude高度调整
adjustment for altitude高度校正
adjustment for definition调整清晰度
adjustment for horizon glass of sextant六分仪动镜校正
adjustment for index glass of sextant六分仪动镜校正
adjustment for length of stroke调整行程长度装置
adjustment for over-withholding超额扣缴调整
adjustment for parallax视差改正
adjustment for position of stroke行程位置调整
adjustment for price fluctuation价格波动调整
adjustment for tilt倾角改正
adjustment for tilt倾角校正
adjustment for trend趋势调整
adjustment for turnover of staffs职员更替调整
adjustment for wear补偿磨损调整
adjustment formula平差公式
adjustment free全部调节完毕
adjustment free全部调整完毕
adjustment function调节函数
adjustment function调整函数
adjustment in direction方向调整
adjustment in direction方向修正
adjustment in flow direction调整流向
adjustment in groups分层平差
adjustment in groups分组平差 (法)
adjustment in height按高度调整
adjustment in one cast整体平差【测】
adjustment in successive steps逐次平差
adjustment indicator of techno-economics调整技术经济指标
adjustment lags调整时滞
adjustment mark安装标记
adjustment mark调整标记
adjustment memorandum调整凭单
adjustment method调试方法
adjustment method平差
adjustment method in groups分组平差法
adjustment method of variation of coordinates坐标变化平差法
adjustment notch安装记号
adjustment notch安装标记
adjustment notch调整槽口
adjustment of aberration象差调节
adjustment of actual total loss实际全损调整
adjustment of actual total loss实际全损理算
adjustment of aids航标调整
adjustment of aids layout调波
adjustment of air volume空气体积调节
adjustment of alignment定线调整
adjustment of angles in all combination全组合角度平差
adjustment of assets value资产价值的调整
adjustment of astrogeodetic network天文大地网平差
adjustment of bit load钻头负荷调节
adjustment of business income营业收入调整
adjustment of car flow车流调整
adjustment of car loading装车调整
adjustment of car loading by direction方向别装车调整
adjustment of compass罗盘校正
adjustment of condition条件平差
adjustment of condition equation with unknowns带有未知数的条件平差
adjustment of condition observations条件观测平差
adjustment of constructive total loss推定全损理算
adjustment of data数据改正
adjustment of data资料校正
adjustment of data资料订正
adjustment of data数据校正
adjustment of dike face坝面整理
adjustment of direct observation直接观测平差
adjustment of environment环境调整
adjustment of errors误差调整
adjustment of errors平差
adjustment of exchange rate调整汇率
adjustment of figure图形平差
adjustment of final design最终设计修正
adjustment of grading颗粒级配调整
adjustment of gravity base station network重力基点网平差
adjustment of gross average共同海损理算
adjustment of ignition发火调整
adjustment of images像片镶嵌
adjustment of incomplete sets of observation不完全观测组平差
adjustment of indirected observation with condition equations带有条件方程的间接观测平差
adjustment of individual grievances个人不满的调整
adjustment of instrument仪表校正
adjustment of instrument仪器校正
adjustment of intermediate observations间接观测平差
adjustment of inventory库存调节
adjustment of inventory investment库存投资的调整
adjustment of itself自动调整
adjustment of joints接头调节
adjustment of leveling circuits水准线路平差
adjustment of leveling network水准网平差
adjustment of levelling circuits水准线路平差
adjustment of levelling network水准网平差
adjustment of light level调光
adjustment of loaded car重车调整
adjustment of mix配合比调整
adjustment of mixture混凝土配合比调整
adjustment of mixture配合比调整
adjustment of model模型修正
adjustment of network测量网平差
adjustment of network of triangulation chains三角锁网平差
adjustment of observed equations间接观测平差
adjustment of particular average单独海损理算
adjustment of printing plate上版
adjustment of rate调整费率
adjustment of reserved cars备用车调整
adjustment of river河流调节
adjustment of river河流整治
adjustment of salvage loss施救费用理算
adjustment of seasonal variations季节性变动调整
adjustment of sextant六分仪校正
adjustment of slip泥浆性质调整
adjustment of sound field声场校准
adjustment of sound field声场调整
adjustment of steel material钢料矫正
adjustment of stream河流调节
adjustment of stream河流整治
adjustment of surplus调整盈余额
adjustment of survey测量平差
adjustment of track轨道调整
adjustment of track gage轨距规的调整
adjustment of track gage轨距校正
adjustment of track gauge轨距规的调整
adjustment of track gauge轨距调整
adjustment of track gauge轨距校正
adjustment of track level轨距水准仪调整
adjustment of traverse导线平差
adjustment of traverse network导线网平差
adjustment of trigonometric leveling network三角高程网平差
adjustment of trigonometrical levelling network三角高程网平差
adjustment of trilateration三边测量校核
adjustment of trilateration network测边网平差
adjustment of trim/heel倾斜度调整
adjustment of trim/heel吃水差调整
adjustment of typical figures典型图形平差
adjustment of valve clearance调整阀隙
adjustment panel调整板
adjustment period调整期 (间)
adjustment phase调整期
adjustment plan修正计划
adjustment plan计划调整
adjustment planning修正计划
adjustment planning计划调整
adjustment plate调整垫片
adjustment plate调整板
adjustment plate调整填片
adjustment productive texture调整产品结构
adjustment program平差程序
adjustment programme平差程序
adjustment rate调整率
adjustment reaction顺应反应
adjustment scale刻度调节
adjustment sheet调节片
adjustment stud调整螺栓
adjustment technologic texture结构
adjustment technological texture结构
adjustment the compass确定罗盘偏差
adjustment the letter of credit as requested按要求修改信用证
adjustment to expenses费用调整
adjustment tool调整工具
adjustment value method调整现值法
adjustment variable整定参数
adjustment washer调整垫圈
adjustment weir crest活动堰顶
adjustment with fictitious observed quantities虚拟观测量平差法
adjustment work expenses调整费用
adjustment works of stream河流整治工程
advice of adjustment调整通知
aggregate adjustment option综合调整方案
aids adjustment调波
aids-layout adjustment and fairing transferring调标改建
alignment adjustment调准校正
amplitude adjustment振幅调整
area adjustment面积平差
automatic adjustment自动调节
automatic step adjustment步长自动调整
automatic step adjustment自动步长调整
average adjustment海损检定书
axial adjustment轴调整
azimuth adjustment ruler方位校正尺
azimuth adjustment slide rule方位调节计算尺
azimuth adjustment slide rule方位角修正计算尺
bearing adjustment轴承调整
bearing adjustment支承调整
binocular adjustment双目调整
boresight adjustment瞄准线零位调整
boundary adjustment边界调整
brake adjustment制动闸调整
casing for spark adjustment火花调整箱
centre adjustment置中
centre line adjustment中心线校正
Chebyshev adjustment切比雪夫平差
circle adjustment成圆调整
closing adjustment决算整理
closing adjustment结账整理
clutch adjustment离合器调整
collimation adjustment视准法
collimation adjustment视准校正
colour balance adjustment彩谐调整
compensation adjustment补偿度的装定
compensation adjustment system补偿调整系统
concave adjustment shaft凹板调整轴
critical adjustment临界调整
crown adjustment轧制过程中的辊型调整
crown cantilever adjustment拱冠悬臂梁校正
cut-fill adjustment土石方调配
cut-off adjustment限界电平调整
cut-off adjustment截断调整
cutting angle adjustment切角调节
cyclic adjustment循环变动调整
cyclical adjustment循环变动调整
dash adjustment杠杆调整
delicate adjustment精密调整
delicate adjustment精调 (整)
delicate adjustment精确调制
differential adjustment微差平差法
double adjustment suspension双调节悬挂系
driver's weight adjustment座架刚度调节器
earthwork adjustment土方调配
error adjustment误差调整
error of adjustment校准误差
fare adjustment office运赞结算处
feed flow adjustment流送量调节
field amplitude adjustment场幅度调整
filtering adjustment滤色调整
final adjustment最后调节
flash ranging adjustment光测修正
flow adjustment factor流量调节因子
focusing adjustment调焦
footing adjustment底脚调整
gang adjustment组调
gasoline adjustment valve汽油供给量调节阀
gauging adjustment校准调整
general price-level adjustment一般物价水平调整
geologic and mining for reasons of policy adjustment地质矿业政策性调整
geological and mining for reasons of policy adjustment地质矿业政策性调整
grade adjustment坡度调整
graphic adjustment图形平差
grid magnetic azimuth adjustment网格磁方位角校正
grid magnetic azimuth adjustment栅磁方位角改正
high-speed adjustment高速调整
horizontal adjustment水平调正
horizontal adjustment水平校正
horizontal amplitude adjustment水平幅度调整
hum adjustment交流声调整
individual adjustment分别调整
infinitely variable adjustment无级调整
infinitely variable speed adjustment无限变速调整
instant adjustment炉前调整
instrument adjustment仪器调整
inventory adjustment库存调整
inventory valuation adjustment库存估价调整 (额)
invoice adjustment发票调整
isostatic adjustment静力均衡调整
isostatical adjustment均衡调节
isostatical adjustment静力均衡调整
isostatical adjustment均衡调整
jack adjustment千斤顶调整
joint for temperature adjustment温度调节接头
lag adjustment滞相调整
land-line adjustment标定地界
land-use adjustment用地调整
land-use adjustment土地利用调整
length adjustment platform长度调节板
length adjustment stop长度调节板
light load adjustment轻载调整
light load adjustment轻负载调节
load adjustment负荷调节
local adjustment测站平差
local adjustment局部调整
local adjustment局部平差【测】
longitudinal adjustment纵向调整
manual speed adjustment手动调速
manual speed adjustment人工速度调节
manual-reset adjustment手动重调
manual-reset adjustment人工手调复位
margin for adjustment调整余量
mark for compass adjustment罗盘校正浮标
mathematical horizontal adjustment解析法平面平差
mathematical vertical adjustment解析法高程平差
maximum cross adjustment最大横向调整表
mesh adjustment啮合校正
mesh adjustment啮合调整
mesh adjustment啮合调正
meter zero adjustment circuit表头零位调整电路
method of adjustment配合法
method of adjustment平差
micrometer adjustment测微计调整
micrometer cutting depth adjustment千分表切削深度调整
microorganism growing adjustment agent微生物生长调节剂
minimum range adjustment最小距离调节
mixture adjustment混合料用量调节
mixture adjustment混合料配合比调整
mixture adjustment混合物质量调节
mixture adjustment混合物调制
mixture mass adjustment混合物质量调节
model adjustment technique模型调整法
moisture adjustment湿度调整
moisture adjustment水分调整
moisture adjustment水分修正
moisture adjustment factor水分修正系数
moisture adjustment factor水汽改正因子
multiparameter adjustment algorithm多参数调整算法
multiple photo analytic block adjustment program多重像片解析区域平差程序
multiple photo analytic block adjustment programme多重像片解析区域平差程序
net adjustment净平差
net adjustment管网平差
network adjustment测量网平差
neutral adjustment中性点调整
neutralization adjustment中和调整
new adjustment新调整
noise cancel adjustment噪声消除调整
notch adjustment标记调整
notch adjustment刻痕调整
occlusal adjustment咬合调整
offset adjustment炮检距调整
on-the-go adjustment不停车调整
on-the-go adjustment不停机调试
on-the-go adjustment运行中调节
optimal adjustment最优调整
parallax adjustment视差调节
partial adjustment局部调整
partial adjustment hypothesis局部调整假设
partial adjustment model局部调整模型
pedal adjustment machine踏板调整机
period of adjustment调整期间
period of adjustment调整时期
periodic adjustment定期调整
phasing adjustment定相调整
phasing adjustment相位调准〔整〕
phasing adjustment定相调准
piecewise adjustment分段调整
planned adjustment计划调节
plastic adjustment塑性调整
play adjustment隙缝调整
Polaroid adjustment knob偏振片调置钮
position adjustment位置调整
positional adjustment按照位置调整
power-factor adjustment功率因数调整装置
preset adjustment预调谐
pressure adjustment压力调整
pressure adjustment relief valve调压溢流阀
prior-period adjustment前期调整项目
prior-period adjustment前期损益调整
profit and loss adjustment account损益调整账户
pump adjustment泵的调节
pump adjustment抽运调节
quick spindle adjustment钻床的快速主轴调整
radial adjustment径向调节
range adjustment距离校正
range adjustment距离修正
range of adjustment校正范围
range of adjustment调节阀
range of adjustment调整范围
range of adjustment调节幅度
rate adjustment时差调整
remote adjustment遥调
remote index value adjustment远距离指标值调整
remote set point adjustment远距离给定值调整
remote set point adjustment远距离设定值调整
remote speed adjustment远距转速调节
reticle adjustment screw十字丝校正螺旋
reverse trend adjustment反向趋势调整
rigorous adjustment严格平差
river adjustment河道调整
scanning-size adjustment扫描尺寸调整
scribed adjustment刻图修改
seasonal adjustment季节调整
seat adjustment椅调整
seat adjustment凳调整
sector shaft thrust adjustment扇形轴限制器调整
securing wire of adjustment screw调整螺钉的固定钢丝
self-adjustment自调 (整)
self-adjustment of river河流自动调整
self-calibrating block adjustment自检法区域网平差
self-calibrating block adjustment自检校区域网平差
separate adjustment平差
set point adjustment设定值调整
sextant adjustment六分仪调准
sextant adjustment六分仪校正
shading adjustment噪声电平调整
side adjustment边平差
side adjustment边线调整
side adjustment横向调节
side-to-side adjustment横向调节
signal strength adjustment信号强度调整
size adjustment尺寸调整
skim adjustment用垫片调整
spark adjustment火花调整
spark gap adjustment火花隙调整
spatial economic adjustment空间经济调整
speed adjustment速率调整
speed adjustment of motor电动机调速
spring adjustment弹簧调节
spring adjustment弹簧调整
spring compression adjustment弹簧压紧装置
standard adjustment标准调整
station adjustment of fixed angle observation固定角观测平差
station adjustment of observation in groups分组观测测站平差
stores adjustment材料调整
stream adjustment河道调节
stream adjustment河道调整
stream channel adjustment河道调整
stress adjustment电压调节
survey adjustment of observation测量平差
switch adjustment开关调整
swivel adjustment旋转调整
symmetrical adjustment对称调正
synchronization adjustment同步调整
systematic self adjustment系统的自我调节
tappet adjustment挺杆调整
tectonic adjustment构造调整
temporary adjustment暂时调整
test and adjustment of level水准仪检验校正
test and adjustment of theodolite经纬仪检验与校正
thermal adjustment time热响应时间
throttling adjustment节流范围调整
tilt adjustment倾角改正
tilt adjustment俯仰改正
tilt adjustment倾角校正
tilt adjustment横向倾斜
tilt adjustment倾斜改正
tilt adjustment横向倾斜角调节
tilt adjustment角调节
topographic adjustment地形图接边
trade adjustment assistance贸易调整救济
traverse adjustment导线调整
traverse adjustment导线测量平差
traverse adjustment导线平差
traverse adjustment平衡测量
traverse network adjustment导线网平差
triangulation adjustment三角测量校正
triangulation adjustment三角网平差
valve adjustment screw阀门调节旋钮
valve clearance adjustment阀隙调整
valve clearance adjustment气门间隙调整
valve timing adjustment活门定时调准
vectorial adjustment向量平差
velocity adjustment初速修正量
velocity adjustment速度调整
vertical adjustment垂直校正
water adjustment水分调节
wavelength adjustment波长调节
width adjustment宽度调整
zero adjustment零点零位调整装置
zero adjustment调整零点
zero adjustment对准零点
zero adjustment零点调整装置
zero adjustment调整
zero adjustment归零
zero adjustment knob指零调置钮
zero ohm adjustment零欧姆调整
zero point adjustment零点校正
zero point adjustment对零
zero point adjustment调零位
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