
Terms for subject Surgery containing adhesion | all forms | exact matches only
acquired peritoneal adhesion后天性腹膜粘连
adhesion of labia minora小阴唇粘连
adhesion of tendon肌腱粘连
cautery division of pleural adhesions胸膜粘连烙断术
congenital peritoneal adhesion先天性腹膜粘连
fibrous adhesion纤维性粘连
interthalamic adhesion中间块
interthalamic adhesion丘脑间黏合
intestinal adhesions and bands肠粘连与粘连带
labial adhesion阴唇附着
lysis of adhesion粘连松解术
mental cervical adhesion颏颈粘连
mental sternal adhesion颏胸粘连
perineal adhesion会阴粘连
peritoneal adhesion腹膜粘连
pleural adhesion胸膜粘连
resection of peritubal adhesion输卵管周围粘连切除术
tongue-to-lip adhesion operation舌唇粘连术