
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing acoustical | all forms | exact matches only
acoustic accident听觉意外
acoustic adaptation听适应
acoustic admittance meter声导纳计
acoustic afterimage听觉余象
acoustic aftersensation听后感觉
acoustic agnosia精神性聋
acoustic agnosia听觉性认识不能
acoustic agraphia听[觉性书]写不能
acoustic analysor声分析器
acoustic analysor听分析器
acoustic aphasia听言不能
acoustic aphasia听觉性失语
acoustic apparatus听幻觉
acoustic apparatus幻听
acoustic area前庭区
acoustic area听区
acoustic automonitoring声自动监听
acoustic cabin隔声舱
acoustic cabin隔声室
acoustic cabin声学舱
acoustic calibrator声校准器
acoustic capsule听泡
acoustic capsule听囊
acoustic cell听细胞
acoustic celotex board隔声板
acoustic center听觉中枢
acoustic chamber测听室
acoustic cochlea听迷路
acoustic cochlea
acoustic cues声信号
acoustic cues声线索
acoustic curve听力曲线
acoustic duct外耳道
acoustic efficiency声功率
acoustic efficiency声有效系数
acoustic electric effect声电效应
acoustic energy flow声能流
acoustic epilepsy听性癫痫
acoustic fatigue听疲劳
acoustic feed-back声反馈
acoustic fibers听[神经]纤维
acoustic ganglion前庭蜗神经节
acoustic ganglion听神经节
acoustic hair cell听毛细胞
acoustic hyperaesthesia听觉过敏
acoustic image听像
acoustic immittance声导抗
acoustic immittance measurement声导抗检测
acoustic impedance audiometer声阻抗听力计
acoustic impedance audiometry声阻抗测听
acoustic impedance measurement声阻抗测量
acoustic inspection声探伤
acoustic inspection声检查
acoustic labyrinth
acoustic labyrinth听迷路
acoustic lemniscus外侧丘系
acoustic lemniscus听觉丘系
acoustic mmho声毫姆欧
acoustic nerve第 VII 对脑神经
acoustic nerve neurilemmoma听神经瘤
acoustic nerve neurilemmoma听神经鞘瘤
acoustic neurinoma听神经鞘瘤
acoustic neuritis听神经炎
acoustic organ听器
acoustic papilla螺旋器
acoustic paralysis神经聋
acoustic paralysis听神经麻痹
acoustic parameters声学参数
acoustic perspective声立体感
acoustic pickup拾声器
acoustic pickup传感器
acoustic pickup唱头
acoustic probe声探子
acoustic pulse脉冲声
acoustic radiation听辐射
acoustic radiation pattern声发射构型
acoustic radiation pattern声辐射型
acoustic reflection听反射
acoustic reflective index声反射指数
acoustic reflex听反射
acoustic reflex decay听反射衰减
acoustic reflex decay test声反射衰减试验
acoustic reflex relaxation index声反射松弛指数
acoustic reflex threshold听反射阈
acoustic resistance vector声阻向量
acoustic resistance vector声阻矢量
acoustic rhinometry声反射鼻测量
acoustic scattering声扩散
acoustic sensibility听力
acoustic sensibility听觉
acoustic stapedial reflex镫骨肌声反射
acoustic test测听
acoustic test听力试验
acoustic test box声测试盒
acoustic transients瞬时声
acoustic transients声瞬变
acoustic trauma deafness声损伤性聋
acoustic treatment隔声处理
acoustic tubercle听结节
acoustic vesicle听泡
acoustic vesicle听囊
acoustic zero level声学零[分贝]级
acoustical feed-back声反馈
acoustical hyperaesthesia听觉过敏
acoustical ohm声欧
branch of internal acoustic meatus内耳道支
branch of internal acoustic meatus迷路动脉
cartilaginous external acoustic meatus软骨性外耳道
central acoustic tract中央听束
chronic acoustic trauma慢性声损伤
compliance and acoustic reflex meter声顺及声反射计
crossed acoustic reflex test对侧刺激试验
crossed acoustic reflex test交叉听反射试验
crossed acoustic response交叉听反应
eczema of external acoustic meatus外耳道湿疹
electric mechanical acoustic bridge电机声桥
electrical acoustic impedance bridge电声阻抗桥
electromechanical-acoustic analogy电力声类比
external acoustic pore外耳门
fundus of internal acoustic meatus内耳道底
hairs of external acoustic meatus耳毛
internal acoustic meatus operation by labyrinth经迷路达内耳道手术
internal acoustic meatus operation by middle cranial fossa经颅中窝途径达内耳道手术
maximal acoustic output最大声输出
meatus acoustic听道
meatus acoustic耳道
mechanical acoustic impedance bridge机声阻抗桥
nerve to external acoustic meatus外耳道神经
non-acoustic stapedius response非听性镫骨肌反应
notches in cartilage of external acoustic meatus外耳道软骨切迹
perforated acoustic board孔式吸声板
perforated aluminium acoustic board孔式铝质吸声板
psycho-acoustic criterion噪声评价标准
psycho-acoustic criterion心理声学标准
radiator acoustic声辐射器
rock wool acoustic board玻璃纤维棉吸声板
rock wool acoustic board石棉吸声板
spots acoustic位觉斑
spots acoustic听斑
stapedial acoustic reflex镫骨肌[听] 反射
striae acoustic听髓纹
striae acoustic听纹
three-dimensional acoustical examination三维声学检查