
Terms for subject Technology containing acoustic ceiling | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
acoustic ceiling吸音顶棚
acoustic ceiling吸声吊顶
acoustic ceiling吸声平顶
acoustic ceiling吸音平顶
acoustic ceiling board吸音天花板
acoustic ceiling board吸声顶棚
acoustic ceiling board吸音顶棚
acoustic ceiling paint吸声顶棚涂料
acoustic ceiling paint吸声天花板涂料
acoustic ceiling panel吸声天花板
acoustic ceiling system吸声顶棚系统
acoustic ceiling system吸音顶棚体系
acoustic ceiling tile吸声吊顶砖
acoustic ceiling tile吸声顶棚砖
acoustic metal ceiling消声金属顶棚
acoustic metal ceiling消声金属天花板
acoustic plaster ceiling隔声顶棚
acoustic plaster ceiling隔声天花板
acoustic proof ceiling隔音顶棚
acoustic proof ceiling隔音天花板
acoustic tile ceiling吸声砖顶棚
acoustic tile ceiling吸声砖天花板
acoustic tile ceiling吸声砖平顶
acoustic ventilating ceiling吸声通风顶棚
acoustic ventilating ceiling吸声通风天花板
air-distributing acoustic ceiling送风吸音吊顶
air-distributing acoustic ceiling配气吸声顶棚
aluminum acoustic ceiling铝板吸声顶棚
aluminum acoustic ceiling铝板吸声吊平顶
aluminum acoustic ceiling铝板吸声天花板
aluminum acoustic tiled ceiling铝板吸声顶棚
aluminum acoustic tiled ceiling铝板吸声天花板
continuous acoustic ceiling连续隔声吊顶
continuous acoustic ceiling连续吸音顶棚
cubic acoustic ceiling立方体隔声天花板
dampproof and acoustic panel ceiling防潮吸声板吊顶
dampproof and acoustic tile ceiling防潮吸声板吊顶
discontinuous suspended acoustic ceiling间断式吸声吊顶
glass fiber acoustic ceiling玻璃纤维吸声顶棚
hung acoustic ceiling悬式吸声天花 (板)
hung acoustic ceiling吸声吊顶棚
interrupted acoustic ceiling间断式吸声吊顶
interrupted acoustic ceiling不连通的吸声顶棚
metal acoustic ceiling金属吸声板吊顶
mineral fiber board acoustic ceiling矿物纤维吸声天花板
pearlite acoustic ceiling珍珠岩吸声平顶
rockwool acoustic ceiling岩棉吸声吊顶
sprayed acoustic ceiling喷涂隔声天花板
suspended acoustic ceiling吸声吊顶
suspended acoustic ceiling吸声顶棚
suspended acoustic plaster ceiling隔声泥灰吊顶
suspended acoustic tile ceiling隔声砖吊顶
suspended sprayed acoustic ceiling喷涂隔声吊顶
ventilating acoustic ceiling通风吸声顶棚
ventilating acoustic ceiling通风吸声天花板
wood fiber board acoustic tiled ceiling木纤维吸音天花板
wood fiber board acoustic tiled ceiling铺木纤维板吸声顶棚