
Terms for subject Polygraphy containing acid | all forms | exact matches only
abietic acid; colophonic acid; rosin acid松香酸
acetyltannin acid乙酰丹宁酸
acid activated dye活性酸颜料
acid azo-color; acid azo-dye酸性偶氮染料
acid blast etching喷酸液腐蚀
acid chrome dye酸性铬颜料
acid developer; acid-based developer酸性显影液
acid development酸性显影
acid dye酸性染料
acid emulsion酸性乳剂
acid fixative bath; acid fixing bath酸性定影浴
acid fixer; acid fixing solution酸性定影液
acid-free ink无酸墨水
acid hardening fixer酸性坚膜定影液
acid resist耐蚀膜
acid stop bath酸性停显液
adipic acid; hexane diacid己二酸
alkali soluble acrylic acid碱溶性丙烯酸
aminobenzoic acid氨基安息香酸
biting of the acid酸腐蚀
citric acid; lemon-acid柠檬酸
metasilicate acid; metasilicic acid硅酸
o-dihydroxybenzene; oxyphenic acid; pyrocatechol邻苯二酚
phenic acid ; phenol苯酚
tung oil acid resin桐油酸树脂