
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing accuracy | all forms | exact matches only
accuracy of timing and sequential firing延时和顺序起爆的精度
delay accuracy and timing延迟精度和延迟定时
drilling accuracy钻孔精度
drilling accuracy total凿岩总精度一般定义为与预定位置的最大偏斜量除以钻孔长度,以百分数计。在实际操作中,凿岩精度的标准偏斜量常常不是最大凿岩精度。总的炮孔〈打钻〉偏斜量由4个偏差构成:测定偏差 Dₛ,开孔偏差 D,钻孔偏差 D, 弯曲或孔内偏差 Db
high-accuracy delay detonator高精度延时雷管
initiator timing and accuracy起爆药定时与精度
maintaining accuracy and depth保持精度和深度
measured accuracy测量精度
observed accuracy观测精度
pin-point accuracy高度密集
pin-point accuracy精确度高
The accuracy of the assessment depends on both the accuracy of the meteorological data, and the accuracy of the assessment model used评估是否准确、取决于气象资料和所用的评价模型是否精确
The mean or average firing time for any group of detonators typically is slightly offset from the nominal firing time. This shift of the mean from the nominal is the first timing accuracy factor. The distribution of the firing times around the mean firing time is the second factor一组雷管的平均起爆时间一般稍微偏离标称的起爆时间。这种平均值对公称值的偏移则是第一个影响定时精确的因素。在平均值附近的起爆时间分布是第二个因素
timing accuracy and precision延时时间的精度和准确度
timing accuracy factor影响定时精确的因素
timing accuracy of delay detonators延时雷管的定时精确性
total drilling accuracy凿岩总精度一般定义为与预定位置的最大偏斜量除以钻孔长度,以百分数计。在实际操作中,凿岩精度的标准偏斜量常常不是最大凿岩精度。总的炮孔〈打钻〉偏斜量由4个偏差构成:测定偏差 Dₛ,开孔偏差 D,钻孔偏差 D, 弯曲或孔内偏差 Db