
Terms for subject Air defense containing accuracy | all forms | exact matches only
accuracy in height finding radar测高雷达的测量精度
accuracy of angular measurement测角精度
angular accuracy角度准确度
angular data transfer accuracy角数据转换精度
angular data transfer accuracy角数据传递精度
angular tracking accuracy角跟踪精度
azimuth accuracy方位精度
bearing accuracy comparison方位精度比较
communication high accuracy locating system通信高精度定位系统
conditional histogram accuracy class example条件直方图精度类别举例
direction finding accuracy测向精确度
effect of CFAR on azimuthal accuracy恒虚警率对方位精度的影响
elevation accuracy仰角精度准确度
fire-calibration accuracy校射精度
frequency accuracy频率准确度精度
frequency measurement accuracy测频精确度
horizontal deviation accuracy水平偏移准确度
location accuracy定位精确度
long range radar accuracy远程雷达精度
longrange -accuracy radar system远程精密雷达系统
missile hit accuracy导弹命中精度
missile target orientation accuracy弹目定位精度
radar accuracy雷达精度
range accuracy距离测距精度
relative measurement accuracy相对测量精度
scanning accuracy扫描准确度精度
sky wave accuracy pattern天波误差精确
surface reflections and height finding accuracy地面反射和测高精度
sweep accuracy扫描准确度精度
sweep delay accuracy扫描延迟准确度精度
tracking accuracy of AFC自频调跟踪精度
tracking accuracy test跟踪精度试验
vertical deviation accuracy垂直偏向准确度精度
zero center accuracy零中心准确度精度