
Terms for subject Technology containing accuracy | all forms | exact matches only
absolute accuracy绝对精
absolute accuracy绝对准确 (度)
accuracy adjustment角度平差
accuracy and correction of deviation偏移的精度和校正
accuracy and source strength准确度和能源强度
accuracy block加强块
accuracy block精确块
accuracy class精确度级别
accuracy control精确控制
accuracy control character精确度控制记号
accuracy control time window精度控制时窗
accuracy exponent精度指数
accuracy factor of mapping作图准确度
accuracy for horizontal control平面控制测量精度
accuracy for vertical control高程控制精度
accuracy grade准确度级 (别)
accuracy grade精度等级
accuracy grade精确度等级
accuracy in calculation计算精确度
accuracy in computation计算精
accuracy in computation计算准确度
accuracy in measurement测量精
accuracy in measurement量测精度
accuracy lasting精度耐久性
accuracy life精度寿命
accuracy life精确度寿命
accuracy limit精度极限
accuracy limit精度界限
accuracy map精确地图
accuracy margin精度余量
accuracy modulus精度模
accuracy of adjusted base station network基点网平差后精度
accuracy of adjustment调整准确度
accuracy of an instrument仪表准确度
accuracy of angle测角精
accuracy of base station network基点网联测精度
accuracy of breaking through贯通精度
accuracy of chaining链测精度
accuracy of color value色泽准确性
accuracy of colour value色泽准确性
accuracy of configuration外形精度
accuracy of data资料数据的准确性
accuracy of discharge observation流量观测精度
accuracy of drawing绘图精度
accuracy of estimate估计精度
accuracy of estimate估算精度
accuracy of exploration勘探精度
accuracy of factor of mapping作图准确度
accuracy of finish最后加工精度
accuracy of flatness压平精度
accuracy of focusing对光精度
accuracy of foundation基础的精确度
accuracy of gage尺寸的准确性
accuracy of gauge尺寸的准确性
accuracy of geologic surveying地质调查精度
accuracy of geological surveying地质调查精度
accuracy of gravity anomaly重力测量精度
accuracy of groundwater resources evaluation地下水资源评价精度
accuracy of horizontal control平面控制精度
accuracy of instrument仪表精
accuracy of instrument仪器精确度
accuracy of latitude correction纬度改正精度
accuracy of latitude distance纬向距精度
accuracy of level平滑度
accuracy of level平整度
accuracy of levels平滑度
accuracy of levels平整度
accuracy of map地图精度
accuracy of measurement度量精度
accuracy of measurement测验精度
accuracy of measuring计量的准确性
accuracy of measuring测量精
accuracy of measuring计量准确度
accuracy of mesh啮合精度
accuracy of network控制网精度
accuracy of observation实测精度
accuracy of presentation表示精度
accuracy of ranging for laser range finder激光测距机测距准确度
accuracy of repetition重复精度
accuracy of sample analysis样品分析精度
accuracy of scale value determination格值测定精度
accuracy of scale value determination重力仪精度
accuracy of separation
accuracy of separation筛分率
accuracy of separation筛分的精细度
accuracy of shape形状的精确度
accuracy of shape成型的精确度
accuracy of shape形状的准确性
accuracy of ship's position船位精确度
accuracy of sounder reading测深仪读数精度
accuracy of terrain correction地形改正精度
accuracy of terrain correction farther distance远区地形改正精度
accuracy of terrain correction on medium distance中区地形改正精度
accuracy of terrain correction on nearby distance近区地形改正精度
accuracy of test glass玻璃样板准确度
accuracy of the estimated ore reserves估算储量精度
accuracy of time scale时标的准确度
accuracy of topographic map地形图精度
accuracy of topographical map地形图精度
accuracy of vertical circle竖直度盘精度
accuracy of vertical control survey高程控制测量精度
accuracy of water-level observation水位观测精度
accuracy order精确度等级
accuracy range精度范围
accuracy ranging测距精度
accuracy rating额定精
accuracy rating准确率
accuracy specification精度要求
accuracy table精度表
accuracy test准确度试验
accuracy testing精度试验
accuracy testing准确度试验
accuracy testing精度检验
accuracy to size尺寸精
accuracy tolerance准确度限值
accuracy tolerance精确限度
accuracy user准确度用户
accuracy verification package精密检验组件
adjusting accuracy调整精度
adjustment accuracy调正精度
all streamer fathom accuracy全缆定深精度
analog-to-digital conversion accuracy模拟数字转换准确度
analogue-to-digital conversion accuracy模拟数字转换准确度
analytic method of profile accuracy勘探剖面精度分析法
analytical method of profile accuracy勘探剖面精度分析法
angular accuracy测角精
angular accuracy测角准确度
angular accuracy角精
anticipated accuracy预期精
available accuracy可及准确度
available accuracy可达到的精度
available accuracy有效准确度
available accuracy实际准确度
average accuracy平均准确度
azimuth accuracy方位角准确度
bearing accuracy方向角精度
bearing accuracy定位精度
calculation accuracy计算精度
calibrating accuracy标定精度
calibrating accuracy校准精度
calibration accuracy校准精
calibration accuracy校准准确度
calibration accuracy校正精度
calibration accuracy率定精度
cartographical accuracy制图精度
claimed accuracy要求精
claimed accuracy要求的精确度
claimed accuracy规定的精确度
class of accuracy精密度分级
clerical accuracy抄账无误
coefficient of accuracy精度系数
collimation accuracy视准精度
computational accuracy计算精度
congruity accuracy of gravimeter重力仪一致性精度
contour of constant geometric accuracy精度曲线
contour of constant geometrical accuracy精度曲线
contouring accuracy等高线绘制精度
contouring accuracy等高线测量精度
contouring accuracy等高线描绘精度
control accuracy控制精
correlation accuracy相关精度
damage to the accuracy精度受损
degree of accuracy准确精(确),精密
degree of accuracy
degree of accuracy of datum数据可靠程度
deterioration in accuracy降低精度
digitizing accuracy数字化精度
dimensional accuracy尺寸准确度
dimensional accuracy尺寸的准确性
dimensional accuracy量纲尺寸
diminish of accuracy降低精度
directional accuracy方向精度
discrimination accuracy鉴别精度
doping accuracy掺杂精度
Doppler accuracy多普勒精度
draughting accuracy绘图精度
dynamic accuracy动力精度
dynamic accuracy动态精
dynamic accuracy动态偏差
dynamic accuracy test system动态精度测试系统
dynamic positioning accuracy动力定位精度
dynamical accuracy动力精度
dynamical accuracy动态精
dynamical accuracy动态偏差
dynamical accuracy test system动态精度测试系统
dynamical positioning accuracy动力定位精度
effective accuracy有效精度
electronic beam setting accuracy电子束稳定精度
elevation accuracy高度准确度
elevation accuracy仰角精度
elevation accuracy仰角准确度
enhanced accuracy提高准确度
estimate accuracy慨算精度
estimated accuracy估计精度
estimation of accuracy精度的估计
expected accuracy预期精
exploration accuracy勘探精度
fail-safe stop accuracy无故障停车精度
fathomed accuracy测深精度
filtration accuracy过滤精度
first-order accuracy一等精度
focusing accuracy聚焦精度
forecast accuracy预报精度
forecast accuracy预报准确率
forecast accuracy预报准确度
forecast accuracy预报准确性
forecast accuracy预投准确率
formation accuracy路基标高的正确性
gain step accuracy增益台阶精度
gear-driven accuracy齿轮传动精度
geometric accuracy几何精
geometrical accuracy几何精
geometrical accuracy几何准确度
given accuracy给定精度
graphic accuracy图解精度
graphical accuracy图解精度
guaranteed accuracy保证精度
guidance accuracy引导精度
guiding accuracy制导精确度
high accuracy高精
high accuracy air flow measuring system高精度气流测试系统
high accuracy and fast edit plotter高精度快速绘图机
high accuracy arithmetic高精度运算
high accuracy centerless grinding machine高精度无心磨床
high accuracy control point高精度控制点
high accuracy formula高精度公式
high accuracy gravimeter高精度重力仪
high accuracy hob sharpening machine高精度滚刀刃磨床
high accuracy position system高精度定位系统
high accuracy radar data transmission高精度雷达数据传输
high accuracy radio-fix高精度无线电定位
high accuracy survey高精度测量
high accuracy tuning高精度调谐
high degree of accuracy高精度
holding position accuracy定位精度
horizontal control accuracy平面控制精度
horizontal deviation accuracy水平偏转准确度
horizontal position accuracy平面位置精度
increase of accuracy精度提高
indicating accuracy指示正确性
intrinsic accuracy内在精
intrinsical accuracy内在精
intrinsical accuracy固有精度
investigation of accuracy精度研究
laser height accuracy激光测高准确度
launching accuracy发射准确度
limit of accuracy精度界限
limit of accuracy精密限度
limit of accuracy精度范围
limit of accuracy精确极限
long-range accuracy远程精度
low accuracy低精确度
machining accuracy精加工精确度
manufacturing accuracy加工精度
map accuracy criterion地图精度标准
map accuracy test地图精度检验
matching accuracy匹配准确度
maximum accuracy最大精度
measure of accuracy精度
measurement of accuracy测量精
measuring accuracy测量精
measuring accuracy计量精度
medium accuracy inertial navigation system中等精度惯性导航系统
message accuracy消息的准确度
national map accuracy standard国家地图精度标准
nominal accuracy of electromagnetic distance measurement电磁波测距标称精度
normal plotting accuracy正常绘图精度
numeric accuracy数值精度
numerical accuracy数值精度
observation accuracy观测精度
observation accuracy of base station network基点网观测精度
observation accuracy of gravimeter重力仪观测精度
observation accuracy of ordinary station普通点观测精度
obtainable accuracy可达到的精度
obtainable accuracy可达准确度
operational accuracy有效精度
order of accuracy精度级
over accuracy总精确度
overall accuracy总〔综合〕准确度
overall accuracy全部准确度
overall accuracy总的〔整个装置的〕准确度
overall accuracy总和精度
percent of accuracy准确度
percentage of accuracy精度百分率
percentage of accuracy准确度百分数
photogrammetric accuracy摄影测量精度
pinpoint accuracy超高精度
plan position accuracy平面位置精度
planimetric accuracy平面控制精度
planimetrical accuracy平面控制精度
playback accuracy再现精度
point accuracy点位精度
pointing accuracy照准精度
positional accuracy点位精度
positioning radar accuracy雷达定位精度
possible accuracy可能准确度
primary accuracy一等精度
prior accuracy analysis先验精度分析
profile accuracy齿形精度
pulse finding accuracy脉冲探测精确度
quantization accuracy range分层精确度范围
radar fixing accuracy雷达定位精度
radar measurement accuracy雷达测量精度
radar measurement accuracy雷达量测精度
rate accuracy测速准确度
rate accuracy速率准确度
rated accuracy额定精
rated accuracy额定准确度
reading accuracy观读精度
realistic accuracy真实精度
registration accuracy重合精度
registration accuracy套合精度
repeatable accuracy重复准确度
repeated accuracy重复精度
repetitive accuracy重复准确度
required accuracy要求精
reserve accuracy储量精度
resultant accuracy总准确度
running accuracy旋转精度
setting accuracy安平精度
setting accuracy整定精确性
setting accuracy on work加工坐标精度
skywave accuracy pattern天波误差图
spacing accuracy间隔精度
spacing accuracy间距准确度
spacing accuracy螺距准确度
standard accuracy标准精度
standard accuracy map标准精度图
static accuracy静态精度
statistic accuracy统计的准确性
statistic accuracy统计精确度
statistic accuracy统计准确度
statistical accuracy统计的准确性
statistical accuracy统计精确度
statistical accuracy统计准确度
stepping accuracy步距精度
stopping accuracy停车精度
subgrade accuracy地基准确度
subgrade accuracy路基准确度
surface accuracy表面精度
tape-running accuracy带运转精确度
three-place accuracy三位准确度
time accuracy时间读数精度
time accuracy时间准确度
time base accuracy时基准确度
total accuracy of gravity survey重力测量总精度
total accuracy of sounding测深总精度
total accuracy of terrain correction地形改正总精度
total observation accuracy of gravimeter重力仪观测总精度
vernier accuracy游标精度
vertical accuracy高程精度
wavelength accuracy波长精度
weighing accuracy称量准确度
weighing accuracy秤量精度
weighing accuracy秤重准确度
working accuracy加工精度
working accuracy精加工精确度