
Terms for subject General containing accuracy | all forms | exact matches only
accuracy factor精度系数
accuracy factor准确系数
accuracy factor准确〔度〕系数
accuracy of placement落点准确性
antenna-point accuracy天线指向精度
be not concerned with its accuracy or otherwise不考虑正〔精〕确与否
pinpoint accuracy高精〔准〕确度
quite an advance in accuracy精度上一个很大的进步
rank accuracy rate评判准确率
setting accuracyРЗА 定位〔调整,对准,瞄准〕精度
the milling machine forms parts with great accuracy铣床非常精确地铳削零件
they may be of questionable accuracy或者
they may be of questionable accuracy其精确度也可能有问题
they may be of questionable accuracy即使有
they may be of questionable accuracy所需的数据甚至是不存在的
they may be of questionable accuracy有时
to accuracies精度达
to accuracies准确到
to an accuracy精度达
to an accuracy准确到
with great accuracy精确地
with accuracy正确〔准确,精密〕地
with pinpoint accuracy非常精确地
within accuracies精度达
within accuracies准确到
within an accuracy精度达
within an accuracy准确到