
Terms for subject Project management containing accounts | all forms | exact matches only
account balanced收支两讫
account book会计凭证
account book会计账簿
account book会计账册
account classification账户或科目分类
account collected in advance预收款项
account conversion账户转换
account current book往来账簿
account law会计法
account management policies客户管理策略
account of after-acquired property事后取得的财产报告
account of aggregate liability累计责任赔偿总额
account of defaulter拖欠账目
account payable ledger应付账款明细账
account payee only只可转账或存人收款人账户
account policy账户政策
account receivable collection period应收账款回收期
account receivable collection period应收账款周转天数
account receivable financing应收账款融资
account receivable ledger应收账款明细账
account receivable report应收账款报表
account statement结单
account transfer账户转换
account turnover周转账户
account year财务年度
accounts receivable and bad debt provision应收账款与坏账准备
accrued and deferred accounts应计和递延账户
active account活跃账户指存款、取款频繁的账户
administration expense account管理费账户
administration expense accounts企业管理费账户
advance account暂支账目
After a joint venture is dissolved, its account books and documents shall be kept by the Chinese party to the original joint venture合营企业解散后、各项账册及文件应当由原中国合营者保存
all expenditure from general revenue account charged to any of the subheads listed in the estimates under the operating account所有由政府一般收入账目支付并记入开支预算内经营账项下任何一个分目的开支
annual account年结
annual account周年账目报表
annual account周年账目
appropriation account拨款账目
audited account经审计的账目
audited account审计账目
audited annual account经审计的周年账目
balance account差额
balance account余额
balance of account账面上的余额
balance of account账面余额
balancing account结账
bank account银行账
bank account holder银行账户持有人
book of account会计账簿
books of account账簿
building account建筑账户
capital account固定资产账户
capital account资本性账户
capital account非经常账
capital account commitment balance资本账承担额结余
cash management account现金管理账户 (CMA)
checking account活期账户
clearing account结算账户
code of accounts账目编号
consolidated account综合账目
consolidated account expenditure综合账目开支
consolidated profit and loss account综合损益账
consolidated revenue account综合收人账
controlling account控制账户
costs accounts成本类账户
costs accumulation accounts成本类账户
current account经常账目
current account支票户口
custodial account保管账户
customer's account应收账款账户
deficit on capital account非经常账赤字
deposit accounts储蓄存款
detailed account详细报表
detailed account明细账目
detailed accounts明细账
direct accounts直接管理费账户
direct overhead account直接管理费账户
discretionary account全权委托户口
discretionary account全权代客买卖账户
discretionary account全权代客投资户口
Does it matter where I open an individual retirement account?我在哪里开立个人退休账户有关系吗?
Domain Administrator can disable or delete the computer account for this server域管理员可禁用或删除此服务器上的计算机账户
double-account system复式账户制
enter up an account人账
escrow account第三方托管账户
escrow account托管户口
estate duty account遗产呈报表
expense account报销费用账
expense account开支账户
final account最终账目
final account最后结算
final settle account statement总结账单
For comparison, search engines account for about 7% of site visits与此相比、搜索引擎占了站点访问量的7%左右
force account自营工程
fund on account sought申请临时拨款
group account集团账目
Immediately report any irregularities in your accounts by dialing the number shown on your account statement如果您的账户有任何异常、请立即拨打账单上提供的号码进行报告
imprest account预垫备用金账户
In our case, we do not allow someone to have a negative checking account balance在我们的例子中、不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数
income account收益类账户
income account收益账
income and expenditure account收支结算表
individual retirement account个人退休账户
initial amount of provision on account初订临时拨款额
Integrated circuit accounts for one third of our business集成线路占我们三分之一的生产额
inter-branch account分行往来账
inter-branch account联行账户
interdepartmental account内部往来账
Internet account互联网账号
job account工作统计
joint account联名户口
joint estates account联权共有产业的账目
joint venture account合伙账
keep accounts管账
key account management主要客户管理
key accounts关键客户
key/house accounts关键/机构客户
landing account卸货记录
liabilities accounts负债账户
liquidation of an account平仓
margin account展户口
master control account总控制账户
memorandum account备忘账项
money account现金账
money market deposit account[美]货币市场存款账户
national account management全国性客户管理
national accounts framework国民经济核算架构
negative assets account负债账户
new capital account commitment非经常账新承担额
new capital account subhead非经常账新分目
new capital account subventions subhead非经常账下的资助金新分目
new capital account subventions subhead非经常账资助金新分目
new recurrent account subhead经常账新分目
new recurrent account subventions subhead经常账下的资助金新分目
new recurrent account subventions subhead经常账资助金新分目
nominee account代名人账户
non-discretionary account非全权代客买卖账户
non-discretionary account非全权委托账户
offshore escrow account境外第三方账户
on account暂付 (o/a)
on account赊账 (o/a)
on account basis赊账方式
on account basis记账方式
open account未清账户
operating account营业账目
operating services account营运服务账目
outstanding account未清账项
overdraft of an account户口透支
partial account settlement部分结账
payment on account赊账支付
payment on account作为部分付款暂付
proper account妥善账目
receipts and payments account收支账户
reserve account储备账
restatement of account重整账目
revenue account收人账目
roper books of account妥善账簿
security account保付账户
Security Account Manager needs to get the boot password安全账户管理员需要获得启动密码
segregated account独立户口
separate client account独立客户账目
separate estates account各别产业的账目
servicing the account客户服务
settle accounts in U.S. dollar用美元结算
settlement accounts结账
shroff account number收款账号
statement of account结算单
statement of account账目报表
statement of annual account周年账目报表
statement of final account最终结账单
statement of final account决算账单
stock control account存货总账
stock fund account存货基金账
surplus on recurrent account经常账盈余
suspense account待清理账户
terminal accounts终结账户
That $50 a month leaving your bank account on payday that you barely notice will add up to $ 600 a year, plus your return on investment每月发薪日从你的银行账户里提出你几乎不注意的50美元、累积起来一年就有600 美元、还有你的投资回报
The computer account for the server was not disabled该服务器上的计算机账户并未禁用
The decline in the household saving rate and the current-account surplus would seem to be connected家庭储蓄率下降与国际收支经常项目顺差似乎有某种联系
The parent company would audit the accounts of every subsidiary at the end of each year一到年底、 总公司要查核各分公司的账目情况
trading account营业账目
trading and profit and loss account营业损益计算表
triennial equalization account三年平均账
true account真实账目
trustee's account受托人账目
trustee's trading account受托人营业账目
unsettled account未结算账户
verification of account对账
visible trade account有形贸易账
vote on account临时拨款
vote on account warrant临时支款授权书
vote on account warrant临时拨款令
We will send you our account sales together with the banker s draft in a few days几天后我们将会寄给你方我们的售货清单以及银行汇票