
Terms for subject Economy containing accounts | all forms | exact matches only
a payee's account收款人账户
a payee's account受款人账户
a play of accounts账户的运用
a play of accounts记账程序图
above line accounts平衡项目 (国家预算)
accounts payable ledger应付款项账
accounts payable on demand即期应付账款
accounts receivable discounted应收账款贴现
accounts receivable financing应收筹资帐款
accounts receivable financing应收帐款的资金筹措
accounts receivable from installment sales分期销货的应收账款
accounts receivable others其他应收款
accrued debit account应收账款户
active account资产账户
adjust accounts调整科目 (账号)
adjust accounts复核
advance account预支款
After obtaining the written consent of the wholesaler the seller can sign the accounts receivable在取得批发商书面同意之后,卖方可以转让应收账款
agency accounts代理机构会计
agency accounts代理账
aging accounts receivable应收账款定时分析
agio account差价账户
All the accounts, books and reports should be audited by the company所有账册和报表应由公司进行稽核
allowances for uncollectable accounts坏账备款
allowances for uncollectable accounts备抵呆账
an absorption account分摊账户
an absorption account附属账
an abstract account结账户
an account bill账单
an account book账册
an account book账簿
an account for one's own私人账目
an account of receipts收入账户
an accretion account增值账户
an accrued account应计账项
an accrued and deferred account应计和递延账户
an accumulation account累积账户
an active account活动账户
an activity account业务作业账户
an adjunct account附属账
an adjusting account调整账户
an adjustment account调整账目
an adjustment account调整账户
an administration account管理科目
an adventure account特种委托账户
an adventure account投机买卖账
an agency account代理会计
an agency account代理账
an agency account receivable应收代理店账款
an agio account贴水账户
an aid account援助账户
an amortization account股票偿还账
an annual account年度总账
an appreciation account增值账户
an appropriation account盈余分拨账户
an appropriation account拨款账户
an arbitrage account套汇账户
an assets account资产账户
an assigned account担保账户
an attached account法院已查封的账户
an auxiliary account辅助账
an error account错误账户
an escrow account完成一定条件才能支付的账户
an escrow account记账账户
an expenditure account支出账目
an expenditure account开支账目
an investment account投资账户
an office building account营业用房屋账户
an offset account抵消科目
an offset account抵消账户
an off-the-statement account表外账户
an old account老账
an old account旧账
an open account未结清账户
an open account来往〔未结算〕账目
an open account赊账
an open account记账交易
an open account来往账目
an operating account营业账户
an opposite account相对账目
an outstanding account payable应付未付账款
an over-and-short account现金溢缺账户
an over-and-short account长短款账户
an overdraft account透支账户
an overdraught account透支账户
an owner equity account业主权益账户
an reserve account准备金账户
an reserve account公积账
an underwriting account保险账户
an unliquidated account未结账目
an unliquidated account未清账目
an unpaid account未付账目
an unpaid-up capital account未付资本账目
an unsettled account未结账户
an unsubscribed capital stock account未认购股本账户
an unsubscribed capital stock account未认股本账
analysis of accounts帐目分析
application for international transfered account telegraph service card国际转账电报业务凭证申请书
assets account资产类账户
assets and liabilities accounts资产及负债账户
assets out of accounts账户以外资产
audit accounts稽査账目
audit accounts查账
audit of account査账
audited accounts已稽査账目
auditing of accounts查帐
averaging of accounts来往账平均余额
balance an account清算
balance of current account来往账余额
balance of current account流动账户余额
balance of payments on current account国际收支经常项目的收支状况
balance on current account与美国国际收支平衡表相关的按季公布的测度居民与非居民之间商品、服务、收人和单方转移交易的经常往来项目差额
balance on current account活期存款差额
balance on current account活期存款余额
balance on current account经常帐户项目的平衡
balance only statement of account只歹余额的账单
balance sheet in account form账户式资产负债表
balance transferred to new accounts金额转入新账
balancing accounts平衡账户
balancing accounts结算总账
bank accounts银行存款
bank accounts银行往来账
basic accounts of national income计算国民收入的基本帐户体系
be slow at accounts不善于算账
Be sure to credit our account No. 208 with the proceeds after deducting your charges在扣除你方应收手续费后,务必将货款贷记我方208号账户
bill account票据账目
bill and accounts payable期付款项
bill and accounts payable with terms有条件定期应付款项
bill payable account应付票据账户
bills and accounts payable期付款项
bills and accounts receivable期收款项
bought for account赊物
branch control account分支机构管制统驭账户
cancel an account销账
cancellation of balances of accounts余额注销
cancellation of balances of accounts汇兑尾数转账
card of accounts账户目录
card of accounts总账科目单
card system of account卡片式会计
certified account注册会计师证明的账目
certified account已查证账目
chart of accounts账户一览表
classification of accounts账目分类
client's account受托人账户
code number to indentify accounts账户编号
code number to indentify accounts账号
collective account统制科目
collective account集合账户
collective account统制账户
collective consumption account集体消费账目
commodity accounts商品帐目
consolidated accounts联合账户
consolidated accounts合并账户
control of accounts会计检査
controller of account审计官
controller of account会计检査官
controller of accounts主计长
controller of accounts会计处长
cook accounts窜改账目
corresponding account出入相抵账目
creditor's account债权人的账户
currency of accounts计算通货
current account往来账目
current account活期储户
current account经常项目【账户】
current account credit往来信贷
current account ratio only单纯经营账户比例
current account surplus经营项目顺差
debit payable account应付借款账目
debt consolidation fund special account债务统一基金特别会计账户
debt overdue account过期放款账目
debt to individual account个人科目的债方
debtor and creditor accounts债权债务账户
deferred assets accounts递延资产账户
deferred charge account递延费用账户
departmental expense variance account部门费用差异账
departmental store account百货公司账
departmental store account分部部门材料账户
departmental trading accounts分类营业计算机 (账户)
detailed statement of accounts详细对账单
direct method of account current直接往来计算法
disbursement account支付账
discounted accounts register客账贴现簿
discretionary account委托账户
discretionary account无条件帐户
discretionary account transaction委托账户交易
distribution account of national income国民收人分配账户
distribution of national income accounts国民收入分配账户
distribution of national income accounts国民收入分配帐户
do account算账
double column account双栏式账户
double column ledger account双栏账产
double column ledger account双栏明细账
double entry account复式账
double T-account双线T字型账目
doubtful notes and accounts美国呆账
employee reimbursement account雇员偿还帐户
equalization account平均股息账
equalization reserve account平均准备账户
equity accounts权账户
equity accounts权账产
error entering account误入账册
European unit of account欧洲记帐单位
ex quay n., duties on buyer's account目的港码头交货,进口税由买方负担 (named port of importation)
exceptional account例外账
exchequer equalization account国库平衡账户
exclusion of foreign accounts国外账不予合并
expenditure on capital account资本账户支出
expense account营业费账
expense adjust account费用校对账户
expense contra account费用抵消账户
expenses and accounts开支与帐目
factory expense budget variation account制造费用预算差异账户
factory expense efficiency variation account制造费用效率差异账户
factory ledger controlling account工厂分类账统制账户
factory ledger reciprocal control account工厂分类账相互控制账户
factory overhead account制造费用账户
falsify accounts篡改账目
farm economic account农业经济帐户
farm economic accounts农业经济帐户
farm trust account农业信托账户
federal budget: National-income accounts basis federal sector account以国民收入帐为基础计算联邦部门帐
federal budget: National-income accounts basis联邦预算 (federal sector account)
federal sector account联邦部门收支账户
federal sector account联邦部门帐
fictitious accounts虚伪账户
fictitious accounts虚构账户
fictitious accounts receivable应收虚账
fictitious accounts receivable虚假的应收账款
field accounts实地账目
final account年终结账
final account期末账单
final account竣工结算
final accounts of state revenue and expenditure国家收支决算
final settlement of account结算
financial assets and liabilities accounts金融资产负债账
fiscal trust accounts for payments of principal and interest of external bonded debts备付外债本息的财政信托账户
flow of funds accounts资金流量账户
foodstuffs control special account粮食管理特别账户
frozen accounts冻结账户 (资金)
Funds General Account基金普通账户
general fixed assets group of accounts一般固定资产账户
general fund accounts普通资金账户
general fund appropriation accounts普通资金拨款账户
general fund receipt accounts普通资金收入账户
general ledger account总分类账户
general long-term debt and interest group of accounts普通长期债务本息账类
general office account总店账户
general profit and loss account总益损账
get one's accounts square结清账目
get one's account square结清账目
group of accounts账类
He has appointed a qualified accountant to supervise the accounts of the company7也指定了一位有资格的会计师去监督该公司的账目
household and private non-profit institution account家庭与私人非营利机关账户
improvement account修缮费用账户
improvement account改进费账户
improvement account改善费
income accounts收益账户
income and surplus accounts收人和溢余账户
individual retirement accounts美国个人退休金账户
inspection of accounts査账
interbranches accounts联行往来账
interest on inter branches accounts联行往来利息
interest on inter-branch accounts联行往来利息
inter-fund accounts基金间往来账户
intermediate account期内账单
intra-bank account联行账户
intra-bank account联行往来各分行与总行之间的存放款关系联行账户
intra-governmental fund account政府内部基金往来
It here-by covenants that the buyer guarantees the payment of all bills and accounts for commodities兹订立契约,买方保证付清商品的所有发票的账款
It is specifically covenanted that both parties clean up account on accepting goods by the buyer兹特约定,一旦买方接受货物,双方即清账
It shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instructions遵照贵方指示,该账将转入新开的账户
joint account合伙账户
joint account共同计算联合账户
joint account数人共有的账户
joint account共同【联合,合伙】账目
journal account日记账
keep account with与…继续交易〔有账务往来〕
keep account with与…保持交易
keep accounts开立账户
keep open account互相收受汇票
keep separate accounts独立核算
land account土地帐户
law of accounts会议法
law of accounts会计法
ledger accounts总账科目
ledger accounts with balance column余额栏式分户账
liability account负债帐
liability accounts负债类账户
loan accounts贷款账户
loan for the settlement of accounts结算贷款
loro accounts他国银行汇兑
loro accounts他账
loro accounts来账 (国际汇兑)
make an entry in an account book记入账上
make an examination of account审査账目
make up an account结账
make up an account清算
manipulation of accounts造假账
manipulation of accounts对账目的篡改
marketing cost account营业费账户
material account原料账
material at site account工地存料账
material subsidiary accounts材料分类账
merchandise account商品项目 (账户)
merchandise inventory account商品库存账户
merchandise purchase account进货账
merchandise trading account商品购销账户
merge their accounts with credit cooperative at regular interval定期向信用社并账
money accounts现金账
monthly statement of accounts月份账表
movables and immovables account动产和不动产账户
mutually offsetting account对比账户
my account我的帐户
national account国民核标
national account data国民核标资料
national adj. accounts国民会计
national adj. accounts国民收支账户
National Association of Accounts全国会计人员协会
National Association of Accounts全国会计师协会
National Association of Cost Accounts全国成本会计人员协会
National Association of Cost Accounts全国成本会计师协会
national income account国民所得账户
national income and product accounts国民收入和国民生产核算账户
national income and product accounts budget国民收入和生产值预算
national wealth account国民财富核对
natural expense account按性质分类费用账户
nature account账户性质
nature of allowance account备抵账户的性质
net accounts due到期付款净额
Net Income Stabilization Account净收入稳定帐户简写为NISA
net material product system of account物质生产净值账目制度
new account新立账
new account新开银行帐户 (banking)
no accounts无此账户
noncommercial accounts非贸易账户
note payable account应付票据账
obliteration of accounts涂改账目
office of controller’s accounts财务检察官
official account正式决算【报告】
On account of insufficient evidence, we would have to repudiate your claim因证据不足,我们不得不拒绝你方索赔
On account of the devaluation of franc, we advised you by our cable dated 5th August of our adjusted price由于法郎贬值,我方于8月5日电告价格上调
opening accounts开设帐户
our human, land, material resources can be turned to best account人尽其才,地尽其利,物尽其用
out in accounts账上的差错
overdue accounts催领账项
overdue accounts逾期账目
overseas accounts telegrams国际记账电报
Party B shall not assign the accounts receivable乙方不得转让应收账款
payment by the transfer of accounts转账支付
payment of overseas accounts国外账款的支付
payment of overseas accounts支付国外账款
payment of overseas accounts国际账户付款
periodic accounts定期帐目
plan of accounts账户计划
plant account工厂固定设备账户
Please credit our account with interest on the loan monthly请按月把贷款利息记入我方账户
Please keep the daily account of sales and purchase in a journal请将每日购销账目记入逐日账本
position of account账目情况
proforma account sales寄售形式售货清单
project scheme of accounts账户计划表
proprietorship account资本类账户
qualified accounts加注账目 (即审计员有保留意见的账目)
real accounts真实账户
reconcile the accounts核对账目
reconciliation accounts调节收户
reconciliation of bank accounts银行账目核对
reconciliation of reciprocal accounts对应账户的调节
reconciliation of statement of account银行账目的核对
reconciliation statement of account账目调节表
reconciliation statement of bank account银行存款调节表
reconciliation statement of bank account银行账目调节表
recovery of uncollectible account write-off收回已注销的坏账
render account送呈账单
reserve account特备储备金账户
reserve for bad and doubtful accounts呆账准备金
reserve for loss on doubtful account疑账损失准备
reserve surplus account特别公积金账户
reserve surplus account特别准备金
reserve unit of account特别记账单位
residential accounts居民账户
returned purchase account购货退回账单
revenue accounts营业收人账
revenue accounts岁人账
revolving account周转基金资本
revolving account循环帐户
revolving charge accounts循环赊销账户
saving account deposit withdrawal slip储蓄账户存款取款
saving on saving accounts储蓄账户方式的储蓄
savings account存款储蓄账户
schedule of accounts payable应付账款明细表 (receivable)
schedule of accounts receivable应收账款名细表
sea-damage for seller's account海损由卖方负责
secured account担保账庐
securities on accounts receivable应收款项保证
security accounts manager安全账户管理程序
sell on account赊销 (credit, trust)
settlement of accounts for the latter half period后期结算
single account system单会计法
special fund receipt accounts特殊基金收入账户
special fund receipt accounts特别基金收入账户
square account结清账目
square accounts清理账目
staff savings account银行职员储蓄存款
statement of accounts账目结单
Statement of Standard Accounts Practice英国标准会计实用说明
swing account国际收支互许差额账户
system of national accounts国民核算制度联合国
take account of考虑
take into account入账考虑在内
take into account考虑在内
take into account考虑
take into account计及
take no account of不计及
tax accrual trust account应缴税款信托账户
tax equalization account税金平均账户
term-end settlements of accounts期末决算
the abstract of account对账单
the abstract of account账目摘要
the account analysis账目分析
The account executive fiddled his expense account业务经理伪造他的开支账
the account of treasury公库账
the account of treasury金库账
the account of treasury国库账
The accounts of our company show a deficit本公司的账面出现了赤字
The accounts of the incorporation are open to the inspection of the stock holders公司的账目公开供股东们査看
the aging of accounts receivable应收账款账龄分析
the approval of account核准账目
the audition of account账目的审核
the average accounts payable period应付账款平均到期日
the balance brought over from the last account前期结转余额
the bank account journal银行日记账
The captioned company you inquired about by your letter of June 3, 1991, has been maintaining an account with us for the past 14 years你公司1991年6月3日函询的公司,过去14年一直与我们有账户往来
The consideration was determined by the net profits shown in the account books at the end of the fiscal year报酬根据账册所示的、会计年度末的净利润决定
The extra premium is to be for your account额外保险费由你方负担
the extract of accounts账目摘要
the false itemization of accounts账目不实
the fiduciary account托管账户
the final account for completed capital construction基本建筑项目竣工结算
the fixture and furniture account营业用家具账
The internal audit department has the responsibility of auditing the accounts of the company内部审计部门的职责是审査公司的账目
the manager of the open market account公开市场账户的经理人
the manipulation of accounts窜改账目
the manufacturer's accounts制造厂商账户
the name of account会计科目
the name of account账户名称
the normed deposit account of budgetary expenditures预算经费限额存款账户
The owner terminated the employment of the contractor because a receiver has been appointed on account of contractor's insolvency由于承包商的破产,已指派了一名清算人,业主便终止了该承包
the primary account初级账户
the primary account主要账户
The prime contract is needed for the examination of the past accounts审査过去的账目时需要有原始合同
the profit account利润账户
The profits or loss shall be divided equally between us, the account of each shall be credited or debited利润或亏损将由我们之间平均分摊,每方可贷记或借记账款
the resident account居民账户
the revolving account concept循环账户概念
the rubricated account标红字的专款账户
the sale account销售账户
the second account第二账户
The settlement of our account with you will be made on the following conditions我方与你方的账目将按以下条件结算
the settlement with foreign exchange on account记账外汇估算
the transport on own account自用运输
the vote of account支岀的决议
Their accounts department has processed the sales figure他们的会计部门已整理好销售数据
They withdrew money from their account for buying a computer他们从其账户中提款购买一台计算机
third party account第三方帐户
trade account payable应收货款
trade on one's own account交易所会员自负盈亏的买卖
trade on one's own account利用自己账户的交易
trading accounts购销表
transfer account转账
transfer account lodgement for investors, stock management for market-makers投资商、经纪人股票管理的过户帐储金
transfer and settlement of account转账结算
transfer of outstanding accounts未收账款的转让
treasury accounts with the public政府对民间的往来账
treasury stock account加存股票账户
treasury tax and loan account国税及公债账户
turn material resources to good account物尽其用
unappropriated surplus account未拨用盈余账
unbalanced accounts未结算的账簿
unsecured accounts无担保债权
unsettled account未决账项
unsettled account未结清的账户
unsettled account悬账
use Renminbi for quoting prices and setting accounts用人民币计价结算
valuation accounts估价账户
value in account账款 (票据惯用语)
variance account差异帐户
vostro accounts"来户" (loro account)
vostro accounts国内帐户 (loro account)
vostro accounts loro account来帐国际汇兑
wait for account候账
We found there were discrepancies in the accounts我们发现这些账目有的地方相互对不上
When the bank certifies a check, it examines the writer's account to see that sufficient funds are available to cover the check银行查核支票付款时,检查出票人账户上是否有足够的资金兑付支票
withdraw money from account从账上提款
work out the final state accounts编成国家决算
write off uncollectible account冲销坏账
yearbook of national accounts statistics国际核算统计年鉴
yearly account年终账单
Your check for $567 will clear your account你方金额为567美元的支票一张可结清你方账目
zero balance account无银行存款
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