
Terms for subject Commerce containing accounts | all forms | exact matches only
A large check was paid into his account一张大金额支票解入他的账户
absorption account成本分摊账户
abstract account摘要账户
abstract of account对账表
access to the licensee's plant and books of account技术许可证贸易转让方有权到技术引进方的工厂查看和查账
account balance账户余款
account books账本
account code账户号码
account executive服务业业务经理
account executive广告业务经理
account for 10% of exports占出口货物的 10%
account for the delay in delivery解释拖延交货原因
account note账本
account of入某人账户
account of business营业收支计算书
account of disbursement支岀账户
account of payment支岀账户
account of receipts and payments收支对照表
account rendered已开出但未付账单
account's classification code账目分类代码
account sales销售账单
account sales承销清单亦缩为 acc/s
account sales销货报表
account title会计科目 (item)
account to be credited应列贷方科目 (与应列借方科目(account to be debited) 相对)
account to give支岀账目 (与收入账目(account to receive) 相对)
accounts payable应付账目
accounts payable债权人账款
accounts receivable应收账款亦缩为 A/R
accounts receivable应收账目
advance account垫款账户 (美国银行为进口商提供的一至三个月的资金融通)
an annual closing of accounts年度结账
Any increase in the rate of freight is to be for buyer's account运费如有增加由买方承担
assignable account可转让账户
assigned account指定账户
assigned account转让的账户
attached account查封账户
audited accounts已审查账目
balance accounts with与某人结清账目 (sb)
balance of account账目节余
balance of account账户余款
balance of mutual account交互账户差额
bills receivable account应收票据账目
book account账面来往账户
book account账面借款项目
book of account账本
borrower's liabilities on account of guaranty担保债务
buy it on account赊账
caption of account账户名称
card accounts磁卡账户
card of accounts会计科目表
carefully overlook the accounts仔细检查账目
charge account赊销记账 (与付现自运 (cash and cany) 相对)
charge account赊销户头
check up account核査账目
Christmas club account无息定期存款户 (圣诞节取岀以购圣诞礼物)
claim on account of fraud因欺诈而产生的诉权
clearance account结算账户 (两国间贸易协定规定采用记账结算 (settlement on account), 双方在对方指定银行开立的专用账户)
close an account with a bank与一家银行结束账户
combined accounts总账
commercial account商务账目
consolidated profit and loss account综合损益表
contingency reserve account应急准备金账户
control account统驭账户 (为 general ledger 总分类账中的总账户,以反映辅助分类账 (subsidiary ledger) 中各明细账户的总额)
controlling account统驭账户 (为 general ledger 总分类账中的总账户,以反映辅助分类账 (subsidiary ledger) 中各明细账户的总额)
co-owner account共同账户
cost accounts成本计算
credit account信用往来账目
credit account信用往来账户
credit account赊记账户
creditor accounts债权人账款
currency on account记账货币
current account活期往来账户
current account经常项目 (国际收支)
current account deficit国际收支经常项目逆差 (与国际收支经常项目顺差(current account surplus) 相对)
current account position国际收支经常项目状况
daily statement account每日对账单
dead account无法收回的账款 (bad debt)
debit a person's account with US$10,000把10,000 美元登入借方账上 (000 to (against) a person's account)
deficiency account statement清算亏损表
deficient account缺少量
delinquent account过期应收账款
deposit account定期存款账户
deposit account提存账户亦缩为 D/A
detail account详细账目
detailed account详细清单
difference account期货交易中经纪人给履约的客户的清单 (盈亏通知书)
difference account差量账户
discretional account由经纪人全权处理的账户
discretionary account由经纪人全权处理的账户
dividend bank account股息存款账户
ed accounts花账
EEC unit of account欧共体记账单位
escrow account委托账户
European Unit of Account欧洲记账单位 (1975年创立,1979 年正式建立 "欧洲货币体系",并创立欧洲记账单位 ECU, 以取代 EUA)
evidence account管制账户
fictitious account虚假账目
file a claim on the shipment for CNY 5,000 on account of short weight因此次发货短量提出索赔人民币5,000元
final account决策账户
final state accounts国家决算
firm capital account公司资本账户
firsthand account第一手报导
for ABC Co.'s account由于 ABC 公司的缘故
for ABC Co.'s account费用由 ABC 公司承担
for account of记入…之账户
for account of ABC Co记 ABC 公司账上
for account of ABC Co为 ABC 公司代销
For reconciliation of accounts, we are sending you herewith a statement listing shipments made and commissions payable为核对账目,现附去明细表一张列举已装运各批货物及应付佣金
for the account of the buyer由买方支付
give a detailed account of an accident详细说明意外事故的情况
gold certificate account黄金券账户
half-yearly account半年期账
headings in accounts会计科目
hold account持有账户
hold an account持有账户
immovable account不动产账户
impersonal account对物账户
inaccurate account不准确的账户
inaccurate account有错误报告
installment account payable应付分期账款 (与应收分期账款(installment account receivable) 相对)
inventory account库存账户
It appears to be an exaggerated account of the incident这似乎把该事件言过其实了
It is difficult to book freight space on account of heavy congestion很难订到舱位
It is difficult to book freight space on account of heavy congestion由于货运拥挤
item of accounts账户项目
landed account栈单
landed account起货单
landed account起货报告
ledger account总账账目
limit of overdrawn account透支账户限额
liquidated account已清偿账户
liquidation account清算账户
loan and bill discounted accounts放款与票据贴现账户
long account多头账
losses in account books账面亏损
main accounts主要账目
main accounts主要账户
make much account of goods quality非常重视货物品质
make out an account开列账户
margin al account边际账户
merchandise account商品账目
miscellaneous accounts杂项账户
money account现金账户
mutual current account相互来往账户
my account本公司账户亦缩为 m. acct.
negotiable order of withdrawal account可开可转让支付命令的活期存款账户
negotiable order of withdrawal account可转让提款单账户
new account新账户
no account无往来账户
nostro account; our account与你方账户
official account正式决算书
official reserve account外汇储备账户
on account of our principals为我们委托人而作
on account of the purchase price在货款总额中
on open-account terms以记账方式交易
on one's own account and responsibility自负盈亏
open an account with a bank在一家银行开户
open an account with the Bank of China在中国银行开户
opening account期初账户
our account存放同业账户
outstanding account未清账户
overdraft on current account secured有抵押往来账户透支 (与没有抵押往来账户透支(overdraft on current account unsecured) 相对)
overdrawing account透支账户
pay on account暂付
payment of overseas accounts国外账款支付
payment on account记账交易
payment on account分期摊还
payment on open account分期摊还
permanent account永久账户 (与暂记账户 (temporary account) 相对)
Please kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account请注意保险只包括平安险加战争险,如果要求投保附加险,所需额外保险费将由买方支付
primary accounts主要账目
principal account主要账目
property account财产账户 (指固定资产账户 (fixed assets account))
purchase goods for the account of Messrs. Black & Son Co.代布莱克父子公司购货
purchase on account赊购
rate of giving accounts应付汇率 (指用直接报价 (direct quotation) 表示的汇率(rate of foreign exchange))
rate of giving accounts支付汇率
rate of receiving account应收汇率 (与支付汇率,应付汇率(rate of giving account) 相对,指用间接报价 (indirect quotation) 表示汇率(rate of foreign exchange))
rate of receiving account收入汇率
ratio of notes payable to accounts payable应付票据对应付账款的比率
real account实账户 (与虚账户 (nominal account) 相对)
receipt and expenditure on capital account资本收支账户
redistribution account再分配账户
released bank account解冻的银行存款账户
reserve account准备账户
revaluation account重新估价账户
revenue account收益帐
running account交互计算
sale for account赊销
sales account销售账户
sales for account赊销
schedule of accounts payable应付账款明细表 (与应收账款明细表(schedule of accounts receivable) 相对)
secured accounts有担保的账户
semiannual account半年期的账单
separate account专帐
settle ment of account账款结算
settled account已结清的账目
settlement of account账目清算
settlement of account by spot exchange现汇结算
settlement of account by transfer转账结算
settling account结算账目
short landing account短卸货物单
skeleton account账户简要账户
square accounts with与某人结清账目 (sb)
statement of final account会计决算表
statement of final accounts会计决算报告
Storage charges are to be for the seller's account贮藏费用由卖方承担
straight settlement of accounts直接结算
sundry person's account杂项人名账户
supplier's account供方账户
suspense payments account暂记付款账户 (与暂记收款账户(suspense receipts account) 相对)
symbolization of accounts账户标记法
system for auditing public accounts公共账目审计制度
System of National Accounts联合国国民核算制
system of national accounts国民经济核算体系
take an account of把…进行登账
take into account certainty, uncertainty and risk in planning of business management考虑企业管理规划中的确定情况、不确定情况及风险
take supply of goods into account考虑货源
tamper with account books窜改账册
tandem account串联账户
temporary account暂记账户 (指虚账户 (nominal account), 与永久账户 (permanent account) 相对)
temporary proprietorship account暂记业主资本账户
The account was closed off账结清了
The accounts are in disorder账目混乱
The accounts were certified as correct账目经核查无误
The additional charges are for the buyer's account附加费用由买方负担
The expenses are for the consigner's account费用由发货人支付
The freight is included in the account运费包括在账内
This long outstanding account must be settled without further delay不可再拖延
This long outstanding account must be settled without further delay这笔长期未清的账目必须偿付
time payment account分期定期付款账户
trade account商业账户
trade account payable应付贸易账款 (与应收贸易账款(trade account receivable) 相对)
transfer account转账账户
transfer account转让账户
transfer and settlement of accounts账户转账结算
transfer of account账户让渡
transferable account可拨转账户
treasury account国库会计
unbalanced account未结清账户
uncollectible account坏账 (指呆账)
uncollectible account无法收回的账款 (bad debt)
underwriting account保险账户
unilateral account单边账户
United Nations System of National Accounts联合国国民经济核算体系
Unless otherwise specified, all banking charges outside China are for the buyer's account除非另有规定,中国境外的一切银行费用由买方负担
unliquidated account未清账目 (款)
unpaid account未付账款
unsecured account无担保账款
valuation account估价账目 (户)
value in account账目价款
variance account差异账目
vendee's account买主账户
verification of account账目核査
verify accounts核对账目
vostro account你方账户 (与我方账户 (nostro account) 相对)
We have credited this amount to your account我们已按此金额记入你们的贷方
We're not able to offer on account of your omission to indicate the necessary particulars我方无法报盘
We're not able to offer on account of your omission to indicate the necessary particulars由于你方未指明必要的细节
We're not in a position to accept fresh orders on account of heavy commitments因售货太多,我方不能承接新的定单
writing off uncollectible accounts注销坏账
year of account结算年度
year-end settlement of account年终账目结算