
Terms for subject International trade containing accounting | all forms | exact matches only
absorption account附属账
account as recorded in a ledger总分类账
account balance账户余额
account balanced清讫
account balanced两讫
account balanced结平的账户
account bill账单
account books账簿
account bought代购货物单
account classification账户分类
account clerk记账员
account clerk账务员
account current流通账
account current银行往来存款
account current往来账户
account days结算日
account executive业务员
account executive广告公司等的业务经理
account executive广告或服务业的业务经理
account form账户格式
account form of balance sheet账式资产负债表
account form of profit and loss statement账式损益计算书
account in bankruptcy破产账款
account in dispute有争议的账款
account nonresident非居民账户
account number账户号码
account of advances预付账户
account of assets资产台账
account of bankruptcy破产账
account of business损益表
account of business营业科目
account of business收支计算书
account of disbursement支出账
account of payments支出账户
account of sales销货账
account of the exchequer国库账
account payee收款人账
account purchase赊购
account receivable应收未收账款
account receivable应收账款
account receivable assigned应收账款转让
account receivable discounted应收账款贴现
account rendered发送的账单
account rendered借贷细账
account sales销货明细账
account sales销货清单
account settled双方同意的账
account settled已结付账户
account title会计科目
account to give支出账目
account transfer转账账目
account transfer memo转账通知单
account working业务账户
account year会计年度
account year账目年度
accounting archives会计档案
accounting books会计账簿
accounting changes会计变动
accounting control会计管理
accounting control会计统制
accounting control会计监督
accounting conventions or practices会计习惯作法
accounting cost control会计成本监督
accounting cost control会计成本管理
accounting document会计单据
accounting entity会计单位
accounting entity账务处理单位
accounting entity会计个体
accounting equation会计等式
accounting errors会计错误
accounting event会计事项
accounting evidence会计凭证
accounting item会计项目
accounting item会计科目
accounting manual会计手册
accounting manual会计规程
accounting method核算方法
accounting on the accrual basis应收应付会计制
accounting operation会计运算
accounting period会计结算期
accounting personnel会计人员
accounting policy会计政策
accounting practice会计实务
accounting price结算价格
accounting procedure会计手续
accounting rate会计兑换率
accounting rate会计汇率
accounting rate of return会计收益率
accounting reports会计报告
accounting statement会计报表
accounting theory会计理论
accounting unit账务处理单位
accounting unit会计单位
accounting valuation会计估价
accounting year会计年度
accrual basis accounting应收应付会计制
active bank account尚有存款的银行户头
activity accounting责任会计
adjustment account调整账户
adjustment of account修正账单
aid account经援账户
all banks account全国银行账户
annual account年度账
application for international transferred account telegraph service card国际转帐电报业务凭证申请书
as per account rendered根据发送的账单
assets account财产账户
assets account资产账户
audition of account查账
back-to-back account对开账户
balance account轧平账目
balance account结算账户
balance an account平衡账目
balance an account轧平账目
balance of capital account资本账户结余
balance of current account往来账结余
balance of current account流动账户结余
balance of payments on current account流动项目收支
balance transferred to new account转入新账户余额
balancing account平衡账户
bank account银行存款账
bank account银行往来账
bank account银行账户
bank account ledger银行往来分类账
bank accounting银行会计
banking arrangement on accounting procedure银行结算手续议定书
bank's account title银行会计科目
basic account基本账户
basic account of national income国民收入基本账户
basic accounting unit会计单位
basis of accounting会计基础
bills payable account应付票据账户
blocked frozen account冻结帐户
blocked frozen account被冻结的存款
bonus account红利账目
bonus account奖金账目
book of account账簿
branch cash account支店分店现金账户
branch control account支店分店统制账户
brought forward account前期滚结账目
burden-credit account已分配负荷制造费用账户
buying selling on open account记帐交易
capital account资本账
capital account股本账
capital account balance sheet固定资产负债表
capital account outflow资本账户外流
capital adjustment account资本调整账户
capital expenditure account资本支出账户
caption of account会计科目
cargo accounting advice货物账款通知单
charges account杂费账目
check only for account转账支票
check payable in account以记账支付的支票
checking account核对账目
checking account活期存款
checking account支票付款账户
clearing account清洁账户
clearing account待整理账户
close an account with与…停止交易
close an account with与…结清账目
close an account with与…停止贸易
closed account结清账目
closing of an account结账
collective account统驭账户
commercial account商业往来账户
common account共同账户
constructive accounting设计会计学
constructive accounting设计会计
contra account对消账户
contra account相对科目
contra account抵消账户
contra valuation account对销计价帐户
contra valuation account对消估价账
contra valuation account对消计价账户
controlling-company accounting总公司会计
conventional accounting会计惯例
cook an account篡改假造账目
credit in account透支信贷
cross of account销帐
currency of account记账货币
current account活期存款账户
current account往来账户
current account balance经常账户差额
current account balance and their financing经常账户的差额及其资金融通
current account balance sheet流动资金负债表
current account deficit经常账户赤字
customer's account客户账户
customer's account discounted客户账贴现
dealing for the account期货交易
debt payable account应付债款账目
deck cargo shipper’s account舱面货物由货主担风险
deferred account递延账户
deficiency account亏绌账户
deficiency account清算损失表
deficit account亏损账户
delinquent account拖欠账目
delinquent account怠账
departmental account分部账户
departmental accounting部门会计
departmental stores account分部材料账户
detail account明细账
discretionary account无条件账户
discretionary account transaction任意账户交易
distribution account of national income国民收入分配报告书
distribution account of national income国民收入分配账户
do business on one’s own account自营商业
donated account捐赠账户记载捐赠股票的贷方账户
dormant account休眠账户
dormant account不活动账户
double account复式账目
double-account-form balance sheet复账户式资产负债表
double account form of balance sheet双账式资产负债表
double-account system复账户式制度
double account system双账制
double column ledger account双栏账户
enterprise accounting企业总会计
entity accounting独立会计
entity accounting单位会计
entry account登帐
equalization reserve account平均准备账户
error of account错帐
errors of account错帐
estate accounting遗产会计
European unit of account欧洲记账单位
European Unite of Account欧洲记帐单位
examine the account查账 (to make an audit)
expenditure account支出账目
expenditure account开支账目
expense account用费表
expense account费用账户
expenses account开支账户
export account出口往来帐户
export packing for buyer's account出口包装费由买方负担
factory account工业会计
fancy accounting粉饰的结算
fancy accounting粉饰结算
Federal Sector Account联邦部门账
fiduciary accounting遗产会计
fiduciary accounting财产信托会计
final account决算账户
final account of state revenue and expenditure国家决算
final settlement of account决算
financial accounting财务会计
foodstuff control special account粮食管理特别账户
forward accounting预期会计
functional accounting职能会计
general account总账
general accounting普通会计
general accounting department总会计部
general accounting report会计总报告
general accounting system普通会计制度
general accounting unit总会计单位
government accounting政府会计
governmental accounting政府会计
gross saving and capital formation account资本形成账目
guarantee for repayment of advances made on account偿还预付金额的保证担保
half-yearly account半年期账单
household and private non-profit institutions account家庭及私人非营利机构账户
immovable account不动产账目
impersonal account不记名账户
imprest account定额备用金制度
inactive dormant account不活动账
indent account代办账户
interest account利息账
interest method of account current金额分类计算法
intermediate account中间账户
inventory suspense account存货暂记账
investment account投资账
issuing account发行账户
joint account联合账
joint account共同账户
joint venture account合营企业账户
joint venture account共同投资账户
landing account栈单
landing account起货报告
landing account卸货报告
liability account负责账
liquidation account清算变产表
liquidation account清理账户
loan account放款账户
long account经纪人用顾客证券或货品登记簿
long account多头账户
loose-leaf accounting book活页账簿
loss and gain account损益账
loss on bad account呆帐损失
lot and building account地产账
management accounting管理会计
manager of the open-market account公开市场账户经理
managerial accounting管理会计
memorandum account备查账户
mercantile accounting商业会计
merchandise account商品账
merchandise purchases account商品购进帐户
merchandise purchases account采购帐户
merchandise sales account商品销售帐户
merchandise sales account销货帐户
merchandise trading account商品购销帐户为结帐时之汇总帐户
merchandise trading account商品购销账
merchandising trading account商品购销帐户
mixed account混合账户
name of account账户名称
national account国民核算
national account国民收支账户
national accounting aggregate国民核算总额
net cost account进货净价账
new account application开立账户申请书
no account无往来关系
no account无此账户
non-interest bearing and free of charge account无息无费账户
non-operating income and expense account非营业收益及费用账
non-personal account非人名账户
non-resident account非居民账户
non-residential account非居民账户
offset account抵销账户
old account旧账
on account记账
on account赊账
on account挂账
on account payment赊付
on account payment暂付
on credit account信用赊账
open account未清账
open account赊账
open account开立账户
open account记账交易
open account来往账目
open account agreement清算账户协定
open account area划账地区
open an account开立账户
open market account manager公开市场账户经理
opening an account开户头
outstanding account应收账款
outstanding account未结账款
over-and-short account长短数账户
partly convertible account部分可兑换账户
past due account过期账款
payable account应付账款
payable in account除帐付款
payable in account赊账付款
payment on account赊账付款
payment on account of pending subscription未认缴款项账户项下付款
payment on account telegram card记帐电报业务凭证
payment on open account记账交易
payment on open account赊账
permanence account永久账户
permanence account实账户
personal account人名账
personal account人名账户
personal account业主往来账户
play of account帐户的运用
play of account记帐程序图
postal transfer deposit account邮政划拨储金帐户
posting of account过账
pretax accounting income税前盈余
pretax accounting income税前收益
price for account根据定期合同规定的牌价
primary account初级账户
primary account最初账目
principal account主要账户
private accounting企业会计
pro forma account sales预计承销清单
pro forma account sales售货预算书
process cost accounting分步成本会计
production cost account产品成本账户
profit and loss account损益账
profit and loss adjustment account损益调整账
profit and loss appropriation account损益分配账
profit and loss on realization account变产损益账
profitability accounting责任会计
proforma account sale形式赊售
proforma account sale形式售货清单
property account财产账户
proprietorship account业主账户
proprietorship account所有主账户
public accounting专业会计
public accounting会计师职业
purchasing power unit accounting按总物价水平调整会计
quarterly account季度账
quarterly account分季账
realization account变产账户
realization account变现账户
realization and liquidation account变产清理账
realization and liquidation account变产清算表
realization and liquidation profit and loss account变产清算损益账户
realization profit and loss account变产损益账
receipted account已收账账目
receivable account应收账款
receivable on account of subscribed capital认缴资本账户项下应收款项
receivable on account of subscriptions and supplementary resources认缴款项及补充资金账户应收款项
reciprocal account对应账户
reciprocal account相对账户
reconciliation of statement of account对账回单
reconciliation statement of account账户调节表
regional account地区账户
regular bank account普通银行存款账户
reinsurance cover for common account为双方共同利益而办理的分保
reinsurance premium for common account为共同利益支付的分保保险费
reinsurance premium for common account为双方共同利益而支付分保保险费
reinsurance recoveries for common account为共同分保中摊回赔款
reinsurance recoveries for common account从共同分出分保中摊回的赔款
reinsuring for common account共同利益再保险
reliable account可靠账户
reserve account公积账
reserve for doubtful account呆账准备
reserve for doubtful account疑账准备
residential account居民账户住在本国的居民设的账户
responsibility accounting责任会计
retail accounting零售会计
retained foreign currency account外币保留帐户
revolving charge account周转费用帐户
risk for own account个人责任险
rubricated account专款账户
sea damage for seller's account海损由卖方负责
secondary account二级账户
secondary account附属账户
semi-annual account半年期账单
send in an account送帐单
send in an account开送账单
send in an account
send in an account送账单
separate account专账
service account劳务项目
settle account结账
settle another's account垫帐
settle another's account垫账
settled account决算
settled account清算
settled account结账
share premium account发行溢价股票
share premium account发行溢价股票
shipment by point account合伙装运品
short account空头账户
short landing account短卸单
short-landing account缺失单
show a clear statement of account列出清单
single-account system单账产制
skeleton accountT 字形账户
social accounting社会会计
social-accounting techniques社会核算技术
special account特别账户
special current account特别往来存款
special drawing account特别提款权账户
special interest account特种利息账户
special surplus account特别准备金
special unit of account特别记账单位
split ledger account分割分类账户
Stabilized accounting稳定币值会计
standing in account输入及委买时价格计算
statistical account统计账户
stock account资本账
store imprest account备用材料账
substitution account替换账户
summary account汇总账户
summary of significant accounting and related policies重要会计原则及有关原则概述
surplus account盈余账
surplus account滚存款账
surplus adjustment account盈余调整账
surplus adjustments account盈余调整账
surplus appropriation account盈余分发账
suspense account暂汇临时账户
swing account摆动额
swing account摆动账户
system of account会计制度
system of national account国民核算制
take an account of stock清点存货
tariff and accounting systems收费和账务制度
tax accounting税务会计
technical account业务账单
temporary capital account虚账
terminal account终结账户
test of accounting records会计账册的检验
three account system三账户制
throughput accounting产量会计
to close an account终结账户
to close an account结算账户
to make out an account开账
to open an account开立账户
to operate an account运用账户
to settle an account结账
trade account贸易额
trade account贸易科目
trade account payable应付货款
trade account payable购销应付账款
trade account receivable应收货款
trade account receivable购销应收账款
trip account航次结帐单
trip account航次结算
Unit of Account of West Africa西非计算单位
unliquidated account未清账目
unsubscribed capital stock account未认购股本账户
unsubscribed capital stock account未认股本账
valuation account估价账户
valuation account计价账户
value in account账款
venture account短期投机买卖账
verification of account核对账目
voucher payable account付款凭单账户
whole dollar accounting整元会计
working account活期借贷帐户
year of account结算年
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