
Terms for subject Securities containing accounting | all forms | exact matches only
absorption account吸收账户
abstract account月结算账户
abstract of account账目要点摘录
accepted financial accounting standards认可的财务会计准则
accounting adjustment账目调整
accounting assumption会计假设
accounting audit会计审计
accounting code会计账目编号
accounting convention会计常规
accounting data核算数据
accounting data process会计数据处理
accounting date会计结账日
accounting decision会计决算
accounting decision会计决定
accounting disclosure会计披露
accounting document会计文件
accounting estimate会计预测
accounting exposure会计账户风险 (因汇率变化,而造成账户的风险)
accounting firm会计师事务所
accounting for business combinations合并业务会计
accounting for money钱款核算
accounting for money款项核算
accounting for securitization证券化会计
accounting guidelines会计准则
accounting guidelines会计指引
accounting information会计数据
accounting insolvency会计破产
accounting interpretation会计解释
accounting items账项
accounting items账目
accounting liquidity会计清算
accounting of equity产权会计
accounting of equity股本会计
accounting on accrual basis权责发生制会计
accounting on cash basis现收现付会计制
accounting on cash basis现金收付制会计
accounting period会计报告期
accounting postulate会计先决条件
accounting practice会计常规
accounting practice for employee stock ownership plans员工股权计划会计惯例
accounting principles会计准则
accounting procedure会计程序/手续
accounting process会计处理方法对会计处理和控制方式进行分类,以便记录企业财务状况的变化
accounting process记账程序
accounting pronouncement会计公告
accounting recapitalization资本调整核算
accounting recapitalization资本结构调整会计
Accounting Regulations of the PRC on Chinese-foreign Joint Venture中外合资经营企业会计规则
accounting report会计报表
accounting scandal财务丑闻
accounting scandal会计丑闻
Accounting Standards for Enterprises企业会计准则
Accounting Standards of the PRC中国会计标准
Accounting Standards of the PRC中国会计准则
accounting statement会计报告
accounting system for stock companies on experiment股份制试点企业会计制度
accounting transaction账项交易
accounting transaction账目交易
accrual accounting convention权责发生制会计惯例
active account活期账户
active bank account活跃的账户
adventure account风险账户
aggressive accounting激进会计法夸张地编制各类财务报表不实地提高股价
aggressive accounting夸张式会计计账法
agio account折扣账户
an open account未结算账目
annual account年度账目
annual account年度账单
annual accounting年度结算
annual accounting date年度结算日
annuitant's account年金受益人账户
anonymous account匿名账户
anonymous account不明账户
application and allotment account认股和配股账目
appropriation account盈余分拨账
appropriation account拨款账
asset account财产账户
asset management account资产管理账户
assets and liability account资产及负债账户
assets management account资产管理账户 (AMA)
assets reduction account资产减项账目
assets reduction account资产减少账户
ATS account自动转账账户
audited annual account已审计的年度账目
authorized capital stock account核定股本账
automated customer account transfer自动客户账户转账
automatic transfer service account自动转账账户
automatic transfer service account自动过户账户
average accounting return平均会计收益
balance of assets account资产账目余额
balance of capital account资本账目余额
balance of payments on capital account资本账户收支余额
balance of payments on current account来往账户余额
balance of payments on current account经常账户项目差额
bank money market account银行货币市场账户
banking arrangements on accounting procedure银行结算程序协定
bankruptcy estates account破产人资产账户
bank's account title银行的会计科目
Beijing National Accounting Institute北京国家会计学院
below-the-line account非流动性收支账目
below-the-line account线下账目
bill account汇票账目
bill account票据结算
bill payable account应付账单账户
bills account票据账目
bonds account债券账户
book account账面科目
book account往来账
break an account中止账户
bring to account责问
bring to account要求说明
bring to account质问
brokerage account经纪人账户
broker's accounting system经纪会计系统
capitalist's account股东账户
capitalist's account资本家账户
captive online retail account附属在线散户账户
cash account现金制度会计
cash account overdue interest现金账户过期利息
cash accounting system现金会计制
cash basis accounting现金收付制会计
cash collateral account现金担保账户
cash method of accounting现金收付法合计
cash payment on account现金偿还欠款
certificate account定期存款账户
certified account已证账目
check account往年账户
check account经常账户
check up account核对账目
China Accounting Standard中国会计标准
China Accounting Standards System中国会计准则体系
clear an account结账
clear off an account付清账款
clearing house account结算银行账户
client account委托人账户
close an account撤销账户
close an account关闭账户
closed account已结算账户
closing account结算
closing account决算账户
code of account账户编号
code of account账号
columnar account books多栏式账册
commingled account混合账户
companies liquidation account公司清盘账户
companies liquidation account无清偿能力专用账
compensation fund reserve account赔偿基金储备账户
composition of investment account投资科目组成
contemporaneous reserve accounting同期准备金会计
contra account对冲账户
contra account抵消科目
contra asset account资产抵消账户
contribution account供款账户
contribution account投资账户
contribution account提供资金的账户
Cookie Jar Accounting饼干罐会计法做假账的一种手段,利用违规储备金调节利润。在资本市场上,"饼干罐"是指企业利用"准备金"作为企业报告业绩的"缓冲区",收益好时提取一些违规准备金,在会计账目需要时将其一部分转回,从而可以粉饰账目
corporation account法人账户
corporation account公司账户
correspondent account对应账户
cost accounting data base成本会计数据基础
cost accounting regulation成本会计规则
credit account记账 (CA)
credit account信贷账目
credit account欠账 (CA)
credit account赊账 (CA)
credit account信贷账户 (CA)
current account活期存款账户 (CA)
current account经常项目 (CA)
current account往来账户 (CA)
current account活期账户 (CA)
current account balance经常性账目余额
current account convertibility经常账目可兑换性
current account convertibility往来账户兑换性
current value accounting市价法
dealing with the account用此账户交易股票
debt and credit accounting system借贷会计制度
debtor account债务人账户
deceptive accounting虚假账务
dedicated account专门账户
deferred account延期账户可延期纳税的账户
deferred payment account延期付款账户
designated account指定的账户
designated bank account指定的银行账户
designated trust account指定的信托账户
detailed statement of account账户明细表
difference account差额账目
direct deposit account直接存款账户
disclosure of accounting policy会计政策的披露
disclosure of accounting policy会计政策的公开
discretionary account自行决定账户 (DA)
discretionary account全权账户
discretionary account授权账户 (DA)
discretionary account agreement自行决定账户协议
discretionary account operation代客操作
dishonored account拒绝往来账户
dishonored note account拒付票据账
distinct account独立账目
distinct account无关联账户
divert cash to another account调拨现金至其他账户
double columns ledger account双重分类账账户
double columns ledger account双栏总账
draft account汇票账户
dual currency account双重货币账户
dummy share account虚假股份账户
duty of care to the account对账户谨慎行事的责任
eastern account东方式账户一种承销账户,每个银团成员对未售出的债权承担相当于其分配额的责任
entry account登记人账
equity method of accounting for security investment证券投资会计权益法
equity purchase accounting股权购买会计核算
erroneous account错账
exception accounting例外账目
excess margin account security超额保证账户证券
expense account开支账
external account国外账户
false accounting records造假账的案底
false accounting records造假账的记录
Federal Reserve Bank account联邦储备银行账户
Federal Reserve Bank collections account联邦储备银行收款账户
fictitious account假账户
fiduciary accounting资产信托会计
final underwriting account最终承销账
Financial Accounting Standard Board财务会计准则委员会
flag an account中止账目
for short account用于放空账户
for short account股票看涨
freezing account冻结账户
fund accounting approach资金核算办法
funds in a shareholder's account股东账户中的资金
funds on account账上的资金
general account一般账目
General Accounting Office会计总署
general partnership account一般合伙账目
general stock collateral account普通股票担保账户/抵押股份账户
generally accepted accounting principals一般公认会计准则
Generally Accepted Accounting Principals通用会计准则
global convergence of accounting standards国际会计标准趋同
global convergence of accounting standards会计标准全球趋向一致
government account政府账户
hedge accounting对冲会计
held-for-trading account持有交易账户
held-to-maturity account持有至到期日账户
high volume account存取量大的账户
high volume account进出数额巨大的账户
house account机构账户
house account自家账户
house account本行账户
house account大客户
hybrid accounting method混合会计法
impersonal account非记名账户
imprest account预付款
inactive account长期无交易账户
inactive account不活跃账户
indent account订购账目
independent accounting unit独立核算工业企业
individual account私人账户
individual investor account独立投资者账户
instalment account分期付款账户
instant access account活期存款账户
instant saving account即时存款账户
intercompany account内部账户
interdistrict settlement account地区间结算账户
interest on past due account逾期未付账款利息
interest-bearing account有息账户
interest-bearing account带息账户
interim account期中账目
interim account中期报表
interim bank account过渡账户
interim bank account临时账户
intermediate account过渡性账户
intermediate account媒介账户
International Accounting Standards Committee国际会计标准委员会
investment in capital account资本账户上的投人
investor account service投资者账户服务
investor participant account投资者个人账户
investor participant account投资人参与者账户
joint account联名存款
joint account agreement联合账户协议
joint estates account共有财产账户
joint individual investor account联名独立投资者账户
key account主要账户
key account主要客户
key account management关键账户管理
key account management关键客户管理
last accounting date最后结算日
liability account资金来源账户
liability on account账户债务
limited discretionary account非全权账户
liquidate the account平仓
liquidate the account清盘
liquidate the account清算
liquidate the account证券交易 结清账户
liquidation of margin account斩仓
liquidation of margin account保证金账户清算
local account carrier本地开户机构
local account carrier本地开户行
loro account第三方账户
loro account代理账户
loro account他方账户
losses in account books账面损失
maintain an account维持账户
maintain an account开立账户
make out an account开列账目
make out an account抄录账目
manipulate the account篡改账目
manipulate the account伪造账目
margin account押金账户
margin account证券交易中的顾客保证金账户
margined account用保证金方式运作的账户
margined account保证金账户
mass account transfer instruction大宗账户转移/过户指令
mass account transfer instruction大量账户转移指令
matrix of accounting data and analytical tools for financial analysis财务分析中的会计数据矩阵和分析工具
maximum limit to subscription for each securities account每个股票账户认购最大限额
member account会员账户
mental accounting心理会计指投资者在潜意识中倾向于把不同的投资资金放在不同的会计账户中
mental accounting investment pyramid投资心理账户金字塔
methods of accounting记账方式
multi-level account management mode多层次账户管理模式
national account全国账户
negotiable order of withdrawal account可转让提单账户
negotiable order of withdrawal account可转让支付指令账户
negotiable order of withdrawal account可转让的提款单账户
negotiated account商定账户
new account report新开账户报告书
new issue account新股发行账户
new opening account新开账户
no account in it不合算
note receivable account应收期票账户
notes to the account账目注释
numbered account账户
numbered account银行账号
on account basis记账制
on account basis贷记制
on one's own account以其本人身份
on one's own account以本人账户
open account来往账户
open account未结清账户
open account记账
open account clause无担保条款
open book account赊账
open book account立账
open market account开放市场账户
open stock trading account开设股票交易账户
operating account经营账户
operating account交易账户
operating account经营账目
operation account经营账户
ordinary account普通账户
outstanding account未付账单
over-and-short account现金溢缺账户
overdue position marks account逾期结算差额款账户
overflow account超溢账户
owner's current account业主经常账目
pass-through account住房抵押账户
pass-through account过渡账户
pending position marks account待交割差额缴款账户
personal account dealing私人账户交易
personal account dealing guidelines私人账户交易指南
pledged-account mortgage抵押账户抵押
pledged securities account抵押证券账户
pledged securities account担保证券账户
pooling accounting合并账目
pooling of interests method of accounting权益汇总的会计方法
preserved account保留账户
primary account初级账目
principal account公司账户
principal accounting pronouncement主要账户公告
pro memoria account备忘的账目
profit and loss appropriation account损益分配账
profit and loss on realization account变卖财产损益账户
profit and loss on realization account变现损益账户
prompt and proper accounting迅速并恰当地记账
public account公开账目
public account政府账目
push-down accounting下推会计 (公司合并时,在财务报告中,根据买方有投票权的股份重新建立会计和报告基础的行为)
quick deposit account活期存款账户
recovery of uncollectible account write-off收回已冲销坏账
recurrent account经常账
recurrent account往来账
regular account普通账户
regulatory accounting procedure监管会计程序
render an account呈送账单
replacement cost accounting更新成本会计
reserve for loss on doubtful account for bad debt呆账损失准备
reserve transaction account准备金交易账户
restricted account受限制的账户
restricted account特定账户
restricted account限制使用账户
retail account零售账户
retail account散户账户
retirement accounting报废会计处理
reverse account analysis逆向账户分析
safekeeping account经管账户
secret account秘密账户
secured account有担保的账户
securities account suspicious of abnormal trading非正常交易中可疑的证券账户
securities business on one's own account证券自营业务
securities trading account证券交易账户
security account证券账户
security account担保账户
segregate stock account独立股票账户
segregated account事项基金账户
segregated named client account独立记名客户账户
separate accountSA专门账户
separate accountSA散户账户
separate accountSA独立账户
separate account holders独立的账户持有人
separate accounting独立会计
separate accounting专门会计
separate share trading account独立股票交易账户
seperate account独立账户
sequestered account隔离
settle account结清
settle another's account为他人清偿欠款
settlement date accounting结算日记账
short account无款账户
short account空账户
short margin account卖空保证金账户
short margin account融资保证金账户
shroff account number收款账号
single account carrier单一开户机构
single account carrier单一账户持有人
special cash account专用现金账户
special convertible debt security account专用可转债账户
special subscription account特别认购账户
specialist's account造市商账户
specialist's account专业证券商账户
specialist's account专家经纪人账户
sponsored account被保荐账户
spread account利差账户
squaring an account付清
squaring an account结账
standard accounting practice标准会计准则
standard discretionary account agreement全权委托账户协议
standard of accounting and auditing practices会计及审计执业标准
standing job account经常业务账户
star account明星账户
Statement o£ Standard Accounting Practice会计标准实例说明
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards财务会计标准说明
statement of standard accounting practice标准会计实务说明
state-owned independent accounting industrial enterprise国有独立核算企业
straddle account套利对敲账户
structuring finances and allowing for purchase accounting adjustment融资结构安排与收购会计调整
sub-account of money ledger资金账分账户
subscriber's account认购者账户
substandard accounting按低于标准的方法记账
substandard accounting低于法定标准的会计体系
super NOW account超级可转让支付命令存款账户
supplemental account补充账目
sweep account流动账户把现金余额自动转为有息投资的经纪人账户
swing account自动调节结算账户
syndicate account承销团账户
syndicate account包销团账户
syndicate account银团账户
syndicate account letter银团财户信函
syndicate account letter辛迪加账户信函
take the interests of the state, the collective and the individual into account兼顾国家、集体、个人三者利益
temporary account临时账户
tentative closing of account暂时结算的账户
terminal account终止账户
trade date accounting交易日记账
trade on one's own account自营
trade on one's own account用本人账户交易
trading account营业账
trading-on-own-account and brokering自营与经纪
transferable account可转让账户
transit account在途账
trust account requirement信托账户规定
trusteed account受托人账户
trusteed cash account受托人现金账户
unbound account book活页账本
uncollectible account无法收款的账户
under margin account保证金不足账户
universal account综合账户
universal account通用账户
unmargined account非信用账户
unmargined account无保证金的账户
unsecured account无担保账项
unsecured capital settlement account未担保的资金结算账户
unsubscribed capital stock account未认购的股本账户
value in account账户金额
variable rate account可变利率账户
venture account风险账户
vote on account warrant临时拨款授权书
vote on account warrant紧急拨款令
western account西方式账户一种证券承销方法,承销团中每一成员只负责自己承销的那部分份额
working account流动账户
working account经常账户
Working Party 1 on Multinational Disclosure and Accounting IOSCO跨国信息披露及会计事宜的第1号工作小组国际证监会组织
working-capital account流动资金账户
wrap account打包账户 (由资金管理人为投资人管理的账户)
wrap account包管账户
wrap account mortgage打包抵押贷款
wrap account mortgage全套抵押贷款
write off uncollectible account核销坏账
write-offs allowance account借记备抵账
write-offs allowance account销记坏账
wrong account错记账户
zero balance account零基余额账户
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