
Terms containing account for | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
China, lawaccount book for rationed sale配售账册
econ.account for报账
dril.account for解释
dril.account for说明
econ.account for
archit.account for计及
met.account for总数是
met.account for证明
archit.account for计算 (出)
dril.account for总数是……
dril.account for是.. 原因
dril.account for算在... 账上
fin.account for 70%占 70%
China, polit.account for a relatively large portion占较大的比例 (of)
China, lawaccount for each member成员账户
busin.account for human resource costs计算人力资源成本
commer.account for 10% of exports占出口货物的 10%
busin.account for one's own私人账目
fin.account for one’s own私人帐目
China, polit.account for 21.81 percent of the total deputies占代表总数的 21.81%
commer.account for the delay in delivery解释拖延交货原因
gen.account for the repair修理费用单
econ.account title for annual expenditure岁出科目 (receipt)
busin.account title for annual expenditure岁出科目
busin.account title for annual receipt岁入科目
fin.account titles for annual expenditures岁出科目
fin.account titles for annual receipts岁入科目
econ.allow for write-offs in the yearly account允许在年度账内冲销
busin.allowance for depreciation account折旧备抵账户
busin.allowance for doubtful account疑账准备
busin.allowance for doubtful account备抵疑账
econ.an account for one's own私人账目
commer.Any increase in the rate of freight is to be for buyer's account运费如有增加由买方承担
econ.application for international transfered account telegraph service card国际转账电报业务凭证申请书
interntl.trade.application for international transferred account telegraph service card国际转帐电报业务凭证申请书
busin.application for international transferred account telegraph service card国际转账电报业务凭证申请书
tech.application form for a banking account开立银行账户的申请书
China, lawapply for opening an account申请开立账户
fin.audit for balance account结算往来审计
busin.bargain for the account股票交易中廉价股票交易期协议
econ.bought for account赊物
busin.bought for account赊购
busin.buy for the account买期货
transp.charges for consignee's account受货人应付费用
econ.check for collection account催收支票账户
busin.check for collection account托收支票账户
busin.check for collection account催收支票账科目
tech.check for collection account催收支账户
busin.check only for account转账支票仅用于转账
interntl.trade.check only for account转账支票
tech.check only for account只能转账的支票
fin.check-for-collection account托收支票账户
interntl.trade.cheque only for account转账支票
econ.custody for account of customers寄存
manag.custody for account of customers寄库寄存
busin.custody for account of customers寄库
busin.dealing for account记账交易
interntl.trade.dealing for the account期货交易
proj.manag.Domain Administrator can disable or delete the computer account for this server域管理员可禁用或删除此服务器上的计算机账户
tech.due for correspondents account往来账户欠款
UN, tech.environmental conditions factor means a factor applicable to the reimbursement rates for major equipment and for self-sustainment to take into account the increased costs borne by the troop/police contributor for extreme mountainous, climatic and terrain conditions环境条件系数是指适用于主要装备和自我维持偿还费率的一个系数,它考虑到部队/警察部队派遣国由于极度的山区、气候和地形条件所承受的增加费用
UNestablishment and operation of a special account for financing the implementation of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification开设并营运一个实施防治荒漠化行动计划筹资特别账户
busin.evidence for keeping account记账凭证
gen.Excuse me, but can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in America ?劳驾,请问我能不能提取存款偿付我在美国买东西的费用?
econ.export bill for collection account托收出口汇票账户
interntl.trade.export packing for buyer's account出口包装费由买方负担
busin.export packing for buyer's account买方负担出口包装费
IMF.external account for primary income对外原始收入账户
commer.file a claim on the shipment for CNY 5,000 on account of short weight因此次发货短量提出索赔人民币5,000元
busin.final account for completed capital construction基建项目竣工决算
hydroel.st.final account for completed project竣工决算
tech.final account for completed project竣工结算
commer.for ABC Co.'s account由于 ABC 公司的缘故
commer.for ABC Co.'s account费用由 ABC 公司承担
econ.for one's account由某人负担
busin.for account of入…账
busin.for account of记…之账
econ.for account of为…代销
econ.for account of某人账上
econ.for account of入......账
commer.for account of记入…之账户
econ.for account of入…之账
account.for account of为…代理
econ.for account of记在某人账上
econ.for account of由某人支付
textilefor account of入账
econ.for account of由某人负担
econ.for account of代…
fin.for account of记某人账上
fin.for account of某人帐上
busin.for account of...收…账
commer.for account of ABC Co记 ABC 公司账上
commer.for account of ABC Co为 ABC 公司代销
fin.for account of borrower由借方支付
econ.for account of payee入受款人账
busin.for buyer account由买方负担
fin.for buyer's account由买方负担
tech.for buyers account由买方负担
proj.manag.For comparison, search engines account for about 7% of site visits与此相比、搜索引擎占了站点访问量的7%左右
gen.for every account总之
gen.for every account无论如何
fin.for long account股票看涨
econ.for long account股票看高
econ.for long account看高
busin.for long account看涨股票等看涨
busin.for one's account在某人账上
econ.for seller's account由卖方负担
securit.for short account用于放空账户
busin.for short account股票看跌
econ.for short account股票看低
securit.for short account股票看涨
fin.for the account次日或交割日付款
fin.for the account结账交易
busin.for the account下期交结
busin.for the account记账交易
commer.for the account of the buyer由买方支付
busin.for the account of the buyer代买方
econ.for the buyer's account由买方负担费用
fin.for the long account为了长期帐户
econ.for the long account为多头账户
fin.for the short account为了短期帐户
econ.for the short account为空头账户
fin.for your account收你帐
econ.for your account记在你方账户
busin.for your account记在你的账上
IMF.Framework Administered Account for Technical Assistance Activities技术援助活动框架托管账户
busin.guarantee for repayment of advances made an account保证偿还预付的账户金额
econ.guarantee for repayment of advances made on account保证偿还预付的金额
interntl.trade.guarantee for repayment of advances made on account偿还预付金额的保证担保
busin.guarantee for repayment of advances made on account偿还预付金额担保
securit.held-for-trading account持有交易账户
gen.I would like to open a checking account. Will 300 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit?我想开一个支票存款账户。300美元作最低存款额够了吗?
IMF.Instrument to Establish the Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible Members的文件
IMF.Instrument to Establish the Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible Members为符合减贫与增长贷款资格的成员国设立战乱后紧急援助补贴账户
busin.interest method for current account往来账计息法
busin.international transaction for account国际记账交易
gen.lay one's account for指望
gen.lay one's account for期待
gen.lay one's account for把… 估计在内
busin.loan for the settlement of account结算贷款
securit.maximum limit to subscription for each securities account每个股票账户认购最大限额
fin.minimum cash balance for checking account支票产最低存款
busin.minimum cash balance for checking account支票户最低存款
UNnew reserve account for the environment用于环境的新储备账户
commer.Please kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account请注意保险只包括平安险加战争险,如果要求投保附加险,所需额外保险费将由买方支付
IMF.Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible members减贫与增长贷款合格国家的战乱后紧急援助补贴账户
IMF.Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible members战乱后和自然灾害紧急援助补贴账户
interntl.trade.price for account根据定期合同规定的牌价
busin.price for account约定牌价
tech.price for account代销价格
securit.provision for doubtful account呆账准备金
commer.purchase goods for the account of Messrs. Black & Son Co.代布莱克父子公司购货
fin.regulations for the enforcement of the law of account会计法或审计法施行细则 (or audit)
interntl.trade.reinsurance cover for common account为双方共同利益而办理的分保
fin.reinsurance cover for common account为共同利益而办理的分保
busin.Reinsurance cover for common account为共同利益分保
busin.reinsurance for common account共同账务分保
interntl.trade.reinsurance premium for common account为共同利益支付的分保保险费
interntl.trade.reinsurance premium for common account为双方共同利益而支付分保保险费
busin.reinsurance premium for common account为双方共同利益支付的分保保险费
interntl.trade.reinsurance recoveries for common account从共同分出分保中摊回的赔款
interntl.trade.reinsurance recoveries for common account为共同分保中摊回赔款
econ.reinsurance recoveries for common account从共同分出分保中摊回赔偿
busin.reinsurance recoveries for common account共同分保摊回赔款
interntl.trade.reinsuring for common account共同利益再保险
UN, tech.repatriation inspection shall account for all major equipment of the troop/police contributor to be repatriated and verify the condition of the major equipment provided under the dry lease arrangement撤离检查:此种检查应清点即将撤离的部队/警察部队派遣国的所有主要装备,核实根据干租赁安排提供的主要装备的状况
fin.reserve for bad and doubtful account坏帐准备金
fin.reserve for doubtful account呆帐准备
interntl.trade.reserve for doubtful account呆账准备
interntl.trade.reserve for doubtful account疑账准备
fin.reserve for doubtful account疑帐准备
busin.reserve for inventory fluctuation account存货价格变动准备账户
econ.reserve for loss on doubtful account疑账损失准备
securit.reserve for loss on doubtful account for bad debt呆账损失准备
China, lawretaining for its own account excessive insurance exposures超额承保
interntl.trade.risk for own account个人责任险
commer.sale for account赊销
interntl.trade.sale for account赊账交易
interntl.trade.sale for account赊卖
interntl.trade.sale for account期货交易股票
textilesale for account期货交易
busin.sale for account股票期货交易
commer.sales for account赊销
interntl.trade.sea damage for seller's account海损由卖方负责
econ.sea-damage for seller's account海损由卖方负责
tech.sea-damage for seller's account海损由卖方承担
busin.sell for the account出售期货
busin.sell for the account交易所岀售期货
China, lawsettle account for one's retirement from the partnership退伙结算
fin.settlement for account账期结算
securit.settlement for account账户结算
tech.settlement of account for the latter half period后期决算
UN, account.Special Account for Common Services共同事务特别账户
UN, ecol.Special Account for Desertification Control防治荒漠化特别账户
UN, ecol.Special Account for Financing the Implementation of the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification为执行防治荒漠化行动计划筹资特别账户
UN, account.Special Account for Information Technology and Telecommunications Services Costs at Headquarters总部信息技术和电信事务费用特别账户
UNSpecial Account for Programme Support Costs方案支助费用特别账户
UN, account.Special Account for the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification防治荒漠化行动计划特别账户
UN, account.Special Account for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict武装冲突中保护文化财产特别账户
UN, account.Special Account for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队特别账户
UN, account.Special Account for the United Nations Observer Group in Central America联合国中美洲观察团特别账户
tech.special account for traffic revenue运输收入专户
UN, account.Special Account for Travel Services旅行事务特别账户
UN, account.Special Account for Unpaid Assessed Contributions未缴摊款特别账户
commer.Storage charges are to be for the seller's account贮藏费用由卖方承担
commer.The additional charges are for the buyer's account附加费用由买方负担
econ.The captioned company you inquired about by your letter of June 3, 1991, has been maintaining an account with us for the past 14 years你公司1991年6月3日函询的公司,过去14年一直与我们有账户往来
proj.manag.The computer account for the server was not disabled该服务器上的计算机账户并未禁用
commer.The expenses are for the consigner's account费用由发货人支付
econ.The extra premium is to be for your account额外保险费由你方负担
econ.the final account for completed capital construction基本建筑项目竣工结算
econ.They withdrew money from their account for buying a computer他们从其账户中提款购买一台计算机
busin.transaction for account赊欠交易
econ.transaction for account记帐交易
econ.transaction for account定期交易
interntl.trade.transaction for account记账买卖
tech.transaction for account记账交易
econ.transfer account lodgement for investors, stock management for market-makers投资商、经纪人股票管理的过户帐储金
UN, account.Trust Fund for Interest on the Contribution to the United Nations Special Account联合国特别账户捐款利息信托基金
IMF.Umbrella Account for HIPC Operations重债穷国业务总括账户
commer.Unless otherwise specified, all banking charges outside China are for the buyer's account除非另有规定,中国境外的一切银行费用由买方负担
fin.use renminbi for quoting price and settling account用人民币计价结算
fin.use RMB for quoting price and setting account用人民币计价结算
econ.wait for account候账
fin.wait for the account候帐
busin.wait for the account候账
econ.We are pleased to accept your request for open account terms我愿意接受你方关于记账交易的要求
econ.We would ask you to assist us by sending some samples to us for our account请协助我方把一些样品寄来,费用由我方负担
gen.What is the interest rate for the savings account?储蓄存款的利率是多少?
econ.Your check for $567 will clear your account你方金额为567美元的支票一张可结清你方账目