
Terms for subject Business containing accident | all forms | exact matches only
accident and health人身意外和健康保险
accident and health insurance意外与健康保险
accident and health plan意外和健康保险法
accident and indemnity意外事故及赔偿损失
accident arising from negligence责任事故
accident book事故记录册
accident book事故登记簿
accident costs事故费用
accident costs事故费
Accident Data Recorder事故资料记录器
accident death insurance意外死亡保险
accident frequency rate意外事故频率
accident fund事故基金
accident hazard意外危险
accident in stock存仓意外事故
accident in transit途中意外事故
accident in warehouse仓储意外事故
accident indemnity意外事故赔偿
accident insurance事故险
accident insurance意外事故保险
Accident Insurance Policy意外事故保险单
accident investigation事故调査
accident leave意外事故假
accident leave工伤假
accident of navigation海上保险海运意外事故
accident out of negligence责任事故
accident prevention practice安全措施
accident prone多事故工人
accident prone location多事故地点
accident rate偶发率
accident reduction bonus安全奖
accident resistant container耐损伤集装箱
accident safety practice安全措施
accident severity事故严重性
accident severity rate事故严重程度率指工厂事故造成每千工作人时损失的工作日数。在美国指一年中每一百万实际工作人时发生重伤、死亡事故的次数。
accidents in loading装货时意外事故
aeroplane accident飞机意外事故
air trip accident航行意外事故险
air trip accident航空平安险
analysis industrial accident data工业事故资料分析
analysis of industrial accident data工业事故数据分析
any one accident每次意外事故
automobile accident车祸
aviation personal accident insurance航空事故损失险
aviation personal accident insurance航空人身意外险
car accident车辆事故
classification of fatal and nonfatal accidents伤亡事故分类
collective accident insurance集体灾祸保险
common accident重大意外事故
correlation of accidents事故相关
each and every accident每次意外事故
exposed to accident possibilities容易发生事故
exposed to accident possibilities易于发生事故
fixed indemnity accident insurance固定赔金事故保险
fixed indemnity accident insurance固定赔偿额的意外事故保险
freak accident反常事件
general accident loss一般事故损失
group accident insurance团体事故险
high accident locating高事故触发地点
human element accident人为责任事故
human-error accident人为事故
human-error type accident人为事故
individual accident insurance个人伤害保险
industrial accident fund工伤事故基金
industrial accident fund工业事故抚恤基金
industrial accident fund reserve工伤事故抚恤金准备
industrial accident insurance工伤事故保险
industrial accident insurance工业事故意外保险
industrial accident rate工伤事故率
industrial accident reserve工伤事故准备金
inevitable accident必然事故
injury and death accident伤亡事故
injury and death accident analysis伤亡事故分析
insurance accident保险事故
insurance funds which are intended to make up for losses by calamity and accident补偿灾害事故损失保险基金
insured accident保险事故
international traveler's accident insurance国际旅客平安险
investigation of the accident意外事故调查
job-related accident作业事故
level accident insurance标准伤害保险
liable to accident易于发生意外事故
loss from accident偶然事故损失
Marine Accident Report Scheme海事意外报告制度
mechanical accident机器伤害事故
no accident contest无事故竞赛
no claim for accident reported无赔款责任事故
on-the-job accident作业事故
ordinary accident insurance普通意外事故险
Passenger personal accident旅客人身意外事故
pedestrian accident行人事故
personal accident insurance个人意外保险
personal accident policy人身意外伤害保险单
post accident effect故障原因与后果分析
preventive measures against accident防止意外事故的措施
reserve for accidents意外事故准备
supplementary supplemental accident insurance人身保险附加意外险
system of reporting accidents resulting in injuries and death of workers and staff职工伤亡事故报告制度
train accident行车事故
train accident casualties列车事故伤亡人事数
travel accident旅行意外事故
traveler's accident insurance旅客平安险
traveller's accident insurance旅客意外险
unfortunate accident意外事故
unprofessional accident违章事故