
Terms for subject Technology containing abundance | all forms | exact matches only
abundance broadening丰度致宽
abundance by atom原子丰度
abundance by volume体积丰度
abundance by weight重量丰度
abundance clockwise foram有旋有孔虫丰度
abundance commodity supplies商品供应充足
abundance estimation method丰度估计法
abundance indicator of organic matter有机质丰度指标
abundance of bitumen沥青丰度
abundance of cold water foraminifera冷水有孔虫丰度
abundance of counter clock wise foram左旋有孔虫丰度
abundance of element元素的丰度
abundance of food饵料量
abundance of foraminifera warm water暖水有孔虫丰度
abundance of hydrocarbon烃类丰度
abundance of labor劳动力充裕
abundance of labour劳动力充裕
abundance of labour劳动力过剩
abundance of minerals矿藏丰富
abundance of minerals矿物丰度
abundance of offers报价很多
abundance of offers出价过高
abundance of organic matter有机质丰度
abundance of remainder organic matter残留有机质丰度
abundance of species物种丰度
abundance of species物种丰富
abundance of water水的丰度
abundance ratio丰度比
abundance ratio同位素相对丰度
abundance ratio丰度比 (率)
anomalous abundance异常丰度
average abundance平均丰度
chondrite-normalized abundance球粒陨石标准化丰度
column abundance柱丰度
cosmic abundance of element元素的宇宙丰度
cosmical abundance宇宙丰度
cosmical abundance of element元素的宇宙丰度
crustal abundance克拉克
deep gas abundance zone深层气富集带
diagram showing the variation in abundance of elements元素丰度变化图
element abundance of control region控制区元素丰度
element abundance of prediction region预测区元素丰度
element abundance patterns元素丰度模式
elemental abundance元素丰度
element/isotopic abundance元素/同位素丰度
height coefficient of resource abundance资源丰度系数高
isobaric abundance同量异位素的丰度
isotopic abundance同位素分丰度
isotopic abundance measure同位素分丰度测量
Li abundance锂丰度
logarithm of abundance对数丰度
lower coefficient of resource abundance资源丰度系数低
mass abundance质量产额
mass abundance质量丰度
metal abundance金属丰度
meteoritic abundance陨石中
molar abundance摩尔丰度
normal abundance正常丰度
nucleic abundance核素丰度
numeric abundance多余度
numerical abundance多余度
oil abundance zone石油富集带
percent abundance百分率中相对分布量
phytoplankton abundance浮游植物丰度
polar stratospheric cloud abundances极地平流层云量
primordial cosmic abundance原始宇宙丰度
primordial cosmical abundance原始宇宙丰度
projective abundance投影多度
relative abundance相对多度
relative abundance of counterclockwise foram and clockwise foram左旋有孔虫与右旋有孔虫相对丰度
relative abundance of foram in warm water and foram in cola water冷水有孔虫与暖水有孔虫相对丰度
relative isotope abundance determination相对同位素丰度测量
soil abundance土壤资源丰富
species abundance物种丰度
species abundance物种丰富
super-abundance sludge剩余污泥
super-abundance water剩余水
the pattern of isotopic abundance同位素丰度型式
true abundance真丰度
year of abundance丰水年