
Terms for subject Environment containing abatement | all forms | exact matches only
Committee on Pollution Abatement and Control美国消除和控制污染委员会
noise abatement Measures to reduce noise at the source, to encourage quieter technologies or equipment or to prevent or reduce the propagation of sound. Measures may include the isolation and damping of vibration sources; the replacement of components with quieter parts and material; the enclosure of particularly noisy components; the provision of noise barriers, etc.噪声控制 (为了支持消音技术、设备或防止、减少声音的传播,从源头上减少噪声的措施。措施可包括隔离和减幅振动源;使用消音部件和材料更换组件;围住特定的噪音部分;提供隔音屏障等。)
oil pollution abatement There are various systems for the abatement of oil pollution at sea: the "Load-on-top" system involves passing the washing from tank cleaning operations and residue from discharge of the original ballast water to an empty cargo tank nominated as the "slop" tank. Fresh oil cargo is loaded on top of the final residue left after further discharges of water, the resulting mixture being acceptable to refineries despite some additional cost in removing the salt and water. Under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, all oil-carrying ships will be required to be capable of operating with this method of retention, or alternatively to discharge to reception facilities. Another method consists in spraying on the oil dispersives and/or blasting straw and sawdust, functioning as "blotting paper", onto water, beaches, rocks and docks. The Vikoma System for the containment of oil spills at sea, developed by British Petroleum, a seaboom of about 500 metres in length, is inflated and towed downwind of the oil slick and formed into a U-shape; under the influence of wind, the oil becomes trapped within the boom. Skimming equipment travels into the boom enclosure and the oil is pumped into containers石油污染治理 (用于海上石油污染治理的各项制度:这个"顶部装载"的制度包括从清洗作业舱传递洗涤物和从最初的载水仓排放的残余物到一个命名为"溢出"舱的空货舱。新油装在进一步的排水后的最后残余物上面,此混合物被炼油厂所接收,尽管有去除盐和水的一些额外成本。根据1973年国际防止船舶污染公约,所有石油运载船舶将要求有实施该方法的能力,或者有作为选择的排放接收设施。另一种方法包括对石油扩散物喷洒和/或气流吹鼓一些功能如"吸墨纸"的秸秆和木屑到水、沙滩、岩石和码头上。为遏制海上石油泄漏的Vikoma系统,由英国石油公司开发,是一个约500米长的拦油栅,充气膨胀后由浮油顺风牵引形成一个U形;在风的影响下,油在栅栏中淤积。浮油刮集装置进入拦油栅围栏,石油被抽入容器。)
pollution abatement The reduction in degree or intensity of pollution in soil, rivers, lakes, seas, atmosphere, etc.减轻污染 (减少在土壤、河、湖、海、大气等污染的程度或强度。)
pollution abatement equipment Equipment for the reduction in degree or intensity of pollution减轻污染设备 (减少污染程度或强度的设备。)
pollution abatement waste Wastes resulting from the operations of pollutant removal from industries, cleaning processes, etc.污染清理废料 (由于清除污染物的操作,从产业、清洗过程中产生的废料。)