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Terms containing a market in a | all forms
commer.A commercial prosperity has appeared in this market该市场已出现繁荣商业景象
econ.a market in finance house deposits存款市场
econ.a market in finance house deposits金融公司
proj.manag.All the ban did was delay by a few 'weeks what turned into one of the biggest stock market crashes in history卖空禁令所做的、就是把历史上最大规模股市崩盘之一的时间推后了几周
econ.As a result of large-scale unemployment, there was an over-flow of cheap labour force on the market in some African countries某些非洲国家的大规模失业现象造成市场上廉价劳动力泛滥
securit.cancel a stock for dealing in stock market禁止在股市上交易
securit.cancel a stock for dealing in stock market摘牌
econ.establish a corner in the market囤积居奇
busin.establish a corner in the market垄断市场
commer.in a falling market在行市下跌情况下
proj.manag.Its bankruptcy petition is due to be filed in a federal court in Manhattan at about 1pm London time, before the US markets open它的破产申请应该在伦敦时间下午1点钟左右、美国股市开市前、提交给位于曼哈顿的联邦法院
securit.making a market in stock股票"做市"
securit.occupying a prominent place in China capital market在中国资本市场中占有显著地位
busin.Our brake pads have a ready market in America, but delay in payment really annoys me我们的盘式刹车片在美国很畅销,但拖欠货款让我很头疼
gen.Our roadsters are selling well in China and in some European countries. I’m sure you'll have a ready market at your end我们的敞篷车在中国和一些欧洲国家销路很好,我保证在贵方市场上也会畅销
econ.Please note that these quotations are open for a week only because there are frequent fluctuations in the market price务请注意,由于市场价格频繁波动,所有报价有效期仅一周
proj.manag.Representatives of the NAR say that this makes it the best buyer's market in a long timeNAR 发言人说这会在很长一段时间形成买方市场
securit.stock market in a retreat股市回落
gen.The Ford Mustang was a smash hit in the American car market福特野马曾是美国市场上最畅销的车型
econ.The insufficient paper production in the country gave the market a boost该国纸张产量不足使其价格上涨
commer.The panic buying triggers off a sharp advance in market price抢购引起市场价格急剧上涨
econ.The real challenge is to expand the primary market rather than simply fight for a larger share in a fixed size market真正的难题是扩大原始市场,而不是仅在规模已经确定的市场中抢占较大份额
commer.There has been a glut of fruit in the market市场上的水果供应过多
commer.There is a favourable change in the market市场情况好转
econ.There is a glut of cotton goods in the market at present目前市场上的棉织品供应过剩
proj.manag.There is now an active market in credit insurance, and a credit de fault swap rate for an advanced country averages around 80 basis points目前、信用保险市场颇为活跃。对于发达国家、信用违约互换 CDS利率平均为80基点左右
econ.There was a rush for Chinese pearl necklaces in East European markets东欧市场出现一次购买中国珍珠项链热潮
commer.These articles command a ready sale in the market这些货物在市场上获得畅销
busin.This is a trial order. Please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market If successful, we will give you large orders in the future这是试销订单。请先仅给我们发100套,看看市场如何。如果反响不错,我们将大量订购
proj.manag.Traders noted a late sell-off in small-cap shares, which have recently outperformed the broader market交易员指出、近期表现好于大盘的小盘股在临近收盘时出现跳水
econ.We believe that in our district there is a promising market for your products深信贵公司产品在我方地域会有好销路
commer.We understand that there is a good demand for our products in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No. 2511 for your consideration我方了解到你方市场对我方产品需求强劲,借此机会附上我方第2511号报价单,以供你方参考
cosmet.When your brand dominates a market, it will be in an exceptionally strong position当你的品牌占据了市场优势时,它就会拥有异常强大的地位