
Terms containing a lot of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.a lot of很多
gen.a lot of许多的
gen.a lot of一套
econ.a lot of许多
tech.a lot of大量的
tech.a lot of大批
gen.a lot of一块
gen.formal a lot of诸多
econ.A lot of buyers divert their patronage to our shop because of the competitive prices and excellent quality of our goods由于我店的商品价廉物美,许多买主从别处转而惠顾我店
econ.A lot of corporations went broke during economic depression经济萧条时期大批公司破产
econ.A lot of countries have floated the exchange rate of their currencies许多国家已对他们的货币实行浮动汇率
tech.a lot of fissures裂缝多
econ.A lot of new important points are embraced in the new contract新合同内包括了许多新要点
econ.A lot of unemployed workers in that country go on relief那个国家的大量失业工人靠救济金生活
footwearA lot of women are walking to work in flats and switching in the elevator彳艮多职业女性穿平跟鞋步行去上班,在电梯里再换成高跟鞋
econ.A shop assistant has to answer a lot of queries from customers every day店员每天需回答顾客的许多疑问
gen.a whole lot of很多的
busin.As for the insurance, I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about关于保险我还有很多事情不清楚
tech.contain a lot of sand and clay含有大量的沙子和黏土
China, polit.devote a lot of time and energies花了很大精力
tech.front line of a zone lot区划地块的界线
gen.have a lot of things to do有许多事要做
econ.He took on a lot of investigation after he had participated in the management of the factory他参与管理这家工厂以后,承担了许多调査工作
gen.I know you have a lot of experience when it comes to going abroad. What should I do?说到出国,你应该有很多经验,我应该做些什么?
busin.I'm afraid not. As you know, we have a lot of order to fill恐怕不行,我们的订单很多
gen.it takes a lot of doing这要花很大气力
econ.It took the company a lot of money to launch a new brand of soap该公司花费了大量金钱做广告把一个新牌子肥皂推上市
gen.It's because our prices are so good. And this car has a lot of miles on it. But it's in nice shape, isn't it?因为我们的价格公道,而且这辆车跑了很多的里程数。但是外观看起来还是不错吧
gen.I've bought a lot of meat. I've got pork chops, small steaks, chicken wings and plenty of hot dog sausages and hamburger patties我买了很多肉。我买了猪排、小牛排、鸡翅和许多热狗肠,还有汉堡饼
econ.Mr. Smith had to do a lot of field work to find the right market for the product史密斯先生需要进行大量实地调査以便找到产品适销的市场
gen.Ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today在饭馆吃饭点很多菜是一项传统习惯。要知道,过去人们可不像现在这样什么都能吃得起
econ.Owing to the lack of raw materials a lot of machines in the factory were made idle由于缺乏原料,工厂里的许多机器被闲置
busin.probability of accepting a bad lot接受某不良批的概率
busin.probability of accepting a good lot接受某良好批的概率
busin.probability of rejecting a bad lot拒收某不良批的概率
busin.probability of rejecting a good lot拒收某良好批的概率
proj.manag.Recently, I have gotten a lot of spam, and it takes me hours to delete it我最近收到很多垃圾邮件、花了很长时间才把它们删掉
manag.run into a lot of money花费很多钱
econ.salt a lot of money away积蓄很多的钱
econ.Soon you will find that our new product possesses a lot of merits不久你方将发现我方新产品有许多优点
tech.take a lot of work费工
gen.Thanks a lot, by the way, how much is the fee of registering?非常感谢,顺便问一下,挂号费多少钱?
sport.The coach has a lot of experience in training runners这位教练员在训练赛跑运动员方面有丰富的经验
econ.The company has spent a lot of money on advertising to promote its corporate image这家公司花费了大量广告费以树立其公司形象
econ.The company needs a lot of fractional money这家公司需要大量辅币
gen.The express will save you a lot of time. The local train stops at every station.快车节省好多时间,慢车每站都停
gen.The sudden calamity had destroyed a lot of families突如其来的灾祸摧垮了很多家庭啊
econ.There are a lot of bicycles for hire有许多自行车供出租
gen.There are a lot of shops and boutiques around附近有很多不错的商店和时装店
gen.There are lots of little traditions like this, from decorating the Christmas tree to kissing under the mistletoe, to exchanging gifts. That is a lot of fun有很多类似不起眼的传统,从装饰圣诞树到槲寄生树下亲吻,然后交换礼物,这一切都是如此有趣
econ.There is a lot of activity on the Stock Exchange now现在证券交易所有大量的业务活动
econ.They found a lot of inconsistencies in his account他们发现他在叙述中有很多前后矛盾的地方
econ.They have a lot of letter to send, and a large correspondence to take care of他们有许多信件要发出,又有大量信件要处理
econ.They have a lot of orders to cope with他们有许多订单要完成
econ.They spent a lot of extra time in completing the inspection他们花了大量额外时间才完成了检验
econ.They were unable to do a lot of transactions during the slack season他们在淡季中没法做成大量交易
tech.to do a lot of damage造成很大破坏
anim.husb.uniformity of a lot整批整齐度
econ.We are undertaking a recruitment program and will hire a lot of able employees我们正在拟定一项招聘计划,将雇用许多有能力的工作人员
econ.We are very sorry for having caused you a lot of inconvenience我们给你们造成很多不便,实在抱歉
econ.We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易
busin.We have sold a lot of rubber gaskets for you in England and were one of your long-term clients. 1 would suggest you give us more favorable terms on payment我们在英国为贵公司卖出了很多橡胶垫片,我们已经是贵公司的老客户了。请给我们些更加优惠的付款条件
shipb.We want to order a lot of stainless steel tubes also, What quantity can you supply?我们还要订购一批不锈钢管,你们能供应多少?
commer.Welcome to Wharton Furniture World, there are a lot of furniture for your choices with satisfaction欢迎光临沃顿家具世界,众多家具总有一款让你满意
econ.We'll hold a lot of business negotiations now and hereafter我们现在和以后都要进行多次商务洽谈
econ.You still have quite a lot of executory orders你们仍有许多订单尚待执行
econ.Your good-will means a lot to us, so we offer you an allowance of 5%你方的好意对我方举足轻重,因此我方给贵方5%的折扣