
Terms for subject International trade containing a bill | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
acceptance of a bill of exchange票据承兑
acceptance of a bill of exchange汇票承兑
acceptance of a bill of exchange承兑汇票
bill drawn on a letter of credit根据信用证付款的汇票
bill drawn on a letter of credit押汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time after date出票后若干日付款的汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time after sight见票后若干日付款的汇票
bill drawn payable at a fixed date按规定日期付款的汇票
bill for a term定期付汇费 (period bill)
bill for a term期票
bill for a term兑换期票
bill of exchange drawn under a documentary credit根据跟单信用证所开的汇票
bill of lading to a named person or order记名或提示提单
bill payable at a definite time预定日期付款的汇票
bill payable at a fixed period after date预定日期后若干日付款的汇票
bill payable on a stated date定期付款汇票
bill payable to a specified person only特定票据付与指定的人
claim arising on a bill of lading根据提单产生的债权赔偿要求
collect a bill托收汇票
Convention on a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes汇票及期票统一法公约
Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 19301930 年日内瓦关于制成统一汇票、本票的公约1930. 6
copy of a bill票据副本
currency of a bill票据的币制
currency of a bill兑换票据流通期间
discharge of liability on a bill of exchange履行或解除汇票上的义务
discount a bill扣减期票
dishonor a bill of exchange拒绝承兑汇票
dishonor a bill of exchange拒付
dishonor by non-acceptance of a bill of exchange拒付汇票
dishonor by non-acceptance of a bill of exchange拒绝承兑汇票
draw a bill出票
draw a bill岀票
drawer of a bill出票人
drawing of a bill of exchange开票据
endorse a bill背签票据
endorse over a bill to another one背书票据将权利转让他人
enforcement of claims under a bill of exchange行使汇票上的债权
enter a bill short登记存入的汇票
export bill for collection a/c托收出口汇票科目帐户
export bill for collection a/c托收出口汇票科目
export bill receivable a/c应收出 口汇票科目
export bills receivable a/c应收出口汇票科目
holder of a bill of exchange汇票执票人
holder of a bill of lading提单持有人
import bill payable a/c应付进口汇票科目
issue a bill of lading开出提单
issue of a bill of exchange开出汇票
liable on a bill of exchange应负票据上的责任
meet a bill支付到期的票据
parties liable on a bill of exchange汇票上的债务人
parties to a bill of exchange汇票关系人
parties to a bill of exchange汇票的各当事人
party discharged of his liability on a bill of exchange对票据上的义务已告解除的票据当事人
person named for payment in a domiciled bill注明付款地场所的汇票付款人
post-date a bill预填日期票据
post-date a bill填迟日期票据
prevent the issue of a negotiable air way bill防止签发可以转让的空运单
prevents the issue of a negotiable air way bill防止签发可以转让的空运单
prior party to a bill of exchange汇票的前手
prolongation of a bill延长汇票期限
qualified acceptance of a bill of exchange附条件的承兑汇票
receipt a bill签收单据
remit a bill for collection兑现汇票
retire a bill赎单
retire a bill见票即付
retiring a bill赎票
reverse side of a bill of lading提单反面
rights on a bill of exchange汇票上的权利
sue on a bill of exchange就汇票提起诉讼
sum due on a bill到期票额
surety for a bill担保票据
transfer without endorsement of a bill of exchange转让无背书汇票