
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing World | all forms | exact matches only
continuously cast steel production by world countries or regions世界各国或地区连铸钢产量
crude steel production by world countries and regions世界各国或地区粗钢产量。
policy of reform and opening to the outside world改革开放政策
the world's first curved caster世界第一台弧形连铸机
the world's largest blast furnace世界最大的高炉
the world's largest slab caster世界最大的板坯连铸机
the world's largest steel producing nation世界最大的产钢国 (In 2010 China remained the world's largest steel producing nation with total production at a record 626.7 million tonnes up 9. 26% from 2009. 2010 年,中国仍然是世界最大的产钢国,总产量达创纪录的6. 267 亿 t, 比 2009 年提高 9. 26%。)
the world's most advanced thin slab caster世界最先进的薄板坯连铸机
the world's top steel producing country世界产钢大国 (China, Japan and the U.S. retained the first, second and third places in the ranking of the world's top steel producing countries in 2011. 2011 年,在世界产钢大国的排序中,中国、日本和美国分别保持第一、第二和第三名。)
total world production世界总产量
total world steel capacity全世界钢的总生产能力 (Total world steel capacity for the early part of the twenty-first century will be in the area of 800-850 million tonnes. 21世纪初,世界钢的总生产能力将介于 8.00 ~ 8.50 亿 t 之间。)
total world steel capacity世界钢的总生产能力
total world steel production世界钢总产量
world apparent finished steel product consumption世界钢材表观消费量
world iron and steel industry世界钢铁工业
world iron and steel market世界钢铁市场
world iron and steel trade世界钢铁贸易
world major steel-producing countries世界主要产钢国
world record for continuous billet casting小方坯连铸世界纪录
world record for lining life炉衬寿命世界记录
world's largest blast furnace世界最大的高炉
world's largest steel producing nation世界最大的产钢国 (China remains the world's largest steel producing nation with total production at a record 107.3 million (13. 5% of the world total) up 7. 3% from 1996.中国仍然是世界最大的产钢国,总产量达创纪录的1. 073亿吨(占世界总产量的13. 5%),比1996年提高7. 3%。)
world's top steel producing countries世界产钢大国 (China, Japan and the U.S. retained the first, second and third places in the ranking of the world's top steel producing countries in 1997. 1997 年在世界产钢大国排序中,中国、日本和美国依然位列第一、第二和第三名。)
world's total steel output世界钢总产量 (In fact, the developing countries produce 29 percent of the world's total steel output, which surpasses the goal announced at the 1975 Lima Conference for Developing Countries. 事实上,发展中国家的钢产量已占世界钢总产量的29%,超过了 1975年发展中国家利马会议宣布的目标。)
world sequence length record连浇炉数世界纪录 (Bethlehem Steel's one-year-old continuous slab/bloom caster at its Sparrows point, plant established a world sequence length record during the month of February 1987.伯利恒钢公司雀点厂的一台仅投产一年的板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机于1987年2月创造了一项连浇炉数世界纪录。)
world slab casting record世界板坯连铸记录
world steel production世界钢产量
world-wide L-D capacity世界氧气顶吹转炉生产能力
world-wide steel demand forecast世界钢需求预测