
Terms for subject General containing World | all forms | exact matches only
a tour round the world环球旅行
a world ofM 许许多多的M
a world ofM 无数〔限〕的M
a world ofM 一个M的世界
a world too many过多
a world too many太多
a world too much过多
a world too much太多
After a day of sightseeing, you can go to a concert in the world renowned Broadway theaters游览一天后,你可以在著名的百老汇歌剧院听音乐会
all over the world全世界
all over the world遍天下
all over the world世界各处
all over the world天下
all the the whole world knows人人都知道
all the world举世
all the world全世界
all the world knows人人都知道
all the world over在全世界
all the world over世界各处
all the world over世界各地
amateur world skate contest世界业余滑板比赛
be all the world toM 对 M 是无价之宝
be all the world toM 对 M 是最关重要的事
before the world公然地
before the world全世界面前
Bridge World《桥牌世界》
bridge world standard桥牌世界标准叫牌法
Bridge World Team桥牌世界队
British Bridge World《英国桥牌世界》
carry the world before one迅速全面地成功
catch up with the advanced world level赶上世界先进水平
Certainly, sir. Ours is a first-rate hotel and chosen as a favorite resort to stay by VIPs, officials and guests from every corner of the world当然啦。我们的酒店是一流的,是重要客人、官员和世界各地游客最钟爱的度假酒店
come into the world出版
come into the world问世
come to the world出版
come to the world问世
Commission for the Geological Map of the World世界地质图委员会
declare war against the old world向旧世界宣战
declare war on the old world向旧世界宣战
Derwent World Patent Abstracts-British Patents Unexamined Plus Granted, S-X:"Electrical"德温特世界专利文摘 — 英国专利,S-X辑: "电工"
Derwent World Patent Abstracts-British Patents Unexamined Plus Granted, PQ :"General/Mechanical"德温特世界专利文摘一一英国专利,PQ辑: "一般工程与机械"
Derwent World Patent Abstracts-British Patents Unexamined Plus Granted, A-M :"Chemical"德温特世界专利文摘一一英国专利,A-M辑: "化学"
dove worldголуб.гонк. 鸽坛
Easter customs vary across the Christian world, and include sunrise services, exclaiming the Paschal greeting, clipping the church and decorating Easter eggs, a symbol of the empty tomb复活节的庆祝方式在全世界的基督教中不尽相同,包括晨拜、复活节问候、教堂仪式,以及装扮象征着空坟墓的彩蛋
Electronics World Incorporating Wireless World电子世界
end of the world天涯
Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good专家说偶尔喝杯红酒对人身体有好处
external world外界
for all the world无论如何
for all the world一点儿不差
for all the world用于否定句无论如何
for all the world从各方面来看
for all the world
for all the world完全
For more than 150 years, Boucheron has held an esteemed place in the world of haute joaillerie宝诗龙在世界奢华珠宝界享誉150多年
give to the world发表
give to the world出版
greening of the world世界变绿
in the face of the world在众目睽睽之下
in the face of the world公然
in the world到底
in the world究竟
in the world天下
in the world世界上
India is the first to find diamond around the world印度是世界上最早发现钻石的地方
Industrial Workers of World世界产业工人联合会
international map of the world国际世界地图
It wasn't until after world war II. The soldiers based in Italy had eaten lots of pizza and wanted to continue eating it when they came home直到二战以后比萨在美国才开始变得流行起来。当时驻扎在意大利的美国士兵吃了很多比萨,他们回到家乡还想继续吃
Joe Wade World Professional Body-building Championships乔・韦德世界职业健美锦标赛
Lining is a brand for sportswear, created by Li Ning, one of the most famous gymnast in the world李宁是一个运动装品牌,由世界最著名的体操运动员之一李宁创立
major world air route area世界主要航〔空〕线区域
man's world人间
Materials World材料世界
Men's Amateur World Championships国际健美联合会男子业余锦标赛
Monthly Climatic Data for the World世界气候资料月刊
National Day or Independence Day of some countries in the world世界部分国家国庆日或独立日
National festivals around the world世界各民族统节日
not... for the world决不
outside world外界
Pan-American World Airways Inc.泛美航空公司
Pan-American World Airways Inc.泛美世界航空公司
people all over the world全世界人民
people the world over全世界人民
people throughout the world全世界人民
Physics World物理世界
pigeon worldголуб.гонк. 鸽坛
Quality World质量世界
race pigeon worldголуб.гонк. 鸽坛
racing pigeon worldголуб.гонк. 鸽坛
remotest corners of the world天涯
Rotterdam is the worlds largest seaport, you know您要知道,鹿特丹是世界最大的海港
round the world环球一周
round-the-world cruise环球航行
Rubber World橡胶世界
Science World科学世界
Software World软件世界
Swiss-made watches are internationally acknowledged to be the finest products in the world瑞士手表是国际公认的世界最好的产品
The Caspian Sea is one of the smallest sea in the world里海是世界上最小的海之一
The Dead Sea is the saltiest sea in the world死海是世界上最咸的海
the expanding world of日益发展〔扩大〕的
the God of this world撒旦
the God of this world恶魔
the God of this world混世魔王
The Norway spruce is considered the oldest tree in the world挪威的云杉被公认为是世界上最老的树
the objective world客观世界
the scientific world科学界
The Tasman Peninsula once housed the world's worst criminals塔斯曼半岛过去曾是收留世界重刑犯的所在地
The United States is currently shifting from being a nation of immigrants of mainly European descent to one of immigrants from other parts of the world美国目前正从一个主要由欧洲移民组成的国家变为一个多元移民的国家
the whole world全世界
the world outlook世界观
all the world over遍天下
all the world over世界各处
all the world over全世界
the world's end天涯海角
the world that we live in is made up of matter我们生活于其中的世界是由物质构成的
Trans World Airlinesназв.комп. 环球航空公司
Transmission & Distribution World输电与配电世界
Walking along the Rambla one can see the world-famous opera house El Liceu, the food market of La Boqueria and the Royal Square沿兰布拉大街行走,你会看到举世闻名的丽萨奥歌剧院、伯克利亚食品市场和皇家广场
Women's and Mixed Pairs World Professional Championships女子、混双世界职业锦标赛
Women's World Amateur Bodybuilding Championships世界女子业余健美锦标赛
World Aids Day世界艾滋病日12月1日
World Badminton Championships世界羽毛球锦标赛
World Bidding Contest世界叫牌比赛
World Bridge Championships世界桥牌锦标赛
World Bridge Federation Player Ranking世界桥牌联合会牌手级别
World Bridge Federation Trophy世界桥牌联合会奖
World Bridge Olympic世界桥牌奥林匹克赛
World Ceramic Abstracts世界陶瓷文摘
World: Ceramic & Refractories世界陶瓷与火材料
World Championships世锦赛
World Congress of Chemical Engineering世界化学工程会议
World Consumer Right Day世界消费者权益日3月15 0
World Disabled Day世界残疾日12月3日
World Earth Day世界地球日4 月 22 0
World Energy Conference世界能源会议其前身为 WPC
World Environment and Resources Council世界环境和资源委员会
World Environment Day世界环境日6 月 5 0
World Environment Institute世界环境学会
World Federation of Scientific Workers世界科学工作者协会
World Food Programme世界粮食计划署联合国机构,美国纽约
World Gas Conference世界煤气会议
World Grain Day世界粮食日10月16日
World Grand Prix Badminton世界羽毛球大奖赛
World Health Day世界卫生日4月7日
World Health Organization世界卫生组织联合国机构,瑞士日内瓦
World Health Organization世界卫生组织联合国所属专门机构之一
World Housing Day世界住房日十月第一个星期一
World Intellectual Property Organization世界知识产权组织联合国机构,瑞士日内瓦
world magnetic survey世界地磁测量费
world master世界大师
World Meetings: Outside USA and Canada国际会议:美国与加拿大之外
World: Meetings:United States and Canada国际会议:美国与加拿大
World Meteorological Organization世界气象组织联合国机构,瑞士日内瓦
World Meteorological Organization世界气象组织联合国所属专门机构之一
World No-smoking Day世界无烟日5 月 31 日
World Oceanic Organization世界海洋组织
world of mortals人间
World Organization of Dredging Association世界疏浚协会
World Par Bridge Contest世界标准桥牌赛
World Patents Index世界专利索引英国杂志名
World Population Day世界人口日7 月 11 日
World Post Day世界邮政日10月9日
world power世界强国
World Power Conference世界动力会议
World Professional Championships世界职业锦标赛
World. Pumps世界泵
World Surface Coatings Abstracts世界表面涂料文摘
World Taekwondo Federation世界跆拳道联盟
World Team Bridge Olympic世界奥林匹克队式桥牌赛
World Telecommunications Day世界电信日5 月 17 日
World Textile Abstracts世界纺织文摘
World Tourism Day世界旅游日9月27日
world war世界大战
World Watch Institute世界观察研究所美国
World Water Day世界水日3月22日
World Weather Watch世無天及监视网
World Wide Military Command and Control System全球军事指挥控制系统
world wide standard seismograph network全球标准地震仪网
World-Wide Standardized Seismic Network世界标准地震网附录一常用缩写词
world-without-end永远〔久〕 (的)