
Terms for subject Economy containing Work | all forms | exact matches only
a non-repairable defective work不可修复废品
a piece work system计件工制
a spoiled work-report损毁工作报告单
a variance work-in-process在制品差异
a work book工作手册
a work day工作日
a work-in-process account在制品账户
a work-in-process ledger在制品分类账
a work site工地
a work-to-rule strike怠工
abbreviated work-factor缩写工作因素
advances for work in process and construction materials预付款
All our design work was accomplished inside、我们的全部设计工作都是在室内完成的
All preparatory work relevant to the installation of the imported warping machine shall be finished before the arrival of the expert与进口整机安装有关的一切准备工作必须在专家到达前完成
allowance in work measurement劳动测量中的外加时间
alternative work schedule轮班工作方案
amount of work工作量
An agent's work is to sell, distribute or promote the sale of the products made by a certain factory代理商的工作就是推销、经销或促销某一厂家的产品
An engineer shall manage to guard the owner against loss or damage to the work of the contractor工程师将尽力维护业主的利益,使其不受承包商给工程造成的损失
annual work program年度工作计划
application for extra-work要求办公时间外提货
available work现有可就之工作
be zealous in one's work热心工作
beginning work in process初期在制品
budgeted cost of work performed已竣工程预算成本
budgeted cost of work scheduled未竣工程预算成本
capital construction work基建工程
capital of unfinished construction work未完工程资金
case work案例调査
case work案例工作
cash for work project以钱换工项目
charity organization work慈善组织事业
check up the work检査工作
civil work土建工程
clerical work evaluation职员工作评价
clerical work improvement program职员工作改进计划
composite work contract综合工作合同
compressed work week压缩了的工作周
consolidated work sheet合并工作表
construction work基建工程
construction work建筑工程
construction work audit基建工程决算
construction work in progress在建建筑工程
consumer's research work消费者研究工作
contract of work承揽合同
contract of work工程合同
contract work发包〔包工〕工程
contract work承包工程
convention concerning equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value男女同工同酬公约
Country Office Work Plan国家办事处工作计划
Country Work Plan国别工作计划
daily report of work理货日报表
daily report of work现货工作日报表
day work零工
day work零星用工
day work rate日工单价
day work system计时制
defective work有瑕疵的工作
deposit paid on construction work存出建筑工程款
design and measurement of work工作之设计与衡量
Despite the pendency of arbitration proceedings, the work shall not be delayed尽管仲裁程序尚未解决,但工程不得拖延
detailed work factor细密工作因素
digital net work architecture数字网络体系
discounted cash flow work sheets贴现流量计算表
discounted cash-flow work sheets贴现现金流量计算表
During the progress of the work, the engineer may illustrate changes in the work to be done by means of drawings在工程进行中,工程师可用图纸说明该项工程所需做出的变动
eight column work sheet八栏式工作底稿
eight column work sheet八栏式计算表
emergency work应急工程
emergency work急救工作
ending work in process期末在制品
engineering change proposal work statement工程修改建议书工作说明
engineering work order工程量订单
ex. work工厂交货
exchange work工厂交货
extension of the work cycle延长加工周期
extra work加工
extra work加班
failure to work a patent未能实施一项专利
fair clay's work公平日工
fancy work钩编织物
farm work simplification农场工作简化
fat work肥差
fat work美差
fiduciary work信贷业务
field work实地工作
field work实地作业
field work现场工作
finished work已加工工作
fixed work stations固定工作场地
floor of work工作流程
food for work以工换粮
food for work以工代赈
food-for-work impact study以粮代工项目影响研究
Food-for-work program以粮代工方案
food-for-work programme以工代赈项目
food-for-work programme以粮代工方案
food-for-work programme以工换粮项目
from each according to his ability, to each according to his work各尽所能、按劳分配
full-time work全时工作
general work flow总的工作流量
ground work原理
ground work基础
group piece work contractor包工头
group piece work system集体计件制
guess work猜测
guess work推测
habit of work劳动习惯
hand work手工作业
head work思想灵敏
head work脑力劳动
heavy earth work大量的土方工程
hours of work and output工作时数与产出
If any work fails to conform to the requirement of the specifications, the contractor shall promptly reexecute the work如果任何工程不符合技术规格的要求,则承包商应迅速重新完成该工程
If your work turns out to be satisfactory, the agreement can be renewed on expiry如你方经营业务令人满意,协议期满后可续订
income from work劳动所得
income from work劳动收入
indirect work order间接作业定单
integrated work team综合工作组
intellectual work脑力工作
It is an engineer's responsibility to disapprove or reject any defective work or material否决或抵制任何有缺陷的施工或材料是工程师应尽的职责
It is illegal to photocopy a copyright work复制有版权的作品是非法的
lace work网状系统
land for work工程用地
length of railway siding for cargo work铁路装卸线长度
line of the value of work performed完成工作的价值线
lump work总包的工作
maintenance work orders维修工作订单
maintenance work request维修作业申请
make work增加就业
make work activities增加就业
make work activities就业
marginal work边际工作
material of spoiled work损坏工作汇总表
measured day work计算日工作制
method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory对在制品初期存货的记账方法
mind one's work专心于工作
minimum number of work days基本劳动日
Mr. Smith had to do a lot of field work to find the right market for the product史密斯先生需要进行大量实地调査以便找到产品适销的市场
near work须用眼力的细工
net work网络
night work提单批准夜间装船
night work allowance夜班津贴
non-repairable defective work不可修复废品
office work办事处工作
office work写字楼工作
our work suffered from lack of coordination我方工作互不配套
out of work无工可做
out of work失业
paper work文书工作
part-work, part-study半工半读
pay according to work按劳付酬
perform work做功
permit to work务工许可
piece work rate计件工资率
piece work system计件工作制
pilot demonstration work示范性试验项目
preliminary work初步工作
pre-tax work program bid税前项目方案招标
price work计价工作
principle of equal pay for equal work同工同酬原则
principle of "more pay for more work"多劳多得的原则
product of past labor work过去劳动产品
product of past labor work死劳动产品
product of past labour work过去劳动产品
programme of work工作计划
programme of work工作日程
progress of work工作过程
protection of the public and of work and property公共安全和对工程及财产的防护
public work社会工作
publishing work出版工作
qualification test work order质量鉴定试验工作顺序
quit work停工
quit work停止工作
rain and snow work雨雪中作业
rain work雨中散货
rain work雨中装船
reduce work hours减少工时
regular work固定职业 (工作)
relief work失业救济工作
relief work救济工作
repair defective work可修复的废品
restricted work injuries限制性工作伤害事故
resume work复兴
seasonal work季节性就业
service work orders服务工单
shirk off work upon others把工作推给别人做
smoke free work environment禁烟工作环境
straight piece work system单纯计价工资制
strike work罢工
Such work of making good imperfections shall be executed by the contractor补救多种缺陷的工作应由承运商执行
The architect can determine in general the work proceeding in accordance with the contract documents建筑师能够按合同文件大体上确定工程进度
The architect has the right to make reexamination of questioned work建筑师有权对有问题的工程重新审査
The boss needs an efficient assistant to work with him老板需要一名得力助手协助工作
the capacity for work作业能力
the capacity for work工作能力
the center for research work in natural science自然科学研究中心
The company depends om efficient work from its staff公司依靠全体员工卓有成效的工作
The completion of each phase of the work shall be followed by subsequent payments工程每竣工一个阶段,就应该支付一笔款项
the composite work集成作品
The contractor shall be responsible for the restoration of the damaged work承包人对修复损毁工程负有责任
The contractor shall reconstruct of repair damaged or destroyed work承包商应将损坏或损毁的工程加以重建或修理
The contractor shall submit a statement of all proposed schedule of the work in writing承包商须以书面形式呈交一份工程进度表
the daily work每日作业
The delegates' inspection will not cause undue delay or inconvenience to the workers in performing the work代表们的视察不会给工人们的操作带来不适当的延误和不便
the directive to work工作指南
The engineer may reasonably ask the contractor to prepare a program of work工程师可以合理地要求承包商准备一份施工计划
the gradual reduction of work time工作时间逐渐减少
the habit of work劳动习惯
the hack work苦工
the hack work受雇作家的作品
the hack work苦力
The manager may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to or deducting from the work经理可以安排额外工作或对工作加以修改,增加或减少
The manager thank-ed the employees for their hard work经理感谢员工们努力工作
the man-hour for auxiliary work辅助作业工时
the needle work缝纫业
the needle work刺绣法
the non-productive work无收益的工作
the reward for mental and physical work脑力劳动与体力劳动报酬
the spoiled work-in-process报废再制品
The technicians shall devote all of their time and attention to the experimental work技术人员应集中其全部时间与精力致力实验工作
The technicians shall direct the work of the operators to assure the completion of the technical innovation技术人员应指导操作人员的工作,以确保这项技术革新的完成
The term "man-hour "means work done by one man in one hour术语"工时"指一个人在一小时内完成的工作量
the tut work计件工作
the unfinished work未完成的工作
the unfinished work在制品
the unfinished work未成品
the welfare work福利事业
the welfare work福利工作
the wood work of hall木制船壳
The work exposed proved acceptable所展示的工程证明是可以接受的
the work-flow integration工作流程综合
The work has been greatly improved under the personal superintendence of the executive在总经理亲自管理之下,工作有了很大的改进
the work-in-process inventory在制品盘存
the work-in-process turnover在制品周转率
the work-in-process turnover norm产品周转定额
the work performance工作业绩
the work performance工作情况
the work-related injury因工负伤
the work simplification工作简化
They will have to dock your pay if you are late for work again如果你上班再迟到,他们就要扣你的工资
time work计时工作
time work system计时工资制度
toil at one's work辛苦工作
total work content全部工作内容
total work cost总工作费用
total work cost总生产成本
upstream policy work上游政策工作
variance work-in-process在制产品差异
We had hard work of 3 months getting the order fulfilled in time为及时完成定货,我们辛苦工作了三个月
We regret to inform you that the delivery was late due to the stoppage of work我们遗憾地告知贵方,交货由于停工而延迟
We shall refuse to prosecute the work, if they fail to make payment on time如果他们不按时付款,我们将拒绝施工
We shall spend quite a bit of time to perform the allocated work我们需要相当的时间来完成分配的工作
We shall work out the interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the total amount of lending capital我方可按借出资本总数每年5%的利率来计息
We should supervise the work in an efficient way, using our best skill我们应该用我们的最好技能对该项施工进行有效监督
We will sub-contract to Top Peak Ltd. the electrical and water work in the construction of apartment buildings我们把公寓大楼建筑中的水电工程转包给"顶峰"有限公司
welfare work福利事业
willingness to work工作意志
work a machine机器
work and inspection record工作和检査记录
work book工作手册
work breakdown structure工作事故结构
work contract承包
work cost制造成本
work count工作计数
work day工作日
work enlargement工作扩大化
work equilibrium system工分制
work equilibriums工分
work farm劳改农场
work farm劳动农场
work flow业务流转
work force劳动大军
work fund工作基金
work house工场
work house作坊
work in place原地作业
work in private domain有版权的作品
work in progress半成品
work in progress在产品
work incentive对劳动的刺激
work-in-progress products在制品
work intensity劳动密集度
work level生产水平
work measurement工作评定
work measurement劳动定额化
work methods and standards工作方法和标准
work of building socialism社会主义建设事业
work off偿清债务
work off排除
work off清理
work off售出
work off a debt算出
work off a debt消耗完
work off a debt采掘完 (矿)
work off a debt设计出
work off a debt作岀
work organization业务组织
work out枯竭
work out市场疲软
work out精心计划
work out努力获致
work out a solution for the problem给问题找答案
work out a solution of the problem给问题找答案
work out a solution to the problem给问题找答案
work out the final state accounts编成国家决算
work over研究
work over殴打
work over重做
work over检査
work papers计算底稿
work performance工作情况
work permit打工许可证
work piece工作
work program劳务分配方案
Work Projects Administration美国工程项目管理局
work-related injury因公负伤
work request作业申请
work rules工作规划
work's weight工厂装出重量
work sampling工作抽样法
work schedule工作时间
work scheduling工作时序
work scheduling工作程序
work seniority工作年限
work shadow实习生
work sharing工作分享
work sheet工作记录单
work smarter, not harder劳心者胜于劳力者
work statement工作说明
work stoppage停工斗争
work study工时分析
work task单元工作
work task工作任务
work team工作组〔队〕
work team劳动队
work three shifts三班倒
work ticket工作票
work to rule怠工
work to rule变相罢工
work unit code manual作业单位代码手册
work up逐步发展
work up加工
work up逐步引起 (或激起)
work up整理
work up逐步建立起
work one's will upon把自己的意志强加于
work year工作年度
You are welcome to directly or indirectly take part in our research work欢迎你们直接或间接地参加我们的研究工作
Your unemployment insurance will inure immediately after your being out of work你的失业保险在你失去工作以后立即生效