
Terms for subject Business containing Work | all forms | exact matches only
ability to work工作能力
adaptation of work工作适应性
all-hour work plan昼夜计划
allowance for mobile work流动施工津贴
allowance for under-pit work矿井下津贴
allowance for work in high temperature高温津贴
allowance in work measurement劳动测量外加时间
amount of time spent travelling to and from work上下班时间
amount of work for preparing production technologies生产技术准备工作量
anonymous work不具名作品
application for extra work要求办公时间外提货
application for extra-work向海关等申请办公时间外提货
arranging work布置工作
assembly work来料装配
attitude to work工作态度
autonomous work group自主工作组
auxiliary work group辅助工组
average work load平均工作量
backlog of work积压的工作
back-to-work movement回厂工作运动
balance between work and leisure劳逸平衡
balancing work station工作调度站
basic time of work基本工作时间
basic work基础工作
basic work data基本工作数据
basic work data system基本工作数据制
basic work of business management企业管理基础工作
basic work of company finance公司财务基础工作
beginning work in process期初在制品
beginning work in process account期初在制品账户
belt work line传送带流水线
bench work钳工台
best possible work最佳工作
brick work砌砖工程
brief description on work工作简介
brief work-factors简易工作因素
calculation of the effect of work-hour consumed工时消耗效果核算
capital work基建工程
case work个案调查工作
center for research work研究中心
check on the work检查工作
check up the work检查工作
chilled work冷冻加工
chuck work停止工作
civil work土木工程
class of work工种
classification of work工作分类
clerical work文书抄写工作
clerical work control事务管理
clerical work evaluation文书工作评价
clerical work improvement program文书工作改进方案
columnar work sheet多栏式工作底稿
commercial net work商业网
completed one's work完成某项工作
completed work hours完成工时
completion work chart竣工图
complex kinds of work复杂工种
complex work复杂工种
composite work group综合工作小组
comprehensive work coefficient综合作业系数
compressed work hours压缩工时
compressed work week压缩工作周
consolidated balance sheet work sheet合并资产负债表工作底稿
construction installation work建筑安装工作
cost of beginning work in process inventory期初库存在制品成本
cost of completed work完工工程成本
cost of defective work不合格品成本
cost of ending work in process inventory期末库存在制品成本
cost of reconstruction work改建工程成本
daily report of work工作日报表
daily work report工时日报
daily work report工作日报表
day work日工
day work计日工作
day work
day-to-day work长期日工
delegation of authority by type of work按工作种类授权
department in charge of confidential or important work机要部门
deposit paid on construction work建筑工程预付款
design change work order设计更改操作指令
desire to work工作欲
detailed record of work-day工作日写实
detailed work factor细致动作要素
determining the item of work决定工作项目
determining the items of work确定工作项目
dirty work苦差使
dirty work苦力活
dirty work不法行为
dirty work欺诈行为
disaster relief work灾害救济工程
discounted cash flow work sheet贴现流量计算表
discounted cash flow work sheet现金流量贴现计算表
dispatching work调度工作
distribution according to work按劳分配
distribution work分配工作
distributions according to work按劳分配
drainage work排水工程
drive away at work努力工作
each according to one's work按劳分配
econometric work经济计量工作
effective work有效劳动
eight-hour work system八小时工作制
elastic work schedule system弹性工作时间制
element of work工作要素
enforced idleness due poor organization of work窝工
engineering change proposal work statement工程更改建议说明
engineering repair work维修工厂
engineering work工程技术工作
engineering work order工程项目单
engineering work request工程项目申请
engineering work transfer order工程作业移交单
engineering work transfer request工程作业移交申请
essential work order基本项目单
ex work工厂交货价
execution program of work施工程序
extended work week延长工作周
external work外围工程
extra work加班加点
faculty for work工作能力
fair day's work日合理工作量
fancy work编织品
fast work迅速完成的工作
fast work很快就能完成的工作
fast work快速工作
field work外勤工作
field work standard现场工作准则
finish work完成的工作
finish work加工工件
finished work已竣工程
fitting work装配作业
fixed work station固定工作地
flow of work工作程序
frame work构架工程
frame work机架
frame work骨架
from each accounting to his ability, to each according to his work各尽所能、按劳分配
gang piece work system集体计件制
general check-up on the financial work财务大检查
general work flow总的工作流程
get one's work工作获好评
get to work开始工作
graded measured day-work阶梯式测定计时工资率
half time work半工半薪
half time work半天工作
half work study program半工半读制
half-night work夜半工作
hard work艰难工作
heavy earth work大量土方工程
help relief work through production生产救灾
hire of work承揽包工
historical work measurement历史工作测定法
hour of work工作时间
hours of work and output工时数与产出
ideological and political work in enterprise企业思想政治工作
idleness due to poor organization of work窝工
in work在工作
inadequacy for work工作不适应
incompleted building work未完施工
increase in work in progress在制品增加
in-cycle work机器开动时作业
individual hours of work个人工时
individual's work daily个人工作日写实
ineffective work无效劳动
information work sheet信息搜集工作底稿
initial work in process account初期在制品账户
interior finish work内部装修工程
interrupt of work工作中断
inventory of work in process在制品存货
investment promotion work促进投资活动
issue bonuses on the basis of recorded work performance计奖
job work临时工
job work计件工作
key in work man重点人物
key in work man要人
last work最新式样
last work新产品
law of distribution according to work done按劳分配法则
laying work敷设工程
lean work苦差事
less pay for less work少劳少得
let it work itself任其自运行
licence to work a patented invention运用专利发明执照
license to work a patented invention运用专利发明执照
line of the value of work performed完成工作价值线
linger over work磨洋工
live by one's work自食其力
live-line work带电作业
live-wire work带电作业
loaded work piece负荷工件
longest work-time priority principle最长工时优先原则
lose one's ability to work丧失工作能力
loss due to elective work残次损失
loss of work工作损失
lump-sum work包干工作
lump-sum work总包工
lump-sum work一次总包工
made work虚设工作
make work就业
make work增业
make work使失业者就业
make work activities增业活动
make work activities用限产增加就业活动指限制个人产量以保证总体就业,减少失业
make work programme创造就业方案
man and wife both at work双职工
man hour for auxiliary work辅助作业人时
managerial work经理工作
master work杰出工作
material and work schedule材料与工作日程表
material of spoiled work损坏工作资料
maximum work area最大工作区域
measured day-work计量日工作
measured day-work system计量日工作制
metal electro-sparking work金属电火花加工
method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory对在制品期初存货的会计方法
minimum piece work standard最低计件标准
modification work order修改工作指令
motive of work工作目的
music at work工作时音乐
nature and condition of work工作性质与条件
nature and conditions of work工作性质和条件
near work细工
need of work工作要求
needs for work工作需要
net work of standing currency-swap arrangement固定货币信贷交易协商网络
net work programming纯操作程序
night shift work夜班工作
night work夜班
night work夜班作业
night work pay夜班工资
no change in work in process生产工序不变
no pay for no work不劳不得
non-manual work非体力劳动
nonproductive work非生产性工作
non-reimbursable work无偿劳动
norm for work劳动定额
norm for work工作定额
office work行政工作
onerous work繁重工作
opening work露天开采
opening work in process inventory在制品期初库存
operating work调度工作
order for reconditioning of defective work残次品修复订单
order of work工作秩序
out-cycle work停机时作业
out-of-work benefit失业津贴
output work queue文件输出排队
outside work外勤工作
overtime work额外工作
part-work, par-study半工半读
percentage of spoilage and defective work废品率
performance of work工作的完成
permanent work force固定人力
piece-work payment计件工资
piece-work price计件价格
piece-work rate计件工资率
piece work system计件制
piece work wage system计件工资制
pioneering work创始工作
plan of work工作计划
planned cost of work completed完工产品计划成本
poor organization resulting in holding up the work组织不善造成窝工
practice work实习工作
preliminary work预备工作
preoperation work营业准备工作
preventive maintenance work orders预防维修工作单
price work物价工作
priced work按件计价工作
principle of "more pay for more work"多劳多得原则
production work force training生产职工培训
production work force training expenses生产职工培训费用
profit-sharing accounting to work劳动分红
programme of work and budget工作计划与预算
regular work固定工作
regular work正式职工
remunerative work有偿工作
repairable defective work可修复工程
repairing expenses of defective work废品修复费用
report of work工作报告
research and development work研究开发工作
research and development work研制工作
research work调查研究工作
responsible for a particular field of work分工负责
right to equal pay for equal work同工同酬权利
right to work劳动权
rough work粗制品
routine of work工作惯例
routine work例行事务
scamp work偷工
schedule of work in process在制品清单
scheduled work计划工作
shop work order车间工作单
short-run work短期工程
short-time work短期工程
side work副业
slacking at work怠工
smooth flow of work稳定工作流
social work社会工作
soft work轻松的工作
soft work软工作
special work expenditure专项工程支岀
specification of work操作规格
spoilage and defective work losses sheet废品损失计算表
staff work参谋工作
standard of field work现场监察标准
standard of work工作定额
standardization of work place工作地标准化
standards of field work现场查账标准
start work开工
state of work工作情况
station work content time站工作含量时间
stenographic work速记工作
stepped day work阶梯式日工作定额
stop work收工
straight piece-work system单纯计件工资制
summary of spoiled work损坏工件汇总表
surplus work force剩余劳动力
survey of the work工作调查
synthesis of work elements工作要素综合
table work表格排版
tackle the work着手做工作
tackle the work着手工作
take on extra work雇用临时工
temporary work force临时职工
term work协同工作
Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?感谢您的询盘。不过请告知订购数量,这样我们才能报价
time of go to and off work上下班时间
time work计时付酬的工作
to each according to his work按劳分配
total work content总工作含量
Total Work Cost总工程成本
total work force全部职工
tut work计件工资
type of product design work产品设计工作类型
unbilled work未开账单工程
uncompleted constructed work未完成建设工程
uniform flow of work统一工作流程
uninterrupted work连续作业
week-end work周末工作
welfare work福利工作
work accidence工伤事故
work accidence劳动意外事故
work accomplishment event工作完成事项
work area工作区域
work assignment procedure工作指派程序
work attendance出勤率
work-back valuation method倒求价值法
work balancing工作协调
work bench audit工作台审核
work breakdown工作分解
work breakdown structure分工结构图
work-caused disability因工残废
work-caused injuries因工负伤
work center加工中心
work characteristics工作特性
work composition工作构成
work contract工作契约
work contract工程承包
Work Control Plan工作控制计划
work council员工福利咨询委员会
work cycle操作周期
work cycle recording操作周期记录
work data工作数据
work data file工作数据档案
work days idle闲置人日
work description工作说明
work design工程设计
work down in current period本期完成工作
work down in previous period前期完成工作
work down to date迄今完成的工作
work ethics工作道德
work factor system工作因素系统
work fare工作福利
work flow analysis工作流程分析
work force劳工
work force analysis劳动力分析
work force level工作力水准
work girl女工
work hard努力工作
work house工作处所
work in hand手头工作
work in hand订货承接总数
work in process file在制品档案
work-in -process inspection在制品检验
work in process ledger在制品分类账
work-in -process norm在制品定额
work in process turnover在制品周转率
work in progress工作在进行
work in tandem串联操作
work in three shifts三班倒
work in three shifts工厂三班制
Work Incentive Program劳动刺激计划
work incentive program credit促进就业计划税收抵免
work-in-process cost在制品成本
work-in-process turnover norm在制品周转定额
work level接受订货水平
work level工作水平
work-load analysis工作负荷分析
work map工作图
work measurement approach工作测定法
work measurement technique工作测定法
work obligation工作任务
work obligation expense工作任务费用
work of mind智力作品
work off a debt清偿债务
Work Order作业指示
Work Order工作单
work order ledger工作通知单分类账
work organization工作组织
work out检查出
work out拟定
work over复制
work over加工
work over管理
work overtime加班工作
work pacing工作速度
work package一套工作
work paid by the day日工资
work paid by the day接日计酬工作
work paper工作文件
work paper结账单
work people工人们
work permit工作许可证
work permit工会发给非会员工作许可证
work place layout工作地布置
work point工分
work point based on piece work done按件计工
work-point norm工分定额
work-point on piece work done按件计工
work-point standard工分标准
work-point unit value工分单价
work product工作成品
Work Program工作方案
work program作业程序
work quality target工作质量指标
work ratio有效功率比
work related injury因公负伤
work request作业要求
work request加工申请
work room工作室
work routinization工作常规化
work rules for workers and staff职工劳动守贝
work's engineer制造工程师
work's inspection certificate工厂检验证书
work's quantity工厂装出数量
work's weight工厂出厂重量
work sampling method工作抽样定时法
work sampling stop watch工作抽查马表
work sampling technique工作抽查技术
work scheduling工序
work section生产工段
work seniority工作年资
work sequencing操作程序
work sequencing工作序列
work sharing工作分担
work sheet工作底表
work sheet for statement of fund编制基金计算书的工作表
work sheet method工作底稿法
work sheet method试算法
work shift工作班次
Work Simplification Program作业简化程序
work specification工作规程
work specification操作说明书
work standard工作标准
work statement工作报告
work statement操作报表
work station工作台
work stoppage工作停止
work stoppage工人停工斗争
work stoppage compensation停工补偿工资
work strength劳动强度
work structuring工作结构
work-study system半工半读制度
work style工作作风
work table作业表
work table工作单
work team作业组
work team工作组
work-testing gauge工作检验规
work ticket工作单
work-to-rule strike怠工迫使资方让步
work-training programs工作培训方案
work under supervision监督生产
work upon完成
work upon激励
zeal for work热心工作
zeal for work热忱工作
zeal for work积极工作
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