
Terms containing With respect to | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
earth.sc.admissibility with respect to quadratic loss function关于二次损失函数的容许性
avia.altitude with respect to sea level海平面高度
met.angle of air knife with respect to strip气刀与带钢的夹角
gen.by differentiation with respect to对…微分
tech.class with respect to a module关于一模的类
fin.commit to international standards with respect to bank secrecy and transparency承诺实施关于银行保密性和透明度国际标准
gen.complement with respect to 1010 的补数
gen.derivative of M with respect toM 对N的微商〔导数〕 (N)
commer.Differences have arisen between the two parties with respect to the effectiveness of the contract双方对合同的有效性产生纠纷
gen.differentiate with respect to...对…求导
avia.DME with respect to time计时测距仪
bridg.constr.eccentricity of axial compressive force in the direction of bending with respect to the gravity centre of average cross-section of member顺弯曲方向轴向压力对构件平均截面重心的偏心距
nautic., tech.external structure with respect to design temperature与设计温度有关的外部结构
securit.financial policy with respect to dividend与股利有关的财务政策
fin.financial policy with respect to dividends财务政策与股利发放
fin.financial policy with respect to dividends与股利发放有关的财务政策
busin.financial policy with respect to dividends有关股息发放的财务政策
UN, policeGroup of Legal Experts on ensuring the accountability of United Nations staff and experts on mission with respect to criminal acts committed in peacekeeping operations法律专家组
shipb.In respect to quality, I don't think that the goods of other brands can compare with ours.在质量方面其他牌号的商品很难与我们的相比
earth.sc.inadmissibility with respect to quadratic loss function关于二次损失函数的非容许性
UNInterim Agreement on Certain Measures with respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms关于限制进攻性战略武器的某些措施的临时协议
interntl.trade.International Convention for Unification of Certain Rules of Law with respect to Collisions between Vessels Brussels, 23 September 1910年布鲁塞尔关于统一若干有关船舶碰撞规则的国际公约 (1910)
bridg.constr.moment of area of gross cross-section with respect to neutral axis毛截面对中性轴的面积矩
bridg.constr.moment of area with respect to neutral axis对中性轴的面积矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia with respect to centre of gravity对重心的惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of inertia with respect to gravity axis对重心轴的惯性矩
bridg.constr.moment of resistance of net cross-section with respect to main axis对主轴的净截面抵抗矩
busin.moment with respect to就动差而论
bridg.constr.overturning stability factor with respect to the base of foundation of pier and abutment墩台基底倾覆稳定系数
spacepercentage of hits with respect to depth距离命中率
spacepercentage of hits with respect to width方向命中率
gen.power of a point with respect to a circle点对圆的幂〔势〕
refrig.relative humidity with respect to ice相对于冰的相对湿度
refrig.relative humidity with respect to water相对于水的相对湿度
bridg.constr.resistant moment of cross-section with respect to near edge of crosssection对较近边缘的截面抵抗矩
China, lawright of mortgage with respect to a ship船舶抵押权
China, lawrights with respect to culture and education文化教育权利
securit.seller's position with respect to...与……有关的卖方立场
bridg.constr.sliding stability factor with respect to the base of foundation of pier and abutment墩台基底滑动稳定系数
China, lawspecial preferential policy with respect to enterprise income tax企业所得税专项优惠政策
tech.statically determinate structure with respect to reactions外部静定结构
tech.statically determinate structure with respect to reactions对支点反力静定结构
bridg.constr.statically determinate structure with respect to reactions of support points对于支点反力的静定结构
bridg.constr.statically indeterminate bridge with respect to external forces外力超静定桥梁外力静不定桥梁
tech.statically indeterminate structure with respect to internal forces内力超静定结构
tech.statically indeterminate structure with respect to reactions外部超静定结构
tech.statically indeterminate structure with respect to reactions对支点反力超静定结构
bridg.constr.statically indeterminate structure with respect to reactions of support points对于支点反力的静不定结构
bridg.constr.statically indeterminate with respect to external forces外力超静定外力静不定
bridg.constr.statically indeterminate with respect to internal force内力超静定
tech.statically indeterminate with respect to internal forces内力超静定
tech.statically indeterminate with respect to reactions外部超静定
tech.statically indeterminate with respect to reactions对支点反力超静定
bridg.constr.statically indeterminated structure with respect to internal forces内力超静定结构
tech.statically indetermined truss with respect to internal forces内力超静定桁架
agric.supersaturation with respect to ice冰面过饱和
agric.supersaturation with respect to water水面过饱和
math.symmetry with respect to a line关于直线的对称
bridg.constr.symmetry with respect to a plane面对称
math.symmetry with respect to a plane镜对称
math.symmetry with respect to a plane关于平面的对称
math.symmetry with respect to a point关于点的对称
China, lawtest of the energy-using equipment with respect to energy efficiency用能设备能源效率检测
commer.The agent has no authority to give the buyers a warranty with respect to the goods sold代理人无权对售岀的货物向买主作任何保证
econ.The company shall grant an elusive selling right to the agent relying upon the representation of the agent with the respect to his operational capability根据代理商在经营能力方面的表现,公司应授与独家销售权
econ.We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you我们注意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希望与你方继续发展经常的关系
econ.We should rectify all the faults with respect to the equipment discovered on inspection as soon as possible我们应尽快地改正在检査中发现的有关设备的全部毛病
avia.with respect to ...关于…
el.with respect to就…而论
tech.with respect to关于
commer.with respect to关于亦缩为 w-r-t
earth.sc.with respect to相对于
tech.with respect to对应于
gen.with respect to
China, polit.with respect to至于
China, polit.with respect to就..... 而言
gen.with respect to根据
avia.with respect to ...相对于…
gen.with respect to对于
China, polit.with respect to a candidate that has been determined对确定的候选人
China, polit.with respect to certain questions直接选举中的若干问题 (concerning the direct election)
gen.with respect to one another彼此之间相对
commer.with respect to quality of goods关于货物质量
econ.With respect to quality, we are rather satisfied关于质量,我们颇满意
China, lawwith respect to the labor dispute in question就该劳动争议事项
China, polit.with respect to the scope of关于... 的范围