
Terms for subject Construction containing Windows | all forms
automatic window自动开闭玻璃窗
backing of window墙〔窗〕托
columnated window stairs柱支楼梯便于开窗采光
counter window计数管窗
dead window隔声窗
dormant window屋顶窗
end window端面窗
judas window监〔窥〕视孔
open window unit敞窗单位
open window unit敞窗〔声学〕单位
picture window配景窗
pressurizing window电缆密封封口
pull-in-and-slide window可滑的驾驶舱车厢的边窗
storm window垂直层顶窗
storm window风雨 〔双层〕窗
three-light window三扇〔截〕窗
window band最佳频段
window of tube管窗 (屏)
window position波门位置
window position窗口脉冲位置
window sash上下开关的窗扇
window type restraint weld cracking test窗形约束抗裂试验
window wiper车窗〔风挡〕刮水器
window wiper玻璃刷
window wiper刮水器