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A simple implementation of a push model could be built where the work is sent to grid resources in a round-robin fashion推模式的简单实现是通过循环的方式将任务发送到网格资源上
As an analysis tool, though, it puts absolute return back -where it should be : at the heart of hedge fund management不过、作为一项分析工具、它将绝对回报放回了应有的位置:对冲基金管理的核心
Does it matter where I open an individual retirement account?我在哪里开立个人退休账户有关系吗?
It tells the resource compiler where to find the actual bmp file它告诉资源编译器哪里能找到真实的位图文件
The application of a network where a dedicated line is used is to transmit bluetooth data网络的一个应用是采用专用线路来发送蓝牙数据
To regenerate data in storage units where the process of reading data results in its destruction重新恢复数据、 即对存储单元中因读取数据而造成的数据破坏进行恢复
When you open a soft link, you will be redirected to the folder where the files are stored当你打开一个软链接、系统会将当前路径转向文件的实际存储位置
Where the place of payment is not specified on a promissory note, the business premises of the maker is the place of payment本票上未记载付款地的、出票人的营业场所为付款地