
Terms for subject Economy containing When | all forms | exact matches only
A bull market is a period when share prices rise牛市就是股票价格上涨期
A document held in escrow is one given to a third party to keep and to pass on to someone when money has been paid所谓"以有条件转让的契约形式保存的单据",就是交给第三者保存并在钱款交付后将其转交给某人的一种单据
A voucher is needed to support the conclusive evidence when a claim is lodged提出索赔时,需要有一个支持确证的证人
According to the rule of our company, a loss can be deductible only when the sale is complete and bona fide根据我们公司的规则,只有销售额完成了而且真实可靠,才允许扣除损失
Computation of contract time begins on the day when both parties sign the contract合同生效时间的计算从双方签订合同的那一天算起
date when performance is due义务履行到期日
date when performance is due义务履行到期日条件
day when available可使用的日数
day when available有效日数
days when available可使用天数
days when available有效天数
One has to surrender the old passport when applying for a new one申请新护照时须交出旧护照
Only when the trade becomes truly international, can commodities be circulated freely只有当贸易真正国际化了,商品才能自由地流通
Please advise us immediately when the goods are ready for shipment一旦货物备好待运,请速通知我方
Please do not neglect to advise us when the goods are ready for shipment一旦货物备妥待运,请勿忘通知我方
reply when done办理后请回答
reply when done办妥答复
She lost all her money when the bank failed当这家银行倒闭时,她损失了所有的钱
The amount of money will be payable to you only when we have finished the collection of goods等货物全部收齐后,我们向贵方支付这笔钱
The exclusive license granted to your company will become non-exclusive when the following conditions occur...如果发生下述情况,授予贵公司的专营许可证即成为非专营许可证…
The new assistant coped very well when the boss was on holiday新助手在老板度假时把工作处理得很好
The steamer was hit by a hurricane when she was on route to our port此船在驶向我方港口途中遭飓风的袭击
The typist omit ted the date when typing the agreement打字员在打协议时漏打了日期
They noticed a shortage in weight totalling 255kg. when the goods arrived货物抵达时,他们发现短重共达 255 千克
This contract shall terminate when the distributor consolidates with another当经销商与另一经销商合并时,本合同将终止
This contract will be valid when we get all necessary export licenses from our government当我们从我国政府获得一切必要的出口许可证时,本合同即行生效
This line of transaction should be conducted in China only when authorized by the statute of People's Republic of China只有在中华人民共和国的法规授予此种权利的时候才能在中国做这一行业的生意
We appoint you as our sole agent for our products for the two years in your local market computed from the date when this agency agreement comes into effect我方指定你方为当地市场上我方产品的独家代理,为期两年,从本代理协议生效之日起计算
We are not interested in renewing this agreement when it expires我们无意在协议期满时续订协议
We decided to buy the company when it was barely solvent这家公司几乎无力偿债时我们决定收购
We do not see the object of sending you the cuttings at present when we are out of stock目前没有现货,我们不明白给你方寄剪样有什么作用
We express our thanks for being hospitably received by you when we were visiting your company last week上周我们访问你公司时,受到热情招待特此表示感谢
We have no idea of when this commodity will be restocked我们不知何时再补进这一商品
We hope you will promote credit sales so as to pave the way for a renewal of the agreement, when it expires望促进赊销,为协议期满后续订协议铺平道路
We shall be unable to repeat the very low prices when our stocks are exhausted我们库存已售光,无法再用非常低的价格做交易了
We shall make an immediate report to you when we find any infringement of the patent by any third party如发现任何第三方对专利造成任何侵犯时,我们立即向你方通报
We will duly receive their advice when they send out our goods ordered我方订货发运时,我们会及时得到他们的通知
What, Where, When, Who, How, Why计划和分析工作6要素干什么、何处、何时、何人承担、如何进行、为什么
When an examination of project already completed is needed, necessary facilities shall be furnished by the contractor如需要对已完工的项目进行检査,承包商应提供必要的便利
when issued发行时成交
when issued虚股交易
When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a favourable balance of trade当一国的出口量大于进口量时,我们就说这个国家出现了贸易顺差
When new improvements occur in the equipment, the company may require that the persons involved attend training courses当设备有新的改进时,公司可以要求有关人员参加培训课程
When one invests in stocks, he is non-assessable, except for the payment for investment一个人投资于股票时,除投资付款外,无额外责任
When somebody dies, his next of kin will inherit his property first某一个人死后,其最近血亲将首先继承其财产
When the bank certifies a check, it examines the writer's account to see that sufficient funds are available to cover the check银行查核支票付款时,检查出票人账户上是否有足够的资金兑付支票
When the distributor broke the agreement, the manufacturer had the right to obtain redress当批发商违反协议时,制造商有权取得赔偿
When the government imposes on the contractor taxes, levies and duties, the employer shall reimburse the contractor the full amount遇有政府向承包商征收税款,关税等情况时,雇主应向承包商补偿全部金额
When the imported products are delivered, they shall be merchantable进口的产品在交货时,必须是可销的
When the product is improved, its price is raised产品质量提高时,其价格也上升了
When the supermarkets were equipped with cash-registers, the abacuses became obsolete当超级市场配备了现金出纳机,算盘就显得过时了
When unpacking the bale we found that the quality is unsatisfactory开包之后,发现质量不能使人满意
When unpacking the case, we found that the finish is unsatisfactory开箱之后,发现抛光不能使人满意
When we bid $50, they put in a counterbid of $100当我们以50美元出价时,他们却还价100美元
When we unwrap ped the parcel, we found the blouse is not the same as the sample我们打开包时,发现短衫与样品不一样
When you have a chance to examine the samples, you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price只要你方检査一下样品,你方会认为该货品质量好、价格合理
Why, What, Where When, Who, How管理要素为何、何事、何地、何时、何人、如何
Why, What, Who, When, Where, How, How much, Result制定计划方法为何、何事、何人、何时、何地、如何、多少、结果如何
You are right when you analyse the market situation in the world你对国际市场行情的分析是对的