
Terms containing We have | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.After a few days of friendly discussion we have now concluded business and signed a contract经过几天友好的讨论,现已达成交易并签署了合同
econ.Although we have repeatedly asked them for an extension n., yet we have not received their reply我们再三要求他们延期,但尚未收到他们的答复
econ.As a result of severe damage, the goods are hardly salable adj., we have to resort to a claim损坏如此严重,货物几乎无法售出,我们只得提出索赔
commer.As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks如所约定,我方已将这一批货物按发票金额加成10%投保综合险
econ.As our clients are pressing us for prompt delivery, we have to call on you to void by the agreement由于我方客户催促迅速交货,务请你方按协议办事
econ.As requested, we have replaced the damaged goods照你方要求我们已更换了损坏货物
econ.As this is our first dealing with you, we have decided to comply with your requirements to lower the price by 2%鉴于你方首次进行交易,我方决定满足你方要求,降价2%
econ.As we have hopes of getting this matter cleared up in the near future we would ask you to do nothing final yet我们有希望在最近把这件事搞清楚,所以希望你方暂不作最后决定
shipb.As we have quoted you rock bottom price, we can't give you any more discounts.我们的报价已是最低价,折扣不能再多给了
econ.As we have referred your offers to the foreign corporation for their attention, please contact them directly我们已将你方报盘函转给外方公司,请与他们直接联系
gen.At last, we are in the Big Apple! Now we have to take a subway to get to the village. Don't we need to buy a subway map?我们终于来到纽约!要去乡村的话我们就必须坐地铁。需不需要买一张地铁路线图?
econ.At present, we have enough stock of linen fabrics目前我们亚麻织品备货充足
China, polit.attain the ultimate objectives we have set for modernization最终实现现代化的宏伟目标
econ.Because our company does regularly carry the products in stock we have no difficulty to supply the amount you need at any time因为我公司经常备有这种产品,所以随时供应你方所需数量而无困难
econ.Because the cases have become thoroughly damp with water, we shall not let them go forward由于这些箱子完全受潮,我们不能把这些箱子运出去
econ.Because we cannot manufacture enough products to satisfy the demand at present, we have decided to enlarge our production由于目前制造的产品满足不了需求,我们决定扩大生产
gen.Can I help you? We have all kinds of cars here有什么能帮忙的吗?我们这里有各种各样的车供您选择
gen.Could we have a table close to the band?我们可以选靠近乐队的桌位吗?
gen.Dieting is OK, but we all have to eat. Do you want to get a bite with me now?节食可以,可我们都是要吃饭的。你现在想跟我一起去吃点儿东西吗?
gen.Disease in the body, such as headache or stomachache, with this kind of disease we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor如果是头痛或腹痛之类的身体疾病,我们必须到医院看医生
busin.Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?你觉得这份合同基本涵盖了我们在谈判过程中谈到的所有内容吗?
gen.Excuse me, sir! I'm very sorry for the delay. Here we have some drinks for you to enjoy. It is free of charge to show our apology对不起,先生。非常抱歉菜上晚了。 我这儿有些喝的供您享用,是免费的,以表达我们的歉意
proj.manag.First, we have to decide that there needs to be a specific interface that defines the methods of the Business Delegate itself首先、我们必须确定以一个特定的接口来定义商业代表本身的方法
shipb.For more than thirty years we have been exporting ships and exported considerable ships to abroad.我们从事出口船舶业务已有 30 余年,曾向国外出口很多船舶
econ.For two weeks past we have been urging you for an early dispatch of these goods两周来我们一直催促你方尽早装运这批货物
econ.Further to our letter of 8th inst., we have sent them the sample mentioned继我方本月8日函,我方已寄出所说的货样
commer.Further to our letter of the 3rd inst., we have pleasure to inform you that we have sent you all the samples requested继我方本月三日函件,我方进一步特此通知贵方我方已向贵方寄送所有要求的样品
gen.give them what books we have on the subject把我们关于这个题目的书都给他们
gen.Good morning, we have bought three tickets from Air China. Do I have to make a reconfirmation?早上好!我们在国航买了三张机票,需要再确认吗?
gen.Have they invoiced us for the accommodation yet?他们把食宿发票给我们开好了吗?
econ.He has got a wrong interpretation on that we have written in connection with the construction他对我们关于建设所写的内容作了错误的解释
gen.I am very glad to tell you that you do not need a visa, since we have an agreement with your country, and in accordance with the treaty, people from both your and my countries are allowed to enter the other country without visas我很高兴地告诉您,入境不需要签证,因为贵国和我国签订了一项协议,协议中规定贵国和我国公民进入对方国家无须签证
gen.I dont like to have to bring this up, but we found that this is necessary我也不想给你说这些,但我们认为有必要告诉你
gen.I have regretted to let you know of this, but we found that you are very concerned about this很遗憾地让你知道这些,我们知道你很关心这件事
gen.I have to go on a trip urgently. Would it bother you if we changed the time?我有急事要出差。如果我们更改时间,会给你造成不便吗?
gen.I thought we might have dinner together and go to the movies我想我们可以共进晚餐,然后一起去看电影
gen.I will see. Yes,we have a double room available on October 2nd我查看一下,十月二日我们能空出一个双人间
econ.If the distributors default in any payments, we shall have the right to rescind any orders如果经销商拖欠付款,我们有权取消任何订单
econ.If the goods are not delivered in October, we shall have to countermand our order如果10月份仍没发货,我们将不得不撤消订货
commer.If the goods are not shipped in May, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order如果不能在五月装运,我们只好撤回订单去他处采购
econ.If the use of the materials is enjoined, we have to modify the process of the project如这些材料被禁用,我们就必须修改这一项目的施工过程
econ.If we cannot amicably settle any dispute about the fulfilment of the contract through negotiation, we have to resort to legal proceedings如果我们通过谈判不能友好地解决任何与执行合同有关的争执,那我方将不得不付诸法律诉讼
gen.If we can't do it this Friday, it'll have to wait until the week after next如果这个周五不行,就要等到下下周了
econ.If we do not get favourable news from you before the end of June, we shall have to take legal proceedings for collection若我方在6月底前得不到你方肯定消息,我方将不得不通过法律程序追索货款
econ.If we do not hear from you favorably by May 18, we shall have to take legal means for collection若我们在 5 月 18日前得不到你方肯定消息,我们将不得不采取法律行动索回贷款
gen.If you have any further requirements, please let us know如果您有什么要求,请通知我们
dentist.If you have any pain following local anesthetic wearing off, please take painkillers as we advised如果麻药消失后继续疼痛,您可以用些我们建议的镇痛药
gen.If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒
gen.If you have special dietary requirements, we offer a wide selection of special meals to meet those requirements. You can make a special request through our website if you purchased your ticket online如果您有特殊饮食要求,我们提供了一系列能满足您需求的特殊餐食。如果您是通过在线方式预订机票的,您可以通过阿航网站预订特殊餐食
busin.I'm afraid not. As you know, we have a lot of order to fill恐怕不行,我们的订单很多
gen.I'm afraid that we don't have any tables open at that time很抱歉,那个时段人已经满了
shipb.I'm afraid we can't reduce our price to the level you have indicated.我们的价格不能降到贵方提出的水平
gen.I'm afraid we have no suites available. Would you mind a twin instead?我们恐怕没有空余的套间了,您介意改订双床间吗?
shipb.I'm afraid we have to call the whole deal off, if you still insist on this price.如果贵方仍坚持这个价格,我们就只好放弃这笔交易
gen.I'm having several friends over for dinner this Saturday. And I was wondering if you have the time to join us这周六我约几个朋友吃晚饭。你有时间参加吗?
gen.I'm sorry, but we don't have the special equipment necessary to clean leather很抱歉,我们没有清洗皮料所需要的特别设备
gen.I'm sorry to inform you that we have to charge you 100 dollars for the bloodstains on your bed linen我很遗憾的告诉您,对于床单上的血迹我们要收取100美元的特别洗涤费
gen.I'm sorry. We don't have any single room left. Would you like a double room?对不起,我们没有剩余的单人间了,双人间可以吗?
gen.I'm sorry. We don't have connecting double rooms, but we have large adjoining rooms对不起,我们没有相通的双人房间,但我们有大的相邻房间
gen.I'm sorry. We don't have saunas in our hotel, but we have massage service对不起,我们没有蒸汽浴,但我们有按摩服务
gen.I'm sorry. We have no record of a reservation in your name对不起,没有以您名字预订房间的记录
econ.In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favor, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票
econ.In accordance with your L/C No. TK for £20 000 which you established in our favour, we have drawn on Royal Bank at 30 d/s根据你方开出的以我方为抬头、金额为两万英镑的 TK₂₀₃ 信用证的规定,我方已向皇家银行开具见票后30天付款的汇票
econ.In conformity with our desire to enlarge business, we have decided to accept you as our agent为了符合我们扩大业务的愿望,我们已决定接受你方为代理人
econ.In continuation of our letter dated September 9, we inform that the sample required have been sent out继我方 9 月9日起,特告知你方所需样品已发出
econ.In order to avoid involvement in the confusion, we have withdrawn our quotation为避免发生混乱,我们已撤回我方报盘
econ.In order to energetically develop the sale of the goods at home and abroad, we have agreed to take the said measures为了大力发展该商品在国内外的销售,我们同意采取所说的这些措施
gen.In our case, we do not allow anyone to have a negative checking account balance就我们的情况而言,不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数
proj.manag.In our case, we do not allow someone to have a negative checking account balance在我们的例子中、不允许有人拥有的支票账户余额为负数
econ.In pursuance of this agreement, we have to transport the cargo to your company by air为了履行本协议,我方必须将这批货物空运到你公司
expl.In the library we have found the relevant literature of even data我们在图书馆查到同一时期的有关文献
econ.In view of the fact that we are incurring a heavy loss as a result of your default, we have to cancel this contract and reserve the right to claim for the loss sustained鉴于你方违约使我们遭受重大损失,我们不得不撤销合同,并对蒙受的损失保留索赔权
econ.In view of the fact that you delayed the payment again and again, we have to cancel this agreement考虑到你方一再推迟付款,我方不得不撤消合同
econ.In view of the present market situation, we have to put the goods into storage for the time being鉴于目前市场形势,我们只能暂时把这些货存放在仓库内
econ.In view of the present situation we have made much concession考虑到目前的情形,我们已作了很大让步
shipb.It contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiation.它基本上包括经过谈判双方一致同意的全部内容
econ.It is unfair that we have to bear the whole responsibility要由我方承担全部责任就欠公正了
econ.It's surprising that we have not heard anything further from you concerning the shipment of this order我们再也没听到有关这笔订货的装运的任何消息,实在令人吃惊
gen.Just a moment, please. Fifteen TWBs for January 22 nd, 23 rd and 24 th. Yes. We still have those rooms available. They are stylish, air-conditioned apartment featuring a seating area with a double sofa bed. All are equipped with free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs请稍等。1月22、23、24,15间双人间。好的。我们有足够的房间。都是带空调的时尚公寓间,座位区配置双人沙发床,有免费无线网和平板电视
gen.Let me check if we have any vacancy让我来检查一下是否有空位
gen.Let me check to see if we have one available我看看有没有您需要的车型
gen.Let's hail a cab, so we don't have to ride the subway so late我们招一辆出租车好吗?这样就不用这么晚还乘地铁
econ.May we have the honor to invite you to attend our exhibition?不知是否有幸能邀请你来参加我们的展览会?
gen.Miss Huang, we are planning to have a casual get-together黄小姐,我们打算大家小聚一番
gen.Of course, we have child meal for infant which is suitable for infants less than 2 years old. Those items are easy to bite, chew and digest当然有。我们专门准备了婴儿餐。适用于两岁以下的小孩,易于咬嚼和消化
gen.Oh no, I won't. But we will have an accident if you don't stop shoutingCrash! 哦,不会的。你要是不停止叫喊,我们倒是会出事故的。砰!
gen.OK, I have taken down your statement. We will start the investigation immediately好,我已经记录下来了。我们会马上展开调查的
econ.On account of insufficient evidence, we would have to repudiate your claim因证据不足,我们不得不拒绝你方索赔
gen.Our Independence Day is just like your National Day, but we are not that lucky enough to have such a long holiday美国独立日就跟你们的国庆节一样,不过我们可没有运气享有这么长的假期
econ.Out of the profits, we have saved $10.000 as retainage for flexible use我们从利润中留出一万美元保留款作为机动
econ.Recently we have considered your request for reduction in price and agreed to reduce it by 5%最近我们已考虑了你方关于减价的要求,同意减价5%
econ.Recently we have received bitter complaints about your silk products最近我们收到了不少对你方丝绸产品的激烈的投诉
econ.Rivals have a jump over us竞争对手一下子超过了我们
econ.Since it was neither force majesty nor any other contingencies beyond your control, we have to hold you responsible for the delay of the delivery既然这既不是不可抗力也不是你们难以控制的别的任何意外事故,我方不得不要你方承担延迟交货的责任
econ.Since we are heavily committed this season, we have to reject new rush orders由于这一季节我们已接受了很多订货,不得不拒绝要求迅速交货的新订单
commer.Since we have received no reply from you, we conclude that you have already covered your requirements由于未接到贵方答复,我方以为贵方已购足所需货物
econ.Since you are our old customer, we have managed to retain some of the goods for you at your requirements由于你方是我们的老客户,根据你方要求,我们已设法为你方保留部分货物
dentist.Sometimes we have to pull out the teeth for the treatment为了正畸治疗,有时我们需要拔除一些牙齿
gen.Sorry, sir. We don't allow customers to take food out from buffet. We don't have any doggie bags不好意思,先生。我们不让顾客带走自助餐食物,我们不提供打包服务
proj.manag.Sorry, This is our rock-bottom price. If you find it unworkable, we have no other choice but to call the deal off很抱歉、这是我们的最低价。如果你们认为不能接受、那么我们没有办法、生意只好告吹
gen.Sorry, we have no vacant spare room for you. But I can recommend you to the Powell Hotel where you may get a spare room对不起,我们已经客满了。但是我可以介绍您去鲍威尔酒店,那里可能有空余的房间
econ.Subject to the terms of the agreement, you can only begin to manufacture the products after we have confirmed the qualities and specifications在本协议的条件下,仅在我方确认质量和规格后你方才能开始制造该产品
gen.Sure. We have vanilla cheesecake and egg custard tart当然了,我们有香草奶油蛋糕,还有蛋挞
econ.The amount of money will be payable to you only when we have finished the collection of goods等货物全部收齐后,我们向贵方支付这笔钱
econ.The arrival of you L/C failed, we have to put off delivery因你方信用证未到,我方不得不推迟发货
gen.The cafeteria is short-handed, so we'll have to wait in line自助餐厅人手不够,所以我们不得不排队等候
econ.The cargo was short-weighted. We have to lodge a claim against you to the amount of £5000货物短重,我们只好向你方提出5000英镑的索赔
econ.The goods we have received do not tally with the sample. Please look into it我们收到的货物与定货样品不符,请调査此事
econ.The moderate quotation in our price-list will surely cause you to have a preference for doing business with us我方价目单上的价格公道,定能使你方有优先与我方做买卖的意向
gen.The mulberry trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars桑树砍了,但是我们会种上雪松
gen.the only thing we have to go on is...我们唯一所依据的是…
commer.The reason why we have to ask you to extend the letter of credit for 15 days is that shipping space has recently been exceptionally congested我方不得不要求你方将信用证展期十五天,是由于最近舱位特别拥挤
gen.The trip is the greatest one I have, and the guide picked us up by herself这次旅行是我最棒的一次旅行,导游亲自去机场接机
econ.There are signs that we may have trouble in effecting settlements with this firm有与此公司结账麻烦的迹象
econ.They have given us an order of considerable size他们已给了我方相当关的定单
econ.They have reached an understanding with us on this matter在这个问题上他们与我们达成了谅解
econ.They have several varieties of silk, we can select the best one他们有几种不同的丝绸,我们可以挑最好的
econ.They have talked us into acceding to your request for a transfer to another department他们已说服我们同意你调动到另一部门的要求
econ.They hope we will have a close cooperation in manufacturing this product他们希望我们紧密合作制造这种产品
gen.this is the fifth time that we have overhauled that boiler这是我们第五次检修那台锅炉
gen.This is the peak season. I'm sorry, but could you call us again later on this week? We may have a cancellation现在是旺季,很抱歉,您这周晚些时候再打电话过来好吗?也许会有人取消预订
econ.This order must be filled within five weeks, otherwise we will have to cancel it此订单必须在五周内交货,否则我们将不得不撤销订单
dentist.To make a fixed bridge, we have to prepare more teeth tissue to leave more space, compared with making a removable denture与可摘义齿相比,固定桥的基牙需要被磨除更多的牙体组织以为修复体留出间隙
busin.To tell you the truth, we have already quoted our lowest price说实话,我们已经给您最低价格了
econ.Under such circumstances, we have no choice but to decline your kind offer在这种情况下,本公司别无选择,只好拒绝贵方善意的报价
econ.Unless they can give us an assurance that they will in future provide us with first class cotton seeds, we regret we shall have to go elsewhere除非他们保证以后供应一级棉籽,不然我们将向别处进货
gen.Waiter, we'll have separate checks, please服务员,请为我们分开结账
econ.We acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良好无损
econ.We adj. acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良好无损
gen.We also have mascara designed to lengthen the eyelashes我们也有一些助长睫毛膏
gen.We always have oatmeal, boiled eggs or toasts我们经常吃麦片、水煮蛋或者吐司
gen.We always have oatmeal, boiled eggs or toasts早上我们吃麦片、煮鸡蛋或者吐司
ceram.We are a technical and maintenance service company to the ceramic manufacturing industry, and have been established since 1992 and deal with all types of production machinery for bricks, roof tiles, wall tiles and ceramics我们是针对陶瓷制造业的技术及维护服务公司。公司成立于1992年,提供各种砖块、屋顶瓦片、墙面砖和陶瓷的生产设备
econ.We are glad that we have finally reached an agreement over the terms for the contract我们很高兴,终于达成了合同条款的协议
gen.we are glad that we have succeeded in the experiment我们很高兴因为实验成功了
econ.We are glad to have finalized the first agreement with you我们非常高兴同你们达成了第一项协议
econ.We are glad to inform you that your goods have given us every satisfaction我们很高兴通知你们,你方货物使我们十分满意
econ.We are inclined to believe, however adv., that the furniture must have been roughly handled on route然而,我们倾向于这种看法,家具必曾在运输途中受到粗鲁搬运
econ.We are pleased to have booked your order for 400 tons hard coal, shipment in four equal monthly installments beginning with May我们很高兴与你方成交了无烟煤400吨,自5月开始按月分4 次平均装运
econ.We are pleased to have finally obtained buyers' permission to defer the time of delivery我方很高兴终于得到了买方同意延期交货
econ.We are regretful to have given you so much trouble through having paid great attention to the matter虽然对此事极为注意,仍造成不少麻烦,实为抱歉
econ.We are sorry we have to repudiate this agreement due to your breach of said warranty由于你方违反上述保证书,我方只得撤销此协议
gen.We are through with our meal. Could I have the bill, please?我们吃完了。请把账单拿来好吗?
econ.We are to indemnify you for the great expenses you have incurred我们准备对你方所花的巨额费用予以补偿
econ.We are very sorry to have involved you in such trouble and unnecessary expenses很抱歉给你们添了这样的麻烦,又让你们负担了不必需的费用
econ.We are well established in manufacturing metallurgical equipment to which we have devoted years of experience我们专门生产冶金设备,在这方面已有多年的经验
arts.We can buy a diffuser. I have seen a ceramic reed diffuser which is an ideal for freshening and decorating a room and requires no electricity我们可以买个香薰器。我见过一个陶瓷藤条清新剂。它不仅能清新空气,装扮房间,还不需要电
econ.We can conclusively presume that the requirements specified in the contract have been satisfied我们可明确认定,合同中规定的各项要求均已达到
gen.We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank我们只能兑换外汇牌上的这些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换
econ.We certainly have the right to procure such an additional sum of money in accordance with the contract documents根据合同文件规定,我方自然有权筹措这笔额外资金
econ.We confirm telegrams recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that we have increased our exports to the maximum我方确认近来双方往来电报并欣告我方的岀口已达最大量
gen.We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat OK with you or would you prefer a middle seat?靠过道的座位卖完啦,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位?
gen.We don't have any doggie bags这里不能打包
econ.We gather from what they have said that they are not satisfied with their wages and allowances从他们的话中,我们推断出他们对工资和津贴不满意
gen.We guarantee that the cash changed by our hotel is genuine. We have closely examined it before we change it to the customer我们能保证从酒店兑换出的现金全部是真的,因为每张纸币在给客人前我们都会用验钞机检查
busin.we have我们有
econ.We have a contact inside our rival's sales department who gives us very useful information我们在对手的销售部有熟人给我们提供有用的信息
gen.We have a great many of Danish pastries. Can you give me more details?我们有很多丹麦面包。您能说得具体些么?
gen.We have a huge refrigerator and there's also a dishwasher我们有大冰箱,还有洗碗机
construct., tech.We have a huge selection of new and used concrete mixing trucks for sale. Buy the concrete mixing trucks you need right here!我们现有大量新旧混凝土搅拌车出售。在这里您就能购买到自己所需的混凝土搅拌车!
econ.We have a large choice of suppliers我公司的供货商很多,选择范围大
econ.We have a loan for a term of ten years from the bank我方从银行取得一项为期十年的贷款
telecom.We have a new-fashioned cell phone especially designed for young girls我们有一款专门为年轻女孩设计的新款手机
econ.We have a special interest in this commodity我们对这种商品特别有兴趣
econ.We have a stand at the International Motor Exhibition在国际汽车展览会上我们有一个展台
gen.We have a very extensive cellar我们的藏酒非常丰富
busin.We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality我们的质量管理体系非常严格,因此我们的产品质量过硬
cosmet.We have a very wide selection of colors And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin. So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some?我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。它对眼睑是非常温和的。你想试试看吗?
econ.We have a wide and varied experience in the trade so we can do a lot of trade with your country我们具有广泛、多方面的行业经验,所以能够与你国进行大量贸易
gen.We have a wide range of vegetarian dishes for you to choose from我们有许多素菜供您选择
busin.We have a wide selection of colors and designs我们产品的颜色和样式都很丰富
econ.We have accepted your draft of 18th September and will give you our protection我方已承兑你方9月18日汇票,到期当照付
busin.We have achieved great success in exporting automobile accessories, such as injection nozzles and oil pumps我们在喷油嘴、油泵等汽车零部件出口方面取得了很大成功
commer.We have advised your bank on 5th March.我们已于三月五日通知贵方银行。
gen.We have all the latest apparatus, such as bicycles, bar & dumb bells and so on我们有最新的运动器械,例如自行车、杠铃、哑铃等
econ.We have already sent you samples via airmail我们已将样品航空邮寄给你们
econ.We have ample stocks here我们这里的存货充足
gen.We have an excellent black pepper steak today我们今天有上好的黑椒牛排
gen.We have an excellent retirement plan and medical insurance我们有一项极好的退休规划和医疗保险
busin.We have another offer for a similar one at much lower price我们还有——款类似的产品,价格便宜很多
gen.We have answered your email. Sorry, we wonf t be able to guarantee you two single rooms for tomorrow我们已经回复了你们的邮件。实在抱歉,我们不能确保为您提供两间明天入住的单人间
econ.We have appointed a new distribution manager我们已任命了一名新的销售经理
econ.We have asked you to be routed via Singapore. If you have been routed wrong, we hold you responsible for any possible delay我们要求你方取道经由新加坡,如果你方选错航线,则任何可能发生的延误由你方负责
econ.We have authorized the acceptance of your proposal我们已被批准接受你方的建议
econ.We have been appointed to make the necessary adjustment of the wording of the agreement已任命我们对协议的措词作必要的修改
econ.We have been approach-ed by two companies for the supply of this commodity已有两家公司向我们联系购买这种商品
econ.We have been informed that the Customs will release the goods against payment of a fine我们已得到通知海关将在付清罚款后放行该货
gen.we have been working for several years on such a rocket几年来我们一直在研究这种火箭
gen.We have both buffer-style and a la carte dishes. Which would you prefer?我们有自助式和点菜式,您喜欢哪一种?
econ.We have captured 30% of that company's shares我们已掌握该公司30%的股份
econ.We have changed the venue of the proceedings我们已改变了诉讼地点
gen.we have checked all the data twice我们已把全部数据校核过两遍了现在完成时,主动态
econ.We have chosen East Sea Corporation residing in Shanghai as our agent我们选定驻上海的东海公司为我方代理商
commer.We have credited this amount to your account我们已按此金额记入你们的贷方
econ.We have decided to float a new company in New York我们决定在纽约用出售股票方式成立一家新公司
commer.We have deducted our 3% commission from the L/C established我方已从开立的信用证中扣除了3%佣金
gen.We have delicious economy class cuisine. Our in-flight menus are specially created to reflect the culinary influences of the regions to which we fly. Toothsome dessert treats are available on our menus, including our classic ice cream that never fails to delight我们提供美味的经济舱菜肴。机上的菜单可以反映出飞机抵达处的美食风尚。另外,我们还提供一系列的美味甜食,包括备受好评的冰激凌
econ.We have discussed the matter together for a long time and gained our point关于此事我们在一起商量了很长时间,并达到了目的
commer.We have duly received your letter dated August 20你方八月二十日来函已按时收到
commer.We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence等待你方取得进口许可证
commer.We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence我方已为你方保留100公吨货物
econ.We have effected an insurance against leakage我们已保了渗漏险
gen.We have eight suitcases and two bags我们有八个行李箱和两个包
econ.We have engaged in this line for many years我们经营此行已有多年历史
econ.We have enjoyed an extensive network of sales outlets我们已经拥有广泛的销售渠道网络
econ.We have established two branches in Australia for import and export business我们已在澳大利亚设了两个分公司从事进出口业务
commer.We have eventually come to terms with our client我方与客户最终达成交易
commer.We have extensive connections in that country我们在该国有广泛的客户
econ.We have fax-ed the documents to our New York office我们已经把文件传真到纽约办事处
commer.We have finally reached common ground on the subject我们双方对该问题终于达成一致
gen.We have Flight CA981 on Monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether there're seats available. I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight CA981 on that day下周一我们有国航 CA981次航班。请稍等,让我查一下是否还有座位。非常抱歉 CA981次航班机票已经订完
commer.We have for acknowledgement your letter dated April 5你方四月五日函收到
commer.We have for acknowledgment your letter dated April 5你方四月五日函收到
econ.We have found a satisfactory solution to the present problem of fund我们已找到令人满意的办法解决目前的资金问题
gen.We have four shapes that are round, oval, square and rectangular我们有四种形状,包括圆形、椭圆形、正方形和长方形
econ.We have full confidence in that you can sell our products efficiently我们充分相信你方能有效地推销我方产品
econ.We have full trust in your ability to deal with these products我们充分相信你们有能力经营这些产品
econ.We have gathered adequate mate on which our conclusion is based我方已收集了足够的资料,可据以作出结论
gen.We have good fish here - carp. What about medium sized carp?我们这儿的鱼不错。有鲤鱼。来一条中等的鲤鱼?
commer.We have greatly diversified our line of shopping bags我们购物袋品种已大大多样化了
gen.we have had the results of our experiments checked and rechecked我们已使我们的实验结果一再受到检验
gen.we have here这是
gen.we have here这儿有
econ.We have implemented our promise by cabling you an offer for 10 metric tons wolfram ore我们履行诺言,用电报报给你方10吨钨砂
econ.We have incurred deficit three years running我们已连续三年出现了赤字
gen.We have just been informed that this flight has been cancelled due to a mechanical problem. We'll have to stay here overnight. Please take your belongings and prepare to disembark我们接到通知,由于机械故障本次航班已取消。我们将在这里过夜,请拿好随身物品准备下飞机
econ.We have just received your articles after a delay of a week延误一周后我方刚收到你方货物
gen.We have 14K and 18K gold necklaces, chains and earrings好的,我们店里有14K和18K的金项链、手链和耳环
econ.We have kept full, accurate and complete records of various customers我们保存了各种顾客的全面、准确和完整的档案
econ.We have made considerable outlay for the establishment of the business为建立这家商行我们已经花费了一大笔钱
econ.We have made notes in the margin of the commodity list我方已在商品清单页边作了注释
furn.We have made solid wood furniture for 30 years, all solid wood furniture我们做实木家具已经有30年了,全部都是实木家具
commer.We have never failed to discharge our obligations我们从未不履行自己的义务
commer.We have no dealings with those customers我们与那些客户没有业务来往
econ.We have no difficulties in getting the necessary import licence from our authorities我方从行政当局取得必要的进口许可证没有困难
gen.We have no direct flight to San Francisco. But you could take a connecting flight. You could fly Pan Am to L. A. and in L. A. you could catch a connecting flight to San Francisco我们没有直飞旧金山的航班,但是您可以乘坐联运航班。您可以乘坐泛美航空公司的航班到洛杉矶,在洛杉矶您可以乘坐联运航班到旧金山
commer.We have no doubt that you will respect the solemnity of contractual obligations我们毫不怀疑你方将尊重合同义务的严肃性
econ.We have no idea of when this commodity will be restocked我们不知何时再补进这一商品
econ.We have no intention to abrogate our obligation我们没有停止履行我们义务的意思
commer.We have no occasion to refer to the matter still further我们没有更进一步谈及此事的必要
econ.We have no plans at the moment for granting any exclusive sales agency for your market目前我们不打算在你方市场建立独家代理
shipb.We have no questions about the terms.我们对所有条款都没有意见了
econ.We have not kept for ourselves more samples than necessary and would ask you to deliver it to us promptly我们没有保留多余的样品,请立即把样品寄来
econ.We have not received any communication from you since the delivery of the goods自发货以来我方从未收到你方任何来信
econ.We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you我们注意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希望与你方继续发展经常的关系
econ.We have noted the customers' preference for small comer shops我们已注意到顾客偏爱那些位于街角的小商店
econ.We have now entrusted ABC company with the sale of cosmetics in Singapore and its neighbouring districts我公司特委托 ABC 公司在新加坡及其邻近地区销售化妆品
econ.We have obtained your address from our client and are now writing you for the establishment of business relations我们通过客户获悉贵公司地址,现特去函与你公司建立业务关系
commer.We have only a limited stock in hand我们手中存货不多
econ.We have only just heard that a lightning strike of dockers held up the departure of the ship我们刚才获悉,码头工人突然罢工使轮船未能启航
commer.We have only stock sizes我方只有一般尺寸
econ.We have operated exactly according to the statutory requirements我们严格按法定要求经营
shipb.We have ordered such a large quantity that a discount, no matter how little, should be allowed.我们订购这么多的货,折扣多少还是要给的吧
gen.We have 30 people. Fifteen twin-bed rooms with baths, please我们有30个人,需要15个带浴室的双人间
commer.We have placed the sum to your credit我们已将这笔金额记入你们的贷方
comp.We have plenty of choices for you. So, do you have any brand preference?我们有很多可供选择。您有什么品牌偏好么?
cook.We have potatoes and mushrooms我们有土豆和蘑菇
econ.We have provided for $200.000 of expenses in the budget在预算中我们预定了 20万美元的费用
econ.We have quoted you a very low price to facilitate sales我们已报给你特低价,以利促销
busin.We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract我们已经就所有讨论过的条款达成一致,那现在就签合同吧
shipb.We have reached an agreement on all the terms.我们对全部条款已达成一致意见
econ.We have read and understood the foregoing conditions, and agree to execute the order to the full我们阅读并理解了前述条件,同意完全执行这项订单
commer.We have reason to request you to effect shipment in time我方有理由要求你方及时装运货物
econ.We have reasons to request you to accept our claim我方有理由要求你方接受我方索赔
econ.We have received a large number of telephone orders since we advertised our peculiar products through " TV shopping"自从我们通过"电视购物"给我们的特色产品作广告以来,我们收到许多电话定单
econ.We have received the duplicate of the contract我们已收到合同的副本
econ.We have received the instruments with the stamp of the notary我们已收到盖有公证人印章的契约
commer.We have received your credit note for US $20,000我们已经收到你方金额为20,000美元的贷记通知书
busin.We have received your L/C dated November 1, 2013 for 500,000 dollars on the rubber pedals我方已收到贵方2013年9月1日开出的金额为50万美元购买橡胶踏板的信用证了
econ.We have received your letter dated Mar. 16, contents noted我们已收到你方3 月16日函,内容悉
econ.We have received your samples, but the price list is wanting我们已收到贵方的样品,但未见价格单
econ.We have referred the agreement to the board for ratification我方已把此合同上报董事会以求批准
econ.We have retained a lawyer to act for our company我方已聘请了一位律师代表我公司办事
gen.We have retrieved your luggage from the airport and it is on the way back to the hotel now我们已从机场取回了您的行李,目前正送往酒店
econ.We have salesmen competent enough to accomplish the task我方有足以胜任的推销人员来完成此项任务
gen.we have seen many chemical changes, from which physical changes are different我们见过许多化学变化,它们和物理变化是不一样的
econ.We have selected Atlantic Company as our agent in U.S.A. in reliance upon its ability to meet and fulfil our operating requirements由于信赖大西洋公司有能力满足并履行我方的各项经营要求,我们选定该公司为我方在美国的代理
econ.We have sent the delivery tickets to the shipping agents我方已把提货单送给运输代理行
econ.We have sent you our catalogue with the respective design sketches我们已寄目录及各个款式草样
econ.We have sent you our price-list of light industrial goods under separate mail我们已另行邮寄我方轻工业品价目单
econ.We have sent you samples of wheat, which we quote $5000 per qr., FOB San Francisco今送上小麦样品,请査收。报价为旧金山离岸价,每夸特5000美元
commer.We have several clients interested in your products我们有几家客户对你方产品感兴趣
gen.We have several flights from Beijing to Los Angeles on October十月一日,我们有好几趟由北京飞往洛杉矶的航班
econ.We have several offices on hand to let我们手头有几间办公室可出租
econ.We have shipped 500 tons wheat in extinguishment of the first contract我方已装出小麦500 吨,结清了第一个合同
econ.We have shipped you sugar in excess of 20 tons我方已为你方装运20吨以上的白糖
econ.We have shown price labels as instructed我们已按要求亮出了价格标签
busin.We have sold a lot of rubber gaskets for you in England and were one of your long-term clients. 1 would suggest you give us more favorable terms on payment我们在英国为贵公司卖出了很多橡胶垫片,我们已经是贵公司的老客户了。请给我们些更加优惠的付款条件
econ.We have sold most of the fur coats and the rest have been ordered我们已售出大部分裘皮大衣,其余的也已被订购
econ.We have some feedback from the sales force about the customer's reaction to the new model我们从销售员的反馈中了解到顾客对该新型商品的反应
cloth.We have some new woolen goods on hand我们手头现有一些新的呢绒产品
gen.We have specially made sorghum candies and coconut candies我们店有特制的咖啡糖和椰子糖
econ.We have specified in our letter that all materials shall be of good quality我们已在信中说明所有材料必须质地优良
econ.We have spent a great deal of energy in developing this new computer system我们花了很多精力开发此种新电脑系统
gen.We have standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There is also one presidential suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms我们酒店有标准房、高级房、豪华房、行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房
econ.We have stock in hand我们有现货
gen.We have taken measures in respect of the customs clearance我们已经采取了结关措施
econ.We have talked with them all conditions germane to the transaction我们和他们就与此交易有密切关系的一切条件进行了讨论
econ.We have telexed them again with the result that they confirmed the offer you made in the letter of April 20我们再次和他们用电传联系,结果他们确认了你们4月20日信中的报价
econ.We have tested the steel pipes and discovered the cause of the breaking我们已试验过这些钢管并找出了破裂的原因
econ.We have the pleasure of announcing that under the auspices of a few highly influential exporters in this place, we have today commenced business as a hardware agent现高兴地公告,在本地几位有影响的出口商的支持下,我公司今天开业,经营五金代理业务
econ.We have the pleasure of enclosing herewith a repeat order as follows兹随函寄上我方续订的物品如下
econ.We have the pleasure to initiate the business cooperation with you我们非常高兴能与贵方开始业务合作
econ.We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope of entering into business relations with you我们有幸自荐,盼望能与你们建立业务关系
econ.We have the sole and exclusive right to produce and sell the goods in our area, as particularly provided for above我们有在本地区独家制造和销售这一产品的权利,这一点已在上面特别提到过
cosmet.We have this rose color. We also have different shades of beige我们有这种玫瑰色,还有各种浓淡的浅褐色
gen.We have this rose color. We also have different shades of beige我们有玫瑰色的,还有深浅不一的米黄色的
econ.We have to adopt the measures that may affect the efficiency of the project我们必须采取可以影响施工效率的措施
econ.We have to advise the reasons if the anticipated progress has not been maintained in accordance with the schedule如果不能按进度表保持预期进程,我们不得不说明理由
econ.We have to advise you by cable that we can sell these goods on ii consignment basis only我方必须用电报告知你方,我方只能按寄售办法销售这批货
econ.We have to ask for a compensation of US $54 000 to cover the loss incurred我们必须索赔54 000美元,以弥补所受的损失
commer.We have to ask you to make good the loss我们不得不要求你方补偿损失
econ.We have to challenge the sum of the costs我们不得不对费用总额提出异议
gen.We have to clean the grill before we start a fire我们要把这个炉子洗干净,然后再生火
econ.We have to comply with the orders of the public authority for the safety of persons or property我们必须遵守由官方发布的保障人身或财产安全的通令
econ.We have to consider the gradual withdrawal from the market我方不得不考虑逐步退出该市场
econ.We have to duplicate the contract我们必须把合同复制一份
econ.We have to expand our sales force我们必须扩充推销员队伍
gen.We have to flip over this guy我们得给它翻个面
econ.We have to give up the chance of cooperation with you unless you revise your conditions除非你们修改条件,否则我们只得放弃与你们合作的机会
econ.We have to give up the purchase due to your serious breach of the contract由于你方严重违约,我方不得不放弃购货
gen.we have to go there now我们现在得去那儿
gen.we have to have this in view我们得把这点考虑进去
econ.We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement我方只好要求你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任
commer.We have to hold you liable for the loss sustained我们不得不要你方对所受损失负责
econ.We have to insist on your abiding by the contract我们不得不坚持要求你方遵守合同
econ.We have to lay half of our cash budget on buying new equipment我们必须支付现金预算的一半来购买新设备
econ.We have to leave your enquiry in abeyance我们不得不将你们的询盘暂时放一放
commer.We have to make two loads of the cargoes我们必须把这些货物分两船装运
econ.We have to point out that we checked the consignment carefully before shipment, so no damage could have happened必须指出,装船前我们仔细检査了货物,因此不可能会发生货损
econ.We have to rationally exploit our natural resources我们必须合理开发我们的自然资源
shipb.We have to readjust our price because the price of fuel is constantly going up.因为燃料不断涨价,所以价格也不得不作些调整
econ.We have to regard such failure as a breach of the contract我们不得不把此种未能履行合同的情况当作一次违反合同的行为
commer.We have to request you to extend the relevant L/C我们不得不要求你方将信用证展期
econ.We have today remitted you the fund by telegraph我方已于今天把该款电汇给你方
econ.We have today transferred £ 3500 by mail on Frank Bank in London in favour of your house through Mercantile Bank of this city我们今天通过本市商业银行给伦敦弗兰克银行寄去以你公司为收款人的 3500 英镑汇款单
econ.We have transmit ted all information relating to the whole transaction of this negotiation to the appropriate corporations我们已把有关这次谈判的全部情况通报给有关公司
gen.we have trebled our output我们把产量提高到原来的三倍〔增加了两倍〕
gen.We have two flights, one at 2:00 pm, and the other at 5:00 pm. Both flights have seats available. Which would you like to take, sir?我们有两趟航班,一趟是下午两点,另一趟是下午五点。两趟航班都有座位。您想要哪趟航班,先生?
gen.We have warm woolen cap of latest fashion本店有最新款的保暖羊毛帽子
econ.We have widened our contracts to promote the new product effectively我们已扩大接触面,以便有效地推销新产品
econ.We hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension我们盼望能有机会同你方合作,扩展你方业务
econ.We hope to have the privilege of cooperating with you我们希望有幸与你方合作
commer.We hope we'll have an opportunity to meet your representative at the Fair我们希望有机会在交易会上见到你方代表
econ.We hope what we have done will help to strengthen our relations我们希望我们所做的能有助于加强我们的关系
econ.We invite your attention to the fact that you have not yet opened the required L/C请注意你方未开出所需的信用证
gen.we know most elements to have two or more isotopes我们知道大多数元素都有两种或两种以上的同位素
econ.We may encounter some natural conditions which could hardly have been foreseen我们会遇到一些难以预测的自然条件
gen.We may have lost some baggage, so like to make a lost baggage report我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告
gen.We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report我们的一些行李丢失了,所以想填写一份丢失行李登记单
gen.We may have lost some baggage, so we'd like to make a lost baggage report我们可能遗失了几件行李,所以必须填份行李遗失报告
econ.We note that they have extended their scope of business, and set up an export department我们注意到他们已扩大了业务范围,并设立了出口部
commer.We note that you have handed in your application for import licence我们获悉你方已提交了进口许可证的申请
econ.We now have the pleasure to enclose hereto our formal receipt, which we trust you will find in order同函奉上正式收据一张,请査收为荷
busin.We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers我们给出的是最优惠的价格,有很多客户与我们合作
gen.we ought to have done it我们本应做完了这事不定式
commer.We presume that you have already established the L/C我们推测你方已开立信用证
commer.We regret that we have to decline your offer dated the 18th instant我们不得不谢绝你方本月十八日报盘
commer.We regret that we have to decline your offer dated the 18th instant很抱歉
commer.We regret to learn that you have failed in obtaining the licence甚为遗憾
commer.We regret to learn that you have failed in obtaining the licence得知你方未获许可证
econ.We regret to note that your efforts to expand production have been unproductive我们很遗憾得知你们为了扩大生产所做的努力未能成功
commer.We regret to note that your efforts to gel firm bids have proved futile我们遗憾地得悉你方为获确定递盘的努力未获成功
commer.We shall be very glad to have your presence我们将感到非常高兴
commer.We shall be very glad to have your presence你如能出席
econ.We shall have recourse to arbitration to settle any dispute that may arise during the execution of this contract我们要求助于仲裁来解决本合同执行中发生的一切争论
econ.We shall have the right to claim for the loss sustained as a result of your default我方有权索赔由于你方违约而使我方蒙受的损失
econ.We shall have the right to delay shipment if the distributors fail to meet the payments如经销商无力付款,我们有权推迟发货
textileWe take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan我方冒昧向您介绍,我们经营丝绸产品,并出口欧洲和日本
econ.We thank you for the kind attention you have paid to our electric welders displayed at the export commodities fair感谢你们观看了我们陈列在岀口商品交易会上的电焊机
gen.We usually have high occupancies in the peak seasons在旺季时,我们客房入住率通常很高
econ.We will have technicians on the spot to answer questions about our products我方将派技术人员到现场解答有关我方产品的问题
econ.We wish to have exclusive right to sell the product in Thailand我方意欲取得在泰国销售该产品的独家经销权
econ.We won't go to next stage of operation until we have your cheque for the amount of the enclosed statement等到我们获取你方按所附账单款项开具的支票后,我们再进行下一步合作
econ.We would be very glad to have an opportunity to demonstrate our ability of making a creative design if you have requirement for any other sorts of new style如果你公司对其他新式商品有需求,我们将非常高兴能获得机会向你公司显示一下创造新式样的能力
gen.We would like invite elderly passengers and passengers who travel with children or infants to board the plane first. Please also have your passport ready for the secondary check in the jet bridge. Thank you for your patience我们现在邀请老年旅客及带小孩儿的旅客登机。请在登机时准备好您的护照,我们将在廊桥处做第二次护照检查。感谢您的耐心等待
econ.We would like to have samples of various sizes of flashlights请寄各种大小的电筒样品
econ.We would like to have the goods shipped before the end of May我们将在五月底前发货
gen.We'll have a quick look at Buckingham Palace我们抓紧时间看一下白金汉宫
commer.We'll have the contract ready for signature我们将准备好合同以备签字
gen.We'll have to apply a bandage我们要一个绷带
gen.We'll have to charge you $10 extra我们要向您额外收10美元
gen.We'll have to destroy these fruit. We don't want to risk infestation我们得把水果销毁。我们可不想冒被病虫侵袭的风险
gen.Well, I think that we are going to have to get you to an emergency room right away好的,我认为我们要马上把你送到急救室去
commer.We're in receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst., contents of which have had our due perusal你方本月二日函收到,内容已详阅
econ.We're informed that two representatives have been dispatch-ed to our company我们得到通知,已有两名代表被派到我们公司来
commer.We're pleased to have booked your order for 1,000 M/T peanut我方很高兴接受你方1,000公吨花生的订货
arts.We've got some fine workmanship here Just look at the 3D souvenir padauk. It looks both noble and magnificent. I m sure you'll be very proud to have them这里有一些做工精致的产品。看看这个3D紫檀木制纪念品,既高贵又豪华。相信您会以拥有我们的产品为傲
gen.What a pity! We have another party that day太可惜了,我们那天也有个聚会
gen.What kinds of drinks do you have? We have coffee, tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktail您想要喝什么?我们有咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和鸡尾酒
shipb.When can we have your CIF Jakarta firm offer?我们何时可以得到贵方的雅加达到岸价格实盘?
gen.Why do we have to get to the front of the bus?我们为什么要到车的前面去?
busin.Will you please let us have an idea of your price?你们产品的价格怎么样?
econ.Will you please let us have your check for the amount of the enclosed bill请以支票支付附寄账单所载款项
econ.With reference to the order we hope to have the goods shipped as soon as possible关于这笔定货,我方希望这批货尽快装运
econ.With regard to your request for a refund we have referred the matter to our manager关于你方要求退款的事,我们已交我方经理处理
agric., tech.With the technology of single-chip microcomputers, we have designed an electromotor protective device with all function利用单片微机技术,我们设计了功能齐全的电机保护装置
gen.You can choose three other toppings from our standard price. We have onions, mushroom, green peppers sausage, ham, or pepperoni一般价格而言,你可以选择三种。我们有洋葱、蘑菇、青椒、香肠、火腿即意大利辣味香肠
econ.You have been introduced to us by Euro-Asia Ltd. as a big corporation specializing in Chinese art & craft goods, we want to establish business relationship with you经欧亚有限公司介绍得知贵公司是专营中国工艺美术品的大公司,愿与你方建立业务联系
econ.You have supplied goods inferior to the standard we expected from the samples你方提供货物的质量低于我们所期望的样品标准
gen.You mean we have to wait until the fog lifts?你是说我们得等雾散了才能起飞?
econ.You should take the necessary measures as what we have outlined in the scheme你方应该按照我们在规划中大致规定的方案采取必要的措施
gen.You want sea born pearls or river born pearls? We have both kinds您要海水珠还是淡水珠?两种都有
econ.Your offer arrived at an inopportune time, for we have just accepted another exporter's firm offer你方报盘来得不凑巧,因为我们刚接受了另一出口商的实盘
gen.You're in luck. We have a room available你很幸运。我们还有一间空房