
Terms containing WORSE | all forms | exact matches only
gen.alter for the worse变好〔坏〕
gen.any the worse for丝毫没有受… 的影响
gen.any the worse for丝毫没有因…而好一点
gen.be the worse for wear被穿破
gen.be the worse for wear被用坏
gen.change for the worse向更坏方面的转化
gen.change for the worse更加恶化
gen.change for the worse每况愈下
gen.change for the worse好转〔恶化〕
gen.confusion worse confounded非常混乱
gen.confusion worse confounded一团糟
gen.confusion worse confounded比以前更加混乱
gen.Couldn't be worse. I spent almost the same time in the airport as I spent on the plane糟透了,在机场待的时间都跟在飞机上待的差不多了
gen.for better and for worse无论好坏
gen.for better for worse不管怎么样
gen.for better for worse不论好坏
gen.for better of worse不管怎么样
gen.for better of worse不论好坏
gen.for better or worse不管怎么样
gen.for better or worse不论好坏
gen.go from bad to worse每况愈下
gen.go from bad to worse日益恶化
gen.go from bad to worse愈来愈糟
commer.grains worse低于标准格令数
busin.grains worse低于标准黄金成色的格令数
gen.have the worse遭到失败
gen.He said it could have been a lot worse, had the ambulance not gotten to you in time他说要不是救护车把你及时送到医院,那情况就糟多了
dentist.If there is any change for the worse, please contact with us如果病情加重,请与我们联系
gen.Is it just me or is traffic getting worse and worse every day?交通状况一天比一天糟,这是我个人的感觉还是事实如此呢?
gen.make matters worse使情况恶化
gen.none the worse还是
gen.none the worse仍然
gen.none the worse虽…依然如故 (for)
gen.none the worse并不更差
gen.none the worse丝毫不因…而受影响 (for)
China, polit.Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动公约
gen.so much the worse那就更坏更糟
gen.so much the worse那就更好
gen.so much the worse更加糟糕
gen.so much the worse那就更坏
ecol.take a turn for the worse恶化
gen.take a turn for the worse情况好转〔恶化〕
busin.Taylor Worst Case泰勒最坏条件
gen.that will make it all the worse那反而会把它搞得更糟
proverbthe remedy is worse than the disease这种办法无异于饮鸩止渴
gen.the worse从坏处着想
gen.to make matters worse更糟的是
gen.and what is worse更糟的是
hydroel.st.worse and worse愈来愈坏
hydroel.st.worse and worse每况愈下
gen.worse and worse越来越糟
econ.worse case difference最坏情况偏差
gen.be worse off情况更坏
hydroel.st.worse off情况愈坏
hydroel.st.worse off恶化
interntl.trade.worse off经济拮据
gen.be worse off处境更
gen.worse off处于更坏的环境中
gen.worse off情况更坏
securit.worse-off option选差期权
IMF.worse-policies scenario悲观的预测方案
IMF.worse-policies scenario以最不利的政策为基础的预测方案
IMF.worse-policies scenario以较不利的政策为基础的预测方案
gen.worse than a crime罪大恶极
gen.worse than a crime甚于犯法
busin.worse-than-standard performance性能低于标准