
Terms containing WOMEN | all forms | exact matches only
footwearA lot of women are walking to work in flats and switching in the elevator彳艮多职业女性穿平跟鞋步行去上班,在电梯里再换成高跟鞋
China, lawabandon women遗弃妇女
UNAd Hoc Group for the Advancement of Women提高妇女地位特设小组
social.advancement of women妇女进步
bodybuild.aesthetic standard of women's shape女子形体审美标准
org.name.African Regional Workshop on Enhanced Women's Participationin Fisheries Development促进妇女参与渔业发展非洲区域研讨会
org.name.African Training and Research Centre for Women非洲妇女培训及研究中心
stat.age-married women specific fertility rate年龄别有配偶妇女特殊生育率
anim.husb.All China Women's Federation中华全国妇女联合会
China, polit.All-China Women's Federation中华全国妇女联合会全国妇联
China, polit.All-China Women's Federation全国妇联
sport.American Devers, who battled back from a life-threatening disease won the Olympic women's 100 meters sprint title美国运动员德弗斯战胜威胁自己生命的疾病重返赛场、摘走这届奥运会女子 100 米短跑桂冠
China, polit.an appropriate number of women deputies适当数量的妇女代表
dermat.androgenetic alopecia in women妇女雄激素性脱发
footb.Asian Women's Soccer Championship亚洲女子足球锦标赛
org.name.Associated Country Women of the World世界乡村妇女协会
geol.Association for Women Geoscientists女地学家协会
sport.association of physical education and sports for girls and women妇女体育运动协会
gen.Australian women overwhelmingly went for the stiletto as their favorite pair of shoes and shoes for the first date澳洲女性尤为钟爱高跟鞋,她们第一次约会通常都会穿高跟鞋
avia.Australian Women Pilots' Association澳大利亚女飞行员协会
tech.bedroom closet for women女人卧室壁橱
UNBeijing Declaration and the Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women, 1995北京宣言和行动纲领
econ.career women职业妇女
textilecareer women's wear职业妇女装
busin.career-oriented women从业妇女
tech.career-oriented women职业妇女
sport.Chen Yueling won China's first ever gold medal in Olympic Games track and field competition with a victory in the women's 10-kilometer walk final in Barcelona on August 3rd. She clocked 44 minutes 32 seconds8 月 3 日、陈跃玲在巴塞罗那奥运会女子 10 公里竞走决赛中夺魁、成绩是 44 分 32 秒、她为中国夺得第一块奥运会田径比赛金牌
org.name.Community Action for Disadvantaged Rural Women为处境不利的乡村妇女而发起的村社行动
econ.convention concerning equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value男女同工同酬公约
IMF.Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约
org.name.Core Group on Women in Fisheries渔业妇女问题核心小组
textilecotton suiting for women女线呢
org.name.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women消除对妇女的暴力行为宣言
anim.husb.Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas印度农村地区妇女儿童发展 (India)
China, polit.discriminate against and oppress women歧视和压迫妇女
China, lawdiscriminating against women歧视妇女
sociol.discrimination against women对妇女的歧视
sport.double sculls women【舰艇】女子双人双桨
shoot.double trap women女子双多向
gen.Electrical Association for Women妇女电气协会
China, lawemploy women录用妇女
China, lawenroll women录取女性
China, lawequal pay for equal work to men and women男女同工同酬
China, polit.equality between men and women男女平等
avia.European Women Pilots' Association欧洲女飞行员协会
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women提高妇女地位前瞻性战略专家组会议
avia.Federation of European Women Pilots欧洲女飞行员联合会
cosmet.For women under 30, a little mascara and lip gloss; over 30, add a touch of concealer30岁以下的,只需一点睫毛膏和唇膏就足够了。30岁以上的,再搽点遮瑕膏
judo.Fukuoka international Women's Judo Championship福冈国际女子柔道锦标赛
org.name.General Arab Women Federation阿拉伯妇女总联合会
sport.Germany's Silke Renk won the women's javelin title or gold medal with a throw of 68.34 meters just 0.08 meter farther than Shikolenko of the Unified Team德国的西伦克在女子标枪比赛中、以 68.34 米赢得冠军、她的成绩比独联体队的希科连科仅超过 0.08 米
UN, policeGlobal Survey of the Situation of Women and the Administration of Criminal Justice Systems妇女状况与刑事司法制度全球调查
textilegym-honed women健美女性
tech.health center for women and children妇幼
sport.High jumper Zheng Dazhen set a new Asian record in women's high jump.在女子跳高比赛中、 郑达真创造了一项新的亚洲纪录
textilehigh women's wear高级女装
gen.In Britain, respecting women is to reflect an important aspect of the gentleman poise在英国,尊重女性是绅士风度的一项重要内容
sport.In the women's 10,000m race, a dark horse from China Xing Huina overtook the leading Ethiopian runners in the last lap. She won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games女子 10000 米比赛中跑出一匹黑马一一中国运动员邢慧娜在最后一圈超越领先的埃塞俄比亚运动员、在第 28 届奥运会中她为中国赢得一枚金牌
UN, ecol.Inter-Agency Subcommittee on the Advancement of Women机构间提高妇女地位小组委员会
UNInter-Agency Task Force on Women and the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade妇女与饮水供应和卫生十年机构间工作队
org.name.Inter-American Commission of Women美洲妇女委员会
org.name.Interdepartmental Committee on Women in Development妇女参与发展部门间委员会
org.name.Interdepartmental Working Group on Women in Development妇女参与发展部际工作组
org.name.International Alliance of Women国际妇女联盟
org.name.International Council of Women国际妇女理事会
org.name.International Federation of Business and Professional Women国际商业和专业妇女联合会
org.name.International Federation of Women in Legal Careers国际法律界妇女联合会
org.name.International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women提高妇女地位国际研究及培训所
gen.International Women's Day国际妇女节3 月 8 日
sport.Joyner Kersee won the gold medal in the women's long jump in Seoul in 1988乔伊纳・克西在 1988 年汉城现改名首尔奥运会上赢得了女子跳远金牌
sport.Junior Men and Women: Any athlete of 18 or 19 years on 31st December in the year of the competition青年男子和女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日为 18 或 19 周岁者
gymn.58kg women's floor女子自由操
gymn.58kg women's floor女子自由体操
wrest.48kg women's freestyle 48 to 55kg女子跤 55kg
wrest.48kg women's freestyle 48 to 55kg女子自由跤-55公斤级
weightlift.63kg women's 69kg女举
weightlift.63kg women's 69kg女子69公斤级
athlet.75kg women's shot put女子铅球
athlet.69kg women's sixty metres女子 60米
judo.53kg women's 57 to 63kg女柔 63kg
judo.53kg women's 57 to 63kg女子 57~63 公斤级
org.name.Latin American Network of Women Working in Fisheries拉丁美洲渔业部门妇女网络
China, polit.liberate women解放妇女
textilelittle women dress小妇人装
textileLittle Women dress带蝴蝶结翻领抽褶童裙
social.lower-income women低收入妇女
social.low-income women低收入妇女
China, lawlying-in women产妇
shoot.50m rifle 3 positions women女子50米3种姿势
shoot.50m rifle prone women女子50米卧射
UNmainstreaming women in development使妇女进入发展的主流
sport.Master Women: A female athlete who has reached her 35th birthday老将女子组:年满 35 周岁的女子运动员 (注释:按习惯说法,少年通常指 10〜15 岁的人;青年通常指 16〜30 岁的人。这与国际田联规则中青、少年年龄组的划分有一定区别)
expl.Men take precedence over women regarding employment in field work。就野外工作而言、男的就业优先于女的
textilemen's and women's apparels男女服装
China, polit.men's superiority to women男尊女卑
UN, polit.Methodological manual on the collection and utilization of statistics relating to women有关妇女的统计数据的收集和利用方法手册
univer.Mississippi University for Women密西西比女子大学
UN, policeModel Strategies and Practical Measures on the Elimination of Violence against Women in the Field of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice预防犯罪和刑事司法领域消除对妇女的暴力行为的示范战略和实际措施
sport.Moutawakel, a dark horse from Morocco, stole the limelight from super stars like Carl Lewis and Daley Thompson with a surprise winning in the women's 400 metres hurdles.女子 400 米跨栏大爆冷门、跳出一匹黑马—摩洛哥选手莫塔华克尔夺得这项比赛冠军、她抢走了田径巨星刘易斯和汤普森不少镜头
textileNara Women's University奈良女子大学0
bridge.National Women's Pair Championship全国女子对式锦标赛
UNOld Problems, New Issues: Women's Health in Latin America and the Caribbean老问题,新问题:拉丁美洲和加勒比妇女保健
org.name.Pan-African Women's Organization泛非妇女组织
social.participation of women in global value chains妇女参与全球价值链
China, lawphysically abusing women残害妇女
org.name.Plan of Action for the Integration of Women into Agricultural and Rural Development妇女参与农业和农村发展行动计划
textilepolyester/viscose wool-like fancy suiting for women涤黏仿毛女式呢
China, lawprotection of women's lawful rights and interests保障妇女合法权益
lab.law.protection of women workers女工政策
UN, policeProtocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于防止、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书
tenn.queen of women tennis女网皇后
social.ratio of men and women in decision making positions决策职位的男女比例
textileready-made high women's wear女装高级成衣
tech.reference men and women参考方位
China, lawrefuse to employ women拒绝录用妇女
China, lawrefuse to enroll women拒绝录取女性
UN, polit.Regional Intergovernmental Meeting for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women审查和评价联合国妇女十年成就世界会议区域政府间会议
UN, polit.Regional Seminar on the Participation of Women in Political, Economic and Social Development妇女参与政治、经济、社会发展区域讨论会
social.right to food for women对妇女的食物权
social.role of women妇女的作用
China, polit.ruin women's physical and mental health and their dignity摧残妇女身心健康和尊严
China, lawrural women农村妇女
China, lawsafeguard the rights and interests of women维护妇女权益
China, polit.safeguard the rights and interests of women保障妇女权益
China, polit.safeguard the rights and interests of women and minors in accordance with the law依法保障妇女和未成年人权益
social.seats held by women in national legislatures妇女在国家立法中的席位
luge.single-seater women女子单座
avia.society of women engineers女工程师学会
gen.Sparkling tiaras are entirely too little girlish for women闪闪发光的小皇冠太女孩子气了,不适合妇女
rugb.special additional items for women妇女特别的附加物件
org.name.Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问
org.name.Special Adviser on Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问
org.name.Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问
textilespring and autumn women's wear collection春秋女装系列
UN, agric.Supporting Women's Livelihoods: Microfinance that Works for the Majority支持妇女谋生:对多数妇女可行的小额供资
gymn.synchro women女子同步
org.name.System-wide Medium-term Plan for the Advancement of Women 1996-20011996-2001年提高妇女地位全系统中期计划
tab.tenn.table tennis world champions in men's and women's singles男女乒乓球单打世界冠军
sport.take part in women's event参加女子项目
gen.The company, with rooms designed in France ahead of product development strengths, keeps on leisure, fashion, elegant women's style该公司凭借在法国的设计室超前的开发优势,不断推出休闲、时尚、优雅的女装款式
cloth.The fully developed body type belongs to both women's petite and misses size发育完全体型适用于妇女小号和妇女尺码
UN, h.rghts.act.The National Action Plan to End Violence against Women in Darfur结束达尔富尔侵害妇女暴力事件全 国行动计划
footwearThe paper didn't mention the popularity of the 4 inch platform shoes Kim wears, but his oversized shades definitely seem to be a big hit with the women of Hollywood这份报纸没有提及金穿着的4英寸厚底鞋的流行,但他超大号的墨镜看起来的确足以和好莱坞的女明星们分庭抗礼
sport.The standard distances for men and women shall be 15km, 20km, Half-Marathon, 25km, 30km, Marathon 42.195 km, 100km and Road Relay公路赛跑男女公路赛跑标准比赛距离应为 15 公里、20 公里、半程马拉松、25 公里、30 公里、马拉松42. 195 公里、100 公里和公路接力赛跑
textileThe Women's Dress Reform Movement妇女服装改革运动
UN, polit.Training Workshop on Social Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia-Pacific Region亚太区域儿童和妇女社会指标训练讲习班
luge.two-seater women女子双座
UN, polit.UNICEF/Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Expert Consultation on Social Statistics and Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia and Pacific region儿童基金会/亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会亚洲及太平洋区域儿童和妇女社会统计和指标专家协商
org.name.United Nations Development Fund for Women联合国妇女发展基金
UN, ecol.United Nations Women's Bank联合国妇女银行
org.name.United Nations Women's Guild联合国妇女协会
UNUnited Nations Working Group on Women and Environment联合国妇女与环境工作组
UN, account.Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Women联合国妇女十年自愿基金
econ.waiting room for women and children only妇婴候车室
cloth.Where is the women's wear area in this market?这个商场的女装区在哪里?
labor.org.women at work职业女性
tech.women drawing room妇女休息室
tech.women hairdressing shop妇女美发厅
social.women in development妇女参与发展
org.name.Women in Development and Gender Research Officer妇女参与发展及性别研究官员
org.name.Women in Development Officer妇女参与发展官员
org.name.Women in Development Project Officer妇女参与发展项目官员
org.name.Women in Development Research Officer妇女参与发展研究官员
org.name.Women in Development Training Officer妇女参与发展培训官员
avia.women in the air force空军妇女队
China, lawwomen in their child-bearing age育龄妇女
social.women in vulnerable population groups弱势人口群体中的妇女
avia.women, infants and children妇女、婴孩与儿童
labor.org.women managers女性经理
sport, bask.women match女子比赛
repr.biol.women of child-bearing age育龄妇女
org.name.Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management妇女变革农业和自然资源管理组织
org.name.Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and NRM妇女变革农业和自然资源管理组织
sport.women pentathlon and heptathlon女子五项全能和七项全能 (注释:l.国际田联承认的男子全能纪录有七项和十项全能,女子全能纪录有五项和七项全能 2. 五项全能、七项全能和十项全能,英文第一个字母不需要大写。有时为了突出某个项目时,可以大写,通常用于小标题和规则中)
tech.women quarter妇女室
tech.women quarter闺房
repr.biol.women reproductive age cycle妇女育龄周期
social.women’s access to land妇女获得土地的机会
bodybuild.Women's and Mixed Pairs World Professional Championships女子、混双世界职业锦标赛
exhib.women's articles妇女用品
bodybuild.Women's Asian Championships亚洲女子锦标赛
gymn.women's balance beam女子平衡木
bodybuild.women's bodybuilding competition女子健美比赛
bridge.women's bridge team match女子桥牌团体赛
HRwomen's career issues妇女职业问题
tenn.women's champion女子冠军
tech.women's changing room妇女更衣室
textilewomen's clothes女式服装
textilewomen's clothing女装
sport.Women's Committee妇女委员会
tab.tenn.women's consolation singles女子单打安慰赛
textilewomen's corduroy coat女式灯芯绒上衣
cycl.women's cross-country女子越野赛
gen.Women's Day妇女节3月8日
textilewomen's design女装设计
athlet.women's discus throw女子铁饼
scub.women's diving synchronized ten-meter platform女子双人10 米跳台
scub.women's diving synchronized three-meter springboard女子双人3米跳板
scub.women's diving ten-meter platform女子10米跳台
scub.women's diving three-meter springboard女子3米跳板
tab.tenn.women's division女子赛组
row.women's double sculls女子双人双桨无舵手
sport.women's doubles女双
tab.tenn.women's doubles女子双打
badm.women's doubles女子双打
row.women's doubles sculls without coxswain女子无舵手双人双桨
tab.tenn.women's doubles table tennis competition女子双打决赛
textilewomen's dress女式服装
textileWomen's Dress Reform Movement19 世纪后半叶美国妇女服装改革运动
voll.women's early youth女子少年组
row.women's eights女子八人
row.women's eights女子八人双桨有舵手
sociol.women's empowerment妇女被授予权力
social.Women's Empowerment Principles妇女赋权原则
fenc.women's epee individual女重个人
fenc.women's epee individual女子重剑个人
fenc.women's epee team女重团体
fenc.women's epee team女子重剑团体
bodybuild.Women's European Amateur Boding-building Championships欧洲女子业余健美锦标赛
sport.women's event女子项目
busin.women's extra女式特大号
textilewomen's extra large size女式服装特大号
textileWomen's Fashion Fabric Association女式时装织物协会
baseb.women's fast pitch女子快速垒球
fenc.women's fencing epee女子重剑
fenc.women's fencing foil女子花剑
fenc.women's fencing sabre女子佩剑
fenc.women's fencing team epee女子团体重剑
fenc.women's fencing team foil女子团体花剑
fenc.women's fencing team sabre女子团体佩剑
textilewomen's figure女子体型
org.name.Women's Fisheries Network妇女渔业网络
bodybuild.women's fitness circular training女子健身形体循环训练
fenc.women's foil individual女花个人
fenc.women's foil individual女子花剑个人
fenc.women's foil team女花团体
fenc.women's foil team女子花剑团体
footb.women's football女子足球
footb.women's football game女子足球赛
footb.women's football team女子足球队
row.women's four oars with coxswain女子有舵手四人单桨
wrest.women's freestyle 63 to 72kg女子自由跤-72公斤级
wrest.women's freestyle 63 to 72kg女子跤 72kg
wrest.women's freestyle 55 to 63kg女子跤 63kg
wrest.women's freestyle 55 to 63kg女子自由跤-63公斤级
wrest.women's freestyle up to 48kg女子跤 48kg
wrest.women's freestyle up to 48kg女子自由跤-48公斤级
voll.women's grown-up女子成年组
textilewomen's half size胖妇女尺寸
athlet.women's hammer throw女子链球
athlet.women's heptathlon女子全能
athlet.women's heptathlon女子七项全能
athlet.women's high jump女子跳高
social.women’s income妇女的收入
archer.women's individual competition女子个人赛 (现代五项)
archer.women's individual competition射箭女子个人
gymn.women's individual competition体操女子全能
archer.women's individual competition女子奥林匹克淘汰赛个人赛
gymn.women's individual competition女子个人全能
gymn.women's individual event蹦床女子
gymn.women's individual event女子个人赛
cycl.women's individual pursuit女子追逐赛
cycl.women's individual pursuit女子 3公里个人追逐赛
sport.women's individual saber fencing女子个人佩剑比赛
bowl.Women's International Bowling Congress国际妇女保龄球协会
org.name.Women's International Democratic Federation国际民主妇女联合会
org.name.Women's International League for Peace and Freedom国际妇女争取和平和自由联盟
athlet.women's javelin throw女子标枪
row.women's K-1 kayak single激流女单皮
row.women's K-1 kayak single女子单人皮艇
row.women's K-2 500m女双皮
row.women's K-1 500m女单皮
row.women's K-4 500m女子四人皮艇500米
row.women's K-2 500m女子双人皮艇500米
row.women's K-4 500m女四皮
row.women's K-1 500m女子单人皮艇500米
row.women's keel boat Yngling女子龙骨船英凌级
row.women's keel boat Yngling女子英凌级
weightlift.women's +75kg女举+75kg
weightlift.women's 75kg女子75公斤级
weightlift.women's 53kg女子53公斤级
weightlift.women's 58kg女子 58 公斤级
weightlift.women's 63kg女子63公斤级
weightlift.women's 48kg女子48公斤级
weightlift.women's 48kg女举
weightlift.women's 63kg女举
weightlift.women's 58kg女举
weightlift.women's 53kg女举
weightlift.women's 75kg女举
weightlift.women's +75kg女子+75公斤级
athlet.women's 20km walk女子 20 公里竞走
social.women’s land tenure妇女的土地使用权
social.women’s land tenure妇女土地权属
row.women's lightweight double sculls女轻双双
row.women's lightweight double sculls女子轻量级双人双桨无舵手
sport.women's locker room女运动员更衣室
athlet.women's long jump女子跳远
athlet.women's 1500m女子 1500米
athlet.women's 400m女子400米
athlet.women's 200 m女子 200 米
athlet.women's 5000m女子5000米
athlet.women's 200m女子200米
athlet.women's 10000m女子10000米
athlet.women's 100m女子100米
athlet.women's 100 m女子 100 米
athlet.women's 800m女子800米
shoot.women's 10m air pistol女子气手枪
shoot.women's 10m air pistol女子 10 米气手枪
shoot.women's 10m air rifle女子气步枪
shoot.women's 10m air rifle女子 10 米气步枪
swim.women's 200m backstroke女子 200米仰泳
swim.women's 100m backstroke女子 100米仰泳
swim.women's 200m breaststroke女子 200米蛙泳
swim.women's 100m breaststroke女子100米蛙泳
swim.women's 200m butterfly女子 200 米蝶泳
swim.women's 100m butterfly女子 100米蝶泳
swim.women''s 400m freestyle女子 400米自由泳
swim.women's 200m freestyle女子200米自由泳
swim.women's 100m freestyle女子 100米自由泳
swim.women's 50m freestyle女子 50 米自由泳
swim.women's 800m freestyle女子 800米自由泳
swim.women's 4*200m freestyle relay女 4*200 自
swim.women's 4*100m freestyle relay女4*100自
swim.women's 4*200m freestyle relay女子 4*200 米自由泳接力
swim.women's 4*100m freestyle relay女子4*100 米自由泳接力
athlet.women's 400m hurdles女子 400 米栏
athlet.women's 400m hurdles女子400栏
athlet.women's 100m hurdles女子 100 米跨栏
sport.women's 100 m hurdles女子 100 米栏
swim.women's 200m individual medley女子 200 米混合泳
swim.women's 400m individual medley女子 400 米混合泳
swim.women's 4*100m medley relay女 4*100 混
swim.women's 4*100m medley relay女子 4*100 米混合泳接力
shoot.women's 25m pistol女子运动手枪
shoot.women's 25m pistol女子 25 米手枪
athlet.women's 4*400m relay女子 4x400 米接力
athlet.women's 4*400m relay女子4*400
athlet.women's 4*100m relay女子 4*100
athlet.women's 4*100m relay女子 4x100 米接力
shoot.women's 50m rifle 3 position女子50米步枪3种姿势
athlet.women's 3000m steeplechase女子3000障碍
athlet.women's 3000m steeplechase女子3000米障碍
athlet.women's marathon女子马拉松
adv.women's market女性市场
cycl.women's mass start event女子公路个人赛
heavy.eq.women's movement妇女运动
sport.women's Olympic distance competition铁三女子 (铁人三项)
sport.women's Olympic distance competition女子个人赛
row.women's one person dinghy laser radial女子雷迪尔级
row.women's one person dinghy laser radial女子单人艇激光雷迪尔级
swim.women's open water 10km女子 10公里公开水域
anim.husb.Women's Organization妇女组织
anim.husb.Women's Organization Credit Programme妇女组织信贷计划
judo.women's over 78kg女子 +78 公斤级
judo.women's over 78kg女柔+78kg
taekwondo.women's over 67kg女跆+67kg
taekwondo.women's over 67kg女子+67公斤级
textilewomen's overcoat cloth俄罗斯女用大衣呢
row.women's pairs女子双人单桨无舵手
gymn.women's pairs女子双人
acrob.women's pairs duo女子双人赛
cloth.women's petite妇女小号的
scub.women's platform女子跳台
textilewomen's pleat skirt百裥裙
cloth.women's plus size妇女大号的
cycl.women's points race女子记分赛
athlet.women's pole vault女子撑竿跳
athlet.women's pole vault女子撑竿跳高
tenn.women's professional tennis circuit女子职业网球巡回赛
corp.gov.women's programme妇女计划
row.women's quadruple sculls女子四人双桨无舵手
row.women's quadruple sculls with coxswain女子有舵手四人双桨
textilewomen's Quarpel rain coat女式夸佩尔雨衣
textilewomen's Quarpel raincaot女式夸佩尔雨衣
textilewomen's red-skirt石榴裙
China, polit.women's rights endowed by the Constitution and other laws宪法和法律赋予妇女的权利
sport.women's room女盥洗室
sport.women's rugby女子橄榄球赛
fenc.women's sabre individual女佩个人
fenc.women's sabre individual女子佩剑个人
fenc.women's sabre team女佩团体
fenc.women's sabre team女子佩剑团体
adv.women's service book女性服务手册
adv.women's service magazine女性服务杂志
tech.women's shop妇女用品商店
textilewomen's shorts女式短裤
acrob.women's single tumbling女子单人赛
gymn.women's single女子单人赛
row.women's single sculls女子单人双桨
sport.women's singles女单
sport.women's singles女子单打项目
tab.tenn.women's singles女子单打
fig.skat.women's singles女子单人滑
badm.women's singles女子单打
textilewomen's size女子尺码
textilewomen's size女式尺码
cloth.women's size妇女尺码
shoot.women's skeet女子飞碟双向
textilewomen's slacks女裤
textilewomen's slacks女装长裤
baseb.women's slow pitch女子慢速垒球
skiingwomen's snowboard cross女子雪板穿越赛
footb.women's soccer team女子足球队
footb.women's soccer world女足世界
sport., med.women's sport妇女体育
scub.women's springboard女子跳板
scub.women's springboard女子3米跳板
cycl.women's sprint女子争先
cycl.women's sprint女子争先赛
textilewomen's suit女式套装
textilewomen's suit女西装
textilewomen's suit女套装
textilewomen's suit女式常服
textilewomen's sweater女毛衫
scub.women's synchronized platform女子双人跳台
scub.women's synchronized platform女子双人 10 米跳台
scub.women's synchronized springboard女子双人跳板
scub.women's synchronized springboard女子双人3米跳板
tab.tenn.women's table tennis doubles final女子双打决赛
tab.tenn.women's team女子团体
tab.tenn.women's team乒乓球女团
sport.women's team女队
gymn.women's team competition体操女团
archer.women's team competition女子奥林匹克淘汰赛团体赛
archer.women's team competition射箭女子团体
gymn.women's team competition女子团体
tab.tenn.women's team event女子团体赛
sport.women's team event女子团体项目
tenn.women's tennis association女子网球协会
textilewomen's tensioned slacks女紧身裤
textilewomen's tensioned slacks女式紧身裤
scub.women's three-meter springboard final女子 3 米跳板决赛
cycl.women's time trial event女子公路计时赛
cycl.women's time trial event女子公路个人计时赛
judo.women's 70 to 78kg女柔 78kg
judo.women's 52 to 57kg女柔 57kg
judo.women's 63 to 70kg女子 63~70 公斤级
judo.women's 63 to 70kg女柔 70kg
judo.women's 48 to 52kg女子 48~52 公斤级
judo.women's 48 to 52kg女柔 52kg
judo.women's 52 to 57kg女子 52~57 公斤级
judo.women's 70 to 78kg女子 70~78 公斤级
archit.women's toilet女厕
gymn.women's trampoline女子蹦床
shoot.women's trap女子飞碟多向
gymn.women's trio技巧女子3人
acrob.women's trios女子三人集体赛
athlet.women's triple jump女子三级跳
athlet.women's triple jump女子三级跳远
gymn.women's tumbling技巧女子单人赛
row.women's two person dinghy 470女子双人艇470级
taekwondo.women's under 57kg女子-57公斤级
taekwondo.women's under 57kg女跆 57kg
taekwondo.women's under 49kg女跆 49kg
taekwondo.women's under 67kg女子-67公斤级
taekwondo.women's under 67kg女跆 67kg
taekwondo.women's under 49kg女子 -49 公斤级
textilewomen's underwear女式内衣
gymn.women's uneven Bars女子高低杠
judo.women's up to 48kg女柔 48kg
judo.women's up to 48kg女子~48 公斤级
gymn.women's vault女子跳马
anim.husb.Women's Veterinary Medical Association妇女兽医协会
social.women's voice and agency妇女的声音和权力
voll.women's volleyball女子排球
voll.women's volleyball competition女子排球比赛
textilewomen's wear女服
textilewomen's wear女式服装
cloth.women's wear女装
textileWomen's Wear Daily《妇女时装日报》 (W.W.D.)
textilewomen's wear design女装设计
textilewomen's wear standard女装标准
row.women's windsurfer RS: X女子帆板
row.women's windsurfer RS: X女子帆板RS:X
bodybuild.Women's World Amateur Bodybuilding Championships世界女子业余健美锦标赛
IMF.Women's World Banking世界妇女银行网络
org.name.Women's World Banking妇女的世界银行业
wrest.women's wrestling女子摔跤
voll.women's youth女子青年组
China, lawwomen staff and worker女职工
social.women stakeholders妇女利益相关者
textilewomen' suit女式常服
textilewomen' suit女西装
textilewomen' suit女壷憂
tech.women toilet女盥洗室
tech.women toilet女厕所
China, lawwomen victim受害妇女
adv.women viewers女性受众
adv.women viewers女性观众
sport.women woman女子项目
sport.women woman女子
sport.women woman的复数
org.name.Working Party on Women and the Family in Rural Development农村发展中妇女和家庭问题工作组
org.name.World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations世界天主教妇女组织联合会
org.name.World Young Women's Christian Association世界基督教女青年会
chess.term.Xiangqi men's master match and women's knock-out tournament象棋男子精英赛及女子象棋擂台赛
sport.Yan Hong and Xu Yongjiu, two Chinese women walkers, broke the world record for the women's 5000-metre track walking with a time of 21 minutes 40.3 seconds and 21 minutes 41 seconds respectively at an international walking competition held in Norway中国女子竞走运动员阎红、徐永久在挪威举行的国际竞走比赛中、分别以 21 分 40 秒 3 和 21 分 41 秒的成绩打破 5000 米场地竞走世界纪录
sport., cloth.You need to buy good running shoes, breathable clothes, and thermo clothes if you run in a cold weather, and a sports bra is a must for women你得买好跑鞋、透气的衣服,如果在冷天跑步还得是保暖的。运动型内衣对女跑者而言是必需品
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