
Terms for subject Economy containing User | all forms | exact matches only
A careful investigation inclines us to think that the cases must have been roughly handled on route经过仔细调查,我们认为箱子必定是在运输途中受到粗鲁搬运
a registered user注册使用人
a user-friendly system便于用户操作的系统
an industrial user工业用户
As arrange d, you are to attach your sight draft on us for US $1200 to the shipment documents根据约定,你们应该把向我们开具的1200美元即期汇票附于装船单据上
As the price remains the same, it is possible for us to execute a duplicate order由于价格未变,我方能按同样条件再续卖一次
As this offer has been waive d, it is not binding upon us now由于该盘已自动放弃,现对我方无约束力
As we are unable to ship this kind of goods to the exact unit, please give us some latitude in handling it由于我们无法将这种商品装运得不多不少一点不差,请给我们一些处理的灵活幅度
Both parties agree to use their best efforts to promote the sale of the jointly developed products either directly to users or through their distribution channels双方同意尽其最大努力直接向用户或通过其销售渠道来推销共同研制的产品
Chinese dry goods have enjoyed growing favor among end-users abroad中国纺织品在国外受到越来越多的消费者欢迎
Chinese dry goods have enjoyed growing favour among end-users abroad中国纺织品在国外受到越来越多的消费者欢迎
Clients always ask us to see to it that all the goods are well packed客户总是提醒我们注意,所有货物都应妥善包装
coupling the output to research to users将研究成果推广给使用者
credit user信贷使用者
He has just advised us that the draft was honoured on presentation他刚通知我们,该汇票已见票照付了
highway-user tax公路使用税
If the buyer requires 10 tons additional, please let us know at once若买主需追加10吨,请速告之
In accordance with agreement, they have sold us 50 tons polished rice按照协议,他们卖给了我们50吨精白米
In addition to this order, they offered us another 80 tons在这笔订单之外,他们又报给我们80 吨
In order to conclude the first transaction between us, we will lessen the price to $100 per metric ton为了达成我们之间的第一笔交易,我们愿将价格降到每公吨100美元
In our trade relations, it is very important for us to protect patents and trade marks effectively在贸易关系中,我们有效地保护专利和商标是非常重要的
In this circumstance it would cause us a great loss if we were to accede to your request for signing this contract在这种情况下,若同意你方签订此合同的要求,将招致我方很大损失
In your letter, you advise us that a Japanese company is offering us a higher commission and other facilities在刚刚收到的来信中,得知一家日本公司向我们提出较高的佣金及其他便利条件
intermediate users中间使用者
It does not appear to us to be very reasonable as we sent you an advance sample prior to shipment在我方看来这不很合理,因为装船前我们已预先给你方送去一份货样
It is immaterial to us whether you buy 100 tons or 150 tons你们购买100吨还是 150吨对我们都无关紧要
It is imperative that you furnish us with the actual sample without delay务请你方立即提供实样
It is impossible for us to make new engagements我们不可能再接受新约
It is rather inconvenient for us to move all these packages for lack of handcart or other carrying implements由于没有手推车或其他搬运工具,我们运送这些包裹非常不方便
It is very difficult for us to push the sale of this article, because its price is too high因为这种货物价格太高,我方实在难以推销
It was disappointing to learn that quite a few ceramic tiles sent to us were damaged得悉运到我方的瓷砖中有相当数量已损坏,令人失望
It will be appreciated if you will let us have your sampled offer最好能收到你方附样报盘
It will be much appreciated if you lay aside a supply for us如果你们能为我们保留货源将不胜感激
It will take us three months to clear the backlog of orders我们要花三个月时间来清理这些积压的定单
It would be better for us to hold the matter in abeyance until opportunity matures把这个问题先放一放,等到时机成熟再说,那样对我们将会更好一些
It's not fair to charge us so much for the samples向我方索取样品费如此之多不公道
Joint Utility/Petroleum User Group公用事业与石油用户联合集团
My inference is that the company will not sell us the item at the rock-bottom price就我看来,该公司不会按最低价把该项商品卖给我们
non user非使用者
non user弃的
Our company will appreciate it if you will make us a reasonable firm offer如给我方一个合理的实盘,我公司将甚为感激
Our customers ask us to accept 10% reduction in the price on the invoice amount我们的顾客要求我们按发票金额减少10%
Our forwarder informed us that the shipment consisting of 600 parcels was missing据我方运输行称,有600包运输的一批货遗失
Our product is a good seller at the price of US 100 per set including the cost of accessories我方产品每台定价100美元,包括附件费用在内,非常好销
Please advise us immediately when the goods are ready for shipment一旦货物备好待运,请速通知我方
Please do not forget your explicit promise to provide us with building equipment请别忘了,你曾明确答应过向我们供应建筑设备的
Please do not hesitate to let us know the matter, and we will certainly go all lengths to assist you in solving it请转告有什么问题,我们一定全力协助你方解决
Please do not neglect to advise us when the goods are ready for shipment一旦货物备妥待运,请勿忘通知我方
Please fax a copy of the contract to us at your earliest convenience请尽早给我们传真一份合同
Please give us a report about how you confer with the employees on this matter请给我们一份关于你们怎样与雇员们协商处理此事的报告
Please give us a viable reason for late delivery of the goods请给我们一个能站得住的理由,说明为什么推迟发货
Please give us full particulars lest we should be wrongly guided请告详情,以免我方受到误导
Please inform us by cable how many copies you require请电告我方需要多少册
Please inform us by return mail what we shall deal with the machinery and equipment Shall we return them to you or hold them at your disposal?请即回函告知这批机械及设备的处理办法,是将货退给你们,还是暂存我处留待你方处理
Please inform us of the date of delivery请告知交货日期
Please let us have your check for the 35 USD overdue迟付的35美元请速寄来支票
Please let us know the description of articles which you are interested in请告知你方感兴趣的商品名称
Please let us know whether we send the goods by ship or by lighter请告知货物用轮船还是驳船运送
Please let us know your low quotation with the date of shipment and quantity available请报你方最低价并注明装船日期及可供数量
Please let us know your reaction to our proposal请告知你方对我方建议的反应
Please line up 30 tons for us within ten days请在十天之内为我们安排30吨货
Please make an investigation of the matter and let us know your findings请调査此事并向我们通报结果
Please make us an offer for any product within the fabric of this line请给我们报这类商品中的任何一种
Please observe the demand in the market for our manufactures and keep us advised请观察市场对我方产品的需要,并随时告知我们
Please see to it that you reserve the goods for us because we are in urgent need of them因为我们急需此货,请务必为我方保留
Please send us a copy of sales memo executed by you or on your behalf请寄一份由贵方或贵方代表所执行的销售备忘录
Please send us information on your product information请寄来有关你方产品的资料
Please send us the latest catalogue of your products with the price-list请寄你方产品最新目录及价目单
Please send us the missing items by air freight so as to complete the shipment请将所缺项目空运给我们,以资补足
Please send us your brochure and price list请寄给我们一份贵公司的产品手册和价目表
Please send us your firm offer by letter indicating trade discount and terms of shipment请用信报实盘,并注明同业折扣和装运条件
Please sound them out and tell us what their intension is请试探一下他们的意见,并告诉我们他们的打算
Please tell us in what names and denominations such certificates will be issued请告诉我们此类证券将以什么名义及面额予以发行
Please understand that it's necessary for us to place stress on this point请理解我们强调这一点是必要的
Please write us and explain why the shipment is delayed请来函解释为何推迟货物的发运
regulation of US equity markets美国股票市场的法规
shift customs duty to the end-users将关税转嫁到最终用户头上
single-user wharf专用码头
The average quantity of each shipment will be 500 tons, valued US $50000每次装载的货物的平均数量约为500吨,价值为5万美元
The captioned company you inquired about by your letter of June 3, 1991, has been maintaining an account with us for the past 14 years你公司1991年6月3日函询的公司,过去14年一直与我们有账户往来
The colour cards are enclosed. Please return it to us after you review them and choose the nearest shade附上色卡,请审阅并选一最相似颜色后寄回
The company borrowed US $30 000 from the bank to repay its debts该公司从银行借款3万美元以偿还债务
the final user最终用户
The land is valued 40 million US dollars这块地估价为4000万美元
The opportunity is not mature for us to trade extensively with that country与该国大规模做交易的时机尚未成熟
The quality of the goods has met with unanimous approval of the users货品的质量受到用户的一致的赞许
the reach of average users一般用户所能接受的范围
The shipping firm has informed us that the earliest shipment is next Friday船运公司通知最早船期是下周五
The signed Sales Note No. 310 has been returned to us stipulating January delivery instead of February第 310 号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是1月而不是 2 月
The signed Sales Note No. 14 has been returned to us stipulating June delivery instead of July第14号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是6月份而不是7月份
The spare parts to the car produced in your factory shall be of exactly the same quality as those previously supplied to us你厂生产的汽车备件的质量,应与从前供应给我方的完全相同
The stipulation given in L/C No. 5 on the method of packing will put us to extra expense5号信用证规定的包装方法,将使我们负担额外费用
The turnover increased fast, it made us possible to liquidate our debts交易额迅速增加,这使我们有可能清偿债务
They are restricted by temporary lack of supplies to offering us only 50 000 dozens of jeans限于暂时货源缺乏,他们只能提供我方五万打牛仔裤
They assessed damages at US $1000他们把损失估定为1000美元
They drew on us for the balance of US $688他们向我方出票支取余款 688 美元
They have decided to accept our proposal and appoint us as their agent他们决定接受我方建议,委派我方为其代理
They have opened an L/C in your favour for the amount of US $25.000.000他们已给你方开出金额为 25000 美元的信用证
They informed us that the articles are now ready for shipment他们通知我方,货件已备妥待运
user accounting table用户记账表
user charge用户税
user cost继续使用成本
user cost使用者成本
user equipment用户设备
user expectation approach用户期望法
user fee用户费用
user-friendly equipment方便的设备
user-friendly programs容易使用的程序
user-friendly software通用用户软件
user-friendly technology为用户着想的工艺
user of finance资金使用者
user's cooperative消费合作社
user tax用户税
user test订货人检测
users fees用户费由美国海关征收的包括在人境手续费用中的款项, 它用以帮助支付各种向美国进口商品时所发生的费用
users fees用户使用收费
users fees美国海关使用费
We are budgeting for US $80.000 of overseas sales next year我们正在编制明年8万美元的对外销售预算
We are glad to inform you that your goods have given us every satisfaction我们很高兴通知你们,你方货物使我们十分满意
We are sending you a manual instructing the end-users on the installation of air-conditioners现寄给你指导用户安装空调机的手册一本
We are sorry to say that your offer does not interest us很遗憾,你方报盘不能引起我方兴趣
We cannot accept your decision to compensate us $600我方不能接受你方赔偿我们600美元的决定
We confirm telegrams recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that we have increased our exports to the maximum我方确认近来双方往来电报并欣告我方的岀口已达最大量
We demand that you should deliver to us paid receipts satisfactory to our company我方要求你方递送符合我公司要求的付款收据
We have not kept for ourselves more samples than necessary and would ask you to deliver it to us promptly我们没有保留多余的样品,请立即把样品寄来
We have to ask for a compensation of US $54 000 to cover the loss incurred我们必须索赔54 000美元,以弥补所受的损失
We hope that we will do a larger dealing between us next year我们希望明年在我们之间能做成一笔更大的买卖
We think that the time is mature for us to discuss the subject of readjusting prices我们认为讨论调整价格的时机已经成熟
We think that your order for these lathes should be placed with us without delay我们认为你公司应立刻向我方订购这批车床
We think this material for clothing will fetch us at least $5 per meter我们认为这种衣料至少可以卖到5美元一米
We understand from your telegraph of the 6th inst. that you are keenly interested in our products, and request us to make an offer for them我方从你方本月6日的电报中获悉,你方对我方的产品非常感兴趣,并要求我方为其报价
Will you please send us a list of items that you import?请寄本公司一份贵公司的进口商品清单
You should understand that this delay has placed us in an embarrassing situation你们应当了解这次延误已使我们处于为难境地
Your good-will means a lot to us, so we offer you an allowance of 5%你方的好意对我方举足轻重,因此我方给贵方5%的折扣
Your letter of the 20th May addressed to our corporation in Shanghai has been passed on to us for attenuation and reply你公司致我上海公司的5 月20日函已转我公司办复
Your quotation is so high that it leaves us no margin of profit你方报价太高,这样的价格我方没有赚头
zone user美国的对外贸易区用户