
Terms for subject Commerce containing United States | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Chamber of Commerce of the United States美国商会
Export-Import Bank of the United States美国进出口银行
Statistical Abstract of the United States美国统计摘要
Tariff Schedules of the United States Annotated美国海关税则号列
Trade Relations Council of the United States美国贸易关系理事会
Uniform Commercial Code in the United States美国统一商法法典
United States美国 (of America)
United States Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce美国国内国外贸易局
United States Chamber of Commerce美国商会
United States Code美国密码
United States Commercial Company美国商业公司
United States Court of Claims美国索赔法院
United States Customs Invoice美国海关发票
United States dollar美元货币单位
United States dollar美兀
United States Export-Import Bank美国进出口银行
United States Food and Drug Administration美国食品与药物管理局
United States gallon美制加仑亦缩为 U. S. gal.
United States gold dollar美国金元
United States internal revenue bonded美国国内保税
United States International Development Cooperation Agency美国国际开发合作署 (缩为 IDCA)
United States International Marketing Center美国国际销售中心
United States-Japan Trade Council美日贸易委员会
United States Lines美国轮船公司
United States Maritime Service美国海运管理处
United States Patent美国专利亦缩为 USPat
United States Pharmacopoeia美国药典亦缩为 USPharm
United States Salvage Association美国海难救助协会
United States Shipping Board美国航运局
United States Standard美国标准亦缩为 US Std, U.S. St.
United States Travel Bureau美国旅游局
United States Treasury Department美国财政部