
Terms for subject Librarianship containing Type | all forms | exact matches only
clay type泥活字
copper movable type铜活字
display type醒目字
entry type款目类型
heading type标目类型
item type资料种类
item type资料类型
item type资料类别
item type文献类别
Korean movable-type edition朝鲜活字本
Korean movable type imprint瓢活字 (allegedly on dry gourd skin)
material type资料类别
material type资料类型
material type资料种类
material type文献类别
modem metal type imprint排印
modem metal type imprint铅版
modern metal type imprint铅版
modern metal type imprint排印
movable-type edition活字本 (printed from earthenware, wooden, or bronze type, different from modem typography)
movable-type printing活字印刷
patron type读者类型
raised-type book凸字版图书
tin mobile type锡活字
type of electronic resource note电子资源类型注
type of library图书馆类型
type of record记录类型
type of resource资源类型
type style for printing印刷体
wooden movable type木活字