
Terms for subject International trade containing Treatment | all forms | exact matches only
asymmetrical treatment不对称的处理方法
conditional most-favored-nation treatment有条件的最惠国待遇
differentiated treatment差别待遇
duty and quota free and without reciprocal treatment不受限额限制及不给予互惠待遇
duty and quota free and without reciprocal treatment免税
generalized system of preferences tariff treatment普遍优惠征税制
most favorable national treatment最惠国待遇
most favored nation treatment最惠国待遇
most favored nation treatment clause最惠国待遇条款
most-favoured-nation treatment最惠国待遇
national treatment国民待遇即对外国人和外国的产品与本国人和本国的产品给予相等的权利与特权
national treatment clause国民待遇条款
non-discriminatory treatment非歧视待遇
non-reciprocal preference treatment非互惠性优惠待遇
non-reciprocal preferential treatment非互惠生优惠待遇
non-reciprocal treatment非互惠性待遇
preferential treatment优待
principle of national treatment国民待遇原则
product eligible for GSP treatment符合普惠制条件的产品
quarantine treatment检疫处理
reciprocal treatment对等待遇
reciprocal treatment互惠待遇
special treatment for developing contries对发展中国家的特殊待遇
the most favoured nation treatment最惠国待遇
treatment of disputes争议处理
treatment of loss损失处理
treatment shabby待遇菲薄
unconditional most-favored-nation treatment无条件最惠国待遇
unconditional most-favoured-nation treatment无条件的最惠国待遇
uniformity of treatment统一办理
verbal treatment口 头处理