
Terms for subject Business containing Travelling | all forms | exact matches only
amount of time spent travelling to and from work上下班时间
average number of travels平均旅行次数
broker of self-organized travelling performance groups穴头
commercial travel商务旅行
direction of travel传送方向
facilities for travel旅行便利
facilities for travel旅行设备
foreign travel account外国旅行账户
foreign travel tax外国人旅行税
guaranteed travel保证旅游
international travel国际旅游
international travel国际旅行
international travel and entertainment国际旅行及交际费
international travel charge国际差旅费
international travel expense国际差旅费
international travel expense claim国际差旅费报销
international travel expense voucher国际差旅费凭单
local travelling expense市内差旅费
manual of international travel国际旅游手册
minimum travel price最低旅游价格
official travel公务旅行
overhead travelling transporter行走式龙门输送机
people travelling on an errand to purchase materials经营采购营业人员
salesmen's travelling and entertainment expenses推销员旅费和交际费
special interest travel特定目的旅游
tone of the international travel market国际旅游市场行情
travel accident旅行意外事故
travel advance payment旅差预支费
travel advertising旅游广告宣传
travel agent旅游代理商
travel agent sales对旅游代理人销售
travel allowance旅差费补贴
travel and entertainment旅行娱乐费
travel and entertainment card旅行娱乐信用卡
travel and entertainment card旅游信用卡
travel and entertainment expenditure旅行交际支出
travel and entertainment expense旅行交际费用
travel and living allowance差旅及生活津贴
Travel Blue Book旅游蓝皮书
travel boom旅游热潮
travel certificate旅游证
travel charting移动路线图
travel claim差旅费报销申请
travel commodities旅游商品
travel company旅游公司
travel components旅游组成因素
travel conglomerate旅游联合企业
travel department旅游部门
travel directory旅游指南
travel documentary film旅游文献影片
travel domestic国内旅游
travel expenditure as a percent of total disposable income旅游开支占全部可支配收入的百分比
travel expense claim旅差费报销
travel fee差旅费
travel flow旅行流量
travel grant差旅补贴
travel group旅游团
travel information旅行信息
travel intensive旅游强度
travel intensive index旅游强度指数
travel management旅游管理
travel manager旅游部经理
travel mark旅行标志
travel market旅游市场
travel market analysis旅游市场分析
travel market research旅游市场研究
travel marketing旅游市场经营
travel merchant零售旅游商
travel mission因公出差
travel motivation旅游动机
travel multiplier旅游增值率
"travel-now-pay-later" plan"先旅行后付款"信用法
travel on appointment, transfer and separation就任、调职和解职旅差费
travel on home leave探亲假旅费
travel on official business差旅费
travel option旅游项目选择
travel overland to inland points由陆路运至内地各点
travel package旅游包价
travel parlance旅游用语
travel plant旅游工厂
travel procedure差旅手续
travel product旅游产品
travel-related business旅游相关行业
travel scenario旅游方案
travel schedule旅行日程表
travel shop旅游商店
travel to mother country for temporary visit临时归国
travel trade cooperation旅游贸易合作
travel trends旅游发展趋势
travelling allowance出差补助费
travelling allowance差旅补贴
travelling allowance旅行津贴
travelling and miscellaneous expenses旅杂费
travelling audit巡回查账员审计员
travelling auditor巡回审计员
travelling businessmen旅游商人
travelling by air空中旅行
travelling by rail乘火车旅行
travelling by sea海上旅行
travelling expenditure差旅经费
travelling expense旅差费
travelling expenses差旅费
travelling flow客流
travelling foreign exchange旅游外汇
travelling line旅行路线
travelling merchant商旅
travelling merchant旅行商人
travelling motor hoist电动移动起重机
travelling public旅游公众
travelling sale旅行销售
travelling salesman旅行推销员
travelling salesman旅行推销员 (representative)
travelling schedule旅行日程表
trolley travelling device小车行走机构
trolley travelling speed小车行走速度
vertical travel电梯
wholesale travel agency批发旅行社
wholesale travel agent旅游批发商