
Terms for subject Automobiles containing Total | all forms | exact matches only
advanced total traction engineering system for all高性能行驶系统带粘液离合器的轴间差速器式全时四轮驱动、粘液式防滑后差速器、长短连杆式独立悬架、四轮防抱制动系统等
advanced total traction engineering system for all先进的综合牵引工程系统
annual total costs年度总成本
annual total costs年度总费用
average total seats客运平均总客位
average total tonnage平均总吨位
brake specific total particulate matter制动功率比总颗粒物质排放量
designed total mass总质量
engine & transaxle total control signal发动机与变速驱动桥总控制信号
geometrical components of the total force切削合力几何分力
Isuzu total electronic control diesel五十铃全电子控制柴油机
ISUZU total electronic control system五十铃汽车发动机电子集中控制系统
manufacturer's maximum total weight厂定标称最大总质
maximum authorised total weight最大允许总质量
maximum authorized total mass车辆最大允许总质量
maximum authorized total weight车辆最大允许总质量
maximum design total mass最大设计总质量
maximum manufacturer's total mass标称厂定最大总质量
maximum manufacturer's total weight标称厂定最大总质
maximum total mass车辆最大总质
maximum total weight车辆最大总质
permissible total weight车辆允许最大总质
physical components of the total force切削合力的物理分力
power/maximum manufacturer's total mass ratio厂定比功率
preparation of norm of the total material consumption and standard time in processing工艺定额编制
production total生产总量
ratio, curb weight-to-total weight车辆整备质量与总质量之比
ratio, vehicle curb weight-to-total weight of vehicle车辆整备质量与车辆总质量之比
ratio, vehicle kerb weight-to-total weight of vehicle车辆整备质量与车辆总质量之比
real total mass实际总质量
torque/maximum total mass ratio转矩/最大总质量比
torque/maximum total mass ratio比扭矩
total acid number润滑油总酸值
total advance总点火提前角
total advance angle点火系统总提前角
total air活塞发动机每一循环进入空气
total air suspension全空气悬架
total allowance总留
total amount总量和,数,额
total amplitude振幅
total angle of transmission传动总作用角
total arc of transmission齿轮总作用弧
total asset visibility全资产可见性
total bag sampling排气分析全量袋式取样法
total base number机油总碱值
total brake forcepower总制动力
total braking distance车辆总制动距离
total braking time总制动时间
total bus-seat-day总客位日
total capacity发动机总排量工作容积
total carbon总含碳量
total carbon总炭量柴油机排气中元素炭和有机碳含量总和
total characteristic一般特点
total charge发动机总充量
total contact全接触
total contact ratio总重合度
total control system综合控制系统
total correction总修正补偿
total cost总成本费用
total cross-sectional area of the cut总切削层横截面积
total cylinder volume气缸总容积工作容积+燃烧室容积
total deformation总变形
total diagnostic communication link总诊断通信链路
total displacement发动机总排量工作容积
total distributed control system集中分散型控制系统
total drive ratio总传动比
total efficiency实际效率
total effort总作用力
total electric current全电流
total enclosure全密封机壳
total engine control system发动机全面控制系统
total enrichment factor混合气总加浓率系数
total equivalent fly wheel torque转动惯量运动部件,换算到制动转轴上的飞轮矩的总和
total estimated cost总预算费用
total expense总费用支出,消耗
total external characteristic全特性
total failure完全失效损坏
total feed rate总输出率
total feed rate总供给输送
total flow总流消耗
total flow rate总流供给,输送
total force exerted by a cutting part切削合力
total force exerted by the tool刀具总切削力
total fuel capacity总燃油容量燃油箱和副燃油箱总容量
total fuel consumption divided by inertia test weight总燃油消耗与惯性试验质量之比
total fuel consumption divided by inertia weight总油耗与惯性重量比
total fuel consumption divided by inertia weight按汽车惯性重量计总油耗
total gauge加法器
total gauge仪表累积计数器
total generic failure通常发生的故障
total generic failure该型产品的共同一般性故障
total hardening全部淬火硬化
total harmonic distortion无线电总谐波失真
total harmonic wave distortion总谐波失真
total heating value高热值
total height总高
total helix deviation齿向误差
total helix tolerance齿向公差
total human model for safety安全试验用全假人模型
total hydrocarbons总碳氢化合物值
total idle run time参数识别缩写怠速总运转时间
total ignition angletiming点火系统总点火提前角
total indicator reading指示器总累加,全部读数
total injection period燃油喷射喷油总持续时间
total integrated vehicle全面综合试验在安全性、油耗、排放物等方面
total kilometrage总计行驶千米公里
total kilometrage总行程
total kilometres总行程
total kilometres总行驶里程
total length of spline花键总长度
total line length线路总长度
total load总载
total lorry and trailer weight货车汽车列车货车与挂车总质
total loss总损耗
total-loss factor总损耗率
total-loss lubrication二冲程发动机/转子发动机全损耗式新机油润滑 (fresh-oil lubrication)
total man-hours to repair修理总工时
total mileagemiles行驶英里数
total multiplication总放大倍数
total noise resistant system全方位噪声抑制系统
total noise resistant system噪声全方位抑制系统
total number of coils总圈数
total number of steering wheel turns转向盘总圈数
total odometer累计行程表
total odometer行驶里程累计表
total operating cost车辆总运行成本费用
total organic extract fraction总有机物被提取部分
total output总输出功率
total output总工作容量
total output总生产率能力
total over travel全行程
total particulate mass微粒总质量
total passenger places总定员
total passenger places总客位数
total period总持续时间
total permissible weight车辆允许总质
total piston displacement总排量
total piston displacement发动机排量
total pitch deviation齿距累积误差
total pitch tolerance齿距累积公差
total power总生产率能力
total power总输出功率
total power of motor电动机总功率
total profile deviation齿形误差
total profile tolerance齿形公差
total quality control生产过程全面质量管理
total quality management生产过程全面质量管理
total quantity总数
total ratio总传动变速
total reduction总减速
total requirement总需
total revolution counter转数累积表
total run time by the engine while NOx warning mode is activated参数识别缩写NOx 警告模式被激活下发动机总运转时间
total run time with PT O active参数识别缩写取力器工作总时间
total seat-days总车吨位日
total spring travel弹簧总行程
total static deflection悬架总静态变形压缩,挠曲
total steering ratio转向系统总传动比
total sum总数额,和
total suspension travel悬架总行程
total time to complete the task完成某项工作的总时间
total time to repair检修总工时
total tire noise轮胎总噪声
total toe总前束
total toe angle总前束角
total toe-in angle总前束角
total torque总转动力
total torque exerted by the tool刀具总扭矩
total traffic volume总交通
total transmission ratio总传动比
total trim全面修整
total trip length总行程
total trip vehicle-km capacity总行程载重量
total truck and trailer weight汽车列车货车与挂车总质
total truck-tonnage-day总车吨位日
total turns of steering gear转向器总圈数
total turns of steering wheel转向盘总圈数
total understeer不足转向总量
total vehicle整车
total vehicle height车辆总高
total vehicle length车辆总长
total vehicle width车辆总宽
total vehicle-days总车日
total vehicle-ton总车吨位日
total weight总质量
total weight of road train货车汽车列车总质
total width
total wiring system全车线路系统
Toyota total clean system丰田车全面净化系统