
Terms for subject Sports containing Total | all forms | exact matches only
best total of points最好成绩
highest point total最高总分
measurement of the total volume of body water身体总水量测定
measurement of total K volume of body身体总钾量测定
progressive total总分
progressive total累积分
separation of total epiphysis of distal humeral end肱骨远端全骨骺分离
team A total A队总分
total acidity总酸度
total adenine nucleotide总腺苷酸
total adenine nucleotide总腺昔酸
total amount of hemoglobin in body体内血红蛋白总量
total amount of hemoglobin in body体内血红蛋白总量、
total blood volume全血量
total blood volume血液总量
total body electrical conductivity全身电传导
total body electrical impedance身体总电阻
total body fat总体脂量
total body fat总体脂肪
total body fat全身脂肪
total body fat总体脂
total cardiac reserve总心力贮备
total centre of mass总质心
total cholesterol胆固醇总量
total cholesterol总胆固醇
total daily energy expenditure每日能量总消耗
total defeat彻底失败
total dietary fibre总膳食纤维
total energy expenditure总能量消耗
total lung capacity总肺容量
total lung capacity肺总容量
total lung ventilation肺总通气量
total lung volume总肺活量
total mechanical energy总的机械能
total meniscectomy半月板
total over入球大小盘
total patellectomy全髌骨切除术
total point总成绩
total point总分
total score总分
total stroke总杆数 (woodball)
total synovectomy关节滑膜全切除术
total under入球大小盘
total variability总变化性