
Terms for subject Electronics containing Total | all forms | exact matches only
actual total loss实际总损耗
attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy衰减全反射傅里叶变换红外光谱分析法
attenuated total reflectance kit衰减全反射成套测量仪表
attenuated total reflection infrared microscopy衰减全反射红外显微分析法
attenuated total reflection spectroscopy衰减全反射光谱分析法
attenuated total reflection-infrared intensity衰减全反射红外光强
average total operating cost平均总运行费用
average total operating cost平均总工作成本
average total time总平均时间
bank of total-head tubes全压排管
blanket-to-total absorption覆盖区吸收与堆芯总吸收之比【核】
blanket-to-total fission覆盖区裂变与堆芯总裂变之比【核】
calculation of efficiency from total loss效率的总损耗计算法
calculation of efficiency from total loss总损耗效率计算
communications of total addresses全地址通信
computer total inner control计算机全面内部控制
deposition total time总淀积时间
dynamic total area coverage system动态全区覆盖通信系统
extended total access communications system扩展型全程接人通信系统
Fourier transformed infrared attenuated total reflection傅里叶变换红外衰减全反射
frustrated total internal reflection受抑全内反射
high energy total absorption detector高能粒子全吸收探测器【核】
instantaneous total closure瞬时全关
instantaneous total closure of valve阀门瞬时全关
Japan total access communications system日本全程接人通信系统
just-in-time/total quality control systems及时-全面质量控制[管理]体系
mean time between total system failures全系统故障平均间隔时间
near total internal reflection近[准]全内反射
neutron total cross section中子总截面【核】
partnering for total quality award共创全面优质奖
partnering for total quality award全面质量合作奖
program reporting evaluation system for total operations总操作用的程序报告鉴定系统
return on total assets总资产回报率
SAC automated total information network战略空军司令部全自动化信息网络
scanning total reflection method扫描全反射法
SEMATECH partnering for total quality program美国半导体制造技术联合体全面质量合作计划
site total indicator reading位置总读数
solar total energy system太阳总能量系统
solar total energy system太阳能辐照发电供热系统
standard total mean square error标准总方均误差
tight-binding total energy model紧束缚总能量模型
total absorbed dose总吸收剂量【核】
total absorbing ionization chamber全吸收电离室
total absorption detector efficiency全吸收探测器效率【核】
total access communications system全程接人通信系统
total activity总活性
total activity总放射性[活度]【核】
total activity discharge to the atmosphere向大气排放的放射性[活度]总量【核】
total alkalinity全碱度
total asymmetrical fault current不对称故障总电流
total automatic banking system全自动银行系统
total automatic color control全自动彩色控制
total automatic computer全自动计算机
total automatic flight control system全自动飞行控制系统
total automation system全自动化系统
total available capacity总有效容量
total available capacity总有效库容
total available market实占市场总额
total bandwidth全带宽
total body neutron activation analysis全身中子放射活化分析【核】
total break time全切断时间
total building integration cabling整体楼宇集成布线
total bus differential protection全母线差动保护装置
total business management全面业务管理
total cache buffers高速缓存缓冲区总数
total call connection delay呼叫接通总延迟
total call connection delay总呼叫连接延迟
total capacity总功率或毛功率
total capital investment cost总基建投资
total capital investment cost总基建费
total carbon residue残余氯总量
total chain yield总链产额【核】
total change总变化量
total changes in the density of states态密度总变化概率
total chemical management全面化学品管理
total chlorine residue总余氯
total circuit resistance电路总电阻
total circuit resistance电路阻抗
total clearing time总切断时间
total columnar electron content圆柱体电子总量
total communications总体通信
total communications全网通信
total communications system总体通信系统
total composite error总综合[合成]误差
total consumption of nuclear fuel核燃料总耗量【核】
total containment全部安全壳【核】
total control enterprise networking hub全向控制企业联网集线器
total control methodology全面控制研究方法
total core flow rate堆芯冷却剂总流量【核】
total core pressure drop堆芯总压降【核】
total corrosion全面性腐蚀
total cross section总截面
total current density总电流密度
total current regulation全电流调整
total current regulation全电流调节
total customer experience全面客户体验
total damage损坏总量
total data entry总体数据输人
total data network system全数据网络系统
total deionization全部电离
total deionization全除盐
total demineralization全除盐
total demineralization全部脱盐
total depletion voltage全耗尽电压
total dispersion总频[能]散
total dissolved solid溶解固形物总量
total dissolved solid总含盐量
total distributed control集散控制
total distributed control system集散控制系统
total distributed system集散体制
total earthing resistance总接地电阻
total effective air gap总有效气隙
total effective collision cross section总有效碰撞截面【核】
total effective exhaust loss考虑温度后排汽损失可用能
total elapsed time总耗费时间
total elapsed time总经历时间
total electric load总电负荷
total electrical displacement总电位移
total electromotive force总电动势
total electromotive force有效电动势
total electron yield总电子产额
total emission总排放
total energy distribution总能量分布
total energy loss总能量损失
total energy loss总能耗
total energy peak全能峰【核】
total enterprise electronic management solution企业全面电子管理解决方案
total equipment reliability总体设备可靠性
total error corrector总误差校正器
total estimated cost总估算成本
total evaluation of management and production output全面管理与产出评估
total evaporator全汽化器
total evaporator全蒸发器
total excess consumption meter累积过剩耗电量表
total exchange capacity总交换容量
total exchange capacity全交换容量
total exhaust losses总排汽损失
total exposure of the body全身照射量【核】
total external reflection全外反射
total fault coverage总故障覆盖率
total fissile content裂变物质总含量【核】
total focal deviation焦距总变差
total fraction of delayed neutron缓发中子总份额【核】
total frequency deviation总频移
total frequency deviation频率总变差
total gas and chemical management气体和化学制品统配管理
total gas center气体统配中心
total gas replacement总换气
total gas service system总供气系统
total gas supply system总供气系统
total gate leakage current总栅漏电流
total groove contact全沟纹接触唱片
total gross energy consumption总毛耗能[电]量
total grounding resistance总接地电阻
total half life总半衰期【核】
total hardness全硬度
total harmonic distribution总谐波分布
total head tube总压头监测器
total head tube总压头传感器
total heat
total heating surface总加热
total hospital operating and medical information system总医院手术与医学信息系统
total hydrocarbon analysis总含烃量分析
total indicated range总指示量程
total indicated reading总读数
total indicated reading总指针读数
total indicated runout总指针偏转
total indicated runout总读数偏差
total indicator runout总指针偏转
total indicator runout总读数偏差
total indicator variation总指针偏转
total indicator variation总读数变差
total inductance总电感
total inductance合成电感
total in-flight simulator全航程模拟器
total in-flight simulator总飞行模拟器
total information gathering and executive reporting总体信息采集与执行报告
total information management总信息管理
total information processing system总信息处理系统
total instructional management environment总指令管理环境
total insulation总绝缘
total integrated dose总综合剂量
total integrating light scattering method全积分散射测量法
total internal reflection fluorescence sensing全内反射荧光传感
total internal reflection microscopy全内反射显微分析法
total internal reflection prism全内反射棱镜
total internal reflection spatial light modulator全内反射空间光调制器
total investment cost总投资费用
total ion exchange capacity全交换容量
total ionization总电离
total leak rate test总泄漏率试验
total leakage power总泄漏功率
total leakage power总耗散功率
total least square总体最小二乘方
total level control system总体电平控制系统
total life cycle time总寿命周期时间
total linear braking power总线性阻止能力
total load demand总负荷要求
total load demand总电力需要量
total logic solution全逻辑解决方案
total loss全损[等于theinsuranceisagainsttotallossonly;指部分损失不赔;单担保全损险:]
total loss mass density总损耗质量密度
total loss of power失去所有电源
total loss of power全厂断电
total loss of vessel only仅保船只全损
total loss volume density总损耗体积密度
total losses全损耗
total luminous intensity of source总光源强度
total macroscopic cross section宏观总截面【核】
total macroscopic scattering cross section宏观总散射截面【核】
total management information system总管理信息系统
total mass stopping power总质量阻止能量【核】
total maximum permissible individual dose个人最大容许总剂量【核】
total mean downtime总平均停机时间
total mean downtime总平均不能工作时间
total mean free path总平均自由程【核】
total measurement uncertainty总测量不确定度
total mechanical travel机械总位移
total mineral acidity总矿物酸度
total modulation distortion总调制失真
total net energy consumption总净耗能[电]量
total net inflow volume总净入流量
total network operations plan全网操作方案
total network security网络总体安全
total network security绝对网络安全
total network test网络总体测试
total network test全网络测试
total network visibility全网络能视度
total neutron cross section中子总截面【核】
total neutron source density中子源总密度【核】
total noise equivalent power总噪声等效功率
total noise index总噪声指数
total numerical control全数字控制
total on-line program and information control system总联机程序与信息控制系统
total on-line testing总联机测试
total on-line testing system总联机测试系统
total on-site planning services全现场设计服务
total operating cost总运行费用
total operating cost总工作成本
total operating expense总运行费用
total operating expense总运行[工作]费用
total operating time总计工作时间
total operations processing system总操作处理系统
total organic carbon有机碳总量 (level)
total organic carbon level总有机碳含量
total organic carbon analyzer全有机碳测定仪
total organic content总有机物含量
total organic halide analyzer总有机卤化物含量分析仪
total outage完全中断供电
total output全出力
total output总容量
total overlap poly spacer全交叠[覆盖]多晶硅衬垫
total overlap with polysilicon spacer全交叠[覆盖]多晶硅衬垫
total overlap with polysilicon spacer lightly doped drain全交叠多晶硅衬垫轻掺杂漏
total oxidizable carbon可氧化碳总量 (content)
total oxygen demand总耗氧量
total personnel information retrieval system总人事信息检索系统
total plutonium总係[所有钵同位素的总和]【核】
total positional radius总位置范围
total positional radius总定位半径
total post length绕接接线柱全长
total power consumption pattern总功率消耗图
total power inhomogeneous coefficient总功率不均匀系数【核】
total power input总功率输入
total power management全面电源管理
total power management integrated circuits全面电源管理集成电路
total precedence grammar总优先语法
total pressure ratio总压力比
total print control总体打印控制
total productive maintenance support全面生产维护支援
total program diagnosis全面程序诊断
total quality assurance全面质量保证
total radiation absolute radiometer总辐射量绝对辐射计
total radius control总半径控制
total range测量范围
total reactor core recirculation flow沸水堆堆芯再循环总流量
total reactor feed反应堆总装料量【核】
total record access control总记录访问控制
total reflection全反射【核】
total reflection angle X-ray spectroscopy全反射角X射线光谱分析法
total reflection energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence全反射能散X射线荧光
total reflection X-ray fluorescence全反射X射线荧光'
total reflection X-ray fluorescence全反射X射线荧光
total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis全反射X射线荧光分析
total reflection X-ray fluorescence analyzer全反射X射线荧光分析仪
total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer全反射X射线荧光光谱仪
total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry全反射X射线荧光光谱测定法
total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy全反射X射线荧光光谱分析法
total reflection X-ray fluorescence technique全反射X射线荧光技术
total reflector current总反射电流
total reflector current反射极总电流【核】
total remote access center总远程接人中心
total requirement总需求量
total requirement总要求
total resistance阻抗
total room temperature wet cleaning全室温湿法清洗
total run全程
total run time总运行时间
total sag总弧垂
total sediment discharge固体径流总量
total service desk总服务台
total service life总使用[工作]寿命
total service life总服务期限
total shielding effectiveness屏蔽总有效性
total short-circuit current总短路电流
total signal loss总信号损耗
total silica全硅
total skin dose皮肤照射总剂量【核】
total sodium inventory in primary system钠冷快堆主回路系统钠总装量
total solid总固体物
total solid matter全固形物
total solution总体解决方案
total solution provider总体解决方案提供商
total storage management总存储管理
total substrate removal technique全部衬底剥除技术
total sulphur全硫量
total supply chain management总供应链管理
total surface dose总表面剂量【核】
total suspended solid总悬浮物
total system analyzer总系统分析程序
total system cost系统总成本
total system down全系统故障
total system intervention全系统干预
total systems performance总体系统性能
total systems performance responsibility总体系统性能可靠性
total temperature coefficient总温度系数
total thickness variation总厚度变差
total time constant总时间常数
total time constant综合时间常数
total travel全行程
total travel force全行程力
total-travel position全行程位置
total trip完全停堆【核】
total tuning range总调谐范围
total unadjusted error总计不调整误差
total user cells用户信元总数
total virus defense全面[综合]防病毒方案
total voltage全电压
total weight总重 (T.W ; t.w.)
total wirelength总走线长度
transformer total losses变压器总损耗