
Terms containing Total | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a total of总数为
securit.aggregate total整体总量
securit.aggregate total合计总额
avia.air total temperature空气总温
avia.aircraft total life cycle assessment software tool飞机寿命周期评估软件工具
refrig.air-to-air total heat exchanger全热回收器
securit.amount of total stocks of a firm企业所有股票总金额
geol.apparent total porosity视总孔隙度
gen.apparent total porosity总显气孔率
avia.army total asset visibility陆军总资产可视性
geol.attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy衰减全反射
avia.average total inspection平均总检查
multimed.commodore dynamic total visionCDTV 技术
avia.compressor total expense work压气机总耗功
avia.constant total pressure恒定总压强
securit.decompose total risk分解全部风险
securit.degree of total leverage全部杠杆程度
securit.degree of total leverage综合杠杆系数
securit.degree of total leverage整体利用贷款的程度
refrig.external total pressure外部总压力
refrig.fan total efficiency风机总效率
refrig.fan total pressure风机全压
bodybuild.final total rank决赛总分
refrig.freezer total gross volume总的毛容积
refrig.freezer total storage volume总的贮存容积
comp.Here, for example, is a system I highly recommend: Windows It comes with 2G of total memory and a 320G hard disk比如,这台电脑的系统我非常推荐:Windows 8。它还配有2G内存、320G硬盘
gen.If you do this, the credit company, or the bank that sponsors the credit card, will add a small service charge to your total bill如果你这样做,信用卡公司或发卡银行会在你的账单总额中加收一点手续费
gen.in total总起来
gen.in total整个地
avia.inlet total pressure进口总压
avia.inlet total pressure recovery进气道总压恢复
avia.inlet total temperature distortion进气总温畸变
gen.insoluble nitrogen to total nitrogen不溶氮与总氮量之比
securit.joint total income共同收人总额
securit.least total cost最低总费用
securit.listed companies' total turnover上市公司总成交金额
refrig.manometric total head压力计总压头
avia.maximum total合计
avia.maximum total weight authorized法定最大总重量
gen.measurement by total reflection of neutron beam from mirror surface中子束镜面全反射法测量
gen.minimization of total potential energy全位能最小法
securit.monetary total货币总额
gen.moving annual total今年〔与〕上年同期成本详细比较表
fisherymultispecies total allowable catch多鱼种的总可捕量
refrig.net total cooling capacity总冷却能力
securit.net total income全部净收人
geol.normalized differential total gas归一化差示总气量
geol.normalized total gas归一化总气量
avia.nozzle total pressure喷嘴总压强
avia.nozzle total temperature喷嘴总温度
gen.old total depth原来总深度
geol.original total organic carbon原始总有机碳
avia.point of total assumption总体假设点
fisheryprecautionary total allowable catch预防性总可捕量
bodybuild.rank total number评判总次数
securit.rate of return on total assets总资本回报率
refrig.rated total gross volume额定总的毛容积
securit.ratio of fixed assets to total assets固定资产对总资产比率
securit.ratio of investor's stock against his total volume of capital仓位比率投资人持有的股票资金占据其资金总量的比率
securit.ratio of securities to total deposits有价证券与总存款额比率
avia.required total system performance要求的总系统性能
securit.rounded-up sub-total化成整数的小计
bridge.rule of total tricks总赢墩数法则
geol.sand ratio to total sample砂岩占总样品比例
avia.sensor total field of view传感器总视场
avia.shut-off valve TAT total air temperature总温
gen.stereoselective total synthesis立体有择全合成
avia.strategic air command automated total information network战略空军司令部自动化总信息网
securit.sum total of the principal plus interest本息总计
avia.summed total and nose gear飞行总重与前起落架载荷测定
gen.The fee in total should be $180费用总计应为 180 美兀
gen.the nucleus contains a total positive charge that is equal to the number of protons present原子核中包含的正电荷的总数和存在于该原子核中的质子数相等
gen.the total comes out at756总数达756
gen.The total comes to $380总共 380 美元
avia.the total surface area of rib肋片表面积
gen.The traveler s checks cost 1.5% of the total amount of purchase旅行支票手续费是购买总额的1・5%
avia.total absorptance总吸收率
avia.total accumulated cycle总累积续循环
avia.total active inventory在用作战飞机总数
avia.total active inventory在役飞机总数
securit.total advanced capital预支总资本
securit.total advanced capital垫付总资本
avia.total air总空气量
avia.total air pressure大气全压
avia.total air temp probe heater总大气温度探头加温器
avia.total air temperature总气温
avia.total air temperature大气总温 (由温度探头实际感测的大气温度 (即基础温度),为环境温度、压力引起的温度升高及摩擦引起的温度升高之和)
avia.total air temperature anti-ice probe总温传感器防冰
avia.total air temperature indicator大气总温指示器
avia.total airborne weapon control system机载武器总控制系统
avia.total aircraft time飞机总运行时间
geol.total alkali-silica diagram总碱硅量图
fisherytotal allowable catch总可捕量
fisherytotal allowable effort总许可捕捞努力量
fisherytotal allowable fishing effort总许可捕捞努力量
avia.total allowance for machining允许加工总余量
gen.total ammonia-nitrogen总的-
gen.total ammonia-nitrogen氨-氮
avia.total amount总价
securit.total amount of transactions总交易额
securit.total amount per weighted-stock index每一加权股指数的成交值
securit.total amount per weighted-stock index每一加权股指的总成交值
securit.total asset turnover总资产交易额/周转额
securit.total assets managed管理的总资产
securit.total attributable profit股东应得收益总额
avia.total available seat-miles可用座英里总数
avia.total blade area桨叶总面积
avia.total blade-width ratio总桨叶宽度比
securit.total bond债券合计
securit.total bonded debt总债券债务
avia.total boots volume气囊总容积
securit.total borrowing借贷总额
securit.total business turnover营业总额
multimed.total bypass全旁路
refrig.total calorific value总放量
securit.total capital expenditure资本总支出
securit.total capital raised融资总额
securit.total capitalization总市值
securit.total capitalization总股本
geol.total carbon总碳
gen.total case depth全硬化深度
securit.total commitment value承担的总价值
securit.total commitment value承诺的总价值
avia.total communication全接入通信
avia.total component support总共零件支援
gen.total composite error总和误差
gen.total composite error综合误差
avia.total composite tolerance总综合公差
avia.total concentration总浓度
avia.total configuration management总体构型管理
avia.total cooling load总冷却载荷
avia.total correcting angle总提前角
avia.total correcting angle总修正角
avia.total cost management总体成本管理
avia.total cost management总成本管理
avia.total cost of ownership所有权总费用
multimed.total cost of ownership总拥有成本
securit.total cost of realization变现费用总额
avia.total curvature correction总弹道弯曲修正角
securit.total debt总负债
securit.total debt to equity ratio总债务权益比
securit.total debt to tangible net worth总债务与有形资产净值之比
securit.total debt to total assets总债务与总资产比率
avia.total delay总延时
avia.total density总密度
gen.total dissolved solids溶解固体总浓度
avia.total distance全距离
securit.total dividend全部股息
securit.total dividend总红利
securit.total dollar return全部美元回报
avia.total duration总历时
avia.total efficiency全效率
refrig.total efficiency-volume flow curve总效率-体积流量曲线
avia.total electron总电子
avia.total elevation lead angle总修正角垂直分量
avia.total elevation lead angle总高低修正角
geol.total enclosed全封闭的
avia.total end item整体最终项目
avia.total energy compensation总能量补偿
avia.total energy control总能量控制
refrig.total energy emission总发散能量
refrig.total energy management总能管理
gen.total energy of vibration总振动能
avia.total engine flame out〔客〕发动机全火焰出口
avia.total engine support总发动机支援
securit.total enterprise value全部企业价值
avia.total environment facility总环境设施
refrig.total equivalent temperature differential总当量温差
refrig.Total Equivalent Warming Impact变暖影响总当量
avia.total equivalent weight总当量
avia.total esterification fatty acid全酯化脂肪酸
gen.total excreted nitrogen总排泄氮
securit.total expense总支出
refrig.total external surface area总外表面积
geol.total extractable humic matter可抽提总腐殖物
geol.total extractable organic matter总抽提有机质
avia.total fatigue life疲劳总寿命
gen.total fatty acids总脂肪酸
avia.total field总场
avia.total field of view覆盖区总宽
avia.total final consumption总消耗量
avia.total final consumption最后总计消耗量
securit.total financing总融资金额
securit.total fixed costs总不变成本
avia.total flight service飞行勤务总量
refrig.total floor area总占地面积
avia.total flow metering valve总流量计量阀门
avia.total force总力
avia.total fuel总燃料
avia.total fuel at take-off起飞总燃油量
avia.total fuel consumption总燃油消耗量
avia.total fuel remaining剩余燃油量
avia.total fuel remaining总剩余燃油量
avia.total fuze running time variation定时引信作用时间总偏差
securit.total gain总收人
securit.total gain总收益
geol.total gas总气量
securit.total gross expenditure总支出额
avia.total gross weight总毛重
avia.total head总压
avia.total head全压头
refrig.total head全扬程
geol.total head总水头【水势】
gen.total heat全热量
refrig.total heat air heat recovery unit全热空气热回收式机组
refrig.total heat flow总热流量
avia.total heat flux总热通量
refrig.total heat load全热负荷
avia.total heat load总热负荷
refrig.total heat rejection总放热量
avia.total heating load总加热载荷
gen.total heating surface总受热面〔积〕
geol.total heavy minerals重矿物总量
avia.total height总高
avia.total holding time全部占用时间
geol.total humic carbon总腐殖碳含量
geol.total hydrocarbon总烃
geol.total hydrocarbon analyzer总烃分析器
geol.total hydrocarbon concentration总烃浓度
geol.total hydrocarbon content总烃含量
geol.total hydrocarbons总烃
avia.total in flight simulator全飞行过程模拟器
securit.total income总收人
securit.total income收人总额
securit.total indebtedness总负债
avia.total indicator reading指示器总读数
gen.total indicator reading〔指示器〕总读数
avia.total indicator variation指示器最大最小读数
gen.total indicator variation指示器最大最小读数差
gen.total information processing全部信息处理
avia.total inlet temperature总进口温度
geol.total inorganic carbon总无机碳
avia.total input总输入
avia.total input energy总输入能量
gen.total installed horsepower总设备功率马力
avia.total integrated pneumatic system综合气动总系统
avia.total integrated pneumatic system总体气动系统
refrig.total intensity of solar radiation太阳辐射总强度
multimed.total internal reflection总内反射
avia.total inventory count库存统计
securit.total invested capital总投人资本
avia.total investment cost总投资成本
securit.total investors' account投资人账户总金额
securit.total investors' account全部投资者账户金额
geol.total ion chromatogram总离子色谱图
gen.total ion current总离子电流
securit.total issued capital总发行股本
securit.total issued equity shares已发股份总额
avia.total item change总项目更改
avia.total leakage总泄漏量
securit.total lending全部贷款金额
securit.total lending总贷款额
avia.total length closing error of traverse导线全长闭合差
securit.total leverage全部贷款数量
securit.total leverage全部杠杆
securit.total liability总负债额
securit.total liability and net worth负债及净值总数
securit.total liability and net worth负债总额及净值
avia.total life总寿命
refrig.total lifecycle cost全寿命费用
avia.total lift总升力
avia.total linear momentum总线性动量
geol.total lipid extracts总类脂抽提物
securit.total loss完全损失
avia.total loss of deicing function丧失除冰功能
refrig.total loss refrigeration不回收式制冷
geol.total loss systems oil系统总损失油
gen.total lung capacity总肺活量
avia.total maintenance effort per flight hour每飞行小时的总维修工作量
avia.total management system总管理系统
avia.total manufacturing system总制造系统
securit.total margin value保证金总价值
securit.total margin value总押金价值
securit.total market整个市场
securit.total market股票市价总值
securit.total market capitalization资本市值总额
securit.total market capitalization市价总值
securit.total market capitalization总市值
securit.total market turnover市场总交易量
securit.total market turnover市场总成交额
securit.total market value市价总值
securit.total market value of listed shares上市股票总值
avia.total material requirement总材料需求
comp.total memory总内存
avia.total mission energy任务总能量
fisherytotal mortality coefficient总死亡系数
fisherytotal mortality coefficient总死亡率
fisherytotal mortality coefficient总瞬时死亡系数
fisherytotal mortality coefficient总瞬时死亡率
fisherytotal mortality instantaneous rate总死亡率
fisherytotal mortality instantaneous rate总死亡系数
fisherytotal mortality instantaneous rate总瞬时死亡系数
fisherytotal mortality instantaneous rate总瞬时死亡率
fisherytotal mortality rate总死亡率
avia.total navigation control system导航控制整体系统
securit.total negotiable capital全部流通股本
securit.total negotiable market capitalization总流通市值
securit.total negotiable volume总流通量
securit.total net asset value总资产净值
avia.total net value总净值
gen.total nitrogen总含氮量
gen.total nitrogen全〔量〕
securit.total No. of deals总成交笔数
securit.total nominal value总面值
avia.total nonrecoverable pressure drop不可恢复总压降
avia.total number总数
avia.total number of cell细胞总数
fisherytotal number of deaths死亡总数
fisherytotal number of deaths总死亡个体数
avia.total number of grid hole栅格孔总数
avia.total numerical control总数字控制
avia.total obligation authority拨款总授权
avia.total obligation authority总动用款项权限总职责权限
avia.total obligational authority某财年的经费
avia.total obligational authority国防五年计划的总经费
avia.total obligational authority拨款总授权
avia.total obscuring power总遮蔽能力
gen.total obscuring power总掩蔽本领
securit.total of A share raised capitalA 股发行筹资总额
avia.total on-program and information control system总联机程序和信息控制系统
avia.total operating cost总操作成本
avia.total operating cost运作总费用
avia.total operating time总工作时间
avia.total operations全部运营业务
geol.total organic carbon总有机碳
geol.total organic carbon in the sediment沉积中的总有机碳
geol.total organic content总有机质含量
geol.total organic extracts总抽提有机物
geol.total organic matter总有机质
securit.total output value hit a record high总产值创最高历史记录
securit.total outstanding loans未还贷款总额
gambl.total over入球大盘
avia.total ownership cost总拥有费用
gen.total oxidized nitrogen总氧化氮
avia.total ozone mapping spectrometer臭氧总量测绘光谱仪
avia.total ozone mapping spectrometer总臭氧测绘分光计
avia.total ozone mapping with UV imaging spectrometer臭氧总量紫外线成像测绘光谱仪
avia.total package procurement整套采购
avia.total-package procurement整套采购
securit.total paid-in capital缴人资本总额
refrig.total particulates concentration全部颗粒浓度
avia.total parts全部零件
avia.total parts全部零部件
horticult.total performance总生产性能
comp.total performance总性能
bridge.total point总分
bridge.total point累记分
bridge.total point scoring总分计分法
refrig.total power input总输人功率
refrig.total pressure总全压
avia.total pressure总温
avia.total pressure air data measurement总压力大气数据测量
geol.total pressure总压力
avia.total pressure differential总压差
avia.total pressure distribution总压分布
avia.total pressure drop总压力降
avia.total pressure gradient全压力增减率
avia.total-pressure head总压头
refrig.total pressure increase at fan impeller风机叶轮的全压升高
avia.total pressure inlet distortion进气总压畸变
refrig.total pressure loss of supply outlet送风管的总压力损失
avia.total pressure loss parameter总压损失参数
refrig.total pressure of fan通风机全压
avia.total pressure probe皮托管
avia.total pressure probe总压管
refrig.total pressure ratio总压缩比
avia.total pressure recovery总压力恢复
avia.total pressure schedule总压制度
avia.total pressure tapping总压取压孔
avia.total-pressure tube总压管
avia.total-pressure tube皮托管
refrig.total-pressure vacuum gauge全压真空计
comp.total print control总印刷控制
securit.total private borrowing私营部门总借款金额
horticult.total products总产量
horticult.total products总产物
avia.total program cost项目总费用
comp.total program diagnostic总诊断程序
avia.total propeller width ratio螺旋桨总宽度比
avia.total pulses总脉冲次数
avia.total quality commitment全面质量承诺
avia.total quality concept全面质量概念
gen.total quality control总质量管理
avia.total radar aperture control antenna雷达总孔径控制天线
avia.total radiator全辐射体
avia.total reaction全部反应
geol.total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbon可采的石油烃总量
gen.total recycle oxygen process氧气全循环法
geol.total reduced sulfide总还原硫化物
refrig.total refrigeration标准制冷量
securit.total revenue全部收人
avia.total revision and upgrading of maintenance procedures维修程序的修改与增加
securit.total risk全部风险
avia.total risk assessing cost estimate全风险估算成本
geol.total rock全岩
avia.total run-out全跳动
securit.total savings deposits全部储蓄额
gen.total scatter全散射
bridge.total score总分
bridge.total score累记分
geol.total sediment总沉积物
securit.total shareholder return股东总收益
securit.total shareholder return股东总回报
securit.total shares outstanding流通股总量
securit.total shares outstanding全部发行股票
securit.total shares outstanding发行在外的所有股份
securit.total shares outstanding全部流通股
securit.total shares return全部股份收益
securit.total shares return股东全部回报
securit.total shares return股东总回报
securit.total shares traded总成交股数
gen.total shear stress总剪应力
refrig.total shortwave irradiance总、短波辐射
avia.total solid总固体量
gen.total solids总固体〔含量测定〕 (test)
geol.total soluble extract总可溶抽提物
securit.total solution一揽子解决方案
securit.total solution全方位解决方案
geol.total solvent extracts总溶剂抽提物
zool.total spawners总产卵群
securit.total stock issue股票发行总额
securit.total stock issue总计发行股票
securit.total stock value总的股票价值
avia.total support plan全面支援计划
avia.total surface总面积
avia.total system全套系统
avia.total system crosstrack error系统横向跟踪总误差
avia.total system energy全能量系统
avia.total system energy整体系统
avia.total system energy全能系统
avia.total system energy综合系统
avia.total system energy总系统
avia.total system energy总能系统
avia.total system error系统总误差
avia.total system integration responsibility全系统综合责任
avia.total system integration responsibility系统一体化总职责
avia.total system performance demonstration全系统性能演示
avia.total system performance responsibility系统性能功能总职责
avia.total system performance responsibility系统性能可靠性
avia.total system requirement analysis总系统要求分析
avia.total system support partnership全系统支援伙伴
avia.total technical life总技术周期
avia.total temperature总温度
avia.total temperature驻点温度
avia.total temperature change总温度变化
avia.total temperature measurement总温度测量
avia.total temperature of airflow总气流温度
avia.total temperature probe总温探头
avia.total time总使用时间
avia.total time, aircraft and engine飞机与发动机总使用时间
gen.total time enroute〔途中〕总飞行时间
avia.total time of flight总飞行时间
avia.total time on route行程总时间
avia.total time since major overhaul大修后总使用时间
avia.total time since major overhaul大翻修后总使用时间
avia.Total Time Since New制造出厂后总使用时间
avia.total time sine new制造出厂后总使用时间
refrig.total to static efficiency静压头对全压头效率
refrig.total to total efficiency全压头对全压头效率
securit.total trading volume总交易量
avia.total traffic ton-miles总运输吨•英里
gen.total traffic ton-miles总运输吨-英里
avia.total transfer全额转让
avia.total transfer总计转移
securit.total transfer全部转让
avia.total transfer全转移
avia.total transfer time总传输时间
avia.total transition总跃迁
gen.total travel estimate车程总长及开车时间
securit.total turnover股票成交总额
securit.total turnover value成交总价值
avia.total uncertainty总体不确定
gambl.total under入球小盘
avia.total utility总效果
avia.total utility总效用
securit.total VAR value at risk available总风险价值授权额度
avia.total variance总变异数
avia.total variance总方差
avia.total velocity variation总速度变化
avia.total vertical error总垂直误差
multimed.total video converter全视频转换器
securit.total volume证券等总成交量
avia.total volume总成交量
avia.total water catch efficiency总收集系数
avia.total weight设备总重
securit.Total Weighted Stock Index全部加权股指
securit.Total Weighted Stock Index总加权股指
securit.total weighted stock index总加权股票指数
gen.total work cost总施工费〔用〕
avia.total workforce劳动力总量
securit.turnover of total assets总资产周转额
securit.turnover of total liability负债总额周转率
securit.turnover of total operating assets总营运资产周转额
securit.turnover rate on total resources总资源周转率
securit.turnover rate on total resources总资本周转率
gen.We will only charge you cost value, that is 50 dollars in total我们只收取总共50美元的成本费
avia.weighted total delay cost加权延迟总成本
gen.We'll correct your bill by deducting $180 from the total我们将把您的账单改过来,从总额中减去180美兀
securit.Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index韦塞尔5000全市场指数
avia.zenith total delay总延迟
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