
Terms containing Tobacco | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a fill of tobacco一斗烟
org.name.Ad Hoc Interagency Task Force on Tobacco Control机构间烟草管理特设工作组
China, lawadvertisement of tobacco烟草广告
agric.aftergrowth tobacco二茬烟
agric.aftergrowth tobacco再生烟
tobac.air-cured tobacco晾烟
agric.air-cured tobacco leaf晾[干]烟[草]
biol.alternaria leaf spot of rustic tobacco黄花烟草黑斑病 (Alternaria longipes (Ell. et Ev.)Tisd. et Wadk.)
biol.alternaria leaf spot of tobacco烟草黑斑病 (Alternaria longipes (Ell. et Ev.) Tisd. et Wadk.; Alternaria tobacina(Ell. et Ev.) Hori.)
biol.angular leaf spot of tobacco烟草细菌性角斑病 (Pseudomonas angulata (Fromme et Merray) Holland)
biol.anthracnose of tobacco烟草炭疽病 (Colletotrichum destructivum D'Gara.)
biol.aromatic tobacco芳香烟草 (Nicotiana suaveolens Lehm.,茄科)
biol.ascochyta spot of tobacco烟草褐斑病 (Ascochyta nicotianae Pass.)
biol.Aztec tobacco黄花烟草黄花芋,Nicotiana rustica L.,茄科
biol.aztec tobacco黄花烟草 (Nicotiana rustica L.,茄科)
biol.bacterial leaf spot of tobacco烟草野火病 (Pseudomonas tobaci (Wolf et Foster) Stevens)
biol.bacterial wilt of tobacco烟草枯萎病 (Xanthomonas solanacearum (Smith) Dowson)
biol.big-leaf tobacco大叶烟草 (Nicotiana tabacum var. macrophylla Comes,茄科)
pest.contr.black fire of tobacco烟草假单胞菌角斑病 Pseudomonas angulata
biol.black root of tobacco烟草根黑腐病 (Thielaviopsis basicola (Berk. et Br.)Ferr.)
biol.black root rot of tobacco烟草黑色根腐病 (Thielaviopssi basicola (Barkeley et Broome) Ferraris)
biol.black shank of tobacco烟草黑胫病 (Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae (Breda de Haan) Tucker)
biol.blue mold of tobacco烟草青霉病 (Peronospora tobacina Adam.)
agric.Brazilian tobacco rattle virus辣椒环斑病毒
tech.British-American Tobacco英美烟草公司
gen.British-American Tobaccoназв.комп. 英美烟草公司
anim.husb.British-American Tobacco Company英-美烟草公司
econ.Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms美国的酒精、烟草与火器局 (ATF)
biol.Burley tobacco黄花烟草伯莱烟草,Nicotiana rustica L.,茄科,这种烟草种在肥沃地,有特殊香味,叶色黄白
anim.husb.Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association伯利烟草种植者合作协会
biol.cercospora brown spot of tobacco烟草褐斑病 (Cercospora cruenta Sacc.; Mycosphaerella cruenta (Sacc.) Lath.)
perf.chewing tobacco口烟
agric.chewing tobacco嚼用烟草
tobac.chewing tobacco嚼烟
perf.chewing tobacco flavor嚼烟用香精
agric.cigar tobacco雪茄烟
agric.cigar-binder tobacco做雪茄烟叶
agric.common mosaic of tobacco烟草花叶病
biol.common mosaic of tobacco烟草花叶病 (Nicotiana virus 1)
biol.common tobacco烟草 (Nicotiana tabacum L.,茄科)
biol.common tobacco mosaic烟草花叶病 (TMV, Nicotiana virus 1)
biol.common tobacco plant烟草 (Nicotiana tabacum L.,茄科)
tobac.compressed tobacco烟砖
org.name.Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco烟草科研合作中心
biol.cotton leafworm tobacco caterpillar tobacco cutworm斜纹夜蛾 (Prodenia litura (Fabricius),夜蛾科)
desert.cultivated tobacco烟草
chem.cured tobacco烤烟
chem.cured tobacco熟烟
tech.cured tobacco烟叶加工
horticult.cut tobacco烟丝
biol.damping off of tobacco烟草猝倒病 (Pythium aphanidermatum (Eds.) Fitz.)
tobac.dark air-cured tobacco深色晾烟
tobac.dark tobacco深色烟
agric.darkfire-curved tobacco闷烘种烤烟指微热量烘干的烟叶
agric.denatured tobacco变质烟叶
desert.desert tobacco沙漠烟草
biol.desert tobacco沙漠烟草 (Nicotiana trigonophylla,茄科)
pest.contr.downy mildew of tobacco烟草霜霉病
agric.eelworm disease of tobacco烟草[根瘤]线虫病 [Meloidogyne incognita K. et W.]
proj.manag.Environmental Tobacco Smoke工作场所吸烟问题
biol.etch virus of tobacco烟草蚀纹病 (Nicotiana virus 7)
agric.experimental tobacco plantation实验烟场
agric.experimental tobacco plantation烟草试验场
tobac.filler tobacco烟心用烟叶
expl.fire tobacco烤烟叶
tobac.fire-cured tobacco烤烟
desert.flowering tobacco阿拉塔烟草
tech.flue-cured tobacco烟熏烟
tobac.flue-cured tobacco烤烟
ecol.flue-cured tobacco field烤烟烟田
agric.flue-cured tobacco leaf烤烟
agric.flue-cured tobacco leaf熏制烟草
tobac.flue-cured tobacco leaf烤烟叶
pest.contr.frog eye of tobacco烟草白星病 Cercospora nicotianae
biol.frogeye leaf spot of tobacco烟草蛙眼病 (Cercospora nicotianae Ell.et Ev.)
biol.fusarium wilt of tobacco烟草萎蔫病 (Fusarium oxysporum var. nicotianae J. Johnson.)
biol.giant tobacco绒毛烟草 (Nicotiana tomentosa,茄科)
biol.gray mold of tobacco烟草灰霉病 (Botrytis cinerea Pers.)
biol.green tobacco黄花烟草 (Nicotiana rustica L.,茄科)
biol.green tobacco黄花烟草黄花芋,Nicotiana rustica L.,茄科
agric.green tobacco aphid烟蚜
genet.hybrid tobacco mosaic virus杂种烟草花叶病毒
agric.hybrid tobacco mosaic virus杂交烟草花叶病毒
gen.Imperial Tobacco Groupназв.комп. 帝国烟草公司集团
bot.Indian tobacco囊状半边莲 Lobelia inflata
bot.Indian tobacco半边莲属 Lobelia inflata
biol.Indian tobacco印度烟草 (Nicotiana bigelovi,茄科)
biol.Indian-tobacco lobelia路单利草祛痰菜,Lobelia inf lata L.,半边莲科
agric.International Federation of Tobacco Workers国际烟草工作者联合会
org.name.International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations国际食品、农业、旅馆、饭店、餐饮、烟草和同业工会联合会
org.name.International Union of Food, Drink and Tobacco Workers' Association国际、食品饮料及烟草工人协会联合会
org.name.International Union of Food, Drink and Tobacco Workers' Association国际食品、饮料及烟草工人协会联合会
tech.irrigation tobacco灌溉草
desert.jasmine tobacco阿拉塔烟草
biol.jasmine tobacco大花烟草 (Nicotiana alata var. grandiflora Comos.,茄科)
biol.late blight of tobacco烟草黑胫病 (Phytophthora parasica var. nicotiamae (Breda de Hana) Tucker)
biol.leaf curl of tobacco烟卷叶病毒病 (Nicotiana virus 10)
biol.leaf spot of tobacco烟草白斑病 (Phyllosticta tabaci Pass.)
agric.leaf tobacco多叶烟草
tobac.leaf tobacco烟叶
agric.leafy tobacco叶子烟
agric.leafy tobacco多叶烟草
tobac.liquored tobacco调味烟
tech.longleaf tobacco长叶烟草
agric.mammoth tobacco巨型烟草
perf.manna tobacco马尼拉雪茄叶
tobac.manufactured tobacco加工的烟草
biol.mosaic of tobacco烟草花叶病 (Nicotiana virus 1)
biol.narrowleaf common tobacco窄叶烟草 (Nicotiana tabacum var. angustifolia,茄科)
agric.native tobacco本地烟草
agric.Orient tobacco远东烟草
agric.Oriental tobacco土耳其烟草
perf.oriental tobacco东方型香料烟
tobac.oriental tobacco香料烟
biol.oriental tobacco budworm烟青虫 (Heliothis assulta Guenee; Chloridea,夜蛾科)
biol.phyllosticta spot of tobacco烟草褐斑病 (Phyllosticta nicotianae Ell. et. Ev.)
agric.pipe tobacco烟斗用烟叶
tech.pipe tobacco斗烟叶
perf.pipe tobacco flavor烟斗香精
agric.plug tobacco板烟
agric.plug tobacco口嚼烟叶
pest.contr.powdery mildew of tobacco烟草白粉病 Erysiphe cichoracearum
biol.powdery mildew of tobacco烟草白粉病 (Erysiphe cichoracearum DC.)
agric.preparing loose leaf tobacco for market制作散装出售烟叶
tech.process for drying tobacco烟叶干燥法
tobac.processed tobacco加工过的烟草
tech.quality of tobacco烟叶质量
agric.rank tobacco味道不好烟草
tobac.raw tobacco未烤烟
tobac.ready-rubbed tobacco揉搓烟草
agric.redried tobacco leaf熏制烟草
agric.redried tobacco leaf烤烟
agric.regenerated tobacco二茬烟
biol.ring spot of tobacco烟草环斑病 (Nicotiana virus 12)
biol.root knot nematode of tobacco烟草根结线虫病 (Meloidogyne sp.)
pest.contr.root rot of tobacco烟草根腐病 Thielaviopsis basicola
biol.rustic tobacco黄花烟草 (Nicotiana rustica L.,茄科)
biol.Sander tobacco山德氏烟草烟草花,Nicotiana sanderae,茄科
biol.sclerotinia blight of tobacco烟草菌核病 (Sclerotinia nicotianae Oud. et Kon.)
tobac.scrap tobacco废烟草
perf.sheet-tobacco flavor薄片香精
agric.smoking tobacco吸用烟草
perf.snuff tobacco flavor鼻烟用香精
biol.soft rot of tobacco烟草软腐病 (Erwinia aroideae (Towns) Holl.)
desert.South American tobacco南美烟草
econ.state monopoly of sales of tobacco and alcoholic drink烟酒专卖
agric.state tobacco monopoly烟草国家专营
org.name.State Tobacco Monopoly Administration国家烟草专卖局
China, polit.State Tobacco Monopoly Administration国家烟草专卖局 (Bureau)
biol.stem rot of tobacco烟草茎腐病 (Macrophomina phaseoli (Maubl.) Ashby)
biol.stored tobacco beetle烟草窃蠹 (Lasioderma serricorne Fabricius)
agric.stringing or threading tobacco leaves穿烟 [叶]
tobac.sun-cured tobacco晒烟
agric.sun-cured tobacco leaf晒烟[叶]
textiletax tobacco烟草税
busin.tax tobacco and wine征收烟酒税
sport.The advertising of tobacco alcohol products is prohibited禁止香烟酒类广告
China, polit.the Interim Tax Regulations on Tobacco Leaf《烟叶税暂行条例》
econ.the tobacco duty烟草税
econ.the tobacco tax烟草税
econ.the wine and tobacco tax烟酒税
dentist.There is much tobacco stain on your teeth您的牙上有很多烟斑
chem.tobacco absolute烟草净油
genet.tobacco acidic pyrophosphatase烟草酸性焦磷酸酶可使 mRNA 去帽
nurs.tobacco amblyopia烟草中毒性弱视
entomol.tobacco ant螫蚁 Solenopsis geminata (F.)
entomol.tobacco ant火蚁 Solenopsis geminata (F.)
biol.tobacco ant火蚁 (Solenopsis geminata Fabricius,蚁科)
biol.tobacco anthracnose烟草炭疽病 (Colletotrichum destructivum O. Gara)
agric.tobacco aphid烟蚜 Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (蚜科)
agric.tobacco aphid烟蚜
textiletobacco armhole倒钩袖窿
agric.tobacco ash烟草灰分
textiletobacco at the end of opening剪口末端处回针
textiletobacco back rise倒钩后裆缝
textiletobacco back vent end封背衩
entomol.tobacco beetle烟草窃蠹 Lasioderma serricorne (F.)
biol.tobacco beetle烟草窃蠹 (Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius),窃蠹科)
biol.tobacco black shank烟草青黑胫病 (Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae Tucker)
pest.contr.tobacco blue mould烟草霜霉病
agric.tobacco blue mould烟草青霉病
entomol.tobacco broomrape大麻列当 Orobranche ramosa
textiletobacco brown烟叶棕
textiletobacco brown烟草棕
pest.contr.tobacco brown spot烟草褐斑病 Alternaria longipes
biol.tobacco brown spot烟草褐斑病 (Ascochyta nicotianae Pass.)
desert.tobacco brush毡毛美洲茶
biol.tobacco budworm烟青虫 (Heliothis assulta Guenee; Chloridea,夜蛾科)
biol.tobacco budworm烟草夜蛾烟芽夜蛾,Heliothis virescens F.,夜蛾科
pest.contr.tobacco budworm烟芽夜蛾 Heliothis virescens (F.)
biol.tobacco budworm棉铃虫 (Heliothis zea Boddie; Heliothis armigera Hüber.; Heliothis obsoleta Hüber.; Phalaena zea Boddie,夜蛾科)
biol.tobacco capsid烟草盲蝽 (Engytatus tenuis Reuter; Cyrtopeltis,盲蝽科)
agric.tobacco caterpillar斜纹夜蛾
entomol.tobacco caterpillar斜纹贪夜蛾 Spodoptera litura
biol.tobacco caterpillar斜纹夜蛾 (Prodenia litura Fabricius; Spodoptera,夜蛾科)
agric.tobacco clone烟草克隆
agric.tobacco clone烟草无性[繁殖]系
agric.tobacco combine烟草联合收获机
agric.tobacco common mosaic烟草花叶病
ecol.tobacco continuous cropping烟草连作
biol.tobacco cricket烟草大蟋蟀 (Brachytrupes membranaceus Drury,蟋蟀科)
agric.tobacco-curing barn烤烟房
biol.tobacco cutworm斜纹夜蛾 (Prodenia litura Fabricius)
biol.tobacco cutworm黄地虎 (Agrotis segetum Schiffermuller; Euxoa,夜蛾科)
biol.tobacco cutworm棉铃虫 (Heliothis zea Boddie; Heliothis armigera Hüber.; Heliothis obsoleta Hüber.; Phalaena zea Boddie,夜蛾科)
agric.tobacco disbudding烟草除
agric.tobacco disease烟草病害
agric.tobacco disease control烟草病害防治
agric.tobacco distance between individuals烟草株距
agric.tobacco distance between rows烟草行距
agric.tobacco DNA of chloroplast烟草叶绿体DNA
agric.tobacco dressing烟草追肥
agric.tobacco dressing norm烟草追肥量
agric.tobacco dressing time烟草追肥期
agric.tobacco dryer烟草干燥器
textiletobacco duty烟草税
biol.tobacco elephant-beetle烟草象甲 (Listroderes costirostris Schönfeldt,象甲科)
tobac.tobacco essence烟用香精
biol.tobacco etch virus烟草蚀纹病毒 (Nicotiana virus 7 (Smith); Marmor erodens (Holmes))
agric.tobacco fermentation烟叶发酵
tobac.tobacco field烟草田
agric.tobacco field care烟草田管理
biol.tobacco flat beetle烟草扁甲 (Cathartics exisus Reitter,扁甲科)
perf.tobacco flavor烟用香精
perf.tobacco flavor enhancer烟味增强剂
entomol.tobacco flea beetle烟草跳甲 Epitrix fasciata Blatchley
biol.tobacco flea beetle烟草跳甲 (Epitrix hirtipennis Melsh.,跳甲科)
biol.tobacco frog-eye烟草白星病烟草蛙眼病,Cercospora nicotianae Ellis et Ererhart
textiletobacco front rise封小裆
tech.tobacco goods烟草货物
agric.tobacco grades烟草等级
agric.tobacco grading烟草分级
agric.tobacco grower烟农
agric.tobacco growing烟草栽培
tobac.tobacco growing烟草栽培学
ecol.tobacco-growing soil植烟土壤
agric.tobacco harvest maturity烟草采收成熟度
biol.tobacco hawk moth烟草天蛾 (Manduca sexta (L.); Phlegethontius or Protoparce,天蛾科)
agric.tobacco heterosis烟草杂种优势
agric.tobacco hoe烟草中耕锄
biol.tobacco hornworm烟草天蛾 (Manduca sexta (L.); Phlegethontius or Protoparce,天蛾科)
agric.tobacco hybrid vigor烟草杂种优势
agric.tobacco hybridism烟草杂种型
agric.tobacco hybridity烟草杂种性
agric.tobacco hybridization breeding烟草杂交育种
exhib.Tobacco Import and Export Corporation烟草进出口公司
adv.tobacco industry烟草行业
tech.tobacco industry烟草工业
agric.tobacco insects烟草害虫
ecol.tobacco intercropping烟叶间作
tech.tobacco jack黑钨矿
tech.tobacco juice烟液
biol.tobacco kropoek virus烟草卷叶病毒 (Nicotiana virus 10 (Smith))
pest.contr.tobacco leaf curl烟草卷叶病
biol.tobacco leaf curl virus烟草卷叶病毒 (Nicotiana virus 10 (Smith))
biol.tobacco leaf miner马铃薯块茎蛾 (Phthorimaea operculella Zeller; Gnorimoschema)
biol.tobacco leaf miner马铃薯块茎蛾烟草潜叶蛾,Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller); Gnorimoschema,麦蛾科
biol.tobacco leaf weevil烟草象甲 (Mimaulus thesii Marshall,象甲科)
biol.tobacco leaffolder烟草褶叶螟 (Psara poriusalis Walker,野螟科)
entomol.tobacco leafminer马铃薯麦蛾 Phthorimaea operculella (Zell.)
agric.tobacco leaves烟叶
agric.tobacco liquid烟草液
agric.tobacco looper烟叶捆把机
tech.tobacco manufacture制烟业
agric.tobacco market烟叶市场
agric.tobacco moisture content烟叶含水量
agric.tobacco monopoly烟草专卖
agric.tobacco mosaic disease烟草花叶病
pest.contr.tobacco mosaic virus烟草花叶病毒
biol.tobacco mosaic virus烟草花叶病毒 (Nicotinana virus 1)
agric.tobacco mosaic virus activity烟草花叶病毒活度
biol.tobacco moth烟草粉螟 (Ephestia elutella (Hbn.),粉螟科)
biol.tobacco moth可可粉螟烟草粉螟,Ephestia elutella Hbn.,螟蛾科
agric.tobacco mottle烟草环斑病
agric.tobacco mutant烟草突变型
agric.tobacco mutant烟草突变体
textiletobacco neck line倒扎领窝
pest.contr.tobacco necrosis烟草坏死病毒病
agric.tobacco necrosis satellite virus烟草坏死卫星病毒
biol.tobacco necrosis virus烟草坏死病毒 (Nicotiana virus 11 Smith)
agric.tobacco nicotine烟草烟碱
perf.tobacco note烟草香型
agric.tobacco pinching烟草摘心
agric.tobacco pinching method烟草摘心法
agric.tobacco pinching time烟草摘心期
gen.tobacco pipe烟斗
agric.tobacco plant烟草
tech.tobacco plant烟叶
agric.tobacco plant bed烟草苗床
agric.tobacco plant from single cell烟草单细胞形成的植物体
agric.tobacco plantation烟草种植场
agric.tobacco plantation烟场
agric.tobacco planting distance烟草定植株距
biol.tobacco powdery mildew烟草白粉病 (Erysiphe cichoracearum DC.)
agric.tobacco preparation of seed bed烟草苗床整地
agric.tobacco preparation of soil烟草整地本田
tech.tobacco product烟制品
tobac.tobacco product烟草制品
agric.tobacco quality烟叶品质
agric.tobacco raising烟草栽培
pest.contr.tobacco rattle烟草脆裂病毒病
pest.contr.tobacco rattle烟草脆裂
agric.tobacco rattle烟草茎坏疽病
biol.tobacco rattle virus烟草脆裂病毒 (Tabacco virus 11 (Johnson); Nicotiana virus 5)
agric.tobacco replant烟草补栽
agric.tobacco ring spot烟草环斑病
biol.tobacco ring spot virus烟草环斑病 (Nicotiana virus 12 Smith)
pest.contr.tobacco ringspot烟草环斑病
biol.tobacco ringspot virus烟草环斑病毒 (Nicotiana virus 12; Annulus tabaci)
biol.tobacco ringspot virus No. 1烟草环斑病毒 (Nicotiana virus 12; Annulus tabaci)
tech.tobacco-seed oil烟草籽油
biol.tobacco "semilooper"烟草金斑蛾 (Plusia chalcytes Fabricius,金斑蛾科)
textiletobacco sleeve slit end封袖衩
biol.tobacco slug烟草负泥虫 (Lema bilineata,叶甲科)
environ.tobacco smoke The grey, brown, or blackish mixture of gases and suspended carbon particles resulting from the combustion of tobacco. Tobacco smoke is inhaled and distributes toxins widely throughout the body and causes an enormous variety of illness among users and among non-smokers exposed to tobacco smoke烟草烟雾 (烟草燃烧产生的灰色、褐色、黑色或混合气体和悬浮微粒碳。烟草烟雾吸入和毒素广泛分布到全身,导致用户之间以及暴露于烟草烟雾的非吸烟者产生种类繁多的疾病。)
tech.tobacco smoke烟草烟雾
entomol.tobacco splitworm马铃薯麦蛾 Phthorimaea operculella (Zell.)
biol.tobacco splitworm马铃薯块茎蛾烟草潜叶蛾,Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller); Gnorimoschema,麦蛾科
biol.tobacco stalk borer烟草茎象 (Trichobaris mucorea (LeConte),象甲科)
biol.tobacco stem borer烟茎麦蛾 (Phthorimaea heliopa Loew.,麦蛾科)
agric.tobacco streak virus烟草线条病毒
agric.tobacco stringer烟叶穿串器
agric.tobacco stubble culture二茬烟栽培
agric.tobacco stunt virus烟草矮化病毒
tech.tobacco tar烟草焦油
perf.tobacco taste corrective烟草矫味剂
textiletobacco tax烟草税
textiletobacco the ends of pocket mouth封袋口
biol.tobacco thrips烟草褐蓟马 (Frankliniella fusca (Hinds),蓟马科)
agric.tobacco tier捆烟叶器
agric.tobacco tier穿烟叶装置
tech.tobacco tongs烟斗点火钳
biol.tobacco tuberworm马铃薯块茎蛾烟草潜叶蛾,Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller); Gnorimoschema,麦蛾科
pest.contr.tobacco veinal necrosis烟草脉坏死
agric.tobacco veinal necrosis virus烟草脉曲病毒
tobac.tobacco Virginia弗吉尼亚烟草
biol.tobacco virus 13烟草蚀纹病毒 (Nicotiana virus 7 (Smith); Marmor erodens (Holmes))
biol.tobacco virus 16烟草卷叶病毒 (Nicotiana virus 10 (Smith))
tech.tobacco warehouse烟草仓库
tech.tobacco warehouse烟页仓库
tech.tobacco waste烟草制品废水 (water)
tech.tobacco waste制烟废水 (water)
water.res., ecol.tobacco wastewater烟草制品废水
tobac.tobacco water烟草水分
biol.tobacco webworm玉米根草螟 (Crambus caliginosellus Clemens,草螟科)
biol.tobacco webworm玉米根网螟 (Crambus caliginosellus Clemens,草螟科)
entomol.tobacco whitefly棉粉虱 Bemisia gossypiperda, B. tabaci
entomol.tobacco whitefly烟粉虱 Bemisia gossypiperda, B. tabaci
entomol.tobacco whitefly印度棉粉虱 Bemisia gossypiperda, B. tabaci
biol.tobacco whitefly烟草粉虱 (Trialeurodes tabacco Bond,粉虱科)
tobac.tobacco wild fire烟草野火 Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci
agric.tobacco wild fire烟草野火病
biol.tobacco wild fire烟草细菌性纹斑病 (Bacterium tabacum Wolf et Fost.)
tobac.tobacco wildfire烟草野火 Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci
biol.tobacco wireworm烟草金针虫 (Conoderus vespertinus (Fabricius),叩甲科)
biol.tobacco Y-mosaic virus烟草 Y 花叶病 (Solanum virus 2)
ecol.transgenic tobacco转基因烟草
genet.transgenic tobacco plant转基因烟草
desert.tree tobacco羊舌树 (奇瓦瓦沙漠)
desert.tree tobacco光烟草
biol.tree tobacco粉蓝烟草 (Nicotiana glauca Graham,茄科)
agric.Turkish tobacco土耳其烟草
tobac.unmanufactured tobacco未制成烟草
agric.Virginia type tobacco维金尼亚型烟草
biol.Virginian tobacco烟草 (Nicotiana tabacum L.,茄科)
biol.wild tobacco黄花烟草 (Nicotiana rustica L.,茄科)
biol.wild tobacco野生烟草 (Nicotina sylvestris,茄科)
biol.wild tobacco黄花烟草黄花芋,Nicotiana rustica L.,茄科
biol.wildfire of rustic tobacco黄花烟野火病 (Pseudomonas tabaci (Wolf. et Foster.) Stevens.)
biol.wildfire of tobacco烟草野火病 (Pseudomonas tabaci (Wolf. et Foster.) Stevens.)
biol.wilt of tobacco烟草枯萎病 (Fusarium oxysporum var. nicotianae Johnson)
busin.wine and tobacco tax烟酒税
biol.winged tobacco花烟草 (Nicotiana alata Link et Otto,茄科)
agric.yellow tobacco黄色种烟草