
Terms for subject Plastics containing To | all forms | exact matches only
accurate to dimensions符合加工尺寸
accurate to dimensions尺寸精确的
area of the surface exposed to a catalyst―种催化剂的有效表面积
blown to shape吹塑成型的
bonded composite-to-metal joint复合材料与金属粘连
bonding of rubber to metal橡胶与金属粘接
bonding of wood to metal木材与金属粘接
coefficient of expansion due to heat热膨胀系数
color fastness of plastics to light塑料耐光色牢度
color fastness to atmospheric gases耐大气色牢度
color fastness to boiling耐沸煮色牢度
color fastness to daylight耐日光色牢度
color fastness to exposure to light曝光色牢度
color fastness to heat耐热色牢度
color fastness to hot water耐热水色牢度
color fastness to rubbing耐摩擦色牢度
color fastness to sunlight耐日晒色牢度
color fastness to water耐水浸色牢度
color retention on exposure to hydrosulfide耐氢硫化物保色性
colour fastness of plastics to light塑料耐光色牢度
colour fastness to atmospheric gases耐大气色牢度
colour fastness to boiling耐沸煮色牢度
colour fastness to daylight耐日光色牢度
colour fastness to exposure to light曝光色牢度
colour fastness to heat耐热色牢度
colour fastness to hot water耐热水色牢度
colour fastness to sunlight耐日晒色牢度
colour fastness to washing耐洗涤色牢度
colour fastness to water耐水浸色牢度
colour retention on exposure to hydrosulfide耐氢硫化物保色性
conforming to requirements符合需求
cut-to-she sheet定尺寸裁剪片材
cut to size定尺寸剪裁
degree of resistance to glow heat耐灼热度
die-to-roll gap模辊距
difficult to-process plastic难加工的塑料
dimensional inaccuracy due to the manufacture尺寸制造误差
dimensional sensitivity to moisture尺寸对湿度的敏感性
dimensional sensitivity to temperature尺寸对温度的敏感性
direct polymer to web-system聚合物直接成布非织造织物技术
dry to handle手感干燥黏合剂,漆
energy to fracture冲击断裂能量
extruder length to diameter ratio挤塑机长径比
fast to light不褪色的
fast to light耐光的
fastness to alkali耐碱牢度
fastness to boiling耐煮性
fastness to light耐晒性
fastness to light耐光牢度
fastness to wear耐磨耗性
glass-to-resin ratio玻璃纤维-树脂比
head-to-head arrangement头一头排列〈聚合物〉
head-to-head polymer对头聚合物
head-to-head polymer头-头连接聚合物
head-to-tail arrangement头一尾排列〈聚合物〉
head-to-tail polymer头尾聚合物
head-to-tail polymer头一尾连接聚合物
head-to-tail structure头一尾结构
height to width ratio高宽比
hour to stream操作时间
impervious to water防水的
impervious to water不透水的
inaccuracy to size尺寸偏差
inert to deformation耐变形性
inertness to acids耐酸
injection of sole direct to the upper鞋底至鞋帮直接注塑
insert to support tube夹持坯管嵌件〈吹塑〉
length-to-diameter ratio长径比〈螺杆长度与直径比〉
material to be ground待磨料
material to be ground可磨碎料
metal-to-metal adhesive金属与金属黏合剂
metal-to-metal bond金属与金属粘接
metal-to-metal bonding金属与金属粘接[黏合]
metal-to-metal glue金属与金属胶黏剂
oblique-to-grain wood bonding木纹斜黏合
parallel to grain顺纹〈胶接点〉
parallel-to-grain gluing顺纹粘接
peak-to-valley height最大不平度〈连接件表面粗糙不平〉
peak-to-valley height峰谷间高度
permanent resistance to swelling耐持久性溶胀
permeability to light透光性
permeability to liquids透液性
permeability to oil透油性
permeability to water vapor透水气性
permeable to vapour可透蒸气的
pipe-to-flange joint管与法兰连接〈塑料管线〉
pipe-to-pipe joint管与管连接〈塑料管线〉
plastic-to-metal bond塑料与金属粘接
plastic-to-plastic adhesive塑料与塑料黏合剂
plastic-to-plastic glue塑料与塑料黏合剂
plug-to-mold clearance柱模塞间隙
plug-to-mould clearance柱模塞间隙
polished to a mirror finish镜面光泽
preparation of the parts to be welded焊接件制备
ratio of flow path to wall thickness流程与壁厚之比〈成型制件〉
ratio of the fibre length to the diameter纤维长径比
reaction to fire燃烧反应
referring to归功于
referring to关系到
referring to涉及
resistance of plastics to colour塑料耐色性
resistance of plastics to fungi塑料防霉性
resistance to acids耐酸性
resistance to alternating moist and dry conditions耐干湿交替
resistance to artificial weathering耐人工自然老化性
resistance to artificial weathering耐人工气候老化性
resistance to bacteria attack防菌浸蚀性
resistance to boiling耐蒸煮性
resistance to brittleness耐脆性
resistance to chalking耐白垩化性〈涂敷技术〉
resistance to chemical attack耐化学浸蚀性
resistance to chemical substances耐化学物质性
resistance to chemicals耐化学药品性
resistance to cigarette bums耐香烟烧伤性
resistance to cold and tropic conditions耐寒冷和耐热带气候性
resistance to color change耐色牢度性
resistance to colour change耐色牢度性
resistance to compression耐压强性
resistance to compression耐压缩性
resistance to cracking耐开裂性
resistance to cuts耐切割性
resistance to deformation耐变形性
resistance to fatigue耐疲劳性
resistance to fire耐燃性
resistance to fungi防霉性
resistance to glow heat耐炽热性
resistance to high-energy radiation耐高能辐射性
resistance to hot water耐热水性
resistance to impact耐冲击性
resistance to indentation耐压痕强度
resistance to indentation耐压痕性
resistance to irradiation耐辐射性
resistance to light耐光性
resistance to liquids耐溶液性
resistance to liquids耐液体性
resistance to microorganisms etc防微生物性等
resistance to oils耐燃料油性
resistance to organic liquids耐有机溶液性
resistance to pressure耐压
resistance to ripping耐撕裂性
resistance to rupture耐破裂性
resistance to salt solutions耐盐溶液性
resistance to salt spray耐盐水喷雾性
resistance to scratching耐刮痕性
resistance to shear耐剪强度
resistance to shear耐剪切性
resistance to shock耐震击性
resistance to solvents耐溶剂性
resistance to staining耐污染性
resistance to surface leakage耐表面漏泄性
resistance to tear propagation耐撕裂蔓延性
resistance to torsion耐扭强度
resistance to torsion耐扭曲性
resistance to tracking耐电弧径迹性
resistance to tropical conditions耐热带气候条件性
resistance to ultra violet discoloration耐紫外线变色性
resistance to washing耐洗涤性
resistance to weathering耐气候老化性
resistant to ageing耐老化的
resistant to compression set耐压缩永久变形
resistant to oil耐油的
resistant to oxidation耐氧化
rubber-to-metal bonding橡胶与金属粘接
safe to operate安全运行
setting to touch触摸黏性〈黏合剂〉〈美〉
sheet-to-sheet bond片材与片材粘接
sheet-to-sheet bond片材粘接
stability to precessing加工稳定性
stability to storage储存稳定性
sticking to mold黏模
sticking to mould黏模
strength-to-density ratio强度密度比
strength-to-weight ratio强度重量比
susceptibility to...对……的敏感性
susceptible to corrosion易受腐蚀
susceptible to corrosion对腐蚀敏感
tail-to-tail bond尾-尾连接
tendency to...倾向于…
tendency to cracking易于龟裂
tendency to oxidize氧化倾向
time suitable to moulding启用期
time to fracture curve时间破坏曲线〈蠕变试验〉
to acidify使发酵
to acidify酸化
vertical to grain垂直于木纹〈胶接〉
vertical-to-grain bond垂直于木纹粘接
wood-to-metal bonding木材与金属粘接
wood-to-wood adhesive木材黏合剂
wood-to-wood adhesive木材与木材黏合剂
wood-to-wood glue木材胶黏剂〈美〉
wood-to-wood glue木材与木材胶黏剂