
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing To | all forms | exact matches only
access road to dam上坝道路
access road to site进场公路
Access roads to project site施工对外交通图
accurate to精准至[计算结果
accurate to the X-th decimal place精确到小数点第X位
accurate to within plus or minus X percent精确到士X%以内
accurate to within plus or minus X percent精确到士X% 以内
affected area to be treated影响处理区
agricultural population to be job-arranged生产安置人口
air-to-air cooled machine空-空冷却发电机
air-to-water cooled machine空-水冷却发电机
alignment of jet to runner射流相对转轮的对准度
analog-to-digital converter模-数变换器
area ratio of glazing to floor窗地面积比
area ratio of window to wall窗墙面积比
back-to-back starting背靠背启动 (BTB starting)
centre to centre中至中
clearance to earth对地间隙
clearance to obstacles对障碍物的净距
communication external to plant对外通信
communication external to plant对夕卜通信
compression inclined to grain纹压缩
compression parallel to grain纹压缩
compression parallel to grain纹压力
compression perpendicular to grain纹压力
compression perpendicular to grain纹压缩
connecting wind farm to power network接入电力系统
copper to aluminium adapter board铜铝过渡板
crack due to settlement沉降裂缝
crack due to shearing force剪力裂缝
crack due to shearing force剪切裂缝
crane girders anchored to rock mass岩壁吊车梁
DC negative to earth fault直流负极接地故障
DC positive to earth fault直流正极接地故障
dedicated road to site对外交通专用公路
depth-to-width ratio高宽比
distance from end of bar to stator core线棒电接头离铁芯的距离
double-line-to-earth short-circuit两相对地短路
drum to wire rope diameter ratio卷筒直径与钢丝绳直径比
dry to seep干燥到渗水
erosion area suitable to control可治理面积
expansion due to shear剪切膨胀
face-to-face dimension进出口端面距离
failure to operation拒绝动作
failure to trip拒绝动作
fine-to-coarse aggregate ratio砂率
fire fighting access to electrical equipment电气消防通道
first-pole-to-clear factor of circuit-breaker断路器首开极因数
guide bearing oil pipe to cooler水导轴承热油管
guide to an archival fonds全宗指南
guide to subject record专题指南
head loss due to construction收缩水头损失
head loss due to construction收缩段水头损失
head loss due to enlargement扩大水头损失
head loss due to enlargement扩大段水头损失
heating branch to radiator散热器供热支管
hydrological response due to human activities人类活动水文效应
ice breakup due to hydraulic and climatic effect武开江
impermeable to water不透水的
input to output approach投入产出法
insurance against injury to person and damage to property人身伤害和财产损失险
invitation to bid招标
invitation to tender招标
irrigation and drainage from one field to another串灌串排
land liable to floods易涝洼地
land liable to floods洪泛区
leakage to adjacent valley邻谷渗漏
less and accurate to within仪器最小刻度
line-to-line short circuit线间短路
line-to-line short-circuit两相短路
line to neutral voltage相电压
load due to acceleration or braking由加速或制动引起的载荷
load due to buffer effect由缓冲效应引起的载荷
load due to dead weight由自重引起的载荷
load due to friction forces由摩擦力引起的载荷
load due to horizontal motion由水平运动引起的载荷
load due to maximum motor torque由电机最大转矩引起的载荷
load due to vertical displacement of the working load由工作荷重的垂直位移所引起的载荷
load due to wind pressure荷载
load due to working load由工作荷重引起的载荷
local resettlement to higher elevation就近后靠
loss due to friction摩擦损失
loss due to sudden contraction突然收缩损失
mean time to failure平均无故障工作时间
measure for keeping pressure to stage屏浆
medium-to-short range predication中短期预报
model to prototype conversion模型到原型换算
near-to generator short-circuit近端短路
offset of jet to runner射流相对转轮的偏移值
one-to-one control mode一对一控制方式
original cost to date现值
oscillation overvoltage due to system splitting振荡解列操作过电压
peak-to-peak value峰-峰值
per unit value of phase-to-earth overvoltage相对地过电压标幺值
per unit value of phase-to-phase overvoltage相间过电压标幺值
permeability to heat导热性
phase-to-earth clearance相对地净距
phase-to-earth fault单相接地短路
phase to neutral voltage相电压
phase-to-phase clearance相间净距
phase to phase fault相间故障
phase-to-phase short-circuit两相短路
phase-to-phase spacing相间距离
projecting to plan向平面投影
projecting to profile向剖面投影
quantity to be hauled运输量
ratio of arch crest length to height拱坝弧高比 (crest length-height ratio)
ratio of bed load discharge to suspended load discharge推悬比
ratio of bottom width to water depth in canal渠道断面宽深比
ratio of plastic moment to elastic moment截面抵抗矩的塑性系数
ratio of shear span to effective depth剪跨比 (shear span to depth ratio)
ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter圆周率
ratio of thickness to height厚高比
reading to精确到[仪器读数]
reduction to station center测站归心
reduction to target center照准点归心
refuse to active拒动
resistance to chemical deterioration抗化学侵蚀
resistance to deformation抵抗变形
resistance to deformation变形抗力
resistance to fouling抗污染性
resistance to fouling抗侵蚀性
resistance to freezing and thawing抗冻融能力
resistance to freezing and thawing抗冻融性
resistance to impact抗冲击性
resistance to pressure耐压力
resistance to pressure耐压性
resistance to wear耐磨性
rise to span ratio高跨比
shielding failure rate due to lightning stroke绕击率
side-to-side vibration左右振动
single line-to-earth short-circuit单相接地短路
slow-to release relay缓放继电器
Special report on access roads to project site对外交通运输专题报告
stiffness-to-weight ratio刚度重量比
time to chopping of switching impulse操作冲击截断时间
time to half value of a lightning impulse雷电冲击半峰值时间
time to half value of impulse current冲击电流半峰值时间
time to half value of switching impulse操作冲击半峰值时间
time to peak of switching impulse操作冲击波前时间
toеal quality control全面质量管理
to the nearest精准至[计算结果
transverse differential protection for generator turn-to-turn faults发电机横差动保护
turn to turn fault, inter turn faults匝间短路
two phase-to-earth short-circuit两相对地短路
unrolling the circumference to form a plan展开圆周面为平面
velocity to prevent plant growth不长草流速
watch to see what happens注意观察发生的情况
willingness to accept接受补偿意愿
without reference to不论
without reference to不管
year-to-year reservoir多年调节水库
year-to-year storage多年调节库容