
Terms for subject Electronics containing Time in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
banks multi-access in real time存储体实时多路访问
burnt in time code电视图像摄录时间码
burnt in time code烧人的时间码
difference in the time of arrival到达时间差
failure-in-time rate非特失效率单位,1非特=1次失效/10⁹元件•小时或 1×10⁻⁹次失效/元件•小时
failure-in-time计次失效率 (rate)
in pile time堆内停留时间【核】
just in time适时
just in time及时
just-in-time manufacturing及时制造
just-in-time production及时生产
just-in-time/total quality control systems及时-全面质量控制[管理]体系
pull-in time牵入时间
pull-in time进入同步的时间
real-time information in the cockpit座舱内实时信息
system control in real time实时系统控制
time handed in递交时间
time in hold保持时间
time-dependent simulator for device operation in two-dimensions时间相关二维器件工作模拟程序